
Selfish Remnant

I, Silva Zelretch Branwen, am seriously considering killing someone out of annoyance for the first time. I have killed plenty of times, but it was usually out of self-defense, within a reason I could accept, or when I lost my mind. I have never killed anyone that had not meant me any harm, but Haruhi Suzumiya is pressing my limits with her selfishness. If it were not for the fact her death could have unexpected consequences in this dream world of mine, I probably would have already ended her boredom with the mundane in the most violent fashion.

" I am telling you to take me away from my universe because I said so!"

The selfish brat demanded once more, as this argument had been going on for the last couple of hours between us. Once more, I debate whether or not just to kill her in this dream world, consequences be damned. Ultimately I come to the same conclusion again that I can't because I have an educated guess on what COULD happen, which makes it more trouble than it's worth. If she died in this dream world, she could die in her universe or not wake up, and a Haruhi Suzumiya with her existence unbound by mortal flesh would undoubtedly cause me trouble in some way since I would be the one to kill her.

" And I said no, so wake up and go bug, that boy you have a crush on and get laid."

" I don't like Kyon; he's too ordinary!"

The girl replied with slightly flushed cheeks at my bluntness. Honestly, I think Haruhi would probably chill if she discovered the pleasure of fleshly desires. Still, the Japanese can be quite conservative in these matters sometimes, depending on the person in question. The selfish girl, despite enjoying cosplay, having no issues stripping in front of boys, or even feeling up girls, can be a bit shy with her crush. I would not entertain screwing her as I want this girl to get LESS interested in me, not more.

" Says the girl blushing at the thought of doing the deed with her crush."

I retorted as I tried to think of a way to get her to leave with minimal consequences, with her literally being the center of her universe. Haruhi tried to change the subject as she finally figured out she was not going to get anywhere with me.

" You said this dream world was an artificial construct, right? Can you teach me how to do it?"

" Wake up and leave."

I flatly stated as I was not going to stop until I got her to leave. What a headache. The selfish girl did not stop pestering me.

" Teach me how to make a dream world of my own!"

" Unless you can use Magic, it's not possible for you to learn how to do so..."

I had a sudden idea and lied through my teeth.

" In fact, because you don't have any sort of special power, you are pretty much trapped in your universe. If you did, it would be a whole other matter, as even if you would lose your power if you moved to another universe, you could still learn other systems of power to adapt; otherwise, you would die from being incompatible with whatever universe that was not your own. So I can not in good conscience bring you to another universe just to die when you enter."

" But I am here in this dream world of your's doesn't that mean I have a special power?"

She asked, and I kept up my lie as I told her.

" The realm of dreams blurs the lines of time and space, so you do not necessarily have a special ability related to being able to enter mine as you could have done it through pure obsession. However, let me give you an easy test to see whether or not you have a special ability related to dreams. You just need to wake up and come back here when you fall asleep again."

" It's that easy?"

I visibly scoffed and replied.

" It only sounds easy, you little fool. Actually, pulling it off is another matter entirely, but if you can pull it off, then that means it's possible for you to leave your world."

Come on, buy it. Haruhi scrunched up her face as she thought about what I told her. Please let her buy it out of ignorance. I hoped inwardly, and the girl then told me.

" Alright! When I come back, I expect you to teach me!"

" Sorry, that's not my area of expertise, but I can refer a teacher to you if you pull it off."

She nodded with a satisfied expression, then had a look of realization as she asked me.

" How do I wake up?"

I stopped myself from strangling the little nuisance out of anger, as I was so close from finally getting rid of her. I got up and gestured for her to follow me. We went to the edge of my residence, and she looked down to see the rest of my dream world atop the massive tree I resided in with the Nightmare.

" Woah! This is amazing!"

Haruhi eyes lit up with excitement at taking in the unreal sight, and I kicked out. She screamed as she continued to fall and watched her closely until she finally disappeared, which meant she woke up. My knees gave out, and I landed on my butt as relief washed over me. I lay down on the ground and pondered out loud.

" Should I end this dream early so she does not come back?"

On the one hand, it's the safest idea, and I could simply explain that I fought off the Nightmare, and no one would have any evidence that said otherwise. On the other hand, I have worked too hard in preparation for this dream world to be canceled because of some selfish little brat with too much power unknowingly at their disposal plus. Even she came back. I had an excuse to send her away, which would be finding a teacher for her. Thankfully she bought that complete and other BS I told her.

I think I will relax first and destress before making a decision on what to do next. Haruhi being here honestly scared me, as one worst-case scenario would be for her to hijack this dream world and make it a reality connected to her universe, which could affect not only myself but everyone who entered this dream world. Another worst-case scenario would be for her to send this dream world into oblivion with me and everyone else in it, which is why I refrained from actually harming her despite the temptation of slapping that girl into next week.

I sighed as I got up to see how Glynda, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha's progress was going.


Ruby groaned as she was surrounded by books along with everyone else.

" I didn't think the City of Knowledge would be this freaking big!"

" Less complaining, Ruby, and more reading!"

Weiss chides her team leader as she goes through her own set of books to find any sort of information on where the Nightmare could be. Glynda agreed as she finished skimming another book.

" Ms.Schnee is correct, Ms.Rose. Again this was your idea."

" I know, but look around, but this is bigger than any library that should even be possible!"

The little cookie monster had a point, as this library is the city itself rather than a separate building. Rows upon rows of bookshelves surrounded the group, with even houses and other buildings within the massive dome that is Soul Archive, the City of Knowledge. Pyrrha commented.

" I knew Silva was smart and knowledgable, but this was unexpected. I wonder if this city represents just how much he values the worth of knowledge itself or how he views it?"

" Well, he's better than Weiss, at least."

Yang goaded her teammate out of boredom, and the snow princess bristled.

" How is that womanizing man whore better than me!?"

" Well, you have a sex dungeon in your head."

Weiss blushed as she retorted.

" He has a whole city for his debauchery!"

" Maybe, but he probably does not have a sex dungeon like you, Weiss."

The blonde shot back as she understood why Silva enjoyed teasing the snow princess. Her reactions were cute. Before it could devolve into a fight, the strict professor reminded them.

" Ms.Schnee, Ms.Xiao Long, priorities, we have limited time."

" Yes, Professor, but I wonder XIAO LONG it's going to be for us to find a clue."

Yang, of course, made a pun, and Ruby felt embarrassed in relation to her sister, and everyone ignored the blonde.

" Hey, come on, that was a good one!"