
Apocalypse Ascension: The Chronicles of a New Dawn

In a world abruptly thrust into chaos by a cataclysmic meteor shower, Carter Hayes survives a near-death experience only to discover he's the host of the Aeon System, a mysterious force with the power to enhance his capabilities beyond human limits. As civilization crumbles under the onslaught of a deadly virus and the rise of the infected, Hayes must navigate the ruins of society, facing both the horrors of the apocalypse and the dark facets of human nature. Equipped with newfound abilities, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Aeon System, battling to save humanity from the brink of extinction and to find a glimmer of hope in the darkness.

DaoistS6gi2f · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Three: Fusion

"What are you?" Reason finally overcame fear. After standing dumbfounded for a few minutes, Carter Hayes finally calmed down. Now is not the time to be afraid; survival is the goal.


"The Aeon System is an upgraded system developed by the latest 'Fifth-level Civilization', currently in the testing phase," the Aeon System's voice remained as icy as ever.


"Fifth-level Civilization, testing phase." These terms seemed familiar to Carter, perhaps from internet novels, but they weren't the most important thing for humans. What he wanted to understand was what the world was like now, how the Aeon System entered his body, and how he could survive better. These were the most important things.

"How did you get into my body?" After organizing his thoughts, Carter asked. According to human exploration of the solar system, there were no signs of other life forms.

Based on his knowledge of popular science, Carter knew that what happened today was beyond his comprehension. The best possibility was to understand it through the Aeon System.


"The Zack tribe attacked our planet, and I am their plunder. However, under the powerful firepower of the 'Aeon Civilization', the Zack tribe suffered heavy losses. In panic, the coordinates of the wormhole were disturbed, leading us to appear in the Milky Way galaxy. Entering Earth was just the remnant of the Zack tribe," Aeon spoke word by word.


"The Zack tribe?" Carter heard another new term, but this time he wasn't as surprised. The 'Zack tribe' in Aeon's mouth should be those extraterrestrial life forms.

"Are there many of them?" Thinking that the world outside was already dominated by zombies, if there were also a large number of Zack tribes, then humanity would truly be at its end.


"The data is incomplete. The Aeon System lacks energy and cannot cover the entire Earth," Aeon once again did not give Carter face, encountering problems again in important matters.


"Ugh," Carter couldn't help but curse.

"Aeon, what is your greatest function?" Carter was really fed up with Aeon's system today, almost feeling the urge to shut it down.

After suppressing his anger, Carter asked. From Aeon's description of the events just now, she should be the latest invention of the Aeon civilization. Otherwise, why would the fleeing Zack tribe bring her along?


"Aeon is just a system, and its greatest function is unknown," Aeon said. She didn't seem to care about Carter's slightly hostile expression.



Carter's face was full of black lines.

But thinking that the Aeon System was still in the testing phase, his anger dissipated by more than half.

"Does the host want to undergo fusion?" Just as Carter was considering whether to ask further, Aeon took the initiative to speak without Carter's prompting.

"What is fusion?" Carter was somewhat surprised that the Aeon System took the initiative to speak.

"Fusion with the Aeon System."

"Are there any benefits?" Carter didn't know why he asked such a question, but his intuition told him that choosing fusion would be beneficial.


"In the future, as the host's level increases, you will receive assistance from the system and receive generous rewards," the Aeon System was straightforward this time, stating it clearly.


"What does increasing level mean?" Listening to Aeon's explanation, Carter seemed to see quite a few benefits.


"Improvement in physical functions, including speed, strength, intelligence, and reaction ability," the Aeon System explained very detailed.

"Leveling up can ensure the host has a greater chance of survival in the apocalypse."


"Greater chance of survival?" Carter was surprised to hear such good news. If he didn't choose fusion, he would be an idiot.

But why would the Aeon System choose him? Carter was puzzled; "Could it be that I have exceptional talent?"

Thinking of this, Carter felt a little smug.


"Please make a decision, host." While Carter was still reveling in self-admiration, the Aeon System reminded him.


"Choose fusion." Carter didn't think too much about it anymore and made a decision.


"Aeon Fusion System activated, host Carter Hayes." As soon as Carter's voice fell, the Aeon System started.

"Fusion progress, one percent, two percent..."


Listening to the Aeon System reporting the fusion progress, Carter's mood was unexpectedly calm. As time passed, after a few minutes...

"Ding!" The elongated sound was exceptionally loud in the small room.


"Aeon System and host Carter Hayes fused completely, fusion progress one hundred percent." Listening to the Aeon System's announcement, Carter breathed a sigh of relief.


"Maya, why did you choose to fuse with me?" Carter asked happily, thinking of his previous self-admiration. "Could it be that my physical qualities are exceptionally excellent?"


"The host can check for himself," the Aeon System didn't directly tell Carter the answer, but some data appeared on the holographic screen.


"Is this my data?" Carter looked eagerly. But looking at the data above, Carter's face didn't look so good anymore.


"Weak physical functions."

"Weak reflexes."

"Slow speed."

"Weak strength."

"Average intelligence."


Looking at the clear and concise data above, Carter's expression seemed extremely stiff.

"Impossible? Although I'm a bit thin, I'm over five foot seven, and I'm quite handsome," Carter muttered to himself.

Looking at the pitiful data, Carter could only comfort himself like this.

"Excellent potential?" After looking at several items of data that were quite depressing, Carter's mood was unexpectedly calm. Seeing the word 'excellent' among the potential values was like a port in a storm for a boat sailing in a storm, and his eyes lit up.

"I'm not completely useless, at least I have unlimited potential," Carter said cheerfully, sweeping away his previous frustration.

"Aeon, why are all my data except potential and intelligence slightly better, so pathetic?" After looking at all the data, Carter asked the Aeon System.

Although 'excellent potential' sounded good, and intelligence was passable, Carter couldn't feel happy with the rest of the data being so miserable.


"The host doesn't need to worry about the data. Most of the Earth's population has similar data," Aeon said.


"Really?" Carter didn't expect Aeon to speak in a more human way, and among all the conversations with the Aeon System, this sentence was the most human Carter had heard.

"So, how does my current physical condition compare to zombies?" Suddenly thinking of a very important question, Carter asked.


"Equivalent to one against five," the Aeon System replied.


"So, does that mean I don't need to fear those zombies?" Carter, who didn't have such miserable physical qualities, could still take on five zombies alone.

"It means that a human like the host can take on five zombies alone," Carter was happy for only a few seconds, but the Aeon System's next words poured cold water over him.


Carter staggered underfoot. Although he now appeared as a virtual image in the room, he still almost fell. This Aeon System was too good at knocking people down.