
Decisive Remnant

" I believe we have done all we can for now. We have better leave before Shion Zaiden runs out of Aura to support her Semblance."

Glynda says as she sets aside her books, and Yang makes a pun again.

" I guess it is time to BOOK it after all this TOME!"

" Yang!"

Ruby exclaims out of embarrassment at her sister's terrible puns. Pyrrha gives the blonde a strained smile while trying to be polite, and Weiss just groans out of exasperation at her teammate's sense of humor. The snow princess then retorts with a bit of venom.

" You are not funny, Yang."

" Of course, I'm not funny. I'm PUNNY and PUNCHY!"

The blonde continued to make puns, much to everyone's disapproval. Silva watched them as they got ready to leave and, ultimately, decided not to take a chance and end this dream. He did want a girl with the power of a whole freaking universe at his doorstep, even if she was not aware of it. He sighed as he cursed before ending the dream as the girls left.

" That f*cking selfish brat!"

The snow leopard man walked over to the restrained Nightmare and used Dark Wrath to set the whole dreamscape ablaze with dark, destructive energy. He muttered to himself.

" Ha, I was honestly looking forward to messing with everyone as Negative Me. Damn it, Haruhi Suzumiya, why did you have to show up after all this time."

For Silva, it had been several centuries since he last saw the girl, but for the girl in question, it had at most been a day or two. As his dream burned, he felt a bit of disappointment at this ending so soon, but he rather not take a risk.


Glynda, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Pyrrha woke up from their dream dive. Nora was the first to ask, in her usual bubbly, hyper mood.

" So how was Fearless Leader's dream world? Was it scary? Was it big? What kind of monsters were there? Did you see the dream version of me?"

The polite spartan answered patiently.

" Well, for starters, it was massive, as in it was a whole world divided into cities and continents with an Island nation in the mix. As for scary, I can't say for certain as I only saw a small part of it and no monsters so far. I was not fortunate enough to see the dream you, Nora."

" Ah, I wish I could have come..."

The strict professor told the thunderous girl.

" You may just get that chance, Ms.Valkyrie, as Silva's dream world is so large it might be necessary to send on multiple teams."

" Truly? I would like a full report on everything you learned, Glynda."

Ozpin said with a serious expression, and Glynda replied.

" Understood, Ozpin."

Suddenly everyone heard a sound and looked toward the source. It was Silva. He was clad in dark, destructive energy that destroyed his surrounding, and the Nightmare exited his body as it cried out in pain at being killed by the dark energy. The dark energy dissipated, and Silva groaned as he got up.

" Ugh, my head."

Everyone looked at the snow leopard man in surprise, and he felt their stares and looked back at them to say.

" What?"


While most of everyone looked surprised by my performance, Neopolitan, Emerald, Argint, and Luna had knowing looks. I'll explain the situation to them later, but for now, I better handle my current circumstances first. Before I said anything, my stomach growled; oh yeah had not eaten anything since yesterday. I then asked everyone.

" Mind if I eat first?"

" Silva!"

Ruby tackled me with a hug. I guess she was really worried about me. Ozpin, of course, politely demanded.

" Silva, I think everyone would appreciate an explanation of what just happened."

" Fine."

I grumbled as I wanted to fill my stomach first, but, oh well.

" While the Nightmare possessed me, I always had a sense was something off even while I slept and dreamed. It was a nagging feeling that kept on bothering my dream until I realized that my dream wasn't just my own by constructed by the Nightmare. So I attacked it and dealt with it. That sums it up."

The old wizard had a pensive look for a few moments before asking Shion.

" Shion Zaiden, your thoughts on the matter?"

" In rare cases, some people have a very grounded sense of self and reality, and they can fight against the Nightmare. However, this is the first time I have seen someone repel a Nightmare on their own, let alone destroy it at the same time. Silva Branwen's case is unique and an interesting study of how to deal with Nightmares."

The Nightmare Hunter explained as they looked at me with curiosity as they retracted the thread from the giant dream catcher. Seeing that I destroyed some of the thread when using my Semblance, I offered.

" Will you allow me to compensate you for ruining your threads?"

" It's fine. However, I would like to pick your mind on how you managed to retain your sense of self and repel the Nightmare at your earliest convenience."

I agreed to the request and finally went to grab a bite to eat.


After answering everyone's questions, including Neopolitan, Emerald, Argint, and Luna's, in private, I returned to my dorm room. I sighed as I still felt annoyed with Haruhi's interference with my dream world—no use crying over spilled milk. I was not feeling tired, so I stayed up and tried to relax. I then heard a knock on my door and went to open it to find Ruby in her pajamas. I asked her.

" What's up, Ruby?"

" Just checking to see if you're alright, Silva. Weiss had a bit of insomnia, along with some embarrassment at first after she got possessed by the Grimm. It took her a week to be able to sleep like normal.'

I was not aware of that, honestly. I knew Weiss had trouble sleeping after being possessed, but full-blown insomnia was unexpected. I guess I might not be sleeping well for a while, but I don't need to sleep anymore after all the things I figured out how to do during my travels through the Multiverse. I could also force myself to sleep as I do like to sleep.

" Silva?"

The little cookie monster pulled me out of my thoughts, and I assured her.

" Don't worry. I'll be fine, I promise."

" Is there anything I can do to help?"

Hearing her offer warmed my heart, and I invited her in.

" Why not keep me company for a bit?"

" Okay."

Ruby walked into my room, and I went to make some warm milk mixed with a bit of dark chocolate and scrambled eggs on cheese toast for a midnight snack for both of us. Silence descended on us, and I was good with that, but the little cookie fidgeted a lot, so I asked.

" Ruby, what's the matter?"

" It's just that... Seeing you like that and possibly dying scared me. Your dream world was massive, and I wondered, what if we did not make it in time?"

Seeing her that concerned about me, I realized it was less about me and more about her. I continue to assure her.

" Don't worry about the past, Ruby. I'm fine, and so is everyone else, and that's all that matters."

" I know that, but I was worried about you more than I was with Weiss or Pyrrha when they were possessed and that... Bothers me."

Hearing this, I got curious and asked Ruby.

" Ruby, what do you think about me?"

" Oh, uh, you are strong, smart, funnier than Yang-."

" That's not much of an accomplishment."

I retorted, and Ruby snickered as she agreed.

" True, her puns can be pretty bad. You are also nice. You actually understand me when I talk about weapons. You also helped me reunite with Mom and helped Yang with Raven. You are generally just great and thinking about how you could have... Died. It hurt me more than I thought it would to never see you again."

The little cookie monster looked down into her mug of warm milk mixed with dark chocolate as she had complex emotions running through her mind from what I could tell. I had a suspicion. While Ruby's innocence has not changed compared to the canon, or maybe because of it, she has difficulty understanding certain emotions. Well, a little test can't hurt... Well, at least not until in the morning when Yang finds out. I called out to the silver-eyed girl.

" Ruby."

" Yes?"

I leaned toward her and kissed her. She dropped her mug in surprise, and her eyes widened as my tongue invaded her mouth. I pulled back and asked.

" What did you think about that?"

" I..."

She started to blush and bolted with her Petal Burst, but I caught her with a bit of help from Magic and held her close to me. I whispered into her ear in a husky tone.

" Ruby, don't go."

" I, uh, this is, um."

She sputtered, and I kissed her again. I separated from her, and the little cookie monster avoided direct eye contact with me as I asked.

" Won't you stay the night with me?"

Ruby kept silent for several moments before answering.

" Okay..."

I grinned, but before doing anything else, I cleaned up the spilled milk, then pulled the little reaper into bed and made her the small spoon. I was not going to cross that line, at least not tonight. I told her after turning off the light.

" Night, Ruby."

She did not reply, and I wrapped my arms around Ruby as I forced myself to sleep with a bit of magical help. As I entered the absence of dreams, I heard the voice I wanted to hear the least.

" Hey, I'm back, so teach me already!"
