
As Godzilla in HTTYD

Hank Drigt , a 16 year old HTTYD enjoyer dies after fighting cancer for a long time. After finding himself in a cave and his ding a ling missing , he will set out to...uhh....why are you sleeping? Oh also art is not mine.

DerangedNDepressed · Phim ảnh
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3 Chs

Ah yes.....Hooman.

A/N:Rickitty roll i will now yeet your soul.

Surprise.Yes im back.Not fully dropping this fanfic.Still have some ideas left for it hihihiha.


Hank POV

As i walk towards my cave the dragons avoid me like the plague , no surprise there.

And it hits me.The person on the ship was Stoick....But what the fuck is he doing here?

maybe travelling or....


Oh no.

Is this island Berk?


Stoick POV

As we come up on the shore we see dragons flying out of the forest.

My beautiful wife Valka comes up to me and asks.

"Is this really a good idea?The dragons have occupied Berk uninterrupted for nearly 4 years...Even if we came back , there must already be hundreds of dragons here..."Her expression worried.

"We must take back our home...It has been the home of our people for generations.It will stay so."I say sternly.

"But it isn't anymore!After we left for that darn expedition 4 years ago the dragons must have completely destroyed or repurposed our buildings!"One of the young vikings shouted before receiving a hit on the head by his friend Gobber.

"Shut up you darn Yapper! Go feed the darn sheep!"Gobber shouted at the young viking

The young viking ran away holding his head.

we then hear an ear piercing roar from the woods coupled with a giant figure flying in our direction.

As we tense up the figure reveals itself to be a huge dragon that goes by the name Typhoomerang.

"By Odin's beard!"Is what comes out of my mouth seeing this spectacle.


Hank POV

As the Big ass fire Boomerang tries to attack me again i slap it with my tail with full force cracking some bones and sending it flying up.

It roars in pain as it is sent flying to the shore.


the shore....

"eh it's probably nothing"(Already forgot about the vikings)

Timeskip 1 day


Hank POV

While taking a stroll i suddenly stumble upon a female viking...

then it hits me.... The shore....Stoick.... THE FUCKING VIKINGS!

How the fuck did i forget about them?


The problem right now is the female ape standing 40 meters away from my location staring at me dumbfounded at my size.

Also fun fact, the trees here are longer than me.

Alright, act intimidating.

As i stare at the female i suddenly recognize her.... it's Valka!


Valka POV

I stare at the impossibly huge dragon infront of me...this is a new species....a completely unknown dragon..

Was it hiding underground? Is that why we don't know about it?

I didn't expect that by sneaking out to walk around the forest will let me find such a creature!

I know it wont attack me,judging by it's gaze it is more curious than aggressive.

Then.....It suddenly moves.


Hank POV

Lowering myself so that i can see her more clearly i once again realize , why is she alone?

I doubt Stoick would just let her walk around in the forest by herself.

After staring at her a bit more i turn around and walk away.


Valka POV

As it lowers it's head i freeze on reflex.

After staring at me for abit it seemed to be satisfied and left.

I think i should go back.

I then ran back to our camp.


A/N:Yes yes i know it is short

I also don't give a fu-