
Unexpected Surprises

"So you're from Gotham?" Supergirl questioned, a slight wince escaping her. "I've visited a few times, but Batman didn't like it one bit." She continued with a sheepish chuckle.

"Eh, it isn't that bad if you're strong." Gojo said as he licked his chocolate ice cream. Currently, the two were high in the air, with a grand view of the vast cityscape that was Metropolis beneath. Gojo was in a crossed-leg pose as he idly hovered, with Kara hovering beside him, licking a vanilla ice cream of her own.

"I guess..." She murmured. "But I'm kind of confused about what your powers are." She confessed, a thoughtful look across her face.

"Well, all you need to know now is that I'm strong." He stated as he licked his ice cream.

"Uh-huh, but are you fast, I wonder?" She said it with a hint of something in her tone. Gojo lowerd his sunglasses as he smirked at the girl; of course, he did not miss the tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Sounds like you want a challenge there, girl scout." He spoke as he finished his ice cream in record time.

"Maybe I do." The girl admitted it, a smirk adorning her own cute face. "First one to the top of Daily Planet."

"Those are fighting word's girl!"

"Okay then, how about a bet to spice things up?" She suggested to Gojo, who raised a brow in interest. "The loser does whatever the winner wants." She declared.

"How bold, Supergirl!" Gojo himself declared much to her confusion.

"Uh...what?" She could not help but question

"Oooh~ I shudder to think what might happen if I lose!" Gojo spoke while wrapping his arms around his body as if to protect his chastity.

"W-wait! T-that... I'm not going to demand anything perverted!" She quickly clarified as Gojo sent her a confused look.

"Hmm, I don't recall ever saying you would." His right brow was raised at an impressive height as he stared at the flustered blond. "So you had that on your mind? Supergirl, you perv!"

"S-shut up, I'm not a pervert!" The girl quickly shot back.

"It's fine. You're at that age where you-"

"I'm already past puberty!" She announced a tad too loudly before clasping her mouth shut with both her hands in embarrassment, if her beet red face was any indication.

"Relax, relax. I'm joking." Gojo said with a grin at the girl's face.

"Your jokes aren't funny." She said it bluntly, with a semi-pout forming on her face.

"No need to be sour, Supergirl. You can let all that steam out with this race; though I'd win, it's nice to have fun." Gojo stated with a cocky grin.

"Oh, you're so on right now!" Supergirl seemed fired up again, looking forward to wiping Gojo's smug expression from his face. "On three."



"Three!" In the next instance, all that was heard through Metropolis was a sonic boom as Supergirl appeared on the roof of the tall Dailey Planet building, though it seems someone was already waiting for her there.

"What took you so long, slowpoke?" A grinning Gojo asked a flabbergasted Supergirl.

"Wha-but how!?" She questioned as her feet touched down onto the roof.

"Guess I'm faster. Now it's time to pay up!" Gojo announced as Supegirl recalled the wager.

"Please, not anything embarrassing." She requested.

"Don't worry, hehe. It's something you'll enjoy too." Gojo said with a chuckle as he moved both fingers on each hand strangely. Supergirl could not help but give an audible gulp at what he was going to have her do. But even she would still admit there was some anticipation and maybe excitement present; she was still a young lady after all. And Gojo was just so damn fine; she could not get enough of his eyes, which seemed as vast as the skies themselves, so naturally she did have a passing interest.

"I want you to buy all the sweets I can eat for a month!" He announced giddly, as Supergirl could not help but blink in confusion.

"That's all?" She could not help but question. She knew he had a sweet tooth, but was that seriously his request? Free sweets? She was, for lack of better words, bemused. She was slightly disappointed, but she would never admit that.

"Come on, it's a pretty good request. Who doesn't want free sweets for the entire month? It's like heaven!"

"Right..." This boy really was strange. And that was saying something, as she knew quite a few strange and unique characters, but even so, Gojo stood out. And not just because he was hot. For the short time she has spoken to him, he just seems so much different from anyone else she has met. He had quite a unique personality that ranged from teasing to being childish whenever he was near any kind of sweet dessert. "But is that all you want?"

"Sure is." Gojo clarified, throwing his arm behind his head. "But it's getting pretty late; I have your number, so I'll be cashing in on those sweets soon. Later!" Gojo said with a two-finger wave as he clasped his hands together, his form disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Supergirl just shook her head with a small smile. That boy truly was strange, but that was alright; she hoped they could hang out like this more. Though she has a few friends, having more would be nice. Especially if said friend also possessed powers.

Now with Gojo, the boy appeared in his room. His eyes glazed over it before he heaved a slight sigh.

"Bruh." The coffin thingy was missing; he was not really surprised at that fact. He did leave it unattended after all; he should have expected something like this to happen. Especially considering he had been away from the room for so long, though he was aiming to just get rid of it anyway. Deathstroke probably was not even going to pay him, considering the mercenary wanted him dead.

"Eh, it is what it is; no use complaining about it." Gojo merely shrugged to himself.

With that, his trip to Metropolis was over; back to Gotham he goes.

"I wonder if I should try long-distance teleportation now. Considering I'm so familiar with Gotham, it should be possible." Gojo mused as he threw on his jacket while wrapping new bandages around his eyes.


"Oh, I forgot. I still had that bounty on my head." Gojo muttered thoughtfully as he stared at the unconscious bodies of numerous men sprawled on the pavement.

Not long after he had arrived back in Gotham, he had been attacked nearly instantly. Of course it was just by some two-bit gangsters, and no one was really interesting. They just tried to gang up on him like usual, but unfortunately even in numbers a weakling was a weakling still.

"But still, this was more than usual." He murmured, and it was true. Usually, nobodies like these gang up to take someone dangerous down. Their numbers usually amounted to ten or so, but these were at least twenty men.

"I wond-"


The sound of gunfire rang through the silent street as countless bullets rained down on Gojo. KGBeast watched with a narrowed eye as every single bullet fired from his cybernetic arm was stopped by a seemingly invisible force. Gojo turned his head to the culprit, who spoke up first as each bullet fell to the ground with reverberating 'clangs'.

"I have been waiting, prey. Tonight I kill you." The man boldly claimed as Gojo raised a brow at his announcement before grinning. "Why do you smile, boy?"

"It's nothing big, guy." Gojo started as he waved him off. "I just find it funny how you're acting so damn cocky while obviously being so weak." KGBeast scowled beneath his mask as he lined up another shot with his cybernetic arm.

But his eyes widened as Gojo suddenly appeared before him in a blink of an eye. KGBeast started to move back, but it was much, much too late for the renowned mercenary. A right palm strike from Gojo to the stomach caused the man to kneel over as saliva flew from his masked mouth. The force of the strike sent him reeling back, but before that could properly take place, Gojo grabbed him by the front of his combat uniform and pulled him back.

This time, KGBeast received a barreling fist in the front of his face. The mercenary's vision shook wildly as his head shot back while blood flew from his now broken nose. A high left kick from Gojo nearly sent his body flying again, but yet again he was promptly grabbed by Gojo and pulled right back to Gojo.

He released a flurry of punches that would only be rapid-moving blurs from an outside perspective. KGBeast was already taken aback by the absurd force of the first strike, and he was already out for the count by then. But all these new strikes broke every bone in his body, damaged all his cybernetics, and ruptured his remaining organs. He could not even poise any kind of counterattack. Even thinking straight was becoming something difficult to accomplish.

"Read? Let's go!" A giddy Gojo exclaimed as he grabbed onto the mercenaries cybernetic arms.

"Arghhhhaaaa!" An intense, seering pain ripped through him as his cybernetic arm was violently torn away from him without any difficulty.

Gojo backed away as KGBeasts large form plummeted to the ground, a mangled mess. Gojo sighed with disappointment as he looked at his convulsing body with a frown.

("How weak! I was even holding back this much. Yet he could not even take a few love taps; why do the weak insist on antagonizing the strong?") He shrugged off his own question as he turned away from the soon-to-be corpse. Maybe it could be chalked up to human nature.

("Hmm, should I pay sensei a visit? I'm sure she's probably lonely without her dear student. Or maybe I should head home; maybe Deathstroke left a surprise.")

With his mind made up, he clasped his hands together and soon he appeared right where he wanted to, only to frown as he looked at something in his home.

The armored form of Deathstroke was motionless on the floor, with him missing his right arm, where blood was leaking, and staining his damn floor!

"Odd. Don't recall ever ordering 'wounded Deathstroke furniture'." He murmured as he approached and kneeled down to the man's body.

"I thought I'd liven up the place a bit~" For the first time since coming to this hell of a world Satoru Gojo involuntarily felt a big chill go down his spine. "I hope you find it appealing, little bro~"


The laboratory was a gleaming, futuristic space outfitted with cutting-edge science. The walls and floors were made of reflective metal and glass. The lighting was bright but not harsh, casting everything in a clean, pure light. The lab was filled with high-tech equipment, ranging from giant electron microscopes to sleek, minimalist white workstations. The computers and machines hummed softly in the background, and there was a faint scent of ozone and disinfectant in the air.

The testing area was organized into different sections, each devoted to a specific type of research. In one corner, there was a bank of DNA sequencers, whirring away as they analyzed genetic material. In another, there was a row of automated liquid handling robots, precisely measuring out tiny amounts of chemicals. The lab technicians themselves were also well-equipped for their work. They wore white coats with subtle logos of Lexcorp, tiny earbuds to receive voice commands from their AI assistants, and smart glasses that allow them to interact with data in three dimensions.

It was a fine space to do any kind of experiment, but currently they were focused on something quite delicate. On an operating table in the testing area, various scientists accumulated around something. On an operating table lay a man with a head of jet black hair that slightly receded along with a full beard on his face. His skin was unnaturally pale and his body was cold. What also stood out was that the testing facility was outfitted with bright red lights.

Behind the see-through glass of the testing area, someone watched the scene keenly.

"And so begins Project Doomsday."


A/N: Sorry for the short and late chapter, but I've been studying and I've been busy with something else. As you might have guessed, I probably can't update this as frequently, but I won't abandon it.