
Another World System!

just a guy going to different worlds

h1t4ce_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

What is this?

I got up from my bed and then I saw a system interface.

[Hello Sono!]

"what is this?" I said with a confused tone

[You have been selected for transportation to another world]

"Great," I said with a black stare

[A cheat for each world has been activated]

[you have been summoned by 3 masters from 3 different worlds]

"master?" I said in a confused tone

"I thought this was like those cliche anime shows," I said as I groaned

[The person that has summoned you to fight for them and to be their close friend]

[Transportation starts in 30 minutes ...]

"Right now," I said in a daze

[29 minutes and 59 seconds ...]

"I gotta get a gun or something"

I Hurried to my dad's room and thought 'My dad and I have hunted some animals maybe he has a gun'

I rummage around his room and I find a handgun a knife and some equipment in my mind, I think "he might have kept his other guns somewhere else"

As I was done wearing the equipment the time had already been shortened to 1 minute and I thought "How did this happen to me?"

As I was done putting some food and survival stuff in my backpack a flash happened and a white light filled everything after that there was a wide array of colors forming into many shapes and I looked forward and saw a red-haired person with a head but no face he was hooded, had a well-formed nose and had thin lips.

The man that was hooded said "My name is Reggie Asunder it's nice to meet you" while smiling

I said " Hello Reggie I'm Sono Vida"

I looked around, I saw this massive structure with gold pillars surrounding me

Reggie spoke "This place is called the summoning hall"

A large structure filled with golden pillars and many decorations such as fountains and fake plants were placed.

Reggie said while smiling "I will teach you everything, Sono"

"Ok," I said as I smiled back at him

Reggie led me to a place and told me "This is called a guild where you can go in and out to and get quests, there are different guilds and these guilds have different rankings but this is the Tempest Knight's third in ranking"

I was mesmerized by everything I saw and heard from Reggie and told him " What quest are we doing"

Reggie said "We are going to start by getting you registered everyone who starts in this business of being in a guild will start at F-rank at the start but as we do quests we can rank up"

"I see," I said with my hand on my chin

As I got registered I told Reggie "What rank quest are we gonna start at?

Reggie told me "What do you mean?"

I said, "What quests do low-rank people like me do?"

"F-rank's can go from quests ranked F up to D but there are exceptions," Reggie said as he walked to me

"Ok, Reggie what quests do you wanna do?" I said as I looked at Reggie

Reggie grabbed a paper out of his pocket and said "We are going to kill some monsters and get these materials from them"

: E Rank Quest

Kill monsters such as slimes, goblins, hounds, etc...

fur ---> 1 pounds = 10 copper

meat ---> 10 pounds = 10 copper

any other kind of monster material ---> an amount of copper

get broken armor or steel and stuff for extra money

(can continuously do this quest)

"and," he said with a slight grin "after we get stronger and get higher ranked we are going to kill some bandits" while holding the bandit quest

: C Rank quest

Kill bandits of the moon

Reward: 10 silver

[New system function awakened!]

[Normal Quest has been created!]


[kill monsters] (E-Rank)

reward: the chance to spin the Wheel of Astrology (0.1%)

difficulty rank: low

[Kill Bandits of the Moon] (C-Rank)

reward: new skill

difficulty rank: high

I said in a confused tone "How do we get stronger?"

Reggie said "Say something like system interface"

I said ok and called out "System interface!"

I saw the interface look different it had gold edges with blue exterior crosses

and saw my stats

Name: Sono Vida


exp points: 0/10

attribute points: 0

Health points: 100


Speed: 5

Attack: 10

Constitution: 5

Stamina: 5


luck: Hidden


skills: 2

F rank [Slash]

Description: makes it easier to slice through enemies

Duration: 30 seconds

E rank [Accurate Shot]

Description: You can find the weak point of a creature and also aim for a target

duration:2 minutes

Hidden skill: 1


Reggie said, "What kind of stats do you have?"

"I think I got the lowest stats," I said with a blank face

Reggie complied and said "You can show your stats to me by accepting my request from the system interface I'll check them out later "

I said "Ok" and accepted the request

Reggie said with a smile " You better have skills that can compensate for that"

I pitched in 'I only got an f rank skill and an e rank skill' while crying on the inside

Reggie said with a smile while raising his hands high and mighty "Who cares you are my first and only summon"

And I immediately knew he was trying to cheer me up

Then Reggie followed up with "Why don't we test these skills of yours?"

I said "Sure" with a big smile

Reggie said cautiously "I almost forgot to send you a party invite I'll send one right now"

I said "ok I'll accept it where do we go for the E-rank mission? "

I followed Reggie and Reggie talked about the tactics we were gonna use to defeat the monsters we eventually got to a forest.

Reggie said "This is the Green Titan forest" with a big smile

I said, "What do you wanna do?"

Reggie said "Let's hide and wait for the prey to come out and if they don't let's track some of their tracks"

I said "Alright" smiling

After some time probably ten minutes or so we saw 3 hounds I could see something above their head I touched whatever it was and it showed



lvl: 1

Health points:50



Constitution: 5

[skill level needs to be higher to see more!]


Reggie immediately cast a small explosion dealing 20 damage and leaving the hounds in shock I immediately pointed a gun at one of them and my skill automatically activated and I shot 8 bullets each bullet dealing 5

[You have killed 1 hound 20 exp distributed throughout the party]

[Gained 15 exp!]

[15/10] --> level up!]

[5/20] --> 15 more exp for next level!]

[3 attribute points available!]

[Proficiency for accurate shot increased by 5/100]