
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

DaoistS6gi2f · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter Four: Mission

Carter Hayes, who was left devoid of confidence after a strike from the Aeon System, stormed out of the consciousness room in frustration.

Upon regaining his senses, the room remained shrouded in darkness, devoid of any sound.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless one, as Carter curled up in a corner and drifted into a deep slumber.

Nighttime always seemed to pass swiftly; when the first rays of sunlight crept through the window and illuminated Carter's face, he awoke.

"Is it dawn already?" Carter surveyed the cluttered room. Apart from the multitude of meteorite fragments littering the windowsill, everything, including the sofa, had been charred.

Surveying the desolation around him, Carter marveled at his survival in such conditions the day before.

The sun remained the same, but the world had changed.

Perhaps it was exceptionally early, as Carter failed to hear any sounds emanating from the street outside. Even the usual hum of car engines was absent.

In such an atmosphere, the silence seemed particularly eerie.

However, Carter knew that if it weren't for the unexpected blow from the Aeon System, even if he were alive today, he might not have realized that the entire world had transformed.

Perhaps it was true, as Aeon had said, stepping outside would transform one into a "zombie."


"Please, host, select today's tasks." Just as Carter contemplated heading to the window to assess the situation outside, the voice of the Aeon System echoed in his mind.


"Are there still tasks to complete?" Carter glanced around the room. Finding nothing that could pose a threat, he delved into the interior of the Aeon System.


"Yes, today marks the first day of Earth's doomsday, and the host must complete three tasks." Upon entering the Aeon System, Carter was met with a virtual projection before him.


"Will completing system tasks aid in my level advancement?" Carter queried, finding the appearance of the virtual projection unsurprising.


"Yes, upon the completion of three tasks today, the host will receive a very generous gift package," the Aeon System confirmed without hesitation.


"What are the tasks?" Carter's excitement grew. Although unaware of the contents of the "gift package" mentioned by the Aeon System, Carter believed it wouldn't disappoint him based on the system's words.

If a heavy machine gun were delivered to him at this moment, it would indeed be a stroke of luck.


"Host, please select the tasks yourself." Once the voice of the Aeon System ceased, several lines of text appeared on the screen.

"Eliminate three Level-1 zombies."

"Procure enough food for three days or more."

"Leave this room and select a safe area."


Each line represented a task. Examining these seemingly straightforward yet challenging tasks for Carter at present, he had no choice but to make a decision.

Having weighed the pros and cons from the list provided by the system, Carter swiftly made his selection. He chose the three tasks that would be most advantageous to him presently.

"Just the first three tasks," Carter confirmed.


"The host has made a selection. Upon completing the tasks, the system's gift package will be delivered to the host in the evening," the Aeon System confirmed Carter's decision.


"The zombies' weak point is their heads." Carter didn't immediately depart the room to complete the tasks; instead, he settled into a corner, reviewing the memories transmitted to him by the Aeon System.

After humans were infected with the virus and became zombies, not only did their strength increase, but their bodies, skin, and other aspects also underwent changes. Although they still bled, they wouldn't feel pain even if their limbs were severed. To dispatch a zombie completely, the most direct method was to decapitate them.

Having learned of the zombies' most vulnerable spot, Carter closed his eyes in anguish.

Although aware that failing to eliminate those zombies now would result in his infection or even dismemberment by them, he still doubted his ability to go and sever their heads.

"Never mind, let's give it our all," Carter gritted his teeth, rising from the ground, readying himself to depart.

"Where are the weapons?" Carter hastily gathered some items into his backpack, mostly food and water. Upon realizing he had no weapons before leaving, he searched his kitchen.

"A watermelon knife? A kitchen knife?" Carter found two somewhat rusty knives in his kitchen. With no other options available, he had to make do with them.

With a kitchen knife in his left hand and a watermelon knife in his right, Carter stepped out of the house.

The stairwell was quiet, with only the sound of Carter's breathing, as if time had frozen.

Carter concentrated all his attention, his breathing slowing.

Bending slightly, attempting to make as little noise as possible, although the zombies' vision had diminished due to the virus, their hearing and sense of smell had become more acute. Carter's greatest fear was making noise; one careless move, and a zombie could rush out from the side.

Fortunately, Carter didn't encounter a single zombie from the third to the first street. This was the situation he hoped for the most. Those tenants were all people Carter was familiar with on ordinary days; he feared he wouldn't be able to bring himself to kill them.

After all, humans were emotional beings.

After a slight sigh of relief, Carter gently opened the iron door of the stairwell.


A not-so-subtle sound emanated from the lock of the iron door.

"Damn it, I forgot this blasted lock would make noise." The click from the iron door resounded loudly on the early morning street, and Carter knew trouble was coming.

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