
Apply to Status

I was just wandering around as usual on the school courtyard with my friends, Sun and Saya, when a fire broke out in the school, and surrounded us, trapping us into the small courtyard, filled with an abundance of plants. Little did I know this one incident would lead to a world of wonders and magic.

Story_Harnesser · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Alom and Evolos

I think I passed out. I'm not really too sure because if so I'm in a lucid dream, and I don't know what kind of dreamis a completely white landscape with a black figure passing by is. I didn't know what was going on, so I tried calling out to the firgure, but it had no luck, it didn't hear me.

I sat down, and tried to leave this dream world of sorts. I couldn't. I just lied down, I didn't know what else to use this space for so there was no point in trying to do anything. I decided to start thinking about new elements to pass the time. If I managed to create one I would go in history right? I definately want to go down in history because that sounds really cool.

I would doubt a scientifically lacking world would have a theory of evolution of genetics so I decided to focus on those for my subject of elements. I ran through the simulations of Mendel, Hugo De Vries, Darwin, and many other scientists far less notable. With my intelligence stat, I could basically remember everything that occured in the time that I've been alive, including the useless science papers I read for fun when I ran out of manga to read, so this was pretty easy to simulate in my mind.

I wasn't too sure if I had created an element, but I felt like something changed in my mana. Like something new and different had just appeared, but also changed the quality of it, sort of like my refinement which just randomly went up.

I wanted to check my status, but I was stopped since the figure had finally approached me.

"Who are you?"

"Me, I'm Alom the God of Reincarnation, I brought you to this place to be reborn."

"Did I die again?"

"No, but you have exceeded the limits of your current body. That is the reason I brought you here in this place of frozen time. No matter how long you took, as long as you made an element you would survive."

"So I completed the first condition of upgrading my body?"

"Correct, the next step is obtaining divinity."

"How do I do that?"

"You need to obtain the divine element. To do this combine the elements of 4 Superior Gods, Gold, Origin, Equilibrium, Exillary, Dimension, Dragon, Exillary, Silver, and your own unique element."

"I think I have everything but silver and the elements of 4 Superior Gods, how do I get them?"

"You only need Silver, for you already have the Dragon, Freedom, Caring, True Light, and Reincarnation elements. I granted you my element when you entered this space and the others are your patrons so you naturally obtained them aswell, though of course not until you visited their statues earlier. To get Silver, you must obtain the Flight, Shine, Blessing, Pride, and Valor elements. You already have two of them so just sit in this space to contemplate the other three. I will wait for you."

Alom left again and I was left in the space to figure out those three elements. I thought of pride as the feeling of being above others like a ruler and being proud of your position to never give it up, while having no sense of doubt that I was the best that could be since if that wasn't prideful then what was. I thought that was enough so I moved on.

Valor was like the feeling of victory in battle, so I thought of the times I placed first in my past life, and how I destroyed the Dragon Royalty, and how I killed them with no effort and how they never even saw my face or who ended their pitiful lives. I decided that was enough for valor, but now it would come to the hardest one to think of, Shine.

I thought mainly of Lustor and rocks and how they reflected light and stand out. Then I thought of stars and famous people and how they shone to the public and on camera, and just their aura in general.

Then I felt soemthing change. All the mana in my body switched into something new and different. To be honest it didn't even feel like mana any more. Instead of a course rough mana, this was as smooth as silk and I could feel it travelling inside of me much clearer than when I tried to do the same with mana. I checked my status before Alom could come closer and tell me what to do next.

Name: Sora

God Name: Evolos

Species: Inferior God

Level: 1

Class: God of Evolution and Change

Age: 1

Titles: [Reincarnator] [Messenger of Freed] [Creative] [Prodigy] [Ruler] [Loyal] [One Who Endures] [Loving Parent] [Diplomatic] [Breaking the Odds] [Brave] [Caring] [Brutal] [First Evolved God of ?!@$#!@$]

God Skills: {Apply to Status} {Kings Roar} {Caring Embrace} {Essence Dragon Form} {True Light Sword Technique 1} {Divine Essence 57} {Evolve} {Mutate} {Grow} {Gene Analysis}

Unique Skills: [Remove] [Perfect Steal] [Complete Analysis] [Obscure Combat Max] [Earth Portal] [Breath] [Soul Harvest] [Domain] [Soul Raise] [Dragon Scale]

Skills: (Parallel thinking) (Enhanced Brain Processing) (Tailoring Max) (Item Box Max) (Disguise Max) (Synthesis 2) (Enslave 5) (Public Speaking Max) (Creation Max) (Enchantment Max) (Transfer 5) (Cooking Max) (Household Chores Max) (Swordsmanship Max) (Transformation Magic Max)

Health: 2,334,780

Essence: Infinite

Strength: 13,967,478

Defense: 2,020,000,000

Evasion: 4,030

Intelligence: 230,030

Wisdom: 268,530

Endurance: 1,340

Charisma: 370

Luck: Infinite

Bravery: 10

Stat Points: 10,000,000,000

Elements (Abbreviated): {Divinity of Evolution ^New Element (Origin + Dragon + Equilibrium + Dimesion + Caring + True Light + Freedom + Reincarnation + Exillary + Gold + Silver (Pride + Shine + Blessing + Valor + Flight) + Evolution ^New Element (Mutation ^New Element +Growth ^New Element +Genetics ^New Element)} {Pressure} {Scale} {Shadow}

Status: Healthy, Gem Eye of Earth

Alom came over. I wasn't too sure what to do, I checked my status but it said I was a God, but that couldn't be right, after all I had only just been reincarnated 4 days ago so there was no way I had accomplished something that should've taken several millions of years, I mean even the First Sage had been trying to evolve for like several tens of millions of years.

"Evolos, congratulations on your success of rebuilding your body, but you are still not finished with your transformation. The next step is to select your holy beast and your holy weapon for your eventual beleivers to use as symbols for you."

"I wont ponder over this much so I'll just go with things I feel are assosiated with evolution, so for the beast I will select a slime and the weapon an orb. I chose these since a slime has endless evolutions through what they eat, and an orb can be used in many shapes and sizes and also be imbued in other weapons making it one of the most versetile and one that can change the most."

"I see, so with this you will be a Minor God in @#%!%&^#. But before you go back to your friends first listen to my story of this world. Long ago an original creator was brought into existance. Drifting in emptiness he decided to create something to keep him company. Not knowing the scale of his power, he ended up creating a giant tree, we now know that tree to be the world tree. In this tree he flew over to the very bottom, and made a friend for himself,the first God. That God alonside the creator went on and made many more Gods and the Gods went to make mortals. Over countless years, a God made by the Creator went to the highest branch on the tree, and made this universe. This universe is ruled by that God, and the hub world we stay on is the link this universe has to the World tree, the only world of magic in this universe. That God despised this world, and drove it into ruin, not allowing any mortal to become intelligent enough to use magic and killing them all before they could learn to form civilizations. This tryranny was not accepted by the Gods he made, and we sent saviors to the world to save the people being tormented. The God put all his power into stopping us but was sealed away. Now this universe is losing power and needs a new being to be at it's head to keep mana in this world and keep it linked to the world tree so that it doesn't suffer the same fate as the drifting planet Earth that has lost all connection to the world tree with the death of it's head God. And that's where you come in, you will solve this issue within the next decade or this universe will lose it's power and every being with mana in their genes will die. With you now being a Minor God you should continue to evolve until you are powerful enough to create a solution. From then on you can travel between branches on the World tree, and explore the vast multiverse like the rest of us Gods dream to do. Oh but be sure to take us with you when you do go, the dangers in other branches are uncharted for us so it will be dangerous to go alone."

"What about my family in this world would I have to leave them behind, like Yuuki, Sun, and Saya?"

"Not necessarily, Evolos think carefully on your situation and your power then come to a conclusion on what to do."

And I was sent out of the space frozen in time, and there I was, still sitting next to the statue of Alom Yuuki in hand, as if no time had passed at all. But now I had a mission in this branch of the world tree, and less than a decade to do it.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was pretty short but I think it adds to the plot so I think it was worth it to keep it short, but the story will stay more or less the same besides the fact it now has a purpose.

Story_Harnessercreators' thoughts