
Ant King In MHA

New(better) cover done by LordValmar(this is becoming a trend) _______________________________ A strange person with an even stranger moral compass suddenly wakes up in the MHA world. He's lost and confused, even more so when his quirk turns him into a strange being... ____________________________________ The mc basically mutates into the Ant King from Solo Leveling. Pairings are undecided.

VeganMaster · Tranh châm biếm
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211 Chs


__________ POV Beru__________

It's already been two years since I've gotten to this orphanage. And I must say, it's quite the place.

The bullies aren't really bothering me and my official Lakey, Souma. I really took a liking to this kid, he also managed to develop some guts after a while.

I guess my awesomeness can rub off on others too huh?

Well, I am already 8 years old. Time seems to go by so slowly, it's almost a miracle. I get to enjoy the nice feeling of not worrying about taxes... Not like I ever did.

Not much has happened to me, but I did grow much stronger and a bit taller.

I am around 1.3 meters now. And I think I could take on that shitty meathead robber by only relying on brute strength now.

And that might not sound like much, but what has actually improved way beyond my expectations is my speed. I seem to be able to accelerate to amazing speeds.

I'm sure I can reach around 70 km/h if I really force myself to. Making me beat Usain Bolt's record by at least 20.

Although competition seems quite unfair in this case because I am also an actual mutant. So yeah...

But my airspeed is only around half of that, which is still good. At least I can fly without any issue, manoeuvrability and all of that.

35 km/h is still decent speed, I also don't really get tired whilst flapping my wings anymore, I can keep it up for at least three hours.

A lot of progress in just two years... Not really. I haven't gained any special ability at all, I only ate regular food, fruits vegetables.

I might have to sneak up to a mountain range and look for new things to eat. Like tigers, or go to the sea and look for sharks.

Not like regular animals can harm me anyway. I can easily gobble up a bear now. Well, not literally, but I can kill it swiftly.

Now, that's about it with what's been happening.

Well, there's something else too. Souma also awakened his quirk, a bit later than most, but it seems to be a regeneration factor of sorts. Not really sure, wasn't listening.

He's been sticking to me like a flea, but he's at least nice. The other kids are not really too into talking to me.

And I did find out that there are more girls in this orphanage eventually, but my appearance did scare them away, making them spend more times in their rooms.

I guess that random shitty bully wasn't joking. But I don't really care what a few snotty brats think of me.

"Beru! Do a flip!" Besides, it's not like I don't have a friend. Does this little rascal think I am some clown in a circus?

Well, you know the saying. 'Life's a circus. And I'm the clown.'

But seeing this innocent kid smile isn't all that bad of a reward for a few flips in the air. They also help me train my mobility in midair. So why not?

I did a few flips as I was flying around, my wings making a faint buzzing noise every time they flapped. And they were flapping quickly, much too quickly for little Souma's eyes to follow.

I once again landed in my usual spot, the highest point of the playground, the majestic pole atop the slide. Really makes me feel graceful.

Having a little kid cheer me on is also not that bad. Today some person is coming by to adopt some children.

I think they are a bit important because I heard the headwoman talk about that visit with the other staff members quite often.

But it doesn't really matter to me, no one will actually pick an insect as their kid. And I also don't even want to think about calling someone daddy... Uhhh. Moving on.

I think I can see a car approaching the orphanage, not that unusual. But this one is a strange black van that reminds me of the car I used to dispose of bodies in...

It just feels off. Must be my gut instinct.

I saw a man get off, he was wearing a classy suit and he had short black hair. He seemed to be quite fit.

His body seemed to be filled with muscles, they weren't really noticeable through his suit, but I can tell.

I guess he looks important, maybe he's the one doing the adopting?

He's got a strange vibe to him... I wouldn't really trust him around kids. But that's just my years of seeing shady people speaking up.

Maybe he's not all that bad. Or... Maybe not.

The speakers announced his arrival to the entire orphanage as soon as he stepped foot towards the front gate.

Souma seemed quite excited to hear that the man looking for an adoptive son had arrived.

We are all supposed to gather in the same room and form a line, letting the prospective parent get a good look at all of us.

At least in this case. We all received special instructions. It all feels too shady. I don't like this.

As soon as I entered the room, I already started eyeing up the windows and judging the strength with which I must fly at them to breakthrough.

But I can't really leave my Lakey here alone. That would be a bit uncool of me.

The man entered with a grin on his face, with the owner in tow.

As he started asking questions about each and every one of us. He seemed especially interested in our quirks. But that's not really unusual in this day and age.

Everyone wants to be a hero and every parent wants their children to become heroes. So you reach a point where every parent wants their children to have powerful quirks.

A shitty facet of this society that I have yet to get used to.

Still, he seems to be adopting multiple children at once. This is quite weird, but he's also choosing the ones with the better quirks.

Like the bully, who should already be around 10 or 11. He also seemed quite surprised and excited to be chosen.

He's still a kid, after all, they've been taught to think that this is good.

But I really don't like the way he's eyeing some of the children...


Hope you liked the chapter.

Eyy, sketchy stuff is happening. Did you perhaps think things were going too well?

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