
Apple of my eyes

a girl who had lost her family goes in search for them... she meets many different people... learn about life... learns how to survive.... finds a way to enjoy life even with all the hardship she faces....

kida_bhoo9421 · Thanh xuân
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24 Chs

An encounter

She was new there.....

Everything around her was different

Everyone was busy with their own work.... in that busy airport.... she was considered invisible

She was scared... and had no idea about what she was going to do next...

She started second guessing my decisions....

It was really frantic out there

That was her first time so far from her home.... ohh not her home !! the dungeon she was kept in?? Well she can't say that.... how about the place she grew up.... ya that is more reasonable...

The details about my home and the reason for her to come here.... i will tell u guys later

She was looking all over the airport... and she was kind of lost....

She saw something approaching her.... it was a handsome figure.... she started running her gaze on him from his feet...

He wore a simple shoe and a blue pant... folded on the bottom to hide the torn bits.... she understood he was a guy from middle class...

She moved my gaze up.... it was a simple shirt and i said BELIEVE IN LOVE..... she felt good but the reason for it?? Who knows...

She moved up a little further. His hair was fully done.... he must be a working man.... his forehead was quite small with little wrinkles.... looks like he worries quite a bit.... his eyes... they were brown in colour, gleaming with excitement and happiness.

He came near her.... she didn't known if it was beacuse she was lost or if it was because she was new there.... she felt happy someone noticed her...

He asked her "are u lost?? Do you want me to help you... is this your first time here?? Are you with your parents?? Or friends??"

She understood he was a talkative man... she wanted to answer him.. even of her heart wanted to answer.. her brain was waiting for him to realise they were new to each other and he has to introduce himself first before asking any of these questions....

And he too understood it..

He said "sorry i forgot to introduce myself...i am jack... jack Robertson. And you are??"

"i am lucy.. lucy petr.." and she decided not to say her second name for some reason....

"U can call me lucy"

"Ok lucy" he replied "so are u new here.... u seem a little lost"

"Yes mr.jack i am new here"

"Are you here for your realtives or something??"he asked

"No sir i am here for some work reasons" i said

"You seem a bit too young to be working don't you??" He continued

She did not want to answer that question of his so she managed to give a small smile and slide off...

"So did you book any hotel or have you rented any house to say here??" He questioned

With and embarrassed face she answered "no... i have to search for it now only"

"What!! How can a girl come to a place with no place to stay or no knowledge??" He exclaimed

She was unable to answer his question....

"Ouch...ouch...ouch" he screamed in pain

The scene she saw by then confused me...but it was kind of sweet..... there was love between them.... a brother and sisterly love.

She was a beautiful young woman... she was small and cute... but her temper was noting compared to her size... she was hitting him with one hand and boxing his ears with another hand...

He was screaming in pain but she didn't dare to get in between them and stop it.... they seemed like they were related to each other...

He was shouting "ok nala let me go... it hurts... come on is this how you great me??.... it hurts.... let me go..." whilst she was scolding him... "what are you doing here speaking to some one else while i was waiting for you in the baggage counter like a fool.... uhh?? I should talk to aunt about your behaviour... how can you do this to me... i felt like a fool waiting there for you..."

It felt like she was invisible for a while... after all the chaos settled down..... the little girl let him go and he stopped screaming....

All this commotion did not let her see that red chilli fully.... she too a peek after all the things had settled down... and to her surprise it was the girl she helped in the plane... she was being troubled by a passenger next to her... and lucy sort of lied to him as both of them were together and if he continues it anymore they were going to call the police.... actually that man seriously pissed her off... she was surprised how people could be so bad minded....actually to think of that... it was the first impression of this country for her.... she felt bad for her family..... well back to reality..

The time she realised that she was the same girl as on the plane... she too saw her and remembered everything....

"Wow lucy.... what are you doing talking to my brother??" She asked... "nala...this is your brother?? Mr.jack are you nala's brother??" Lucy was shocked... she started questioning if it was her destiny to meet them... "how do you guys know each other??" Jack was confused too... "we met in the plane...actually she saved me from a stranger who tried to misbehave with me" she answerd.... "woww that was so good of you thank you so much lucy..." he said... "actually i really did not know what to do by then... thank God she was there and came to save me" she sighed in relief... "this was why you should not always be inside home...u have to try to go out and try face this world by yourself.... what if she was not on the plane today?? What would you have done??" He complained.

She realised by then that he was a sweet guy and he really cared about her.... he was warm.... he was kind and he was sensible.... she felt like she met a good soul in this evil tainted world...

"Is it ok for you to come to my house? And stay there untill you find a place to stay ??" He asked

She knew it was out of courtesy and it felt like he had no evil intention but she wanted to save herself respect so she rejected him politely.... but nala was not ready to let her go "atleast please let me pay you back....afterall you saved me in the plane and i owe you a big time... how about i give you place to stay until you find a new kne for you??" She asked with her puppy eyes

This time she was not able to reject it... so she accepted to stay with them for a while.... and now she has to hurry and find a new place to stay so that she can move out and start working for the reason she came here....

All three of them took a taxi to go to his home.... the scenery from the taxi was marvelous... it was a beautiful city.... and they lived in the country side... all the green and yellow trees.... crystal clear water.... small ponds all over... beautifully constructed buildings perfectly enough for a small family to live in.... there were poultry running here and there.... kids playing... people working.... it was a peaceful place... it can soothe any heart that is in war with the rest of the world... just like lucy's..... it was like medicine to the hurt soul... it was like a melodious music to the ears... she couldn't help but love that place... her heart wanted her to stay there for ever... it was the place for a prefect paradise....

After a while they reached their home.... it was beautiful country side house... the house perfectly stood on a high ground.... it was encircled by a beautiful garden... there was a woman waiting at the door whose eyes lit up when the saw the cab come towards her house... she stood up and came forward to receive her guest with a warm but charming smile on her face....

"Well... well if it isn't my sweetheart nala" she said hugging nala... lucy came out of the car and stood on a corner while she started kissing her all over.." it has been really long since we met nala... how are you?? You sure have grown a lot sweetie" . "Yes mom what do u think will happen if a human being keeps eating then sleeping then eating and then sleeping again??" Said jack mocking nala.

"Aunty.... look at him.. he has been making fun of me from the start... teach him a lesson for me will you!!"

"Jack is this how you talk to your sister... and more over nala is noting like what you just said... she is a very good girl who takes care of her grandmother" she said supporting nala

"Is that why they sent her here... because she takes good care of her grandmother.... why is she not there helping them now??"

"I too deserve a break.. don't you think aunty??"

"Yaa!! a break after 1 week of care taking"

"Shut up!!" Nala was clearly pissed off by him

But it was cute seeing them fight like little childern.

"Oh i totally forgot to introduce her to you.. aunty this is lucy.... she is a friend of mine.... i met her on the plane"

"Hi dear.." she said with a small smile on her face

"Hi mam..." lucy bowed a little.

"Aunty she also helped me to avoid a stranger who was trying to misbehave "

"Oh my God.... thank you so much lucy.... are you alright nala?? How did that happen??"

"There was a man who sat near me.... at first i smiled at him as a gesture of greeting... but later he started to take advantage of me... i said no but he did not stop... i was really terrified at that time... but then lucy came and she said she was my elder sister and he can talk to her about all his wants.... it was really heroic.... then that man left the seat and lucy came and sat near me" she explained the whole situation....

"That was so nice of you lucy... if not for you...who knows how she would have reacted to that situation" Mrs.Robertson sighed in relief

"Yes all she knows is to eat untill she is going to burst" He started to mock her again

"Mom is it ok if we let lucy stay here for a while... she is new to this place and she doesn't have a any place to stay.." he said

"Sure dear... you can stay here all you want... the more the merrier... oh God i have made all of you stand out for all this time... come on in... jack atleast you should have invited them in!!"

"I too totally forgot mom"

All of them went in.. Mrs.Robertson showed lucy her room

"This is it dear... make yourself at home"

This might have been a simple sentence for her... but it pushed lucy to tears... because she never had a place to call it her home to start with....her heart already started to convince her brain to stay here... but she has to start working for her goal... i should not let her mind waver at any point....

She got ready and went down... all of them were chatting happily... she really felt home...even if it was a new kind of feeling she already got used to that kind of feeling around them....

All of us sat down together for lunch... the food was mouth watering..... she had a great skill for cookery.... nala ate like a small elephant....and that was when lucy understood jack's mockery but the one thing luy did not understand was... how she managed to stay so small from eating so much....she was so tiny for the size of food she ate.. well people are really different..

All of them had a hearty meal and Mrs.Robertson was doing the dishes when she entered into the kitchen.... she was humming a song.... and it was quite different form those professional songs... but it was good

She went in..."mam can i help you with something??"

"Ohh i can do it on my own sweetie.... u can go get some rest"

"I already had enough rest mam... i actually want some work to do!!"

"Ok then... don't blame me for wearing you out" said laughing

"Sure mam.." she wanted to help her as much as things possible as she was staying in their house and ate their food... she has to repay them and this is the only way she can think of right now..

We completed washing the dishes... lucy gave her some of the tips that she knows about organising things... at first she thought if she said those things she might think lucy was nosey... but she even asked for more such tips... that quality of her's amazed me..... she was willing to get advice even from a younger one...

All these people lucy met here are very different.... they are breaking her expectations for a human.... she doesn't understand it because... the people around her in her home town were nothing like this.... they were the pole opposite to these people... she started learning new things.... she started to change my opinion about this world.... she started constructing the new lucy!!