
Mr Yhin's son

Jian laid on the couch in her living room watching a funny cartoon on a website when her father walked in with a smile on his face, a bright smile formed on her lips at the sight of him.


He sat on the couch next to her looking a bit gloomy from the whole work stress. "I'm so sorry I'm late, I got caught up at work." he explained apologetically.

"I understand." she said with a reassuring smile.

Her father works in one of the hospitals in Hangzhou, so he's always busy which makes it hard for him to be around all the time.

"Guess what." he said gaining his daughters attention.


"I've got good news and bad news." he said making Jian think of what to hear first.

"Start with the good news."

"Well, I've just got promoted at work"

Jian grinned at the good news and sat upright. "Really?" she exclaimed, "That's amazing Dad, I'm so happy for you."

"Don't get excited yet, I haven't said the bad news."

Jian noticed the worried look he had on his face, she wondered what the bad news was.

"Well....tell me what the bad news is?"

"I've got promoted to work in Yanghshou ."

"Wait a minute." she pondered on his last statement for a while and a realization quickly dawned on her. "Does that mean we're packing out?"

He nodded with a sigh. "I'm afraid so." clearly he didn't like the idea either but it's not like he had a choice.

Jian didn't want to leave, her once happy face creased into one of worries. "But I just got accepted into Yulin high school.

"I know that which is why I arranged for you to leave with a friend of mine, once you're done with your three years of schooling, you can meet me at Yanghshou."

Instead of feeling at ease, she had a sad expression written on her face. "But that means I won't get to see you."

He smiled at her. "Of course you will, I'll be coming to pay you a visit and once you're done with your studies here, you can come live with me over there in Yanghshou, even apply for a wonderful college there as well."

Jian remained quiet for a while, she didn't know what to say, she couldn't stop her father from going neither does she want to stay faraway from him.

"Promise me you'll call every ten minutes to check up on me." the minute she said it, a relieved expression could be seen on her father's face, he was glad she accepted and surprised too, he thought it'd take him weeks to convince her.

"Of course, I'll call every ten minutes."

She smiled, seeing her father this happy was all she wanted and she had no right to deprive him of that.

"You'll be leaving in two days okay?"

"So soon?!" she blurted out, she really wasn't expecting it to be so quick.

"Yes, I have to leave in three days time but before then I need to get you settled with the people you'll be leaving with."

"If I may ask, Who is this friend of yours?" she asked, her father chuckled seeing how curious his daughter was to Know about them.

"You'll know in two days time."


At the Yhin's mansion, Yhin Zhen came down the stairs and met his grandma in the living room.

"Yhin Zhen my boy." she said, he glanced her way.

"Yes grandmother?"

"Are you heading out already?"

He nodded glancing at his watch. "I have to be at a show in thirty minutes."

"Do you know your father's bringing in someone to come live with us?"

Yhin Zhen didn't seem bothered the slightest. "He can do as he pleases, it's his house anyways." he said nonchalantly and walked off.

His grandmother sighed, this boy is always stubborn with a cold tone just like his father.


Jian was still curious about who she was going to live with and couldn't stop thinking about it, she glanced at her father.

"Will they accept me in father?" she asked cautiously.

"Why wouldn't they?, he also has a son and since you've been dreaming about having a brother, maybe you two can treat each other that way."

Jian thought about it, it's true she's always wanted a brother, it's just her mom died three years after she was born so she didn't have any siblings, she was the only child of her father which made him cherish her so much.

"I'll think about it." she said and continued watching her cartoon while her father arranged her bags for her.


The day to move into her new home came quite faster than she thought.

What she didn't expect was for a car to come pick them up, she stared at the dark RV in front of her with amazement in her big brown eyes.

"They sent a car over?, who is this friend of yours Dad?" she asked while her gaze still remained on the RV.

"Come on, let's get in." he said and carefully opened the door for Jian to sit at the back while he sat at the front leaving the puzzled sixteen years old girl to herself.

The car drove out of her environment as she stared at it knowing it was a goodbye.

She kept her gaze on her phone going through weibo and watching hilarious comedy.

It was already getting dark before they got to their destination, who knew it'd be this far, Jian was already exhausted.

"Are we there yet?" she asked, her father smiled. "Sure we are."

Jian leaned over the window and gazed at the huge mansion in front of her, her eyes goggled at it in bewilderment, what tha.....?!, was this paradise?, how can a house look so enchanting.

The driver drove Into the gate and got into the front yard of the Mansion where he parked the car.

Jian was still awe struck by it as she slowly got down from the car, her brown eyes never left the building untill her father gave her a tap on her shoulder bringing her out of her dream land.

"Get your bags out." he told her, she nodded and slowly went to bring her bags down from the booth of the car, the driver also assisted her and she bowed her head thanking him in a polite manner.

An average man who should be in his late thirty's stepped out of the house, he smiled the moment he laid eyes on Mr Kin.

"So glad you could make it." he said.

Mr Kin smiled back as the two gave each other a friendly hug, a smile also crossed Jian's lips as she watched them.

"It's really been a while."

Mr Yhin shrugged it off. "Just been busy, flying in and out, it's not an easy thing to do." they chatted for a while before turning their attention to Jian who stood at a corner still admiring the beauty of the house.

"This must be your daughter." he said gaining Jian's attention, she bowed politely at him.

"Lovely meeting you sir." she said.

He smiled at her, judging from his features, you could tell he was really handsome at a young age, he carried an unfamiliar but strong aura, she wondered who he was, Like her father red her mind, he replied.

"Jian my dear, meet Mr Yhin, owner of the Yhin company." her father introduced, Jian's eye's goggled at her father like he had grown two heads, did he just say owner of the Yhin company?!,.

"The...the Yhin family?!" she asked, her father nodded with a smile.

The Yhin family are the most powerful, affluential and extremely rich family, very fond of in Hangzhou city, no one dares to challenge them especially when it comes to money, they own the biggest hotel, malls, and then the Yhin company itself.

Jian couldn't believe she's going to be living with the most powerful family in all of Hangzhou city.

"Please come in." he ushered them in, Jian followed still in a daze, her father knew the famous affluential Mr Yhin?!, why didn't he tell her about it?!

They walked into the house and Jian's mouth dropped open by the beauty of the living room.

It was sparkling white on the inside,a chandelier hung on the ceiling, the windows ran from the ceiling to the floor and transparent blue cotton's hung on them.

The couches where sky blue and some where just pure white with an end table at the corner.

A granite bar was placed at end of the room and behind it was the beautiful kitchen, Jian felt she's entered paradise.

An old lady came down the stairs as Mr Yhin still spoke calmly to Jian and her father.

"Please sit, feel comfortable." he said, Yhin Zhen's grandmother came down the stairs smiling warmly at them.

Jian bowed her head in respect. "Good evening ma'am" she said politely.

"Evening child, you're welcome to our home."

"It's an honour to be here." she said sweetly with a smile, Yhin Zhen's grandmother liked her already, she seems well behaved to her.

"Isn't that bag too heavy for you child?"

Jian shook her head immediately. "No it's not, I can handle it."

"My grandson will help you keep it safe in your room, hold on let me call him."

She glanced up the stairs. "Yhin Zhen, come downstairs the guest's are here."

Jian felt her body freeze at the mention of Yhin Zhen, why was the name suddenly familiar?, she shook it off, it possibly couldn't be him could it?!.

Yhin Zhen showed up at the stairs but it was quite dark up there making it difficult to view his face, Jian still gazed curiously at him untill he stepped out of the shadow and she felt her heart stop, it is Yhin Zhen, was he Mr Yhin's son?!, Yhin Zhen's Mr Yhin's son, she really wanted to pinch herself to make sure it wasn't true but she couldn't and had to bear it, oh no!, is he going to report about what she said to him at the hotel?!.


Then add to library my lovely readers

Sky_Licreators' thoughts