
Apocalypse: Going All-Out To Survive

Doomsday suddenly arrived with no warning, plunging the world into chaos. People panicked, and the order collapsed. Zombies, ferocious beasts, unknown monsters, and other unimaginable horrors began to emerge in the wake of the chaos. Shawn, our protagonist, only wants to survive in this hellhole. This desire of his, however, might be the most difficult thing to accomplish. Simple survival depends on the strength of one's fist. In the chaos that followed the world's collapse, Shawn found himself scrambling for every opportunity to survive. Every day was a battle against the horrors that lurked in the shadows. And death became the main theme in this apocalypse. But perhaps even more terrifying were the other survivors. Desperation had turned them into ruthless predators, willing to do whatever it took to ensure their own survival. Shawn had seen things that made his blood run cold, things that made him question the very nature of humanity. And so, armed with nothing but his wits and his determination, Shawn pressed on. Each day brought new challenges, new horrors to face. But he refused to be beaten. Because in this hellhole of a world, survival wasn't just a choice – it was the only option. =============== Author's Note I aim for this novel to focus more on survival and I will do my best to stay on this goal of mine. This is my first novel, and forgive me if I ever commit mistakes. The setting of this story will be different, since I didn't know much in detail regarding geography. I might just commit blunders if I were to do that. I'll still be using the same name of the planet, though. Regarding the updates, as a college student, it might be irregular and changing. However, it's vacation now, so I have some free time for a few months, I guess. That's all, happy reading!

NotAZombie · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: New Discoveries

He took out the ancient-looking scroll, keen to understand its uses.

[Arcane Knowledge: Fire Manipulation]

[Rank: None]

[Effect: Grants the user the ability to manipulate fire.]

[Note: It requires intense study and practice to master.]

"Control over fire, huh. The wonder of the new world is finally revealing itself. The undercurrents occurring might be much bigger than what I think," Shawn mused, carefully tucking the scroll into his pack. He knew it would take time and effort to unlock its secrets, but the potential benefits were immense.

Moving on to the next item, he discovered a small, intricately carved ring. It seemed to hum with a gentle, soothing energy.

The ring seems to be crafted from a lustrous silver metal, it glimmers faintly even in low light. At the center of the ring is an inset gemstone, a clear, brilliant sapphire that seems to capture and magnify light.

[Ring of Clarity]

[Spirit +20]

[Comprehension +10]

[Rank - Rare]

[Quality - Perfect]

[Effect: Calms the mind and spirit, increasing focus and reducing the effects of fatigue.]

[Skill: Mental Fortress - Reduces damage dealt by mental attacks by 20%.]

"A fu*king Rare item that has a skill on it! "

Greatly surprised, Shawn can't help but curse, still not believing in his luck.

Just like how Rare items have their own effects, items with a skill on them are typically Heroic rank items.

This ring, however, is just a Rare item, albeit of Perfect quality, which is utterly justified for this miracle. The chances of this happening can be said to be one in a million.

"Furthermore, the ability embedded in it can even lessen the harm caused by mental attacks. Not to mention its rare attributes, which include increasing Comprehension and Spirit. This ring is just amazing. "

Shawn can't suppress his grin, feeling joyful for his acquisition of this valuable ring.

Even items with an Excellent Heroic rank, in his opinion, might not be as valuable as this.

With this kind of surprise, Shawn can't help but expect that the last item will at least be at the same level of worth as this ring.

Taking out the last item, he observed that it was an old and worn-out book. But it is still mostly intact.

He curiously examined it closely, the title "Origin Source Encyclopedia" was etched on the leather cover of the book.

[Origin Source Encyclopedia]

[Rank: None]

The encyclopedia did not possess any rank, just like Arcane Knowledge: Fire Manipulation. It seemed ordinary at first glance, but as he opened it, the content of the encyclopedia surprised him.

As he flipped through the book, he quickly realized that this book was full of information about the changes that occurred when the Origin Source arrived in this world. The contents were meticulously arranged and recorded, and they covered a variety of topics.

Wanting to satiate his curiosity, Shawn wasn't able to suppress his urge to read this encyclopedia. The first information he looks for is the reason for this Origin Source's arrival and its goal for entering this world.

Coincidentally, this information is also in the first page of the book.

"It is said that the Origin Source is already as old as the universe itself, born at the same moment as the universe. Over the eons, the Origin Source spread throughout the universe, seeding planets with its potent energy. The Origin Source not only initiates (origin) but also continuously supplies (source) the origin energy necessary for ongoing evolution and development. Its purpose is purely evolutionary, aiming to foster growth and advancement in civilizations across the universe."

"So this Origin Source has no malicious intent at all? Then I guess there's also no mastermind scheming to obtain the world or something," he thought.

His suspicion came from the different light novels that he read and some movies that he watched. It fills his head with thoughts about alien invasion.

"Cough, cough"

He abandons his suspicions and just continues reading.

"After its arrival, the planet itself and its inhabitants will be set on the path to evolution. Their initial potential will be enhanced, which will cause the rapid evolution and development of the planet. The arrival of Origin Source also leads to the creation of dungeons, secret realms, and other phenomena. People who can discover this kind of hidden realm can acquire different items and treasure that will allow them to walk on the path of evolution further. As the planet continues to evolve, the amount of origin energy inside it will also increase."

After reading to this point, Shawn's eyes and mouth went wide simultaneously, as if he had just read something unbelievable.

"The planet itself is evolving!? "

He read it again, afraid that he overlooked or misread some information. Even after finding out that there's nothing that's wrong, Shawn still finds it hard to believe.

And as he continues reading, the expression in his face is gradually becoming solemn and grim.

"With the increase in the amount of origin energy, the planet is also slowly expanding itself in order to accommodate the changes happening. This expansion may result in an increase in gravity, the emergence of new weather phenomena, etc. Unfortunately, those who can't adapt to the influx of origin energy will suffer undesirable outcomes. The most gruesome might be their transformation into zombies."

"On the other hand, those who can withstand the influx will experience remarkable changes. Survivors will have enhanced physical and mental abilities. Origin energy has the potential to awaken latent talents in some individuals. These talents manifest as unique powers or abilities that vary widely among people. "

It took Shawn about ten minutes to finish reading this book. It took quite a while to digest the information he had just discovered.

He remains silent as he gathers his gear and spoils, planning on going home and taking a break for the rest of the day. He also needa to collect something he actually overlooked earlier.

Shawn takes a last look in the cavern, thinking that the gains in his first life and death are enormous and enough to give him a large advantage compared to other people.


The night was quiet as Shawn trudged on his path on the way home. The massacre he caused earlier reduced the number of mutant beasts in this small forest greatly.

The contents of the Origin Source Encyclopedia still weigh heavily on his mind, constantly occupying his thoughts. He was planning his next course of action, pondering where to go next.

His brooding, however, was suddenly broken by the voices of a group of people talking and praising someone.

The distance between them is actually not that close, it's just that his hearing has improved many times.

"Boss Craig is really wise! Who would've thought that this group of dead monsters would have something valuable in them?" said a young man with a mohawk hairstyle.

"Indeed, indeed, Boss Craig is the most handsome and the wisest of them all. It's only a matter of time for him to rise amidst this chaos," replied a wretched-looking man in his 30s, flattering Boss Craig and kissing his ass.

"Yeah, yeah. Although we still don't know the uses of these crystals, their value will definitely be great," followed by a man wearing a jacket.

As they continued battering up to the man called Boss Craig, he just laughed and proudly proclaimed, "You three should just continue following me in the future. With my intelligence and strength, I will definitely be able to kill those zombie bastards!"

The man then continued his laughter.

This group of four people actually came from the village near the one Shawn is residing in. Comparing the two villages, the one they came from is larger and more populated. Their population is more than a thousand.

So when the Origin Source arrives, there are more people who can't withstand the origin energy and collapse, transforming into zombies.

In fact, the number of people who can't withstand this is very small. Not even reaching 1% of the world's population.

The reason for the great number of zombies is because they didn't expect that they would transform at all. Hence, causing the people to be caught off guard, infecting numerous people, and resulting in an increasing number of zombies.

Just like those people, these four people were terrified by the zombies and just fled from their village. They didn't even intend to fight back and were focused on fleeing to this isolated village.

"We shall depend on you in the future, Boss Craig. Our lives are in your hands. You will definitely be a powerful figure in the future." Words of exaggeration come out of the wretched-looking man.

The two people accompanying him, though, nod their heads and agree with his words. These three seem very devoted to following this Boss Craig.

Totally buying their words, Boss Craig looks delighted and pleased. He repeatedly nodded his head and then ordered them around.

"Move faster, you idiots. It's already dark, and we are still not finished harvesting the crystals from these dead monsters. I want to rest now and lay on a bead."

"But Boss, where will we stay for the rest of the night? Do you have a house here in this village?"

The mohawk-haired young man asked, confused about where they'd be spending the night.

"You fu*king idiot. We will just find a house and force our way in. If they know what's right for them, then that's good. But if they don't, then we will just..." Boss Craig made a throat-slicing gesture with his thumb, his intentions can be clearly seen.

"Y-you mean kill them?! But won't we go to jail for that?" the young man's voice trembled, not wanting to go to jail.

"With all this sh*t going on, the police wouldn't know that we're the ones who killed them. If something really happens, then we'll just say that the zombies killed them," Boss Craig casually said, as if murder was something he had already done.

"Besides, if we pick a house with beauty inside, then we'll be able to have some fun tonight," he continued, the eyes of the other three lighting up at this mention.

"We will do that then, Boss Craig."

"Hmm, that's good. That's good."

"Yes, yes, let me be the next one after you have your fun," the wretched-looking man said.

After giving their consent, they were about to harvest the crystals when suddenly, the man wearing a jacket noticed someone approaching.

It's a young man wearing a blue-green vest, holding a scabbard in his hand while walking slowly in their direction.

His imposing might can be felt as he continues his pace, forcing this group of lowlifes to back away a few steps.

Boss Craig was about to say something when the young man said something.

"It's just the first day of the apocalypse, and you people are already talking about murder and rape."

With a short pause, he then said something that terrified them.

"You all deserve death!"