
As Severus in Hogwarts

I never expected to wake up as Severus Snape, now I will learn all about magic in my next great adventure.

anke18 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Lily's Pov

This year has been the worst possible time in Hogwarts for me. After losing my father to lung cancer last summer. I had already started with heartaches and disappointments of not getting even just a little bit more time and memories with my father, not being able to support my father by being near him even if I couldn't do anything while he struggles with cancer.

Seeing that I can't mend my thinning familial bond with my sister, trying to evade a James Potter named toe rag who seems to think if he bothers me enough, I would be his girlfriend.

Trying to deal with the future death eaters of Slytherin House bullying anyone that isn't them as a prefect of Gryffindor.

Losing my best friend, first magical friend to the said group and the dark arts. Severus Snape or Sev, my best friend, I already knew even before Hogwarts that the situation in his house is not good. It is not good economically; it is not good with his family members.

We were so close before Hogwarts, before he was gone to Slytherin, before he met them, especially Avery and Mulciber. I had always had dislike for the student in the Slytherin after just a few months of Hogwarts. The rumors pureblood disdained muggleborns or muggle and the way the said purebloods acted was enough already.

But after the rumors that a so-called Dark Lord rising. All the things have gone worse, the pranks of the purebloods to the others became crueler, whispers of a coming war beginning to strike fear to our hearts, and Sev… He had such a craving for power, it made me fear it secretly. He was always looked depressed, always like needs to prove himself. I couldn't understand that. Why couldn't he be happy with the things he has got? Why would he feel the need to practice dark arts?

Our friendship was going worse little by little already from last year, a little because I tried to make him reduce his intimacy with his so-called friends who just want to make him join their foul cause, a little because students in my and his house keeps trying to end our friendship. This year I started to think that maybe I couldn't prevent him joining that Dark Lord everyone seems to heard.

He was always depressed; he was always angry. Even the insults and prank made to each other became crueler with Marauders. Although it is more the fault of Marauders seemly not having any intention to let him go, Sev was giving nearly as much as he takes, and with his potion knowledge even if he has 4 opponents for pranking, he wasn't losing.

The event of two days prior has been the last straw for our friendship. What Potter did that day has been the most cruel and belittling thing between them. I run to them as soon as I saw Sev upside down in the air with his pants down, casted the finite charm. But it didn't work, it was one of the new invented jinxes of Severus "Dangling Jinx", James was humiliating Sev with his own jinx. In my plan to learn the charms I wanted to learn, I until that moment, didn't see the need to learn "Dangling jinx" or the counter-jinx as it seen in the name just exist to counter that jinx.

I quickly threatened James Potter with reducing points and detentions. After grumbling about something that idiot casted the counter-jinx. If he was to wait a little more, prefect duties be damned, I would start firing jinxes to him.

After Potter casted the counter-jinx, Sev fall to the ground in a hurtful looking position. While I was going to check him, Potter, that idiot, started talking.

"The next time she won't be here to save you Snivellus" said grinning.

Getting angry from the humiliation "I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!" said Severus.

It hurt more than I can admit. I walked away quickly trying to not cry. I knew he only said that because he was angry, I wouldn't care for an insult like mudblood. I mean mud for blood? Is that all they have for an insult? I saw ten years old girls making better.

But in that moment, I understand the more I tried to prevent him going dark, more he will go dark, seeming to think I just try to protect him out of pity. I don't think I can do anything to prevent it if he wants to join the Dark Lord, so with a heavy heart I decided to end my friendship with Severus Snape.

These were the thoughts I have, when my friend Mary asked me about the date I had with Luke yesterday.

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