
Another World System!

just a guy going to different worlds

h1t4ce_ · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Wheel of Astrology!

Time froze as Reggie then used a giant fireball that encased the two hounds dealing more than 90 damage and said "That was a pretty good skill you know"

[teammate killed 2 hounds 40 exp distributed throughout the party]

[30 exp gained]

[35/20] --> level up!]

[15/30] --> 15 more exp for next level]

[6 attribute points available!]

I said, "You sure?" while scratching my head

Reggie said "Yeah better than what I did when I was at your level" with a slight grin

Reggie then continued on and said "Why don't we try to find some monsters this time and for the attribute points pick carefully you will eventually have to pick a class"

I said "Ok"

"Also let's get the meat and fur from the hounds"

As Reggie and I were getting the meat and fur from the hounds In my head, I was thinking about what class I should aim for but nothing came I my mind so I was just in deep thought. After trying to track monsters we found goblin footprints.

Reggie said while grinning "This is one of the best ways to get exp"

I remembered in my many readings of mangas and manhwas that there might be a village or something like that nearby and said "Nice idea"

Reggie and I began tracking the footsteps and we eventually got to a big gigantic stone that was sculpted to be a goblin and saw many other goblins much smaller than the statue bowing and giving food, clothing, accessories, etc...

Reggie said "I will fire some fireballs at them you shoot as many and the remaining we have to hunt"

I said "ok"

I looked into the goblin's info




health points:80





Reggie then shot a small fireball at the statue and an explosion occurred it made the statue fall and hit some of the goblins I immediately shot my gun and hit many goblins while killing some, Reggie sent small fireballs and killed some this went around for some time and I heard many notifications around this time but I ignored it and went around shooting my gun and a goblin had gotten me when I was refilling my gun with bullets so I had switched to my knife and used my skill accurate shot and slash on the goblin doing 13 damage the goblin yelled inaudible noised while it attacked me and did 7 damage.

I then said back to the goblin while gritting my teeth "Are you ready to die? "

I then continuously stabbed the goblin in its mouth got my gun and shot the remaining goblins. Then I looked at my notifications.

[Reggie has killed 6 goblins 150 exp distributed throughout the party]

[You have killed 3 goblins 75 exp distributed throughout the party]

[Reggie has killed 5 goblins 125 exp distributed throughout the party]

[You have killed 2 goblins 50 exp distributed throughout the party]

[Reggie has killed 4 goblins 100 exp distributed throughout the party]

[you have hit a vital part of the goblin ---> accurate shot proficiency increased tremendously]

[You have earned 1 spin for the Wheel of Astrology!]

[You have killed 1 goblin 25 exp distributed throughout the party]

[You have got an achievement!]

(The one who takes)

[Attained new skill!]


[Gained 394 exp]

[409/30 --> level up!]

[379/40 --> level up!]

level 5 has been reached

exp amount needed has doubled

[339/100 --> level up!]

[229/200 --> level up!]

[18 attribute points available]

[proficiency for accurate shot increased 43/100

[profiency for slash has increased 8/10]

[Classes available]

[Sharp Shooter] (common) or [Assasin] (common)

I didn't know what to pick so I looked back at Reggie Reggie who was throwing fireballs left and right I was speechless for a second because of how much mana he had.

I then told him" You done? "

Reggie said with a smile "Yeah"

I then said to him "Should I pick a class?

Reggie announced with a smile "No"

I said while thinking hard "What should I do?"

Reggie said "You should wait for a good class because classes give you skills that will help a lot"

he looked at my stats then with a smile he said "Your stat window is average nothing to be sad about and your skills are good you should train them whenever you can"

I said "Ok" in a determined voice

"Let's get the loot from the goblins and also take their meat," Reggie said in glee

Since Reggie and I had hunted since the middle of the day it was almost night so we went back to the guild we had a lot of meat and a lot of furs there were also things like spears and other stuff from goblins giving us 140 copper in a day of working. After coming to the guild we went to an inn.

Where Reggie asked the front desk worker if they could take a room. The Room was not too big or small it had 2 beds and a window and Reggie stayed there for a night for 20 copper for me and Reggie.

[You can spin the Wheel of Astrology Sono!]

I spoke up and said, "Oh, System can you explain the Wheel of Astrology?" 

[It is a wheel that helps you by giving you chances to get things, meet people, and many other things]

[So do you wish to spin the wheel?]

I had so many thoughts of interesting skills and even getting a huge fortune I said "Yes!"

[You have achieved an unknown blessing from the king!]

I immediately spoke up and said, "What does it do?"

[blessings can help a person by giving them power or any kind of thing that might benefit a person]

I jumped up and said, "That is good!"

As Reggie came into the room he asked me "Why are you yelling?" with a slightly annoyed expression

I told him "I just got a blessing from a king!" with a smile

Reggie said with a blank expression "You must be joking right?"

I said staring at his face "I really did get a blessing!"

Reggie replied back "Show me the blessing then"

I was in awe of his words and didn't know how to show him I really got a blessing from the king so I said "I can't prove it but... believe in me" 

Reggie said, "You sure that you didn't dream of it?" very worriedly

I replied with a little bit of angst "I know that I got a blessing"

Reggie said "Whatever you say" with a slight smirk as if trying to make me provoked

I said angrily "I'm gonna show you that I really have a blessing when I kick your ass" 

Reggie said while poking fun at me "Whatever you say, big guy"

As this went we both went to sleep after a couple hours of arguing and strategizing about killing monsters.

I have to go overseas for school and some other stuff this is the reason why I am going to stop releasing chapters, but I assure you I will mass-release once I get back!

h1t4ce_creators' thoughts