

Not all arranged marriage end up badly as we expect,What happens when your marriage is arranged to your soulmate. Follow Victoria Millan's story on how she was forced to get married to a stranger. Read to the end to know what happened to her since she hates marriage to hell

ann_finlay · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs


Julio' s P.O.V

My name is Julio and am 23 years old. Am the C.E.O of the Carsons Empire. My parents fixed my marriage to some stranger who i did not even but i could not resist since that meant my position as a C.E.O will be taken away. I agreed with the marriage just to make them happy but that does not mean am going to be part of the marriage. I don' t believe in love ever since my ex girlfriend Jenna broke my heart, that was six years ago and from that i point, i use ladies for my own pleasure and pay them since all ladies are just after money.From my own opinions i think i buried part of my heart the day Jenna left me.

That was my thought until this fateful day when i came and find Victoria in my mansion, until i saw her walking down the isle on our wedding day . I can her she was breathtaking with her full pink lips and the curves, well she had all the curves on the right place, i can say God must have spent alittle more time trying to mould her beauty. But remembering am not into having any attachments to ladies and the promise i made myself after Jenna left, i decided to give a shoulder and ignore her completely.

I showed her my rude and cold side every time she comes in my view, not that i hate her, but i hate what she makes me feel, she is bringing back the part of my heart that i buried with Jenna and i hate that. The first three months of our marriage i decided to move out because her presence was really affecting me. All i ever wanted was to be inside her but i just never wanted to get closer because the moment i got closer i was never going to control myself again.

After the three months i decided to come back, only to learn that Victoria had started her own shop selling flowers, wow what a start. When in my mind i thought i could find her idling in my apartment. That was really too first,i guess she is something i don't know. My mind kept drifting to her, i needed a distraction and that is how i ended up calling for one night stand from club Felicidad, which ended up to Victoria finding us halfway, but i did not care since she was the one making me to do this.

I continued snobbing her, but the more i ignore her the more i wanted her, she was giving me sleepless nights. Maybe i should try to be nice to her so that we become friends, but remembering the terms i gave her on the first day ,i just feel guilty for being rude to her but its too late to change anything.

I decided to hold a party in my house and invite her so that we can start on a fresh page, and maybe she can forget all and be friends with me but instead it became the opposite. She came in wearing a short dress ,looking fucking hot making me want her more. To distract my mind, i drunk heavily something that i regret doing because it led me screwing a random bitch on Victoria's bed. I was busy screwing the girl until i heard the door being pushed out and a "What" sound coming from someone. I just fucked up everything again. With that she left the room, i waited for her in a room to apologize but she never showed up. That night i could not sleep i waited but i never heard her opening her door, that meant she did sleep in her room.

The following week i gave myself a break from coming home, after that week was i over, i came back only to be told by the butler that Victoria had moved out of the mansion with her belonging. What now, i never expected she could leave the house. I thought about going to her floral shop to apologize to her about using her room but decided agnaist it since it was useless as she had already left the house.

I ended up drinking the whole night to keep myself from thinking about her, but in the morning all the thoughts came back. I really wanted her, i was falling for her, no i had already fallen for her but the problem is will she ever like me back.Maybe if i was never mean to her, things could be different right now, the whole day i was never able to concertrate fully since my mind was always thinking of how to get Victoria in my life. For her i was ready to change and be with her alone.

I don't believe in soulmates and forever but whatever attraction i had towards her made me wonder if this soulmate thing is real. To be honest i was Jenna for three years but whatever i felt for was different from from what i feel for Victoria. I had once thought that mates belong to the wolves clan since i had read something about human wolves existing somewhere around the world and having this so called soulmate and that one was only allowed to marry his or her soulmate. This made me wonder if Victoria is my soulmate, i bet she is.

Today was a busy day, i was coming from my office when i saw two of my employees exchanging flowers in the lobby. Looking in my calendar i realized it was valentine day, i remember i celebrated my last valentine with Jenna since then anything revolving around love was my no go zone. An idea popped up in my mind and i decided to sent valentine surprise to Victoria maybe that can be my start but wait i don't even know where she lives but i know where her floral shop is .

After buying the bonquet , i saw some random person walking idle in the street, paying him i gave him the flowers to drop to Victoria's shop,i made sure not to write my name just because i was not sure if she could accept it or not. The boy did as i told him .

That night i slept with a smile on my face knowing i had achieved something. The next mission was to find out her apartment address so that i can send anything like gift and some more flowers there. But that was not heard because i could just follow her after she closes her shop, and that i could do without problem and troubles, the earlier the better, so i was to find it just soon.

Waking the next day i felt my heart was at ease and i knew it was from the previous day. I had a board meeting to attend and after that i could work on finding out her apartment. Entering my office that morning everything seemed to be glowing, hope my day be a success in all my plans of the day from the meetings to the apartment finding.My meeting went smoothly and so was the rest of the day . Soon it was and i had the task of following Victoria.

Closing my office door, i headed for the elevator and quickly pressed floor zero. Reaching the ground i hurried to my car since i did not want to loose my today chance. I drove and parked my car near her shop as i could see she had some few customers to attend to, i made sure my car was in a good hideout so could not see it because by now i guess she knows all my cars. It was a quarter past five when she closed her shop, coming out she hailed a cab which took off immediately. I followed the cab till i saw it stopping infront of Sunshine apartment, she came out of the cab and entered that apartment. I just smiled for finding where she lived.

#happy reading