

The next day, Jeonghan and Seungcheol came to school together again, but with a friend, Junhwi.

"So, you're transferring here?" Jeonghan asked Junhwi, his roommate in their apartment. Junhwi nods and took a glance on Seungcheol, drinking his coke who's walking beside Jeonghan.

"Are you two, a thing?" Junhwi asked out of the blue that made Seungcheol spit out the drink in his mouth. "Gross," Junhwi commented.

"Of course we're not a thing!" Jeonghan and Seungcheol said in unison. They're thankful that no one's around at this hour.

"We're just pretending, to sue someone away," Seungcheol made it clear. Junhwi just nods and smirked a bit. Pretending might come true, Junhwi thought.

They made it to the Principal's Office, Mrs Yoo's office. She's the Principal of the school.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol waited outside. Seungcheol doesn't want to wait for Jeonghan's friend, but he needs to. He needs to be seen with Jeonghan wherever and whenever they are. He can't wait until Areum definitely vanishes away from his sight, with Jeonghan's help, he knew, it would be possible.

"Class A," Junhwi said when he walked out of the office. "Great, we're classmates." Jeonghan smiled and Junhwi did the same.

"Alright, let's go," Seungcheol said trying to hide his impatient side.

Jeonghan grabbed Seungcheol's hand thag definitely surprised the other guy. Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan with a surprised face. "What? We're heading to our room, Areum might be there already," Jeonghan said, that made Seungcheol realize that, We're pretending, right. He thought.

They entered the classroom and everyone started to gossip and whisper again, as the center of attention was Jeonghan and Seungcheol's hands, intertwined. Luckily, Junhwi went in and he catched everyone's attention.

"Grateful enough that we have Junhui with us," Jeonghan whispered to Seungcheol and both of them went in still holding hands.

Areum gritted her teeth. Yena and Nayun immediately leaned over to her, "So what's the next step, Areum?" they sound so sarcastic that made Areum even more mad. "Will just the two of you shut up?"

Areum clenched her fist looking at Jeonghan. He needs to get out of her way, right away at the right time.


Mr Nam came in with the sight of the new student, Moon Junhwi. His real name is Wen Junhui since he's from China, but his korean name is Moon Junhwi.

"Introduce yourself," Mr Nam said. Junhwi walked up and faced his new classmates, then he accidentally stop his gaze on someone. That someone's desk was filled with books and he's wearing eyeglasses. Junhwi smirked as he found him interesting. "I am Wen Junhui, Moon Junhwi is my Korean name. I am from Shenzhen, China." he smirked a bit making every girls speechless, but his eyes were fixed with the guy in eyeglasses, which happens to be Jeon Wonwoo.

"Mr Moon, please sit infront of Mr Jeon," Mr Nam guided him and to his surprise, he's sitting infront of Wonwoo.

"Looks like your friend is interested in Wonwoo," Seungcheol whispered to Jeonghan and he took a glance on Junhwi who's staring intimately at Wonwoo. He's examining him probably.

"Junhwi isn't straight," Jeonghan stated, eyes still fixed on Junhwi. He knew Junhwi is not straight as what he looks like.

"Did he hit on you?" Seungcheol asked, but Jeonghan shook his head. Even though Jeonghan knew, Junhwi never hit on him, and he's glad with that. "I'm not his type," Jeonghan added. Probably someone intimidating like Wonwoo is his type, not someone like Jeonghan.

Junhwi is kinda picky.


It's already Lunch Break, and Jeonghan decided Junhwi to tag him along with his other friends. "Wonwoo's there," Jeonghan told him, and Junhwi immediately fix his things. Jeonghan laughed at Junhwi's actions. He's probably interested in Wonwoo.

When Junhwi is done, both of them made their way out of the classroom and happens to ran with Areum and her friends. Jeonghan was about to ignore her when Areum called his name out, "Yoon. Jeong. Han."

She's copying my style. Jeonghan thought. He suddenly remembers the very first day he met Seungcheol one on one. And their first kiss suddenly shows up in his mind and he erased the thought immediately.

He turned his head on Areum who's glaring at him right now. Junhwi was confused what was happening. "Oh, so you're hitting on another guy now, huh?" Areum sarcastically said and crossed her arms. She scanned both Junhwi and Jeonghan.

"I saw how you stared at him while Seungcheol's talking to you." she continued to scan both of them. And there, Junhwi got the idea of who she is. She's the ex girlfriend.

"What a good behavior of a good boyfriend." Areum sounds so sarcastic that made Jeonghan clench his fist. He doesn't want to fight with her. He's a man, and she's still a girl. He can't just hurt her like anyone.

"What a shame. You're too handsome for this man," Areum said, talking to Junhwi as she scan him, but she's pertaining to Jeonghan.

When will she even shut her fucking mouth up? I'll punch her right in the face, I swear. Jeonghan thought. But he's trying to control his anger. It would be a bad outcome for his image, specially he's the Student Council President.

She scanned them once again, specialky Jeonghan. "Slut." the word came out on Areum's mouth when someone suddenly grabbed her wrist facing him and slapped her.

Areum was about to burst out in rage when she realized that it was Seungcheol who slapped her. "What the heck, Seungcheol?!" Areum yelled and caressed her own cheek.

Jeonghan and Junhwi were both shock with what happened. He did just slapped her infront of everyone in the hallway.

"S-Seungcheol.." Jeonghan tried to call Seungcheol's name, but all of them can see it. He's raging. He's mad.

"Never. Ever. Call. My Man. A. Slut. Again. Will you?" Seungcheol emphasized every single word, specially My Man.

"But he's hitting on with this transferee!" Areum shouted, hoping she would wake Seungcheol up. But everything was so confusing for her when Seungcheol started to laugh. "He's not hitting on Junhwi. They're friends. I know Junhwi." Seungcheol explained making Areum's jaws dropped.

Areum looked at Junhwi and he shrugged. How come they didn't tell me earlier?! Areum frustratingly thought.

"Geez. Judging a book by its cover without even knowing the whole story." Junhwi commented, and by that, Areum glared at him.

"Tch," she walked out with her friends. Yena and Nayun even took a glance on Junhwi before waving their hands on him. Junhwi smirked. Girls...

"Let's go," Jeonghan said and dragged the two away.

The three of them headed to the cafeteria, Junhwi's mood immediately lit up when he saw Wonwoo, eating politely. He sat next to him, and looks like Wonwoo didn't mind.

They're sitting in a circle. Jisoo, Seokmin were the only ones there, Jihoon and Seungkwan were nowhere to be seen, same with Hansol.

"Where's Hansol?" Seungcheol asked Mingyu and Wonwoo. Mingyu didn't respond, but Wonwoo did. "He's out with Seungkwan,"

"Eh? Since when they're hanging out together?" Jeonghan asked, but all of them shrugged. All they know is that, both of them likes each other, but they didn't know that everything will turn out this way.


"Why Jeonghan didn't even bother to call me? It's been days since we're here in Japan." Sowon said, staring at her phone. She's patiently waiting for her boyfriend to call, but days has passed, but there's no sign of Yoon Jeonghan.

Eunwoo sighed and sat beside her. He pat her head to make her feel better. "I'm sure he's gonna call you sooner or later. Maybe he's just busy." Eunwoo said, trying to make her feel better with his words. It's possible tho.

Yeah, maybe busy with someone. Sowon thought but she shrugged it off.

"Jeonghan will always find a way to call me. But now, there's no sign of him. Literally no sign of him." Sowon sighed and put her phone aside. She lay down on her bed while Eunwoo stared at her before leaving her room.

She stared at the ceiling, thinking what Jeonghan might be doing at this time. Is he thinking about her? Or is he busy with the Student Council? Or, is he busy with Seungcheol?

"He loves me. I know. . ." Sowon mumbles to herself before drifting to sleep.

She can't hide it. She can't hide the fact that even though she knew that Jeonghan's a straight guy, but there's still a high chance of him falling for the guy he would hold hands with, while she's on overseas. Feelings can be playful. Don't be fooled.

Seungcheol is someone you can't really tell if straight or nah. But all Sowon knew is, she can't stand two months away from her boyfriend, while he's doing such lovey-dovey scenes with Seungcheol in public because of their deal. Those are the things that he never did with Sowon.

He would always take her out for dinner but he's too careful with everything. Sowon wonders on how Jeonghan would perform with this deal.

"He's just too beautiful to be resisted."


Lunch break has ended and everyone gathered in their respective classes. Jeonghan patiently waited for Mr Nam to come in for the announcement regarding the camping that will be done on Friday next week.

A lot of students were chatting about random stuffs, when Mr Nam suddenly came in and everyone got back to their respective seats.

"Okay everyone, I have an announcement to make," Mr Nam started and everyone lend their ears on him. "We will be having a camping. Friday next week. So, as your homeroom teacher, I'm gonna group you into five person each tent. Tents will be provided by the school." Mr Nam continued and everyone squealed in excitement.

Mr Nam started to group them altogether.

"Lee Jihoon, Kwon Soonyoung, Lee Chan, Seo Myungho and Jooheon."

"Boo Seungkwan, Chwe Hansol, Kim Mingyu, Jeon Wonwoo, Moon Junhwi."

"And lastly. . . Choi Seungcheol, Yoon Jeonghan-" before Mr Nam could even continue, Seungcheol interrupted, "It's just us sir. That's final. Jeonghan and I will share the tent. Only us."

"O-Oh.. so it's gonna be Lee Seokmin, Hong Jisoo, Lee Areum, Kim Nayun and Jung Yena." Mr Nam continued.

"Class dismissed."

Seungcheol smirked at Jeonghan who has a shocked face, "I can't let anyone join the both of us in one tent." Seungcheol whispered before fixing his posture.
