
Animeverse Prime

After his death, our Mc drifts into the void for an unknown amount of times and finally when he gets out of the void he finds himself in a library full of books in rows with no ends. After strolling around he discovers a man in glasses taking notes very attractively but after waiting for a long time he finally couldn't wait because the man is not taking notice of him. So with his own initiative, he calls... “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…”Glasses [Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…” Glasses[Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “… ” Glasses [Silent ] After calling in a low voice for twice our Mc thought the man might also have a problem with his ears with his eyes so he shouted “EXCUSE ME~~~??? ” After hearing this shout the glasses man almost broke his pen and angrily looks at our Mc “I heard you the first time you called, so no need to shout. ” “…. ” Mc [Silent ]

Shaikh_Tohaa · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Kurosaki Family

Karakura Town…

Today the whole Nohara family is going to visit a college of Hiroshi from his previous job (Shinigami ) in Karakura town and introduce Neo with his children.

"Mom are we there yet? " Neo asked with a smile looking through the train's window.

"Not yet. " Misty said shaking her head.

"So boring. " Neo complained about a boring face looking through the window then he looks at Hiroshi to ask "Why didn't you arrange a private plane dad? "

"I thought it will be a good experience for you if we journey by train as this is your first time riding a train. " Hiroshi explained with a smile.

"But I would be even happier if it takes a little less time.." Neo complained about it with a destination.

"Alright, when we return we will use a helicopter. " Hiroshi replied with a sigh.

"Good. " Neo said with a smile then turning at his mother he asked "Mom I am hungry. "

"Here son eat this. " Misty said with a smile while handing over some box lunch when Yoruichi called out "Meow~ "

"Oh! Do you want some Yoruichi -chan? " and taking a small fish he held it in front of Yoruichi to eat who are with a smile opening her mouth happy.

Looking at their actions Hiroshi and Misty just smiled at them with a mutual understanding.

After playing with Yoruichi and reading some books Neo falls asleep and not long after that the train finally arrived at their destination.

"Misty wake him up. " Yoruichi asked without moving from Neo's side.

"Why don't you do it yourself Yoruichi-san? " Misty asked with a smile.

"Yes, you will never let anyone feed or hold you in your cat form except Neo so you should be the one to wake him up as you are so close with only him. " Hiroshi also agreed with his wife.

"That is a completely different story and besides I can't wake him up when he is sleeping so soundly. " Yoruichi said with a serious face.

"Yes, we got what do you mean. " Misty said with a teasing smile looking at her.

"What do you mean? " Yoruichi asked with a serious face.

"That you love him so much that you can't stand making him uncomfortable. " Misty and Hiroshi replied at the same time.

"Will you two stop. " Yoruichi asked with a dark face.

"Sure, sure. " 2x 

As they were bickering among them Neo moved a little and asked while his eyes are still closed "Are we there yet? "

"Yes dear we have arrived you should get up we need to get down from the train. " Misty said stopping teasing Yoruichi and everyone again started acting as nothing happened.

"What are we waiting for let's go I am tired of waiting on the train. " Neo said taking Yoruichi in his hands and putting her above his head.

"Meaw~ " With a satisfied face Yoruichi called out but looking at Mitsy and Hiroshi's teasing smile she quickly closed her mouth.

"Yes let's go. " Hiroshi said taking the luggage.

As soon as they came out of the train door a black-haired man came towards Hiroshi and shouted hugging him strongly "Hiroshi you have finally arrived? "

"Not so tight, not so tight. " Hiroshi said with a wry face looking at his college from his previous job.

"Hope we didn't make you wait too long Masaki-san. " Misty ignoring her husband went towards the orange-haired young lady beside them.

"No, we just arrived here. " Masaki said with a smile shaking her head.

"That is good to hear. " Misty said with a smile and turned towards the two little girls beside Masaki "Well who do we have here, come give aunt Misty a hug my little Angeles. "

"Karin, Yuzu meet to your aunty Misty and say hello. " Looking at her daughter's whom misty saw when they were just born said with a smile as she knows they don't remember about Misty but who is going to say that to this enthusiasm girl.

"Hello, Aunty. " Yuzu and Karin said with a smile looking at the red-haired woman.

"Cute~ " Misty said with a smile looking at their smiling face as she went close to them and hugged them then she started loving them.

"Aunty your hair so beautiful. " looking at Misty loving them so much and her gentle care than the way she is talking with them mixing with her beautiful hair Yuzu said with a smile.

"Your hair is also beautiful Yuzu-chan. " Misty said with a smile.

"What about me? " Karin asked with a jealous tone.

"Your hair is also good Karin-chan. " Misty said with a smile.

While Misty is caring Yuzu and Karin by their side Neo started feeling as if they had forgotten about him when Masaki came in front of him and asked "You must be Neo-chan. "

"Yes, aunty. " Neo said with a smile.

"You might not remember me but we have met once when you were born but I think at that time you were sleeping. " Masaki said with a smile looking at Neo who has a cat above his head.

"I think that should be the reason why I can't remember you. " Neo also agreed with her.

"Then let me introduce myself to you once more. My name is Masaki Kurosaki and the man who is fighting with your dad is my husband Isshin Kurosaki then the orange-haired girl like mine that your mother is rubbing her face with is Yuzu and the black-haired girl like her father is called Karin. " Masaki said with a smile 

"Are they twins. " Neo asked with a curious face.

"Yes, they are. " Masaki replied with a smile while nodding at Neo.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce Yoruichi-chan. " looking at Masaki looking at his head Neo took Yoruichi in a big and introduced her to Masaki with a smile while cherishing her.

"Oh! She is cute can I also hug her? " Masaki asked with a smile looking at Neo caring for his black cat as she doesn't have any knowledge of Yoruichi's true identity she also wanted to take care of her.

When Hiroshi and Isshin who were arguing among themselves heard her asking stopped their argument and looked at them with a serious face because if Neo agrees with Masaki and hugs Yoruichi then she (Y) might beat them later mercilessly.

"Sorry aunty but I don't think she will agree with you. " Neo said with a wry smile shaking his head looking at Masaki.

"Are you sure? " Masaki asked with a doubtful smile.

"Am I right? " hearing Masaki doubting him Neo asked looking at Yoruichi in his hands.

"Meaw~ " Hearing his works Yoruichi agreed with a nod not wanting to get hugged by Masaki.

"It's a shame. " Masaki said with a sad smile.

After some more introduction, they started going to their house and after arriving it almost became noon when Masaki said with looking at the window "Oh my it is raining, I think I should go and get Ichigo from the school. "

"Aunty are you going out? " looking at Masaki going out Neo asked with a curious face.

"Yes, I need to get Ichigo from his school. " Masaki said with a nod.

"Can I also come with you? " Neo asked with a curious face.

"I don't mind but.… " Masaki said with a nod then looked at Misty for her opinion.

"Ok dear, you can go with aunty but don't cause any trouble for her, ok. " Misty said with a nod as she knows about her son's curiosity.

"Ok, mom. " With that Neo went out with Masaki.

Back at home Misty asked with a smile looking at the girls "Yuzu, Karin what do you want to eat? "

You know I almost forgot about Masaki's death but while writing about Neo's manga and reading a comment I remembered about it.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts