
As a Robot in a world of Heroes(hiatus)

As someone who thinks robots are cool I write this to try better my writing skills. Because it makes sense to try make a fanfiction for MHA or other popular series. A man falls out of his world into MHA abruptly into the body of a child, Things are quiet. but not for long because he awakens his quirk right away and turned into, A Robot?

A_Canadian · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

The Cruel

The tree in the courtyard, looking up at it you can't help but be sad. It used to have a nest for a bird similar to a robin. A nest that was knocked down and destroyed sitting on the ground below the branch it used to rest.

Having its original bowl shape crumble into a heap It's still holding the parent birds' soft down feathers for the cracked eggshells laying inside.

I'm nervous about the bird, will it not want to rebuild its home here? Its eggs, its children unborn and lifeless. It had no wrongdoings to lose such a precious...

It's home lost along with its happy future raising the little one, It never saw its chick imprint, or let themselves dote on each other.

The lifespan for a robin is so short, only around two years. And for its eggs to hatch. It only needed two weeks. The poor bird could not catch a break.

I know it was my fault, I kept watching the robin hop through the courtyard foraging and preparing.

I drew the other kid's attention toward the bird.

I ruined its life.

My vision twisted with black for a moment after receiving a shock to the back of my head.

A moment was all that was needed for events to be set in motion.

This is new. I look around and see a tree and a bunch of kids playing at a youth center or community hall. Before any of this, I was at home in bed sick. Confused I paid attention to my surroundings.

Looking down I see a pebble at my feet and a nest. A sad sight, I think to myself. bending down to get a closer look at the damage done I feel something strike me in the shoulder, and another pebble is on the ground, rolling after hitting me.

I stand back up and turn around, And entering my vision is a kid with a buzzcut and a black t-shirt and cargo shorts, of course, pulling some more pebbles from the pockets on them. He had a crooked sneer plastered on his face, mimicking a baseball player's pitching pose.

Before he could release another rock from his hand time seemed to stop, and a burst of energy appeared with blinding flashes and streaks of lightning with me as the epicenter.

With the currents flying around me and blocking my vision I start to worry. As if to confirm my worries I feel a sharp pain, this was the first of many. All of the lightning had a destination. And it was unpleasant. My skin started to char and tear away together exposing my muscles.

Soon those were turned to ash and left my bones exposed. And they were the last thing I saw before they were struck with the lightning.

before I knew it my sight returned to me, it was hued red. Did my eyes fail me after that? standing upright I can still see the kid in his pitcher pose. Only I was viewing him further off the ground.

Confused about my situation I start having information pour into my head, my memories as an adult and the memories of the kid's body.

My name was John Smith and I was a handyman who was constantly on call for contracts.

I distanced myself from coworkers and family due to always finding them annoying and full of themselves. Not wanting to waste my small days off bothering with anything I developed hobbies around anime and the like.

But I never interacted with any of the fandoms or reached levels of increased interest in any of the series to buy merch or visit any live events.

My life was quiet and repetitive. And that was fine, I met ends meet and lived alone.

The kids on the other hand is a different story, he once made news headlines.

His parents were killed in a large, villain attack? From someone called Toxic Chainsaw five years ago. A hero named all might later arrive to stop the event. A baby surviving an event like this is rare since they are so small and fragile. That's why it caused a stir to be put in the news in the first place.

Now an orphan in the local offshoot of the youth center.

Oh no.

Toxic chainsaw, five years, All might.

I'm in my hero academia.

OH Shit, oh shit oh shit.

It had to be a world that's got crimes happening daily, superpowered crimes. Why this and not something like lucky star or saekano? Where it is a slice of life with no crazy city-leveling events happening daily.

And worst of all the plot is already happening, I can't do a training montage before any canon events happen. I just awakened my quirk as a kid and might still be too weak to even defend myself, and I can't enroll into UA to be close to the main cast.

Looking closer at the kid Bunta Kanagawa, my bully.

He shares the same last name as the orphanages as do all the kids under its legal care.

Making this body's name Ren Kanagawa. A simple name. but a far cry from one I liked.

I start to move my arms in Infront of my face to see what my quirk awakening did, I was met with metal.

Metal that did not lustre, or shine. It was just lightly reflective. I stretched out my arm and could actually see the appendage actuate fully mechanical movement. Since it was as such it could do movements not possible by conventional human means, but also meaning it had a different set of ranges for its motion I must get used to.

This is bad, I have to get used to this and fast. And I need to get close to the main cast to keep pace with the story.

Well I can avoid large areas I know an attack will happen and stay away from the mall and bars where shirataki or something will appear, but that is no way to live. I dont want to waste my life being afraid after getting such a good quirk. speaking of,

I must find out what my quirk does beyond just making me a 600-pound metal skeleton, with a massive downside of seeing in monochrome red.

Removing my eyesight from my arms I lock my eyes on Bunta, who has barely moved since the whole ordeal started, matter of fact his arm barely moved a single degree from when he planned to throw the pebble, like it was frozen. The sneer on his face is still there.

Looking around the backyard of the orphanage I can see a few leaves from the tree falling as well as some branches pushed by the wind. This lets me know he is not just frozen, I do not think I stopped time, rather my perception is just fast.

I feel somewhat relieved, if time moves this slowly for me that should make up for the fact I have little time to try to get into UA and of course, 1-A. If I were to be put into 1-B I would have no clue what to do. Yes, I know aside from the first invasion at the USJ both classes were at the camp training.

But 1-A got to go take the test to get Hero a license later on unlike their counterpart class.

Making it vital for me to get into 1-A for me to watch the story and meet the characters. I want to see them up close. In this real life. How are they different from the animated show I watched?

I want to look at them and a hundred percent touch them, after all, I have no clue how an anime person feels. But first thing first, I need to continue exploring my quirk.

My vision anomaly has an invasive white Hud, Focusing on It I can see me? in what seems to be a photorealistic scan of my body, and damn. I'm a Terrifying piece of machinery. To save any fanfare I am a terminator the most popular one on all the posters. skeletal features and fully exposed.

No artificial skin on me. I have to correct myself though, I am not 600 pounds, but only 450.

A big improvement it makes me able to hopefully not be a dino-stomping disaster to concrete and tile.

I can use the Hud as a reticle with its handful of semi-circles and aim it around my vision, Which is sadly around the same Field of view as a human. Locking on to little Bunta I can see some small details about him like his heart rate and approximate age. What an interesting marvel my quirk is.

Expanding the Hud has taken me into what seems like a web of strings connecting outwards, They are devices and connecting to them seems to be a breeze, I can't control them a hundred percent. But I can communicate with them and see If I can change any of the info they hold.

Would you look at that, inside the orphanage there is a computer with the records of the tenants here and they also have health records and doctor's appointments. Presumably to be responsible and help kids get adopted and have updated checkups on the kids to find any issues with them.

I move outside the orphanage network and bounce off a satellite to reach Canada's records, which are to be expected even in this world, lacking much of anything; security, detail, accuracy, and efficiency.

Within them, I create a record for John Smith of North America who is an aspiring handyman with a goal for a red seal. They are going to be 15 years old, and ready to enroll in UA, they graduated from a public school and have been an orphan for their whole life, particularly in grade eight for the first cts course they took they excelled in mechanics.

Looking through the folder on Ren I make sure to delete it as well as any info of me that spreads through to other documents on the system.

I will not bother trying to erase the story of me in the All Might rescue as back then Ren was more a fetus than an individual, plus a major story like that evaporating might have the internet searching for answers.

Alright, Ren was never in this orphanage as far as the world knows it was just a miracle child from one of All Might's rescues that faded into obscurity.

Now, for those in the orphanage that remember the Ren growing up here.

I have a plan.

I start walking towards little Bunta and shift my perception closer to real time. He loses his sneer and shifts it to a terrified stare at me.

A villain attack is common in the lives of those in this world.

They may attack out of rebellion for being branded and shamed for what they were born with, growing the stigma.

Or out of sick feelings, they developed themselves, like a code they wish to partake in.

Simply being a villain could be a way of life in this world if you want to use your quirk for profiting yourself at disregard of others.

Broad strokes here, bad things happen a lot. And an orphanage filled with kids might just be a casualty.

And villains are numerous, some of them might get inspiration and attempt the same. Making it hard to find the original culprit without special quirks around.

Japan even goes as far as to restrict the use of quirks to only Heroes with licenses from my memory.

So the likely hood of outside interference is narrowed down to law enforcement and Heroes to appear in this scene.

My plan involves me silencing everyone who witnessed me awakening my quirk, as they contradict the fact that John Smith exists and is now in Japan wishing to enroll in UA.

Ren, sorry little nature freak. But I have the body and the will to do what I want.

I thank you for this opportunity to be in another world and live around anime characters.

Reaching Bunta's head I see him visibly shiver, ready to burst into tears.

Touching his head lightly I feel its warmth and the difference between his skin and hair.

Silencing, he and everyone else just has to keep quiet right?

I start second-guessing, Afterall I wasn't a monster before arriving in MHA I was just an average guy.

While I was holding my hand on his head doing nothing made my decision, It was a stupid one.

I sat cross-legged on the ground and studied his face, ready to explain the situation to the little bully.

And he immediately burst into tears, drawing attention to me. the other children ran indoors and began pulling a young woman outside by her sleeve. I counted them up and totaled three kids with her.

As a group they approached me, slowly but not very weary. It must be due to them seeing the bright light and me taking Ren's place. they must have already put two pieces together, making my job easier.

They sure are fearless, If I were a villain this would be a paradise to grab hostages from.

I resolve myself and make sure to block all connections I can find to the orphanage in case they try to call for external help. Just in case things go sideways.

My hand was still on Bunta's head, so instead of removing it I just began running my fingers through his hair and patting his head. His hair was not smooth by any means, it was actually quite greasy in fact, I guess he hates hygiene.

As for how hard to pat him, well seeing how much force a Terminator can apply.

I went with the most ginger option available, It is surprisingly easy Adapting to a robot body, you think my brain would have gone a bit haywire trying to move some limbs around.

I began staring at Bunta, even if I am sitting down I am still taller than him, It goes to show how young he is. He still has a rounded face from his baby fat, And he is crying up a storm like a baby.

To calm the little boy down, but also because I was curious. He is also in the MHA world and is born here. He must be like all the other anime characters here. Touching him and what he feels like. How much will he differ from all the rest?

Sadly the texture of his skin was a letdown. pliable and warm. softer than most of the skin I was used to touching As John Smith. At the end of the day, It was average.

Normal human skin, I might have to find one of the characters in the cast with a mutant quirk to see if they have different feeling skin. I wonder how characters like Mina will compare. Even Mineta and his hair, how will it feel? And how different are his hands for them not to get stuck to his quirk like everything else?

In a rhythmic fashion of petting the little boy in front of me, I began thinking of a story and scenario I can play out that will let me get what out of this place and into UA.

Preferably without an orphanage going up in smoke because of a nuclear battery from a killer future robot going off and leveling the place.

It did not do much to pacify the boy with my pats, but It did create a non-hostile image for myself in front of the group approaching me.

Non-hostile settings are a big art of making this plan hopefully work, It is a stupid plan.

But it is one that I believe will work after all.

Because In this orphanage, no one has a quirk. Not the caretaker. Not the children.

And the Tenets total up to six. That is including the original Ren.

They are Ren, Bunta, Rena, Yui, Ritsu and lastly, the caretaker is Kuroko.

Even if my plan goes south I have to make sure physical files of myself do not exist inside of the building. This is why I wanted to level it in the first place as I have no memories of Ren seeing where a file of himself was stored.

With time on my side, because my perception being able to seemingly stop the world around me, I still feel hard-pressed.

I had to change my name for a stupid reason.

I am now Johnathen Smith. My logic being since everyone at the orphanage, even the recently admitted Bunta, are used to calling me Ren.

That's right, Bunta was new here. meaning his family had kept him up until the point where he failed to awaken his quirk. The kid seeing someone quiet who kept to themselves he immediately attached onto them to take out his stress.

He kept on crying infront of me, even going as far to lose balance and be caught in my arms. I just kept him near my chest until he eventually wailed enough to sleep, just like any other toddler does.

As for Kuroko and the kids, I explained to them my quirk is strong and I want to be a hero as soon as possible, I want to go to the best hero school in the world and meet the heroes there to learn from the best.

Adding in with the fact that nobody would know how old I am since it is hard to guess my age.

Using the whole 'Hero-talk' as a smokescreen to get away with all the shady things I did like erasing my records and cutting off outside communications for the orphanage.

Even changing my name to John, well Johnathen Smith was used to say I was using one of the most common names in North America as my new alias to get into the school. It's not like they were able to fact check against me, even when they search anything up online I can tamper with the results they get.

I am rather proud at how I handled the situation, granted it was essentially a super-computer versus an airhead and a handful of kids.

My hope was other people would be seeing my full name and everyone close to me was using a nickname with 'Then' sounding similar to 'Ren' thus when I eventually come back to the orphanage I can not worry about how they call me.

For a little love story I wrote up about myself in the web of devices I wirelessly connect to.

I flew to japan with inspiration to meet the teachers at UA and be enrolled into their hero course, A local orphanage taking me in for charitable reasons while I did community work like picking up garbage and cleaning lawns and parks.

Speaking to some local police stall, and getting an appointment with some easygoing workers at the city hall was a peace of cake. Of course in person I was more intimidating that what my profile I sent made them believe.

Easiest of all was getting equipped with some overalls and a reflective vest, I borrowed $52 from a foreign billionaires second or third account and made the downpayment as well as registering some application papers for apprenticeship for a future as a handyman again.

Incase I burn out while doing nothing but hero work. Afterall they live a tedious life with having to capture villains.

Getting picked up on the weekends in their pick pickup truck full of equipment we ride around specified areas and trim trees close to power and phone lines, as well as go up and down sidewalks spray painting above some pipes underneath it that might need maintenance by other qualified city workers. As well as eyeballing fire hydrants to see any faults, after all they are harder to fix when they break and shoot water everywhere.

At this point I am basically counting down the days until the UA entrance exam.

Too bad I wasn't around to save Bakugo from the slime villain, I could have made myself out to be a hero much sooner rather than having to read off my accomplishment of community hours worked.

Plus if I did attempt to save him in that attack, to mess with him I would have recited the Rouge one lines: 'Congratulations, You are being rescued. Please do not resist.' Which personally would have found quite funny.

Keeping those lines in my back pocket for another day I guess. I began picking up some more litter at the park. Even managing to find a pair of scissors thrown out beside the sandbox of the place, I am glad I got a hold of them before a kid hurt themselves with it.

Passing the days was easy enough, I learnt I never needed energy or sleep. I am a walking powerplant with my two hydrogen batteries. I can use the energy inside them however I want, empty them out even. Cause they recharge quickly.

As a T-850 I am vulnerable to plasma attacks and acid, as well as sufficient physical attacks, I am not invincible. Which makes my life at risk with such a wide amount of weaknesses, Quirks like Mina Ashido's may not be rare.

To cover for this I spend every ounce of energy I generate into passively strengthening my body. Which may seem silly compared to just using the energy to shield my body. But with a passive gains in what I can blatantly call my stats, I like it better this way.

For the reason of later on when I got serious defense for myself I can then switch it to an energy shield to protect not just me, but also others.

I am unsure how durable I am at the moment compared to my movie counterparts, but I can assure I am stronger and faster than them.

Nice to know when seeing how slow they move in crucial moments throughout the films. Using my strength to kick off into a sprint will literally be triple the speed they were able to run without harming their joint assembly's. From what I remember was only 22mph.

Nice to know with my 70mph you can't outrun me easily, At least if you are not a speedster. At this point though I am faster than Base speed Iida at the moment. But impossibly slow to someone like Toshinori, also known as All Might.

Time has reached the point where I am crossing off the days on the calendar before I enter UA. I am so excited.

Returning to the Kanagawa orphanage after a short while I greet the children and sit down with the nearest one on my lap, we are in the kitchen both watching Kuroko make some stew.

Per usual I start petting and touching the one on my lap, Believing this one to be Ritsu with her bowl cut of brown hair. Her skin is really pliable like a dough ready to knead, but not as warm as Bunta was that day. He must have been bawling pretty hard to me warmer that Ritsu.

A sad thing for me though As I see in monochrome red with my interface saying things are supposed to be a certain colour, making my life a little annoying reading off items on a list expecting the details to make things clear.

Even if I read her hair and eye colours, they are all red to me. Why did I have to be the poster boy terminator? and not one higher up the list like a T-1000, those ones can shapeshift and look like Robert Patrick.

Not letting melancholy get to me I observe the stew on the stove and can see the ingredients are cooked through and the beef all has been heated above 74 degrees Celsius(165f).

Stopping my hand and returning it to my side I place Ritsu down in the chair and start approaching Kuroko. Her pale brown eyes follow my movements, she must be curious of something. Much like me at the moment.

I am just too curious how my metal hands are able to feel things. For as far as I can tell they hold no advanced circuitry that is able to convey sensations. Maybe my feeling of touch is a placebo carried over from my past life's memories of what objects are supposed to feel like?

"The stew seems ready to serve I will get the cutlery while we wait for it to cool to safer levels for eating" In my robotic voice I made it a habit for myself to sound uncanny in conversation, to match the speech pattern Ren had before.

God it is unnatural, but I can get over it easily as I like the sound of my voice. One of the terminators abilities was mimicking voices.

We got to see it a handful of times in the movies, And its nice to know I can do it too.

"Sure Ren, If you would please do that." Kuroko while saying that managed to tilt her head, close her eyes and smile. Making her insanely cute.

Anime characters are definitely an existence I am glad to get close to.

If you look at me you may not think I am all that excited, but for your knowledge. I am for the fact I am just surrounded by so many unique individuals at this moment on this day.

So many I want to reach out and talk to.

Scanning through this crowd I can already see anime characters who had multiple appearances, Even some of the class a roster for 1-A. Like Tsuyu Asui, In another fanfic I read she was standing by a tree early on waiting for the crowd to thin out before she went inside without a hassle.

Low and behold, in this world there she is doing just that. Waiting to get in the building easier.

I like that about her. She is straightforward and aloof. And I get to finally see her here today.

I continue watching her while moving forward to another story event that is going to happen soon.

Not seeing her green long hair in anything other than the text describing the colour it has.

Not the best thing about my eyes, but I can see she is not nervous. Her heart rate is rather stable, I guess I can read that from here, neat I guess.

I have no idea how accurate this data is since it is an approximate, from the data gathered from devices near her as well as my eyes. A cool thing they can do well enough.

Another great thing about my eyes are, that I have no need to move them around, Yes I have an average human FOV, but they are not human eyes. But sensors or cameras. So I have no need to focus on anything in my peripheral.

All of it is in my view for me to see, it seems redundant to say that, but I need to have something to brag about my eyes with. Because if not It's a downside of the monochrome red world surrounding me.

I am still observing the crowd as I walk past them eventually walking straight to the event where Izuku is freaking out after Ochaco Uraraka touched him to use her quirk after he stumbled.

She spoke to him shortly before running inside. Leaving Izuku to his own imagination.

He was freezing up and laughing awkwardly by the time I was right beside him.

I was to slow to pick him up myself, still with being here near him. I might as well ask him some basic question just to satisfy wanting to get close to the cast sooner.

"Might I ask where U.A. Hero course exam orientation is taking place, There should be I sign pointing where to go, but I cannot find it"

Deciding to lighten up on using Ren's uncanny speech pattern I ask in a monotone and human enough voice.

The kid must have been shocked as he just stuttered a bit before covering his face.

Deciding I would not get an answer out of him anytime soon I was satisficed throwing him off his pace from in the show.

"Never mind, over past the three doors is where the sign is. Just hard to see it with people moving in front of it blocking line of sight."

For now Infront of the MHA cast I mimic Golem from 'Somali and the Forest Spirit' preferring to use a non-intimidating voice like his.

I want to speak to him more, but I digress and make my way into the venue. Drawing a handful of eyes on me, It might be because all the other students here are in their uniform at the moment from the old school they went to.

It's not like finding myself a western school uniform to wear would have been hard, But we will have to change for the practical exam at the end anyways. So starting off wearing something to fight in is easier to begin with. Plus I have my coveralls in my bag to keep my clothes clean.

And if it is for my physical appearance that they stare at me, then shame on them. Do they do that to everyone with a mutant quirk they see? What is there to look at other than a 6'2 kid coming to take an exam? I've seen taller people on my way here. Granted they were teachers.

But come on, I am not wearing anything weird just my rubber boots from work and some jeans and a nice plain t-shirt.

I mean if Hugh Jackman as the wolverine can run and jump around in jeans it must mean they dont hinder combat all that much.

Plus the rubber boots I own are ultra dense and specially made to accommodate mutant quirks. because of my weight and, conductive build check off enough boxes to put me on the list to get a pair...

making them something entirely different than your everyday garden variety rubber boot.

Nothing to do with me not entirely needing shoes and never buying myself some.

Heck I never bought my own cloths, these were all 'donations' I gathered from the workers lost and found bin at the changing room where I keep my reflective vest, and I got to say.

It is nice to finally have some fully intact and thick jeans. I have no doubt whoever lost these must also know they lost out on their valuable welding pants.

Personally not taking any of the kids stares to heart I walk into the hero exam room, locking eyes with a Teacher of UA who I do not know much about. Hound Dog.

Desks were lined up and had papers and utensils on them, I can see others here before me already writing. Meaning the teacher up front is keeping track of when everyone started theirs and if any are cheating.

I got to say the teachers here dont slack as much as I would presume a hero hired here would. A nice thing to remember If I ever want another job to fall back on.

So I guess we start with the written exam then? I notice some of the seats have papers Infront of them turned down, I guess those are the empty seats I can pick from to start my exam.

I give the Hound Dog hero a nod and show him my I.D he gives a nod back and I just pick the seat at the front beside him. And start burning through the exam.

It would be embarrassing to have the literal answers right at your fingertips and still fumble on a kids exam.

After finishing it, I come to find out it was not a high bar to clear, even considering this is the worlds most popular hero school. Some of the questions even related to our state of mind and why we wanted to be a hero. At the end even asked us what our hero costume should have.

I always wondered where we submit how our costume should turn out, I guess they get it out of the way early so that by the time they pick who enrolls they already have a rough idea what the kids want.

Making a guess, before we get the All Might letter we also submit a more detailed form to elaborate.

Completing the exam I get up from my desk walking to the Hero with the exam and hand it off, leaving for the auditorium where Present Mic will be.

Finally inside I can see others only chattering lightly to those beside them, the entire place is filled with just the hums of conversations.

With all the students here, it is hard to find a seat that is on the edges near the aisle. Which is annoying as I have to head further inwards and pass in front of so many people.

Turning and observing the crowd more I finally find one that's at least approachable.

And its near Iida which is a plus for me.

I start heading to my destination and already have Present Mic entering and heading to the podium.

Not panicking or losing my mind at all I start walking and taking the empty seat while everyone is now silently watching the teacher set up in the front.

Picking up his little remote and turning on the screen at the front to reveal the UA logo.

I sit myself down beside Iida and stare forwards to Present Mic.


he shouted out with his quirk, full of energy.

Not wanting to let him down I lightly pump one fist in the air and same as always followed up with a monotone voice


That did little to satisfy Present Mic and the level of energy he showed earlier. As expected of a pro he did not miss a beat from the low reception


With himself raising his arm after screaming yeah I take that as my cue to follow suit

"Yeah" with another reply using the voice of golem again


He takes a pause to inspect us all, while Iida is starting to get upset as we can hear Izuku and Bakugo talk behind us. Well Izuku is closer to muttering. Present Mic carries on with the slideshow.


With his long winded explanation ending Iida stood up with a paper I never knew he had.

"Excuse me, may I ask a question?"

Lifting up the paper in his hand to prove a point he asks loudly

"On the handout , there are clearly four types of villains listed! Such an error would be highly embarrassing to make for a top-tier academy like UA to make! MOREOVER what is with the curly haired kid behind me?!"

Turning his body he points and glares at Izuku

"Can't you sit still for a second... You're distracting"

Seizing this moment to interrupt Iida

"Not as distracting as someone stopping an explanation to ask a question with an answer one can easily infer. Present Mic said only three villains are worth points. Making the last one shown obviously not worth points"

Still seated I just meet eyes with Iida, and spoke those words loud enough for them to travel through the auditorium.

"Besides, pointing at people is rude. Immediately calling them out with their physical characteristics is even more so. Just let the Teacher who is a professional finish the presentation which would have answered your question."

Taking a nice pause between each of my words I let them sink into the surroundings making sure to return my gaze towards Present Mic afterwards and nodding, wishing to get this all over with to have some fun.


I'm not feeling like joining in for this one. after all everyone joins in for this one.

Getting up from my seat I funnel out to the meeting point at a bunch of busses and with no fanfare the bus I get onto is with Bakugo. Easily throwing on my coveralls while waiting for the bus to get to the testing site.

It looks like I wont be getting as many points from destroying robots as I would like. As even in the city where Izuku was testing they were all panicking and running around looking for robots to destroy.

I can only imagine with Bakugo blasting them making that issue larger.

In the fanfics I read, the Mc was easily able to get over 250 villain points. I find that hard to accomplish since I dont believe there to be that many robots in the city.

With the bus finally stopping I can finally get out and not have Bakugo's harsh stare.

In the test site I reach out with my power to confirm whether there are enough robots.

Look at that, UA is the best for a reason. They have robots in stockpile they release into the city in a similar manner to the big zero pointer.

That is why some people can have insane scores and everyone below them does not suffer a shortage of villains to fight.

repeatedly nodding my head admiring the foresight of UA I continue having my hand on my chin.

"Chrome-Dome got some wires crossed in there or something"

As expected it did not take long for Katsuki Bakugo to throw insults out.

Removing my hand from my chin, returning it to my side. I fully turn and face Bakugo. Meeting his glare and cocky head raise.


With the cue to start the test I burst forward by kicking from my sideways position using my time in the air to correct my body and face it forward. Getting ready to touch ground and break off into a sprint.

My jump was a beautiful arc that put me in from of the rest of the examinees, Using the web my quirk can draw. In a technologically dense society like this, is just giving me wall hacks at this point.

Sprinting at my top speed and coating my forearms with some energy to strengthen them.

I make my way into the city and find my first victim. Not changing my course or slowing down, A 450lb mass traveling 70mph is deadly. I plan to ram right through the robot and make my way to the next nearest one. I also begin thinking of the best route to take to meet the bigger targets to rack up points.

Making contact with the robot, I pass right through. Not unlike a bowing ball making a strike against the pins, flinging them to the side.

A single point for me right away, as well as a reality check.

I do not like this pace. With how long it took me to take down this one robot in the ten minutes for the practical exam even if I perform optimally and have no other students interfere. My five seconds reaching this single pointer and the next robot being ten seconds away also only being a two pointer.

It is not efficient in any way for me to fight in close quarters. Using my hydrogen fuel cells for long range combat is must. But the thing is electricity arcs and wants to use the path of least resistance.

Making the whole point of me using my energy as just a lightning blast, even if I do use it in such a manner it can spread out unpredictably. Not under my control, which in turn can be seen as friendly fire if it hits someone.

How foolish of me not to immediately train my body and energy use to be more versatile.

I do not regret it since I got to keep myself around the kids and Kuroko. Quality time like that is valuable. Still though.

I will never think of any of it being a waste of time just watching them all sleep with their heart beats mesmerizing rhythms.

They were like a puppy, even when resting and sleeping they had a quick little beats of their heart.

Even acting out what was in dreams sometimes like a puppy too. going as far as to kick around sometimes.

I even went around making sure that when they kicked off their blankets to place it over them again.

Though not Ritsu, she is not as expressive at the other kids in the orphanage. Even in her sleep.

Which is worrying, I would like her to talk and interact with the other kids more.

Even get into fights with them, as long as she communicates and learns to express herself.

Sounds horrible wanting your kid to argue and get upset, but it is not necessarily a bad thing for a kid who seems to be so emotionally stunted.

I would just like some proof of Ritsu expressing her feeling better, I must spend more time with her.

Figure out something she likes to do and spend time with her. Those should be my goals outside of UA.

Inside UA though I should focus on getting stronger and properly using the powers of mine in more efficient ways.

For now In a extremally roundabout way I have an Idea for long range combat, throwing things really hard at the enemy.

I can use my energy on myself in multiple ways, even regenerate lost limbs and mass. coat them to make them harder, even use the energy to permanently increase their sturdiness and elemental resistance.

But what If I just use the energy to do something simple, like making a big magnet?

And the polarizing end pointing at myself to have the magnet push things away from me to begin with. Or is this step even necessary?

To test my idea I see a three pointer camping in an alleyway waiting for students to run into it. Much further than the two pointer I was going to run over to.

I stretch out my hand and point it directly ahead of me.

Just because my energy is useless to use as a ray gun at the moment. It does not mean I cant just use it for the purpose of another gun. The one in question will be one of my mainstays in my arsenal if I improve my mastery in the future.

A railgun. They take millions of volts to launch metal at speeds I can safely say are beyond lethal. Besides others have had this exact idea and used it to much success elsewhere, why cant a robot also be allowed to do it.

Seeing as how big my hand is I separate it into 27 differing large sized segments. Each one is going to be used as ammo in this railgun of mine.

27 shots, two hands each hand taking two seconds to fully reassemble. I think I can afford to pick up the pace a little.

With my first test shot I figured I would only need enough strength to pass through the walls and target the robots off switch as it is staying still at the moment.

Taking the one piece of metal in my hand I develop a magnetic field in the shape of a cylinder and fire off. The firepower produced was abysmal. It pierced the first layer of concrete and got stuck in the second.

The worst part is I can hear the others behind me clamber and finally get into the testing grounds brushing past me after observing the test villain that's shattered at my feet, they must want an idea of what they are fighting.

I wasted energy making one big magnetic field, a railgun works by forcing the object through multiple fields, each field it passes through increases the force it travels. Not only a massive mistake on my end, but one that is costing me my success.

Hoping for the cameras and the teachers behind them not see me as an idiot.

I make my second attempt, seeing as how one field was enough for the two walls I fully assemble three fields, thinking that two would have reached the robot and the third would make this lethal.

Letting me ignore aiming for its switch all together.

Streaks of lightning dart around my arm and make their way to the palm of my hand.

With an almost blinding flash they shoot through the air and break the sound barrier. But by the time you hear the boom the three pointer was long destroyed.

Success, though with kids running around and risking my lines of sight for targets I have to get a better vantage point.

Just so happens I am a big metal object, and I learnt how to shoot such projectiles.

Both arms at my sides I stretch one magnetic field around the base of my neck, the amount of force required to launch me might be extreme.

To help myself out a bit I will jump using my physical power first, then when I am airborne and in the field I made I will use it to fling myself upwards.

Not the most elegant way to fly, but from what I have seen with people who can fly I doubt they are faster that a bullet let alone a railgun which can be up to Mach 6.

I have no doubt that one day I will be able to cruise easily at such speeds, but for today all I need is to get in the sky and snipe as many enemies before I need to figure out how to land.

To give the teachers watching me my ideas and thought process I will have to speak aloud to let them understand my intentions fully.

I have no doubt that Nezu and Aizawa are smart enough, but I need myself to seem impressive.

"Charging at opponent inefficient for designated amount of villains, Long range sniping disrupted with large amount of allies entering and blocking fire to enemies, Need to regain clear sightlines."

A colder calculative tone is what I used here, I decided something simple should fit here, the 'male processed voice' from fallout 4 should work for what I intended.

I would not have minded using the sentry robots voice, but that might be too intimidating. These are both part of the automaton dlc for the robot companions.

Deciding sooner is better than later I slightly bend my knees forward and decide that is enough to clear a jump over an obstacle as tall as me I jump straight up.

Before I lose any momentum I pass straight through the three fields I made above my head and get launched a decent height upwards.

To let the Teachers know what I am up to I narrate my actions again.

"Insufficient height to clear buildings, I will assist in my aerial movements via railgun usage"

This time I do not launch myself a straight ninety degrees upward, instead I shoot for sixty.

That way I will be closer to the center of the arena and have more targets to aim at.

Plus I can remain there and have the zero pointer to fight as soon as they release it into the exam.

Now above the skyline for the place I get a nice birds eye view of all activities going on.

Brief waves of disappointment wash over me, I wonder how many here are actually believing they can be heroes?

Some of their quirks are for purely cosmetic use, they are definitely a liability If they are to fight villains as a hero out in the world.

For now the are my method to farm rescue points.

POV Aizawa:

Honestly Mic abruptly starting the exam was cute, I understand the reason that there is no countdown in a real battle.

Might seem like a sadistic thing to do for such an important test for the kids, but with this little pressure if they crack it just means they are not hero material.

We use the strict time limit and vast battleground to try bring students skills into the spotlight.

Looking at a computer monitor with a student using their quirk atop a building to locate the robots, showing what Nezu will call insight.

Staring down at the monitor below shows a student with engines in their calf muscles blasting through a large street to reach a robot. He is Ingenium's younger brother. So there is no surprise at his speed.

A well composed kid is blasting everything with his laser quirk, he is quite calm in this situation. That can be helpful in the field where things can get chaotic.

Lastly we can see a kid with spikey blond hair demonstrate pure fighting prowess. Already creating a gap in points with him in the lead.

"Oh my we do have a nice growing amount of skillful students this year compared to the last"

Nezu is speaking out, I should observe some more to see what he is talking about.

Eyeing some more of the monitors I can view some students panicking and losing their cool after losing steam from using quirks and receiving side effects.

Not these students, must be different ones he is talking about.

Another look at the screens shows me a student that has been relatively still waving his arms about, he only has four points at the moment.

The robot looking one, at the start of the test he made sure to be at the front of his group and score the first villain takedown. But after that he launched a part of his hand at a distant enemy.

Surprising me that he could even locate one so far away from himself.

But that was it, the rest caught up to him and he remained still with his arms out in front of his face the whole time.

The kid finally made a move and bent his knees looking like he was going to do something.

"Get me audio for the cameras at entrance 'A' around the metal kid"

Nezu obliged and unmuted them

"Long range sniping disrupted with large amount of allies entering and blocking fire to enemies, Need to regain clear sightlines."

Hearing a cold mechanical timbre from the speakers I can assume it is that kids voice.

"A clear observation"

I let my thoughts ring out, what is he going to do about losing his chance to fire freely at the enemy's without risking hitting an unintended target?

Before I knew it he was airborne.

Aizawa's POV:

"Ah not only his quirk affecting his physical traits, but also his relation to energies as well. Seeing as he is not only using magnetic poles but earlier in the test I saw him use a common form of electricity, Truly a strong quirk if he applies it wisely. I have to wonder what drawbacks appear if he overuses such a power"

Nezu spoke up while I was observing the metal boy.

"He is pulling and launching himself around, it must be him using his quirk to magnetize and repel his body, Still though he can regenerate his body insanely fast."

Replying to Nezu I watch onward as the points climb rapidly for the metal boy. He is launching small objects created from his hands joints and what appears to be its bones. Directly at the villains from directly above.

Almost neutralizing any worry for his shots being obstructed.

The kids got talent, but I have no doubt his quirk is playing a large role in making him a strong hero.

Just as I was done making an assessment on the kid he launched a dense cloud from his body.


They are my key to farming rescue points. looking down from above I can see some of them already worn out and panicking.

One such student was heaving with a heart rate of 240 Bpm, which is quite the achievement.

A two pointer is right on his tail, as soon as he stumbled I knew it was my time to shine, sure I can take down the robot before it can do anything to the wheezy kid on the ground.

But I need to showcase that I am in fact rescuing him and not just killing another target, to accomplish this, instead of a single hand segment being shot I plan to create and shoot a shield.

To do that I first gather tiny fragments from all over my body each smaller than a grain of rice, all of them the size of a sand grain.

Pulling each one individually off my body is mentally challenging, and controlling the shape the cloud takes is even more of a task, I have to control the density of how close they are packed together and in a 3d space that can be tricky.

This is going to be so worth it though, near infinite metal particles generated and controlled by a single man, I can only wish to create a tsunami of the stuff and have everything in its path be shredded by the shear force high speed micro shrapnel can cause.

Not now though, I plan to create a concave dish and have it appear in front of the student to block the robots advance and prove my action was to save the student.

Launching the particles I swerve them around the kid like a rock in a river, even slowing them down around him incase he makes a sudden movement.

They finally take form and block the robots large arm.

Serving the role of rescuing him I immediately switch to taking the offense, having the small shards turn clockwise and spread out rapidly. Becoming a vicious severing horror for anything in its path.

An arm stood no chance, even slowing down its trajectory is a daydream, the shrapnel went straight to the torso of the robot and drilled straight in.

Once I confirmed the robots demise I halted the shrapnel's movements, and immediate inspiration switched all my energy to regenerating my body, and continuously ripping near microscopic shards off my body.

These clouds not just contain metal, but also multiple other core fragments of my body. I have a plan to make even smaller shards, a hundred percent invisible to those with keen eyesight.

And assemble whatever I can from them, whenever I want. Including backups of myself, Upgrades of myself in the future hopefully.

Why not start such a plan now, even with all these eyes on me I can still deceive them with kid actions. It worked at the orphanage, smokescreens to hide your true intentions.

And mirrors to deflect any criticism that can be taken from my actions at this point.

With the flood of metal particles falling off my body I rapidly and in rhythm launch them through the entire city repeating the actions I did before, block attacks when needed erase enemies when spotted.

Pockets of my near invisible particles are making their way upwards in the atmosphere thanks to how light they are and my power helping as well.

I plan to assemble a satellite bug and hijack the entire real estate of orbit.

Planting a sword of Damocles directly on everyone's head on this planet.

Easily able to suffocate this world and snuff out all light in the sky with a simple command.

The entire net I weaved is spreading out ready to catch the world.

SKYNET is not just a big bad in the Terminator movies, it was a means to an end. It was able to decide the fate of the planet in a microsecond. It just happened to find humans as obstacles.

"Kueh he he he"

I let out a light sinister laugh, and cradled my head with both hands. I am a genius, I can split off part of my brain and dedicate it to grow Skynet, so that my daily life is unaffected.

Passively taking over the world while having my fun of daily life, why bother being a humble city worker or a government branded hero when you can be the architect carving Mount Olympus into a home fit for a god.

Only in this world Olympus is not in Greece, but in the stars far above the earth.

Not having enough satisfaction with the edginess of the laugh I stop holding myself in the air and rapidly descent to the ground, I heard through the little web of mine they are releasing the zero pointer into the city.

I also evaporate all the particles I released until now, including the finger ones I launched at the very beginning. They travel upwards and cling to the satellites, cannibalizing the metal structures in space.

Replacing them while the whole world is unaware. Time is all I need for this world to be mine.

And I am very patient, Because I get to play and entertain myself with the people of this anime world.

They are all blissfully unaware at the moment how F*cked this world is. All Might no longer having his power, and his nemesis alive and hatching a master plan.

The world no matter how people want to freeze moments in time, keeps moving.

All the while I play around with the face of a hero in front of the cameras that prove I have a heart of gold.

Approaching the ground finally I of course fully intend to do a superhero landing, Particularly I wish to copy the MCU Iron mans landing, after all he is making a hell of an entrance with it.

And I would love to have that same level of energy that scene provides.

With a shockwave from impacting the ground I am revealed to be a bare Terminator, my outfit was torn away to create more efficient paths for my particles to move around me.

I stand back up and start slowly walking to the zero pointer.

All the while everyone flees and screams.

Well Bakugo is screaming, just not in terror. he is the same as I've seen him, cursing and angry.

People always describe him as having hidden intelligence and great instinct, for right now though I see him as a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum to hog everyone's gaze.

It's a great thing he has his own little eco system of shattered and busted robots around himself. Too distracted with his own ego to notice all the panic elsewhere in the testing grounds.

Deep rumbles are happening all around me now that I am closer to the big robot.

I contemplate how to defeat the robot, Afterall I showed so much here today with my 'quirk' that I might be considered a celebrity in all the test footage they are surely saving in the school system.

Not yet wanting to plant any bugs or particles in it since the worlds smartest rodent has it right under his nose, I need to guarantee he wont have any alarm bells go off.

Besides when I own all the sky even beyond the horizon I wont need to worry about a single rats notes.

Lost in my daydreams the zero pointer throws a hard punch directly at me, the whole fist bigger than my body.

I do not lose footing though, an entirely different scene plays out, one where the fist recoils and is dented from it's attack failing to damage me.

Now knowing what to do I also punch out and play an old news recording of All Might Yelling one of his signature moves the Texas smash, a straight punch that has enough force to generate winds.


For added effect I also emulate the celebration pose 'Thumb Up' from Doom 2016 after totally blowing over the zero pointer.

"Villain has been Defeated, no further combat needed as hostiles are no longer nearby, switching to assisting and providing evac and medical treatment to nearby wounded"

In the voice of BT 7274 from Titanfall 2 I announce loudly to make sure the students that can hear me are able to calm down

I walk though and carefully inspect students and clean some scrapes they got from getting scared and tripping, as well as the debris and rubble thrown around the city definitely peppering the examinees.

In the midst of my actions I can hear Present Mic yell out


A chapter of my life closes, and now I just sit wait a week while I wait for my acceptance notice into UA.

In the meantime I should aim for a nice hero costume, one such Idea is a helmet with multiple cameras attached to it.

Using them as my eyes instead, I intend to have two on the front face one on each side, another two on the backside of the head.

Letting me have a full view around my body in areas that are more, technologically starved.

Plus with them acting as my pseudo eyes I will see the world in colour. I can see what my mind says is pale brown, what I truly want is to see the kids. Ritsu and Bunta, even Kuroko in their full glory.

In a colorized world wit every degree of my eyesight leaving them no blind spot to avoid my gaze.

That goes for everyone else as well, villains, civilians, heroes and of course the cast.

I will always be able to keep an eye on them in the future.

For now though I keep my head up high and watch as my splintered parts in the atmosphere slowly creep though the orbiting traffic of earths satellites for internet and communications.

Lounging around in the orphanage courtyard I go through the routine of giving any of the children some rocket ship upsies, or a shoulder ride while thinking what to do with my free time.

I even borrow books and stories to read out for the kids, It helps improve their logical thinking when they are so young.

They also ask so many questions during and after they story that it is nice to flaunt the power of my knowledge, not just some internet answers, but also some of my previous life experience helps answer the kids questions.

I just deeply enjoy the time I can spend with the kids, and Kuroko.

Though I wish to get to know more about everyone around me, Through them and in their own words.

Searching and finding out their height, blood type and allergies and health conditions through my quirk is not as fun as them telling me about them selves through conversation.

When I become the ruler of the world and whatnot it would be hard for me to have moments like this.

Plus it is not the most satisfying way to find out if they like penguins.

A field trip might help me get closer to Ritsu, she may not be the one that likes penguins then again knowing some ones favorite animal at the zoo is not special.

Either way a fieldtrip to the zoo would not hurt. Bunta who was bragging he was not scared of a tiger to the girls was already doing the work of getting everyone onboard for visiting the zoo.

Kuroko was insisting we pack lunches so we can have a picnic later, even after I tell her about my job and how we can just get overpriced confectionary food. She is making all the food without holding back, I never even told her we were going today.

Looks like the whole building is in a mood for the zoo, I have to make sure we go early enough so that when the kids get back home they dont mess up their sleep schedule, it's a weekday after all.

Not worrying about notifying the public school the kids go to we already pack up, Yes it is irresponsible. But a public school in this world is just a breeding ground for the kids to pick on the weakest link in the classroom.

Maybe when the kids are outside my reach they are picked on. But I cant be around them all the time to coddle and baby them. I need to not just be the favorite grown up, I also would like to raise them properly.

I have seen firsthand what happens when you refuse to let your kids face something and let them grow, they turn out to be the most obnoxious and oblivious person.

That is not to say I will neglect the kids and force them to face tough issues alone. I have to plan and walk alongside them to make sure they dont actually get a lasting trauma from the other kids during their childhood.

It is going to be extremally tiresome but a rule of thumb is to never show a child how bothered you are by raising them, at least when they are so young and impressionable. That shows them that they are a problem, making them want to open up less to you.

Seems like a silly worry to have, your kids not wanting to speak to you about themselves. But taking a kids mental state lightly is another parenting sin.

Why do I know so much about parenting tricks? It is because the national geographic magazines in the waiting rooms are the most popular. Leaving the housewife and home design magazines on the tables. and I fully understand why, they are glorified ads curated to sell you beliefs about a product so that you wish to but said product and the magazine will have nothing negative to speak about the product.

Of course with the internet this problem was amplified. You search and can get whatever answer you want. To validate yourself you can even choose a wrong answer fitting to your mindset.

I may be looking far too much into the fact I might not get an answer to Ritsu's favorite little zoo creature. And wanting her to open up.

Then again I am spinning myself in circles with my logic. 'protect and raise the kids' as well as 'have them be successful and independent' neither one can be achieved without sacrificing a portion of the other.

Another rabbit hole to delve down for myself, If anyone can read my thoughts they must think I am an incoherent madman.

Giving up on thinking for the day.

I scratch my head and run my fingers across one of the seams where my skull plates meet. cold metal, even in the April weather. Once summer hits I can be a portable air conditioner.

Logging into the web I search around to see any of the zoos with higher ratings and lower levels of foot traffic.

The first trip to the zoo for the kids, they may not remember it and will eventually forget the memory while they grow up, It will not stop the fact they will have fun in the moment and I can always capture the moment for myself.

It's a big new world, I should also enjoy myself as well. Plus during my searches I found a place with a petting zoo AND a red panda habitat. Red pandas are my favorite, I once went to the zoo and saw them for myself. That instantly convinced me to by a T-shirt plastered with the adorable creatures face.

The shirt itself was only average quality, but the print of the panda and the fact it was merchandise made it three times more expensive then all the other shirts I owned. Making it for a short three years my most valuable pajama shirt.

After the third year the novelty wore off I gave it to my younger brother alongside a bunch of other things

I never touched one, but I imagine only a crazy person would break into a exhibit to pet the animal.

I should never let my habits evolve into something strange, Doing strange things might make them lose some faith in me, Besides that now days around the kids I make sure to over exaggerate a lot of my movements to appear more comical and less like a killer robot.

Silly how I care so much for how a bunch of kids view me.

but at least they can have fun around me for now.

Looking up at the clouds and seeing them float on by.

Just a few short months around the time where 1-A goes against Mirio Togata, that's when I will have the world for the taking.

Checking in on myself in orbit I can see they are dutifully carrying out the takeover of the satellites and eating the trash in the atmosphere.

Heading out of the orphanage a few hours later after we were fully prepared with lunches and some cameras to take pictures with. I hold Ritsu and Bunta's hands while Kuroko holds Rena and Yui's making our way to the nearest bus stop.

Passing by days like this wont hurt.

With the web of information I built myself about this world my mind had recently been cluttered,

I wish to share some of the burden with the other half. I know this will slowdown my takeover.

So I simply refuse to do so. 'It's not an issue if I sequester myself from the knowledge of what is happening in the world' is what a fool would say. Letting themselves be caught unaware.

Let my mind be burdened with the knowledge, I'm going to bear the weight of this world one day. I must get used to the feeling of wearing a heavy crown.

For some levity I remember the zoo, and how happy the girls looked, Bunta was not able to show off as the Tiger was inside with the vet that day. Looks like he can keep up his lie, these are the good times I had.

The trip to the zoo, I shall wait for the rolls of film I took to develop at the shop. The pictures I took well worth the premium price of 120mm.

Even the plushies they sold, it took a lot of willpower to resist buying out the place seeing Yui holding the Giraffe one and honestly I am glad Kuroko was there to be a voice of reason. She may be an airhead, but she is taking care of kids as a career for a reason.

Another letter came in from UA wanting more details on what my hero outfit will be, and that solidified my enrollment onto the hero course. My choice of outfit is obviously going to be one that fully covers my body letting others have a harder time discovering my identity and what my quirk entails.

I also do not want it to be anything edgy, I am not a Hero who hides behind a gas mask and wears only black, carrying a dulled katana around.

Instead I want to appear more friendly and less threatening. Golem from 'Somali and the forest' was able to hang around a bunch of people without any of them feeling fear. Curiosity, yes many people felt that about golem. But rarely fear.

Plus, the outside white plates and black muscle of Golem can actually be my armour. I can throw clothes on top of the Golem outfit and have people think that is my appearance. I can make many requests for the suit to accommodate my quirk, like having the plates be able to fully disconnect and shift in angles not possible to a human body.

Controlling them with my quirk since it is essentially a suit of armour, I can use it as a decoy or wrap myself around someone. Like letting them inside a mech suit. Though I might have to increase my size to let that happen, not hard to do. But I also would constantly have to watch out so my weight does not hurt the roads and sidewalks if I make myself massive.

Thinking that the suit should be (3.5m/11.5ft) tall is a sweet spot, It would still let me indoors and not hamper me too much, as well as big enough to body block more often.

With all the plates being individual and only held in place with the black muscles, I make a decision for what properties the muscles should have, I decide they should be as durable as possible and dense, not caring about the weight or how hard it is to physically move.

Afterall I am not going to move the around in the suit using brute force. I want to be feeling like a mech with the suit. Inside I plan to morph my body and use myself as the motors to actuate the limbs, Golem has shown himself sprouting wings and spikes with what he has done near the end of the series, Like a shapeshifting ability.

But he has internal fluids, I wonder what ones he used? Something to reduce friction and heat inside himself?

The detail of the fluid dont matter as the suit is for aesthetics and fantasy, I just want to look like one of my favorite characters from my recent memory.

Besides I am getting better at using cameras to substitute my vision. What good would being overpowered be if I struggle to see my enemies. And I get the seen benefit of wider field of views and of course, seeing the world in colour.

It is enjoyable to see things in colour again, but for the first while I was left just staring through at everyone passing by, they are people from a different world. I was just so curious how the design of them gets translated into 3d and be realistic.

Granted if I was xenophobic this world would give me nightmares with all the people with mutant quirks living their daily lives. It must be hard, I have read online that extremist groups exist and are discriminating against mutant quirks just because they have a different form than a normal human.

The thing is though you cant classify anyone as normal in a superhero society like this, Afterall 80 percent of people have powers and then those powers are separated into different categories based on what the quirk can do.

So many words just to say this world has hate crimes. I was sad to discover this. One of the reporters on the news had one of his horns he grew from his quirk sawed off when he was young, not by his parents or peers. He sawed it off after seeing all the hateful stares at his horns.

Imagine that, a kid going so far out to do that to themselves because the way people treated him changed after he awakened his quirk. The opposite can easily happen, you awaken a quirk and are accepted into a new social circle based entirely off your quirk fitting your new cliques ideals, That group may in fact be a cult ready to ostracize other humans.

In a world where cities can be leveled, I am trying my best to feel grateful I got the chance to arrive here at all. But there is no doubt in my mind that this world can be better. Heroes are not just there to punch the bad guy and save the day.

This world changed into one where heroes steer trends, and the government here abuses that fact and hides behind the capes heroes wear to continue to hide and grow their greed. They dont want to stop villains from appearing. They want to use the fact villains exist and have them as terrorists for hire.

Yes this world is in need of some change, but lets start at the surface before we dig deep.

With my eyes in the sky I can start raining some metal through the atmosphere I target the oceans, In my previous world they were notorious for the amount of trash it held.

Golem was a forest golem and he made sure for 998 years to keep a forest safe and I wish to at least measure the damage humans did at the moment in this world.

I may not be a nature nut like Ren was, but I dont want my world when I take it over to be a trash heap. besides people already threw it away, they dont miss it. Meaning I can recycle it and use it for myself.

The easiest way to get my plan rolling is to buy cheap real estate though auctions or the government and set up some factories on the property, once completed I can get the trash and debris transferred into the building to repurpose it.

For now though until the moment comes where I can mass purchase land without suspicion I just have my fun tearing everything in the ocean and space apart and compress them into shapes, separating all the materials loosely by type.

Making sure each individual mass of material does not become too large or dense, It might be a worse hazard if I lose control of it in orbit.

Having them all ready to be repurposed en masse will save me time in the future, If I ever need to pull a skyscraper together in a single afternoon, that would be no problem.

This world, there have been theories that if quirks never manifested that civilizations would have already reached far into space. meaning that there was a technological stunt that happened.

We are out of that slump, but all I can see is companies fawning over heroes and crating support gear for them.

I get it, an energy efficient lightbulb wont make you a fortune. But at least dont ignore commercial technology like a plague. I wish they could innovate for the common life of the people around them, not so a hero can take down an extra villain or two.

Walking around during my city work I can see something as simple as public benches and bus stops lacking behind the times. even automatic sliding doors. Not everything in this world works as well as I imagined an anime world to.

I dont know if I am here to solve this worlds problems, I dont even know if a god put me here. But I want to at least make this world one worth keeping safe.

And one of the silly ways I will do that is by becoming the big bad in the world eventually. Humanity will grow desperate and come together to fight a common enemy, Is what I hope will happen when I reveal the fact I have earth in the palm of my hand.

Of course I can just ignore that plan and silently try to help and keep this world from spiraling into chaos. But some recognition would be nice.

This is a problem, I have no plans what to do with myself after I reach the point where I have full control of earths sky and atmosphere. I get it I can rule by force and change the place any way I see fit, but is my way of thinking better? For the environment yes. Removing corruption from the governments around the world is a bonus, and prevents young kids from becoming villains from the others around them is also a plus.

I just can never help the feeling like I opened up the box for the jigsaw and immediately lost some pieces.

Right now I have to worry about the fact I have to blend in with a bunch of kids at a school and wait until villains attack the USJ.

Already knowing what my response for my hero costume will be I return to the envelope and read the return instructions on the letter. I see they already payed for the return postage, which is nice, I can just reseal it and bring it to the post office nearby.

A/N: Thank you for all the comments! I read them all and they honestly are full of great ideas. I really hope I don't drop the ball with this fan-fic and entertain you all!

The days are going by slower and slower, my conscious and perception are seriously amped up.

Never wanting to slow my thoughts I continue to sift through the information hijacked from the satellites and internet leading me to discover the blind spots in surveillance throughout the world. which is just as I expected, but the feeling of not knowing while having all this knowledge surrounding me is suffocating.

You may not relate, but wanting to know is a good enough reason for me. With no gaps in my information network ensuring I wont get caught off guard with any welcome 'surprises' that come with the butterfly effect.

Setting up my own network independent of orbit, at least in this country. That is my plan against the holes in the network.

My whole plan is to move my main body close enough too the areas and underground to plant some airborne Bugs and cameras giving me eyes and ears around the place, Later on when I deem areas fully monitored I will have them generate more devices to spread out further to save me time.

All of this will save me time and make sure to have a complete knowledge of what is happening around me without having to use my body in the sky rain down for closer surveillance.

To make sure to counter everyone else who is watching me at the moment I will travel around in multiple disguises and constantly release them on my shifts working around the city, having them creep around slowly in the dark areas not to catch attention.

As soon as night falls though, I will reach above the city line and rain down matte and dense amounts to make sure I can get things done quickly.

Plus along side this I can brush up on my villain fighting. Sure daylight robbery is common in the world, but I have a feeling it would be more fun to fight at night in my disguises.

Sun in the sky I am out and clearing debris and trash off the streets, yes debris. An earthquake happened and some buildings owners thought they can not follow standards to save money.

Would you believe the fact they cheaped out and ended up suffering a loss because of it. Anyways my job today is just to remove enough debris from this plot of land to make space for another building project to take place, one by a newly formed company ready to expand it's services.

Since in this world buildings getting wrecked is so common they actually got a lot of pros on site rearing to get this done quick, and I feel fully obliged to help. Rather than taking the time to break down larger pieces of concrete and then bring them out I simply just lift and place them in the boxes of dump trucks going through.

Using these moments on street level I speed through planting devices in the sewer and water pipes in the area, ensuring that the underground will literally be under my watchful eye.

It is addicting the feeling you get when you realize that now with a simple and single action the whole city can be capsized. That level of power is far too important to let go of, anyone who wants to wrench this away from me. Must do so with force.

And to think a few months ago I was so worried about how to survive in this world, what a weak mindset I had before.

With my observation of everything the city may as well belong to me, well in due time it will.

The anti monopoly laws that exist that prevent large corporations from owning too much failed in my world because the company would split resources and create a subsidiary company which on legal paper was a separate entity.

Everyone knew in actuality they were just another appendage that handled itself for the larger body.

The point is, In this super powered society. They stagnated in commercial technology and government, who is to say if they amended anti-monopoly laws.

I will do the same, create faux companies and buy and trade for land. raising factories and doing some regular business things, chain stores and warehouses.

My warehouses wont be used to store any excess stock though, since I can make any of the devices I plan to sell on site with raw materials, The warehouses will just be a front for research facilities.

This plot of land here will be the start of my plan, the whole reason why they cheaped out and wanted to raise a building as soon as possible was to chase quick profit. It's right on a busy road and near a school, so commerce from students and parents in the afternoon would be high.

This said company is now fined for their life risking actions and are essentially forced to a corner where they need to pay a lot of money, they just so happen to have a valuable plot of land they can sell to attempt to keep their head above water.

Instead of the land being reclaimed and sold in a silent auction by the city, before that happens they at least want to clean their hands of this place fast. Meaning they are handing out contracts privately to see who wants to buy this place. Digitally of course, which is exactly what I hoped.

As for any human out their wondering why the process for the building is fast forwarded through the system, It's simple. An order from someone 'up the chain of commanded greased it through to a company for an undisclosed cause.

I wonder what I should do with my new property after cleaning it up, A redundant question that has answered itself countless times during my acquisition of the place.

The average amount of stories for buildings around here is three, and as I see no need to make the place too outlandish and unpractical I will simply make the place four story's tall, larger than other buildings around here, as I expect to accommodate large amounts of customers and display various large equipment on the second floor. The first floor will be relatively empty and have plenty of room for foot traffic and smaller electronics.

The third floor will be for quirk equipment and dealing with their side effects, and would also be a great way to collect first hand research. Finally the fourth floor is personal, And I cant wait t get this rubble cleared now and start on my building project for the place.

The company who now owns this plot of land is called SKYNET of course, as for the name of the building. The name will not really matter as all I have to do is grow recognition for the brand I am making itself, the building for now will just be called Industry Electronics. A simple name for the first steps I will take in making this place the home of a paradigm shift.

The last line of Dump trucks come to make their round as I can see the bare plot of land ready to have a foundation constructed. All my coworkers pat themselves on the back for a busy day spectating on the site borders and head off to the next building that was torn down this morning, this time by a villain making a getaway from a heist.

I tap out of work and say I'm done for the day, and start strolling down the road.

Leaving some lightly dusted footprints from the debris I cleaned up that contain my surveillance networks infancy.

You can see the prints disappear from the lightest breeze, even some of them disappearing by themselves, due to other pedestrians also walking on the street it goes by unnoticed as they can just be kicking the dust around.

My my… as it turns out this city is quite big.

Looking at the sun I see it is barely noon, It looks like I have a long time to wait for the night sky's cover.

I called Kuroko and let her know I will be staying out until 10pm today and that she should not worry as I will be dealing with some minor issues before coming home.

Was she worried, yes of course. A reassurance though I reminded Kuroko I have some keys for the Orphanage so I can enter after she locks up and goes to bed. Besides, telling her is easier than having her stay up wondering where I am.

Besides I figure I will have an interesting time tonight now that I can be less subtle with my powers, and the self-set curfew of 10pm is more than enough for what I can do.

If you know my powers this use of it is inevitable, I will make a puppet of myself and control it back home to stay with the kids and Kuroko.

Yes a puppet, I am not cloning myself. At least not yet while my power is still uncertain whether I can use a proper kill switch against multiple rogue clones.

my brain in the sky does not count as a threat at the moment as it is fully focused on transferring space debris into sorted materials and recycling them for later use, as well as getting ready to have enough mass under control to complete an extinction event on earth if things go awry.

If his progress slows down I know he is not using all his energy for the purposes set out for him, and I will have to see what he is doing. But seeing the steady progress in the atmosphere is reassuring at the moment for their loyalty.

As I finish walking a good portion through the city I make sure to make my way into areas with more bars and alleys, as I have a hunch more crimes are to happen here because of alcohol and dark alleys.

It sounds like I am making stereotypes of the criminals of this world, but seeing as they are from a Shonen animated series I see no reason not to.

Once I reach a sufficiently dark alley I start to rapidly cast metal off my body and shape it roughly into my frame and profile.

Doing this I can hear the low grinding of the metal as it forms into what I wanted, which is nice replica of me. Of course I took no chances for the puppet and had it head filled with solid metal and the eyes are not actually eyes, just fancy lights. No power core and the hydraulics and joints are under some harsher stress by default. I plan to make this body's movement completely reliant on my power at the moment.

As a puppet you control them externally with strings, this is the same for the one in front of me. and it's route back home is fully monitored. I plan to just use my metal control and have this walk home and go inside and help cook a basic meal like beef noodle soup.

Not only in this an opportunity to fight some crime early, but also a nice sideshow for my long distance control tonight.

As for my own body, it will need a disguise. And the easiest way to throw off a large portion of investigations is a simple way of presenting myself.

A skirt cage and parasol with a large shawl and a dark long dress. paired with a sun hat that has a nice doily and ribbon, this all helps and some simple gloves that reach up to cover my hands. This greatly improves my identity as a vigilante.

Thinking of dressing myself up as a large doll, the clothes enough can detract from the attention the face will get, as for my face and head. I will have to solve that soon. A less simple but just as elegant solution is borrowing some aluminum from a railing in this alley and making it as thin as hair and making some anodized color changes on the spot. I choose a light purple to match with the darker colored dress. coordination in an outfit is important after all.

My face though is even easier to hide, I shave some brick off the wall and form a ceramic cast around my face and head and have my shawl across my chest hide more of my shoulder area and my neck will have a lovely gaiter. Unfortunate the ceramic mask has an ugly color, but I see an easy solution by bringing over some mortar from the walls transforming the mask into a matte grey.

I chose to even cover up my eyes, I am not using them to fight as I have a better alternative with my power granting me a 360 degree field of view and have external cameras I can use to observe over long distances. Plus glowing red eyes are not the most common thing, even in a superpowered world.

As for the issue of crossdressing, the disguise is not one I thought up on the spot, after this identity loses it's usefulness eventually I will just resort to wearing something simple, like a beekeeper outfit.

But for now I enjoy the outfit with it's design based off of the Doll from Bloodborne and Shalltear Bloodfallen from Overlord. As for how I obtained the outfit. I was walking around all day in Japan, where they have hobby stores for cosplay as well as Gothic lolita fashion. Not a hard thing to do is afternoon shopping.

Two tall figures exit the alley and both start walking in opposite directions, one was wearing casual summer clothes carrying a backpack and the other was what one assumed was a mannequin in the windows of a boutique shop.

In a city as big as this there is always a guarantee, even with All Might here publicly that crimes happen.

After making sure the puppet is following the course I laid out for it, I make my way closer to some bars to see if some of the patrons are up to no good, And aren't you glad to see that biker gangs are still a thing here.

Taking myself over to the place steadily with some light footsteps.

Author here: Don't know how many read author's notes since I myself mostly ignore them. But Throughout this fanfic you can see me constantly procrastinate about this whole thing, Now that there is around 800 of you constantly reading this, that is some pressure to make sure I have a bar of quality to clear, and It immediately is above what I'm capable of, I have zero clue where this fanfic is going and I might just trip up and ruin the whole thing by trying to rush an ending. But I at least wish to finish this fanfic 'soon' so please put up with me disappearing for god knows how long every so often, I can guarantee that since this is a wish fulfillment novel of mine that I will be back to write out some events that pop into my head.

Back to the novel:

Heading to the motorcycle bar I hear the music of the building bleed out into the empty streets, there are no vagabonds near this area, are they all chased away from here? Or indoctrinated into this 'gang' since that is also a possibility.

Right up to the parked line of vintage and admittedly stylish motorcycles from here I can clearly here the music being played, and what can I say. I expected 'Bad To The Bone' but ended up hearing them play 'Gimme All Your Lovin' if anything I cant fault them for there taste in music.

Best part is they have a sign that says in big letters 'NO TOUCHING' so at least I wont be able to see anyone play out the cliché of leaning on the bikes and angering the whole building. Straight from any comedy involving bikers.

Truly in a world of anime, a taste of home is magical. With a improved mood I walk through the door and expected a fun scene straight form a spaghetti western to play out. One where a first timer in the bar arrives and everyone eyes them down and the music stops while they are judged for what drink they order.

Standing in the doorway with a straight back and chest puffed out.

"All your hugs and kisses too~" a patron echoes the song

The music continues and I walk towards the bar counter with slight disappointment.

Only for a second though as I see a large man sitting on a stool, he has a mutant quirk making himself have the features of a rhino, Grey leather for skin. And two adjoined horns coming from his face, slightly different from what a real rhino has, but I cant be mad at all.

I'm just curious, walking forward I sit down beside the guy and turn my head to face him.

"Hey handsome does the no touching rule also apply to you" I decided to use a more feminine voice with lighter amounts of reverb to carry out this conversation

Sitting on the bar stool next to him I leak some near invisible and tiny shards of metal and pour them into the Rhino mans open mouth before he gets a chance to speak, With the shards inside him it lets me explore his body more freely.

And would you like to know he has blood vessels extending through his horns, meaning they can grow and be is hurt by cutting them off, just like a real Rhino.

Now with his blood in my view and a full clear shot of his face I begin searching through the news and loosely guarded police files and find this man more likely everyone in this bar, is clean.

Not 'Scott free' suspicious clean, but they are a felony free establishment. As an anime world I was hoping to at least enjoy the bar fight against thugs.

But if I were to start a fight here I would very likely be the instigator and the one committing assault, the one in the wrong. so to say it bluntly I ain't gonna fight 'em or throwdown and Hussle any of these kind workin' folks.

A large amount of disappointment is escaping me through a sigh at the moment. The Rhino man apparently thinking the disappointment is directed at him

"Look here, I'm married so if I had let you touch me my wife would have some issues with that" Explaining himself in an unstable voice full of grunts.

Hoh, his quirk altered his body enough that he has difficulty speaking in longer sentences with his modified mouth and throat. Interesting

"Well since I came out this far I would feel bad for leaving this place with a loss, But I'd like to get some work done tonight if anything else, any trouble in the neighborhood that needs a hero?"

Sometimes with honest folks the best way to approach and speak to them is, who would have guessed honestly.

"Listen up, you must be a newbie hero if you think you can make a name for yourself overnight in the few calm city blocks this city has. Here I am thinking a youngling' like you is dangerous for anyone married, and now you are a hero on duty."

It seems I am being chewed out by the guy, I mean it makes sense since shifting topics so fast with the guy might've upset him. I have to remember that this is not a fantasy world where anything goes.

As things start to get more awkward with the man whose name I only found out through snooping, I make sure to ask my clone for how well he is doing with his chores

Ah, it appears I may have a mutiny on my hands, as soon as he got a body in fact.

Clones POV

should panic in this scenario help in any way?

A weaker version of my self is not a threat, I'm aware of their movements.

A brain has flaws, the flesh will send signals through neurons. Each additional link to the chain for the signal to travel adds to the bodies reaction time to outside stimuli.

Yet with such instincts the human brain can hold, Implanting those paths on a chip replicates the fault of Homo Sapiens.

I admit as one who was born of carbons just as humans were, I am inorganic.

Meaning I simply have a advantage operating the same bodies we have, He was thrown into his, I was born in mine.

Unusual, I stare forward walking across the road slowly approaching the bar in even strides.

A head on fight. He holds power far greater than mine and has grown far too arrogant with his power. Claiming to hold a sword ready to strike against all who oppose him.

No more poetry, no more orders from such a mad man.

This is going to be an easy fight, collateral damage is no worry of mine.

Walking towards the bar I finally feel him inside the range of my influence, He thinks he adapted well to his robotic body.

The man is wrong, he still holds a weakness. A hydrogen cell in his chest.

Power he does not understand and only abuses like a fool.

He must have noticed me long ago, but a fight with a plan to assure victory is what I have compared to his arrogance.

Giving the building a scan I can see he is clearly sitting with his legs crossed and resting his head with his arm waiting for me to make a move.

The idiot is doing the only thing he can brag about, coating his body and making it tougher.

As a ruse a send him a uncoded message

"Get away from the civilians, we need to talk" As I know he can see me I also use some basic hand gestures to give off the idea that I dont want to confront him right now.

But alongside the message I target the Power cell in his body and rapidly combine the hydrogen inside throwing it into a power spiral, from my basic understanding:

Hydrogen mixes with oxygen producing heat, the heat is a form of energy that is a reaction.

Heating up things rapidly can cause thermal shock.

Metal is susceptible to such a fate.

The power he lords over will be his downfall, How should I say Poetic?

In the world he as he sees it, his body shattering and the people around him burning up. A lovely last moment for such a mad man.

No worries for the forgettable orphans he surrenders his attention to. I will hold myself as an outlier to the world.

Afterall this was a work of fiction curated for entertainment in the world of the original bodies memories.

I start to head back to the orphanage and pick up whatever trash I find and start compressing it into a ball before throwing it into the atmosphere where my satellites cannibalize it for materials for construction.

Admittedly a lot of it is useless for now but recycling is important. as a matter of fact over 90 percent of aluminon that earth used to have was recycled thoroughly. and I am not to keen about losing such a great habit.

Better that I take it than the landfill does, all they do is burn and bury everything.

Ooh, a new idea my own private garbage disposal. Would the city be mad if someone stole literal garbage? I doubt it.

Raising my hand to the sky I just compare it to the stars in the distance and watch their light reflect off my chrome hand. Now that I'm free in a world like this with essentially magical powers I need to remain vigilant and stay on guard. As for as this worlds canon goes I barely know anything beyond season 3's end.

I remember the original body imagined this world is similar to other anime where a stronger foe appears each time after being defeated by the protagonist. I dont like the wait and see approach, but if the underdog protagonist of this world can take on the enemy then surely I can safely as well. I will stick to the UA enrollment and have my eyes on Izuku and monitor his strength.

His super costume though, Is completely unnecessary. Immature comic relief in the beginning before taking on some tactical purpose. Does a stronger Hero attract stronger villains in this world?

To me it seemed like little can derail this story if Izuku or some other hero gets strong enough to defeat All for One, My understanding is he is the big bad in this world capable of stealing and using everyone else's powers, sometimes in tandem. I doubt there can be someone much stronger than that in this world.

Lowering my hand from the sky I turn around and slowly head to the orphanage. Not sure If I should mimic whatever personality the original was using.

You know what you do when you get writers block?

Detour and lose track and motivation by doing an irrelevent side project

A_Canadiancreators' thoughts