
Anomaly correction officers

Anomaly correction officers are the only line of defense standing against the space between reality and human society. Marcus, a typical teen with the simple goal of getting a warm cup of coffee, unknowingly stumbles upon one of these officers while attempting to get a jump to start his late school day. what seemed like a strange encounter at a café, ultimately leads him into a life of secrecy and the supernatural. chapter(s) release every day

HaMbUGer · Urban
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119 Chs

Chapter 95: Assault on the Cinema

Felix and Tammy walked out of the arcade and began heading towards the closest train station.

Upon reaching a station and boarding a train, Felix began checking his gear with an excited grin playing on his lips. "Let's see… containers, lights, and…."

"You certainly seem excited," Tammy said with a giggle, wrapping her arm around Felix's. 

Felix chuckled as he looked over at Tammy. "Of course I am, I finally get to burn off some steam." He replied. "Especially after that disaster at the arcade." He joked.

Tammy giggled, "Just go easy, I don't know if I can keep explaining your escapades to the authorities in a believable manner."

"Depends on how fast they surrender," Felix replied.

It wasn't long before the duo reached their stop in the Tamagawa district. Stepping off the train Felix checked his phone once more, "it says our destination is an old cinema, any ideas?" Felix asked, looking over to Tammy with a curious expression.

Tammy placed a finger to her chin, "hmm, Is it near a bridge?" She asked.

Felix checked his phone and then gave a thumbs-up. "Yep, there's one pretty close." 

"Hmm, follow me," Tammy said knowingly, hoping from the platform and breaking off into a sprint.

Felix pocketed his phone and quickly jumped after her. The duo sprinted through the city streets, weaving through crowds of curious onlookers.

It was early in the afternoon so the sun was high in the sky, but it was beginning to set. 

*"Ugh foreigners, they have no respect these days." An old Japanese woman commented in her native language, referring to Tammy blitzing past her.

Tammy heard the woman's displeasure and quickly turned around. Felix's expression turned perplexed as he watched Tammy turn on a dime. 

Tammy sprinted past Felix and returned back towards the older woman. 

She stopped before and reached for the old woman's hands. With a sincerely apologetic expression, she bowed.

*"Please forgive me ma'am, but I'm in a rush."* Tammy apologized in perfect Japanese.

The older woman's cheeks turned pink as she averted her gaze. *"Hmm, just be careful, this isn't a playground."*

Tammy nodded. *"Of course."* she replied, raising her hand up as she released the woman's hands.

Tammy then waved as she took off once more.

"What was that?!" Felix asked in confusion as he followed after Tammy. His expression was still confused.

"She said we were being rude." Tammy replied stopping at a crosswalk, "I felt really bad, so I wanted to apologize." 

Felix sighed. "I think you're just a weeb." He said with a groan. "I mean, would you do that if an old German lady said that?"

"If she was your grandmother I would," Tammy replied with a giggle. "I wouldn't want my future grandmother-in-law to hate me."

Felix blushed brighter than the red light keeping them from crossing the street. "I see."

Tammy giggled as the light turned green, and the duo continued their sprint towards the cinema. 

It wasn't long before they spotted it, an old boarded-up building, with cracked windows and graffiti. The surrounding area was rather empty and quiet, with a few people wandering the streets.

The duo slowed in their tracks as they grew closer, examining the outside of the cinema from a distant street corner.

"Take an assessment," Felix asked, standing in front of Tammy with an unassuming expression.

Tammy pulled Felix in front of her, wrapping her arms around his waist as she placed her head on his shoulder.

She focused her gaze on the cinema, narrowing her eyes as she spotted a man in a hoodie smoking a cigarette. "One by the entrance." She whispered in Felix's ear. 

"Got it."

Tammy then turned her attention towards a man sitting in a white unmarked van. "Another is in a van, it's turned off, but he looks armed."

"Hmm, getaway vehicle I presume?" 

Tammy nodded. "That's not a stretch." She replied as she turned her attention to the roof, spotting a man drinking a beer as he looked out on the streets.

The man turned his gaze toward Tammy, noticing her staring at him, a grin played on his lips. He placed two fingers over his lips and stuck his tongue between them. 

Tammy smiled as she averted her gaze, burying her face into Felix's neck. "Another on the roof," she whispered.

"Is that all?" Felix asked. 

Tammy nodded. "Yes."

Felix smirked. "I'll take out the guy in the van, you can move on the guy watching from the roof," Felix explained. "Then we'll move on to the entrance."

Tammy nodded as she released Felix. "You got it, Felix." She said with a warm smile.

With their plan in place, the duo went their separate ways.

Felix took a casual, indirect route toward the van. As he got closer, he noticed that the driver was more concerned with his phone than his surroundings. *"I can't believe Hinata is still alive."* the man said in disbelief, *"I thought the boss would have killed her for sure."*

Felix attempted to listen in on the man's conversation, but his understanding of Japanese wasn't the greatest. 

Approaching the back of the van, Felix got a quick glance at his surroundings. Realizing the coast was clear, Felix climbed underneath. He made his way directly underneath the driver and placed his hand on the underside of the van. 

Without hesitation, Felix quickly jammed his hands into the metal and ripped it apart. The metal crumbled like an aluminum can, and Felix was met with the driver's shocked expression.

"Don't move," Felix whispered, aiming a hand at the man as he charged ether into it. Small sparks of purple electricity popped and crackled in his hand. 

Without wasting a beat, the driver hastily reached for his sidearm, causing Felix to shoot him with a bolt of lightning.

The purple bolt of electricity crashed against the man's skull, leaving a crater of blood and bone.

Felix sighed as he watched the man slump down into his seat. Luckily the van's windows were slightly tinted, and he was quiet.

While Felix dealt with the remains of the driver, Tammy was making her way to the roof of the cinema. 

She stealthily made her way behind the cinema, then standing between the cinema and another building, began her climb to the roof.

First, she ran up the wall of the building adjacent to the cinema. Then with a backflip, she grabbed onto a protruding pipe sticking from the cinema wall.

She then scaled the rest of the building quickly, landing on the roof with a silent front flip. 

On the roof she spotted the man from earlier, staring out onto the empty street, beside him was a sniper rifle laid down flat.

*"Man, I wonder where that cute-ass foreign chick ran off."* he grumbled, *"I would love to see her around."* the man said with a devilish chuckle.

Tammy swiftly moved after the man, charging a ball of water in her hand. 

Hearing footsteps, the man quickly turned around to spot Tammy running towards him. 

His eyes widened in shock as he quickly reached for the gun beside him, 

Tammy, however, had already fired off her bolt of water, putting a hole in the man's neck.

He began to fall backward, but Tammy quickly caught him. She yanked him back further onto the roof, then with a series of rapid attacks to his pressure points, finished him off.

Tammy signed a breath of relief as the man collapsed to the ground, his body convulsing before ceasing its movements.

With both Tammy's and Felix's targets eliminated, they both made their way near the entrance of the cinema, stopping at a hidden and close vantage point. "So what's next Tammy?"

"Distract and slash." She replied.

Felix smirked. "I really don't like that one." He joked, "I never get to be the distraction."

Tammy giggled as she kissed Felix on the cheek. "That's because you're too handsome for that." She whispered, causing Felix to blush.

Tammy began to approach the man with the cigarette, while Felix snuck around his blindside.

*"Hello mister, it's quite a lonely night is it not?"* Tammy asked, approaching the hooded man with a bashful smile. 

The man chuckled as he tossed his cigarette onto the ground, stomping it out with his foot. *"Yeah it is, but a pretty face like you shouldn't be in these parts."* he said, approaching Tammy with his hands in his pockets.

Tammy giggled. *"Why can't I be here?"* she teased, stepping forward to the man, *"Is it because it's dangerous?"*

*"Maybe."* the man said with a chuckle, he reached out a hand to touch Tammy's cheek.

Unfortunately for him, Felix swiftly grabbed the man from behind. Putting a hand over his mouth and using an arm to secure the man's neck, then quickly dragged him into the ally.

Felix then broke the man's neck with a quick and practiced motion.

"And… done," Felix whispered as he tossed the man's body into a shadow. 

Tammy giggled as she shook her head. "You were supposed to ask him what was in the cinema."

A wry smile crept onto Felix's lips. "Oops."

Tammy smiled as she turned her attention towards the entrance. "It's fine, we'll just have to prepare for surprises." She said reassuringly.

Felix nodded as he stood by her side. "After you." 

The duo slipped into the cinema and were greeted with a run-down and musty lobby. There were broken movie poster screens lining the walls, patched and pulled up carpet. Along with broken furniture littered about.

The interior was quiet with faint whispers floating around.

"Do you know when this place closed?" Felix asked curiously as he looked around the lobby.

"Around 2025, a fire if I remember correctly," Tammy answered, carefully stepping towards the sound of the whispers.

Felix chuckled. "Weeb." He teased.

Tammy smiled as she led the way, carefully avoiding creaky parts in the floors and obstacles.

As they walked down the main corridor, Tammy quickly spotted a man armed with an MP5 and flashlight exiting one of the main theaters lining the corridor.

Tammy quickly pulled Felix into the closest Theater room. 

*"What the hell was that?"* the man asked, hurriedly pointing his gun down the corridor.

Tammy and Felix hid near the entrance of the theater room, holding their breaths as they readied bolts of charged ether, each with their own respective element.

*"I know I'm not hearing shit."* the man whispered as he slowly walked down the corridor. 

Tammy frowned as she looked over towards Felix. "I'll take the lead ok?" She told him, her tone slightly frustrated.

Felix nodded, dissipating the ether he had built in his hand.

As the man grew closer to their hiding spot, Tammy inched closer toward the exit. The building tension became almost palpable. 

As the man walked past Tammy, she quickly stepped out of the theater room and shot a water bolt through the back of his head. 

As the water bolt penetrated the man's skull, Tammy quickly grabbed the man from behind. "Ugh." She groaned under his weight as she gently lowered him onto the floor. 

Felix slowly stepped out of the theater room, looking down the corridor from where the man appeared. "Cost is clear." He whispered, "Hurry and bring him in."

Tammy nodded as she dragged the man's body into the theater room, dropping his body in a shadowy corner. 

"Are you ok?" Felix asked, kneeling beside Tammy. 

Tammy smiled as she turned her attention to Felix. "I'm ok." She replied, her tone soft and caring, "That was just surprising."

Felix sighed as patted Tammy's back. "I'll take over if you need a break, just let me know."

Tammy shook her head. "I'm ok Felix, really." She replied, standing up as she made her way back outside the theater. "Follow me."

Felix sighed but followed behind her regardless.

Stepping out of the theater and going back into the corridor. Tammy continued to lead the way forward. 

The closer the duo got to the last Theater room, the louder the whispering became, until it eventually became audible.

*"Our clan has been on the bottom for too damn long."* a voice said angrily. *"We have been kicked out of the Anomaly trade, arms dealing, and drug trades, but today that all changes."*

*"Oh really, please tell us, what could be better than hiding out in an old cinema?"* a voice replied sarcastically, followed by a round of chuckles.