
Anomaly correction officers

Anomaly correction officers are the only line of defense standing against the space between reality and human society. Marcus, a typical teen with the simple goal of getting a warm cup of coffee, unknowingly stumbles upon one of these officers while attempting to get a jump to start his late school day. what seemed like a strange encounter at a café, ultimately leads him into a life of secrecy and the supernatural. chapter(s) release every day

HaMbUGer · Thành thị
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119 Chs

Chapter 96: Assault on the Cinema pt2.

The leader of the group was a tall man with a rugged appearance. *"Silence you two."* he said with a deep and annoyed voice. *"But Denji is right, today we are going to change our lives for the better."*

Tammy and Felix peeked into the final theater room. There they saw a room emptied of all its seats. It left room for a wide open area, which was now filled with various crates, weapons, and gang members.

In the middle of the room was a table, headed by a tall man dressed in a suit with rugged hair. 

Around the table were several men all dressed in simple clothes and hard expressions.

The room itself was illuminated by lamps and floodlights.

*"Denji, go retrieve the prototype."* the gang leader said with a smug grin. 

*"You got it, boss."* A tall lanky man with long hair said with a nod, 

Tammy and Felix watched as Denji jogged over towards one of the various crates on the back wall. 

Denji opened one of the crates and retrieved a magazine. It was loaded to the brim with a strange ammo type. The tips of the bullets have a strange ethereal glow to them. 

The leader grinned as the other gang members looked on in awe. *"Ren, go retrieve our special guest from the cage."* 

*"On it boss."* A man with red hair and a scar on his right cheek, said with a nod. Tammy and Felix watched as the man walked over towards a cage.

The cage was small, but there looked to be a small creature inside. As Ren picked up the cage, the duo caught a glimpse of what looked to be a dog-like anomaly. It had long canines, six eyes, and was extremely muscular, to an unnatural degree.

*"Gentleman, allow me to demonstrate the future of anomaly hunting and officer killing."* the leader said with a grin as he accepted the magazine from Denji.

He loaded it into his pistol, then cocked back the slider, ejecting the last bullet in the chamber. 

Ren placed the cage in the middle of the table, and the leader aimed at the anomaly. *"I'm sure you know how frustrating it can be to kill Anomalies and officers alike. Their power and abilities are simply unmatched."*

The man then pulled the trigger, a bullet flew out of the pistol and crashed directly into the anomaly's skull. Blue blood splattered against the cage walls and bars. The anomaly then slumped over in the cage without a whimper. 

There was a moment of tense silence, as gang members looked on in awe. 

*"I-it not healing?"* one gang member asked in disbelief.

*"That's incredible."* Another said with an approving nod.

*"That's right gentlemen, guns are now the great equalizer once again."* the leader said with a chuckle.

Tammy and Felix were just as surprised as the gang members. 

"That cannot be good," Felix whispered to Tammy.

"Yes, for whatever reason those bullets are lethal." Tammy replied with a frown, "We need to take these men out now."

Felix nodded. "I'll follow your lead."

Tammy nodded, she then charged a water bolt in her hand and aimed it at Denji. "I'll take out the man closest to those magazines, we cannot let anyone use those bullets."

"On your signal," Felix whispered.

With a deep breath, Tammy aimed her hand at Denji. Focusing on her shot, she narrowed her eyes before firing off the bolt into his chest. The force of the impact sent him crashing to the ground, sprawling out with a twitch.

*"shit, we've been found!"* the gang leader called in in a panic, aiming his pistol towards Tammy. He fired off several rounds in their direction, but Tammy and Felix had already moved.

Felix charged forward like a blur. 

He charged several bolts of purple lighting, then fired them off in a blitz of practiced movements. 

Purple sparks popped and crackled in the air as each bolt found its mark. Heads popped like balloons as blood sprayed in the air like confetti.

Headless bodies dropped to the ground one after another.

While Felix brutally forced through several men, Tammy spared no effort or mercy either. 

With swift and precise execution, she fired off water bolts into various gangsters. She darted around the room, flipping off crates and chairs alike.  

The gang leader was in awe at the duo's proficiency. 

He tried to aim down either Felix or Tammy, but they moved with such speed that he could only see a blur of movement. *"Somebody do something!"* he shouted in desperation, firing wildly in Felix's direction.

Tammy spotted the gang leader shooting for Felix and quickly moved to intervene. 

She darted across the room, flipping over obstacles and pushing through gangsters. Upon reaching the leader, she pulled back her arm and punched him in the back hard. 

The gang leader crashed into the table in front of him. Tammy then grabbed him by the collar and yanked him back up, she then followed up with a punch to his gut.

Slob and saliva shot out the man's mouth as he gasped for air. He dropped his gun after taking a few steps back, yet Tammy didn't stop.

She kicked his right leg, buckling it and sending him kneeling on the ground. Then this a flurry of punches and backhands, she began stroking his face. 

While Tammy was busy with the gang leader, Felix finished off the remaining gangsters.

When everything was done, the room fell into a silent tension, filled with only the labored breaths of the gang leader. Tammy held the man up by his collar, keeping him from collapsing onto the ground.

Felix approached Tammy and the gang leader with a heavy sigh. "Wasn't in the mood for a massacre." He joked, wiping the blood from his face.

Tammy smiled, before turning her attention towards the barley-breathing gang leader. *"Where did you get those bullets?"* She asked.

The gang leader struggled to put a smile on his swollen lips. "I can speak English pretty lady." He said with a chuckle. "Maybe we can cut a deal?"

Tammy frowned. "Alright, talk."

"I got them…. I got them from his mother." He said with a chuckle, gesturing his head towards Felix.

Felix sighed as he crossed his arms. "What are you doing?" Felix asked in disappointment.

"What, you think I will talk without reassurance?" The gang leader asked. "You'd just kill me on the spot, I didn't plan on dying today."

Felix frowned, "well, we'll kill you if you don't start spilling valuable information."

The leader shrugged. "Then we have nothing more to discuss."

Felix sighed as he aimed his palm at the man's head. "Oh well." Felix began charging a bolt of purple electricity in his palm, spinning it faster and faster.

The gang leader remained defiant, his expression unyielding. "No balls." He taunted.

"Are you willing to test that?" Felix asked, taking a step closer to the man. The static electricity sent the man's hair standing. His eyes widened slightly as he averted his gaze. "I can't wait to make your head pop like a fucking watermelon."

"I'll talk!" The man shouted as Felix grew closer. "I'll talk." He repeated with a soft whimper.

Felix chuckled as the electricity in his hands fizzled out. "Well, I'm listening."

"What do you want to know?" The man asked. 

"Those bullets," Tammy asked, gesturing towards the crates. "What are they, and where did you get them?"

"The bullets, they're called Ether-incinerators or EI for short." The man explained, "They burn ether, eat it up like a snack, it stops people like you from healing or slows you down." 

He then sighed, "I… I got them from the Kiba mercenaries, they operate a dock here in Tokyo, and sold them to me for about 200,000 yen a bullet."

Felix widened his eyes at the mention of the Kiba mercenaries. "Marcus mentioned something about those guys, he's investigating them last time I heard." He said to Tammy.

Tammy frowned. "We'll have to talk to Marcus later then." She replied, before turning her attention back towards the man. "Anything else?" She asked.

"Nothing, that's all I know, I just bought the bullets and gathered my clan here." He said with a defeated sigh. "Just kill me, I've lost everything and shamed myself."

Felix sighed as he took a step back. "Ehh, I think your shame will do you in." He turned his attention to Tammy, "Let's take him into custody, then we'll call Marcus."

Felix then reached into his pocket and fished out his phone. Scrolling through his contacts he clicked and called on Lieutenant Revia.

The phone rang for a second before she picked up. "What do you want boy?" She asked in an irritated tone, the sounds of gunfire echoing in the background. 

Felix chuckled mischievously. "How was your day?" 

Lieutenant Revia remained silent. The sound of a man screaming echoed loudly in the background. *"It burns, it burns!!!"*

"You sound busy Mother Revia." Felix teased. "Can I get you anything, maybe some water?" He said with a snicker.

Tammy couldn't help but giggle at Felix's antics, while the gang leader had a confused look.

"Felix, you have five seconds before I hang up this call and find you." Lieutenant Revia threatened, her tone agitated.

Felix chuckled, "I'll take my chances." 

"Anyway, we have a person of interest here, he's in talks with the Kiba mercenaries, I'm taking him back to the safe house." He finally explained.

"Them again?" She sighed, "Well it makes sense, this is their home turf." She then paused for a moment, there was one final scream in the background before it fell silent. 

Then with a deep breath, she continued. "Whatever you and Tammy decide, I'll trust your judgment, just be careful if you're planning on investigating further, because these people won't hesitate to kill."

"Copy that mother bird." Felix replied with a smirk, "Hey, and don't forget our date on Friday, I'm not above fighting old ladies, just in case you plan on flaking."

"You're impossible Felix." 

"Yeah… I get that a lot." He replied with a chuckle. "See you later, Mother Revia."


As Felix hung up the call, he noticed the gang leader staring at him. His expression was disbelief.

"What?" Felix asked. 

"You're insane, you kill dozens of my men yet you have the gall to make jokes. I may be a bad person, but you… you're a monster."

Felix sighed as he pocketed his phone. "Save it for someone who cares." He replied with an eye roll, he then turned his attention towards Tammy, "Let's get moving, and mark this place for clean up."

"Of course," Tammy replied with a smile, pulling the gang leader by the collar. 

— — —

Marcus, Kinsley, and Luna were sitting in the Kinsley's first-period class. It was a bit awkward with Marcus receiving the curious glance now and again.

It seemed that even though the school has an open-door policy, not many used it, if any. "You lied to me," Marcus whispered into Kinsley's ear. "I stick out like a sore thumb."

Kinsley chuckled as placed her pencil down. "What, are you embarrassed of being with me?" She asked challengingly. 

"Are you?" Marcus asked. "If people didn't know about us before, they definitely will now."

Kinsley shrugged. "So, I don't care what they think, nobody said anything when I was by myself." She placed her arms on her fold–-desk, "why would they care now?"

Marcus opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by his phone ringing. "This isn't over," Marcus replied, fishing out his phone he realized Felix was calling him.

"That's a first," Marcus commented, answering the phone he was greeted by a familiar voice.

"Sup bro, long time no see," Felix replied with a chuckle.

Marcus smirked. "Sup Felix." He whispered, "What's with the call?"

"I'm just checking in on you bro, you're enjoying that break you got?" 

"Yeah, I'm sitting with my…" Marcus looked over to Kinsley, a curious expression on her face. "My girlfriend."

Kinsley blushed as she turned her attention back towards her work.

Felix chuckled. "About time you start calling her that, anyway can you find somewhere private, it's about work."

A disinterested expression stuck to Marcus' face. "Dude, I already told you I didn't want anything to do with work right now."

"It's about the Kiba mercanaries, I just need some information, that it, I promise bro." Felix replied.

Marcus sighed. "Alright, give me a second."