
Another MCU Story

SI. Finding adventure in same old same MCU

Rex_Zatch · Phim ảnh
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33 Chs

Chapter-27 Extremis Serum 3.0 and Enhanced Goblin Serum

Chapter-27 Extremis Serum 3.0 and Goblin Serum

Slowly we moved towards the bed, I carried her in a princess style and led her to the bed, and slowly our cloth was coming out while still admiring each other. I was admiring her curvy and sexy body, that cherry lips, those fine perky boobs, and that bouncing ass and her curvy thigh while hiding her pussy from me making it even sexier.

I moved closer to her, she leaned toward me, and we both kiss for a few seconds, then she got down toward my penis and started rubbing with it gently while lightly kissing the tip. And she used her hand to slowly massage my balls, which gave me very much Satisfaction.

While she was doing that I moved my hand toward her breast and started playing with her pink cherry nipple, sometimes I gently pull it, and sometimes I gently flick it. While after a few minutes we both orgasmed but even after the orgasm my penis stay still like a lining tower of Pisa. Seeing that she smiled and open the drawer and pulled the condom from there, after taking it out she used her mouth to put it in my penis. Which was throbbing excitedly and a few times it even smacked her chicks and she started licking.

That night we made so much loud noise, but I, fortunately, used the sound barrier. That night was mainly tossing and turning and some dirty talk and after 2 am we went to bed, we slept together while holding our naked bodies together.

The next morning was a bit awkward, she told me it was a one-time thing, and she wants to focus on her work. I don't know why, but it kinda ERK me when she said that because this was casual sex and not an actual relationship, it kind of bugged me. But even after hearing that we did it in the shower, she told me it will be going to be the last time.

After the shower, I dressed up, said goodbye, and went home. Reaching home I said good morning to everyone and ate breakfast with them, some questions were asked about last night which was mostly from John's, embarrassed I hurriedly walked toward my room. No matter How mature you become, you cannot talk about sex with your parents, it is embarrassing.

After reaching my room, I change into comfortable cloth and used my magic to teleport to my basement. I walked toward my lab "Thoth what have you found on the Osborn company tell me exact detail" while asking I started working on the nanotech to create extremis.

"Yes sir, though my hacking into the company I found that the said company is declining in profit because of lack of funding. Mr and ms Octavia have been busy creating their creation, but the lack of funding has made their process slow. Another reason for the company's decline is because of Dr lizard. After the fight with the Spider-Man, he has become famous but in a bad way which crossfire with Osborn's company, and here is that company is crumbling" Thoth reported to me in an important report leaving unrelieved for last.

"Ok then keep an eye on Osborn" saying I return to my own work. Working on nanotech is not my first time, and figuring out how to make extremis made me see a new possibility on it.

With the knowledge of tony, banner, Maya, Norman, Adrian, and many other scientists I can make even the strongest and most powerful extremis then after I will work on a goblin formula to make immortal serum which will be great.

While I was busy inside in silence, outside was in chaos with a suicide bombing, an attack on tony home, everything about outside Thoth was reporting me back.

When Thoth informed me about Maya going to the tony house before the bombing, I wanted to help, but one thing stop me, I cannot always be there to protect them, they make these choices, destiny, or fate.

Just because I watch some movies or read some comics doesn't give me the right to criticize or to comment on their stupid reason for their action, they can handle their problem on their own, I do my own. Saying in my mind, I restarted working on my project.

I said I will not help anyone but being here I already changed many things, Ben parker is alive, so Spider-Man is, even more, chattier. Samuel Sterns remain the professor and even found someone who he is dating.

Now at the end of the fight between Killian v Iron Man, Maya used the serum on herself and blows herself only after she overdoses Killian with more of the virus he also exploded.

A few couples of months after, I completed my project on creating Extremis 3.0, immortal goblin serum and I had some free time, so I researched banner blood but mainly on gamma rays. Why 3.0 because tony already used it to perfect it and now my turn.

Today, I am going to inject myself with both Extremis 3.0 and goblin serum. "Thoth secure the lab, open the tube, ready when I say go got it" saying I strip my cloth as I walked inside a coffin like a tube. "Deep breath in out, Thoth sequence start in 3…2….1…go...aha--- aha" moment I said to go 10 needles from the back insert on my body filling me with both serum.

"Fuck….ING…HElllllllll…..it…s..b..u..r..n.!!!!!! ahahahahahah" my body is boiling, my body is producing a lot of sweat which evaporates as soon as I sweat, I can feel my blood moving, I can hear my bones breaking, and I can taste the heat.

"Sequence stop in 3…2…1... Stop congratulating sir process was complete even though the tube in half melted, but it worked fine" Thoth showed him the recording of how it melted but apparently my lab is cold as snow.

Oh, wait a minute, I absorb the heat in the room, oh my god, now I can absorb MANA, electricity, heat, I now have an endless supply of energy. I walked toward the mirror and I cannot believe myself before, lite pale skin that had more color now.

Now let's see what I can do, I moved my hand front, my left hand produces heat, and my right hand produces electricity, apparently, now I have heat vision, electromagnetic vision. And one more I can combust anything I touch including air, if I work hard on that I might even combust a molecule or manipulate it who knows?

Now let's see what other thing I got, I walked into the gym room.



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