
As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

'Strange' is a term that can be defined in a number of ways. Though waking up as Satoru Gojo in a messed up world was certainly strange. Now follow the new Gojo on his path to becoming the strongest. Will he reach said goal, or merely die a meaningless death. Or maybe he will ascend as the honoured one.

Ekisdaiou · Tranh châm biếm
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29 Chs

Choice made

"Impressive." Though he had made sure Ravager was skilled in the arts of combat, he perfectly knew all her weaknesses and vulnerabilities. What she excelled in and what she lacked.

On an island full of intergang members, with their kind of weaponry, her chances of survival were slim at best. He would give her two weeks' before she was either killed or captured. With such advanced armoury, even he would have some minor trouble, but that is to be expected from an organization that focuses mainly on someone of Superman's caliber.

But, of course, he had accounted for the boy known as Satoru Gojo. He assumed he was some sort of metahuman, but he possessed more than one ability, it seemed. That or he just had a rather versatile ability, but the footage he managed to gain from that intergang base showed him some of this boy's capabilities. Enhanced strength, speed, and agility seemed to be a given. He also seemed to possess some form of telekinesis, though it was hard to tell with just the limited footage. It seemed that his forcefield projection was tougher than he originally suspected; it seemed to have no problem holding off fire from the Intergang members.

Eliminating him might not be such an easy task. Though at the end of the day he was still a human, true, he possessed unnatural power, but he was still just that. A human. Human's bled, human's cried, human's grew tired.

Eventually, Satoru Gojo would die.

Currently, he was pursuing an objective that would make sure of that.


The water cascaded down her body, the droplets glistening on her skin as she stood under the warm stream. She let out a content sigh as she tilted her head back, the water running through her hair and down her back. Her hands roamed over her body, lathering soap onto her skin as she savored the sensation of the water and suds mingling together.

A moment of relaxation and respite. Something she was rarely given and something she rarely experienced. Being under Deathstroke's tutelage could only be described in a few words. It was hell—a hell she put up with for as long as she could remember.

Grueling training and not a moment of rest. Bones were shattered and tears ran dry; she was not even treated as a fellow human being. Deathstroke only expected the best and only the best; anything less was unsatisfactory to the old mercenary. It is why she was pushed so hard, but that moment on the island was all the proof she needed.

She knew he was not one to just so openly display affection, but it seems that fact was more deeply embedded in her dear old father than she originally thought. He did not care for her; he never cared for her, and he would never. No matter what she tried or did, She just wished she was more aware of said fact earlier; maybe she would not have wasted her time.

Rose heaved a sigh as she turned off the shower, the steaming water barreling out coming to a halt as she stepped out of the shower. Just wrapping a towel around her body, she exited the bathroom and stepped into the main room of the hotel. Not minding the wet stains that formed on the luxurious carpet every time she walked, she just moved to her duffle bag and threw out some clothing.

She could not stay with Deathstroke any longer; it was not as if there was any purpose. He showed just how little he cared for her with this job. His affection, his attention, his acknowledgement. She wanted none of those; sure, a small part of her might still yearn for those things from her father. But what was the point of having these things from such a man?

She felt like heaving a sigh as her eyes trailed over the room, coming to a stop at something rather peculiar. Of course, it stood out in the rather luxurious hotel room filled with vases, artwork, and other niceties. A large metal coffin that stood upright with a strange symbol in the center of it; she was oblivious to what it was, of course. But she knew better to pry into strange things; curiosity killed the cat after all.

She did not know if this was what the client of Deathstroke wanted, but currently she does not care. Instead, her mind wandered to something else or someone else, the boy whose name she still did not know. Her father would want to get rid of him, no doubt; a little warning would not hurt. If to piss off Daddy dearest one last time.

Still, she could not help but find said boy peculiar, annoying, and strange. She could not see a reason why he stuck with her on that island; for all intents and purposes, she was useless to him and served no purpose. He did not need any backup from what she had seen, and why had he helped her escape the island? Many questions piled up in her mind, but of course there were no answers. She could just chalk it up to him being a 'good person' but that obviously was not the case. He was no phsyco, but he was also no good person.

Rose shook her head as if to rid herself of the thoughts. It would be for the best if she just gave him the warning and went on her way, after that they would most likely never see eachother again.

She dropped the towel from her body as she reached out for her clothes, only for the door of the room to swing open with an annoying voice following.

"Rosie! I have returned with the sweet nectar of swe-...oh, my bad." Gojo, who was still sporting his usual attire, promptly stopped talking upon noticing the nude Rose. He was also holding a paper bag in one hand, where a sweet aroma could be smelled.

"Stop standing there with the door open. Either close it and come in or piss off." She barked.

"What? You don't want others' to bask in your glory?" All he got was a single-eyed glare from the girl. "Okay, I'll stop." He said this whilst entering the room, holding a free hand over his bandaged eye's while Rose just casually got dressed as if she did not flash Gojo a moment ago.

"My father wants to kill you." Rose casually blurted out as she put on a simple black shirt that seemed to sink into her semi-wet skin.

"Aww~ That's so rude of him." Gojo responded back in an equally casual tone as he reached out into the paper back, pulling out a strawberry donut and munching on it as Rose finished getting dressed.

"But from what I've seen, that much might not be possible even with him." She muttered as she reached into her back, pulling out a small note.

"Ooh, a compliment from Rosie herself? I think I might blush." He spoke while throwing a hand over his face to hide the blush that was totally there and not fake.

"Shut up, you idiot." She spoke whilst approaching him and outstreching her hand with the note in. Gojo took it as he glazed over the contents.

"A number? Oh, is this for future booty calls?"

"No, you idiot, it's my father's." Though she was quick to deny it, he almost missed the ghost of a grin on her face.

"Your old man's? I'm not sure I want a booty call from him." Gojo said with a shudder. "Besides, I don't think I'm young enough." He muttered the last part.

"Heh.....ahem..." Quickly clearing her throat, she continued. "My f-Deathstroke should not be a problem for you. You're a goddamn idiot.....but you're strong."

"Heh, 'course I am." He said it with a smug look while flexing his arms. He only got a dry look from the girl.

"Right...anyway, you might want to get rid of that thing." She said while jabbing a thumb at the overly large iron coffin. "Selling it to him might be your best bet. Even if he's trying to kill you."

"You're looking out for me, huh? I suppose it's only natural considering we're basically besties." He said it with a thumbs up.

"We're not besties, you fool." She spoke much to Gojo's dismay as the latter got a dejected look on his face whilst huddling in a corner and drawing imaginary circles on the floor. Rose could only sigh at his antics as she grabbed her bag. "I'm off. We probably won't be seeing each other again."

"I'll miss you, bestie!"

"We're acquaintances at best. Now bye, you damn idiot." She said it with a small smile as she exited the room, the door behind her promptly closing.

"Hmm....what now?" Gojo pondered about it for awhile before just shrugging his shoulders and pulling out his phone. Punching in the numbers on the note, he brought the phone to his ear as he waited while it rang. A few seconds later, someone picked "Yo Deathstroke! It's me, ya boi."

Gojo listened to the man on the other end as he gave a few 'uh-huh's' while he waited.

"Yeah, I got this coffin thing here. I have no idea what's in it though. Hmm..uh-uh..I see..well, I'll meet you in Gotham then..after I explore Metropolis some more. See ya!" And like that, Gojo ended the call.

"I still have yet to explore all the sweet shops in the city. Then again, not like I really know my way around the place...but I might have a remedy." Gojo muttered to himself as he glanced at the oversized coffin. He probably should not leave something like this in a hotel room, but it weighed a few tons, so it was probably fine.

Gojo shrugged as he took off his jacket, revealing a light blue long-sleeved button shirt. Along with that, he removed his bandages and threw on his shades. Turning to a mirror in the room, he admired himself a tad too long.

"Damn, it's a crime to look this good." He spoke matter-of-factly as he rubbed his chin. "Watch out all the sweets of Metropolis. Gojo's coming for you!"


"Suuuuuuuupergirl! SU-PER-GIRL! SU-PER-GIRL!" Standing atop a tall skyscraper, Gojo cupped both hands next to his mouth as he shouted away. Why was he calling for Supergirl? Well, the girl had offered to show him around; sure, he could as some random person. Most would happily help him (mainly the women), but he did not want some woman who kept simping after him. Hey, maybe Supergirl would not be affected by his perfect face, so why not just call her? The city is quiet now anyway. "Ah there." He muttered as he heard a burst behind him, followed by a familiar voice.

"You know, I'm pretty sure I gave you my number for a reason." She joked. "There was no need to shout; you have just caaaalled...whoa." Supergirl found herself slightly stunned as the boy turned to her. Of course, upon first meeting him, she did not let curiosity grip her, and she respected his privacy. She had honestly thought he was injured, hence the bandages, but it seems she was wrong. Very wrong.

"Yo wassup?" He casually asked, not seeming to mind or not seeming to care about the hovering girl's staring. "Ah, I see! You must be stunned by my beauty!" He exclaimed suddenly, much to Supergirl's embarrassment.

"W-wait...no that's-"

"Shhh....shhh...it's fine, it's fine." He said as he held a finger out. "I should've known I could not expose this face of mine to the outside. What a cruel world." He said it with a dejected sigh. "A boy like me is forced to cover his face, so reality itself does not collapse in on itself due to my beauty." He spoke while pushing up his glasses.

"You're...uhh...sorry, I'm just at a loss for words." She did not quite know if she should be laughing or if she should be busy feeling embarrassed. He was not making it easy for her; that much was true, at least.

"Eh, it's whatever. Mind showing me around some?" He suddenly asked, seeming to stop his 'dramatics. '

"Well, I guess I did promise. I'd be happy to show you what Metropolis has to offer." She spoke with a small smile, regaining some of her composure. "The city seems quiet now anyway. And I could use a breather."

"Cool. Now take me to your best sweet shop's." Gojo spoke as his feet lifted from the ground as he started levitating, an action that surprised the Kryptonian girl. Though he had the urge to pose, he squashed it quickly.

"Whoa, you can fly too?" She questioned.

"Well, it's just levitating with bursts of movement." He informed me with a shurg as he continued. "So be sure to not leave me in the dust; otherwise I might cheat." She could just give a sheepish laugh.

"Well, I hope that sweet tooth of yours is ready!"

"It always is." Gojo announced confidently.


Slade Wilson, Aka Deathstroke The Terminator was in real deep shit for lack of better word's. There were multiple reasons for this.

Akane Gojo, age 19, is currently going to the University of Tokyo. At such an exceptionally young age, she was a prodigy, no doubt, but he did not care for that.

She was the leverage he needed for the boy known as Satoru Gojo. He had long since known that he would not be able to kill the boy; his power and abilities were exceptional. There may have been ways to achieve his death, but for now, he chose this option. To use his older sister. The boy was, after all, still a human, a human with meaningless attachments.

So with more digging, he tracked down the girl in Tokyo. The veteran mercenary, of course, had means of quickly traversing countries in such a short time frame. (A/N: Yes, it's a bullshit plot; sue me.) Going from there, he managed to track down this Akane, and from there, his mistake began.

It seems he underestimated her.


A/N: Should Deathstoke die or not?

And don't worry, there's no weird sibling stuff—at least from Gojo's side. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm joking, or am I? ...nah, I really am...orrrr? Yeah, I'll just leave.

Also, Rose will be back soon; she's fun to write. Also, I'm pretty sure I don't need to show Akane's appearance, as you all probably have some female Gojo fanart. Also, yes, she will have Cursed Energy as well as a technique, but she and Gojo will be the only ones'. I'll also incorporate Cursed Energy lore into the DC universe. I mean, I semi-did. The reason Gojo has so much more Cursed Energy is because of Gotham, which is an accumulation of negativity as well as being really cursed.

Original Gojo has decent Cursed Energy, but it's with Six Eyes that his Cursed Energy replenishes itself almost instantly, barring he doesn't pull some crazy shit. Someone like Yuta usually has more Cursed Energy, but in this fic, this Gojo has even more Cursed Energy due to DC being DC and all that.