

Ryan a young man who is stranded to another world and embarks on an adventure and a true ruler

In_Fajar · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs



The monster boomed its voice raging

"That raccoon monster is like being controlled by someone... Ryan said

"Looks like he didn't act alone... said Zenor

Here comes the Lizardman Kingdom's Special Forces. They can fly and have their wings going very fast towards that raccoon creature

"Unit 1 Unit 2 You guys spread distractions and stay away from the fortress unit 3 focus on attacking .... said the head of the special forces

looks like they lure the raccoon out of the fort the raccoon is constantly being attacked by special forces

"Looks like we can take control of the Kreyu commander's situation...said one of the members

"Don't be careless and make sure to knock out the monster... Kreyu said

"All units this time Insects use Lightning Release...Kreyu said

"Ready commander...said all members

"1 2 3 attack.. the commander Kreyu said

"Zzssssttt…the lightning strike that was aimed at the monster was successful

but there is one problem when the monster emits sharp ground above its body as if it is counteracting the lightning

"If that monster can ward off its attacks, someone must be controlling it... Ryan said

"Right, that monster seems to have an energy stored in its body... Zenor said

"I've fought a similar monster and it's true that there is an Energy ball in it if I'm not mistaken it's called 'Aero'... Ryan said

"(Zenor was shocked, how did he know about Aero) What kind of Aero is that... Zenor said pretending to be stupi"I don't know, I also don't understand a bit but the name is Aero in the information. By the way, I also gave information to a professor, Lo haha, just by mentioning Aero, I already got a lot of gold coins haha ​​I'm lucky .... Ryan said

"Haa professor??...Zenor said a little scared

"(Damn I had to send some Agents to stop that professor) zenor in heart

"Oh continue watching the monsters... Ryan said

"Well let's just enjoy this... Zenor said

The monster then Evolved and turned into Earth as a protective armor for its body so that all the special forces' attacks would not work, nor would they use lightning elemental magic.

"The commander's body is very hard, it's like us sticking our spears into the ground but he keeps on regenerating ... said one of the members

"This monster is so troublesome... Kreyu said

Until Ryze came using Burnknackle Vibranium and using Range

"Steel Fist....Bruaaaghh....Ryze said while hitting the monster with all his might

"Whaaa... said Kreyu and his members

"Grraaaaa....said the monster

It seems that a strong physical attack using Rage Successfully pierced through Armor and His body was slightly injured

"I don't know who the young Lizardman is but his attack was very successful let's do it it seems If using Rage it will work Come on everyone Use Rage to defeat that Monster... Kreyu said

"Come on everyone....all members say

Everyone is charging

"Aaaaaaaaaa....iiiiron Fisttt


Seems to work but only Cracked the Ground Armor

"See Ryze's potential is even greater than that of the special forces... Ryan said

"Wow you are right like a different person even though 2 days ago he was like a loser but now he is strong ... Zenor said

"Maybe in the future I'll be overwhelmed against it... Ryan said

"Haha you try now for sure you will lose no need to wait for the future... Zenor said

"Or is it you instead Zenor you... Ryan said

"Good, everyone do it again. Crack the vulnerable part... Kreyu said

"Young lizardman do you want to cooperate with us We will help you penetrate the creature's body we will Crack its Armor and Pierce its armor You are stronger than us can you do that one more time... Kreyu said

"Okay uncle I'll do it one more time but my attack this time may be the last time because my mana is running out... Ryze said

"Okay just say that you have collected your charge energy.... Kreyu said

"Okay I'll start charging it takes 30 Seconds to collect my energy into the Rage.... Ryze said

"You heard that the cracks of all the monster armor you charge first.... kyeru said

They also attacked together "Iron Fist"

But the monster let out Earthy Thorns towards them

"Damn why when we wanted to get closer didn't we come back...said the members

"Euiuit abort the attack.... Kyeru said

"Crap crap crap. Thorns the size of a ruler stuck into the bodies of the members

"Eeei back off everyone cancel it.... Kyeru said

"Damn it can't be delayed I will attack alone... hwaaaaaaaa.... Kyeru said while charging

"Steel Fist" Cruaagg Kyeru was speeding fast enough towards the Monster

Bruaaagh, that Monster land armor broke

"Haaaah it seems I managed to pave the way. Now young Lizardman it's your turn... Kyeru said

"Yoosshh....Zinggg Steel Fist

Ryze rushed at the monster and the monster was about to attack with his thorns but Ryze was too fast for the monster's thorns to hit him


"I managed to pierce through his body… Ryze said weakly and fell to the ground

"Hahah good young Lizardman... Kyeru said

"Yeayy we won...said the surviving member

"Wow that's really great Ryze ... said Ryan

"Hmmm it's great that the young lizardman can penetrate the creature's body (in Zenor's heart but it seems that's not enough The creature actually has a high enough regeneration that's why he is called "Warmog")... said Zenor

After 2 Minutes the creature fell, the hole in the body seemed to recover

"Warmog then let out his roar again....

"Is that thing still alive...all the members and Kyeru said

"hey Zenor what kind of monster do you think he is" Ryan

"I dunno I don't know either but maybe later we'll find out" Zenor

" if you just stay still my body gets hot Lo I want to fight seriously " Ryan

"I warned you we don't have to interfere so that the Lizardman kingdom itself will handle it if they can't then we have to do it ourselves" Zenor