
Animeverse Prime

After his death, our Mc drifts into the void for an unknown amount of times and finally when he gets out of the void he finds himself in a library full of books in rows with no ends. After strolling around he discovers a man in glasses taking notes very attractively but after waiting for a long time he finally couldn't wait because the man is not taking notice of him. So with his own initiative, he calls... “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…”Glasses [Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “…” Glasses[Silent ] “Excuse me??? ” Mc “… ” Glasses [Silent ] After calling in a low voice for twice our Mc thought the man might also have a problem with his ears with his eyes so he shouted “EXCUSE ME~~~??? ” After hearing this shout the glasses man almost broke his pen and angrily looks at our Mc “I heard you the first time you called, so no need to shout. ” “…. ” Mc [Silent ]

Shaikh_Tohaa · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

I surrender

The Dimensional Gap…

After making the hand signs showed in the book and following the portal Neo arrived in an endless void where, in every direction, there is a mix of iridescent colors and understanding his surrounding void Neo quickly made a barrier of Chakra that protects him from the void.

And looking at the exam requirement he asked with a curious face "Do Dragon really exists in this world. " but again reading the book he shook his head thinking the book might have created it to test him when he heard a loud Drago cry from behind and turning around he found a huge red creature floating very close to him and a huge horn is touching his stomach when he turned to look.

"Did you lost the way to your home little fellow? " the huge red creature asked him with a curious tone.

Using his dojutsu he found the huge creature in front of him resemble a Dragon so he asks with a curious face "Are you a dragon.? "

"Yes, little fellow, I am a true Dragon. " The red dragon replied with a proud tone.

"Good. " Hearing that the creature in front of him is a Dragon Neo nodded with a smile then asked with a curious face "So can you tell me where can I find a Dragon called The Great Red Dragon? "

"Yes, I know where he is. " Hearing the little fellow is looking for himself Great Red nodded at him then asked with a curious tone "But can you tell me why are you looking for him. "

"I want it to sign a pet contract with me. " without thinking much Neo replied casually.

Hearing Neo wants to Neo want to make him a pet made Great Red very angry but thinking he is talking with a kid who might not understand what he is talking about he suppressed his anger then asked with a calm tone "Do you know what you are talking about, kid?  "

"Yes, I know what I am talking about now if you tell me where I can find the Great Red Dragon is? " Neo replied with a serious face.

"Then do you know the Dragon you're looking for is the "True Red Dragon God Emperor". " Great Red asked with a serious tone.

"So? " Neo replied with don't care attitude looking at Great Red.

"Don't so, me? Do you understand what it indicates to get called True Red Dragon God-Emperor? " Great Red asked with a serious face.

"Is it very strong? " Neo asked with a curious face.

"Yes very strong. So what do you think you should do now. " Great Red asked with a satisfied face hearing him(N) saying he(GR) is very strong.

"I should challenge him. " Neo replied without thinking much.

"Yes, that's right you should ask me about the direction of your home… " As if he knows what Neo should ask of him Great Red nodded his head but hearing Neo's words he retorted excitedly "No~ you should say please show me the direction of my home, I am lost. "

"Why? " Neo asked with a confused face as he is here to fight and make Great Red his pet.

"Didn't you hear Great Red is very strong? " Great Red asked excitedly.

"Yes, that is why I am going to make it my pet. " Neo replied with a nod.

This way after advising Neo to return home Great Red gave up because no matter what he says Neo always come back to the square, one and asks to make him his per so without finding a way out he decided to introduce himself "Fine if you are so much determined on finding Great Red then I will have to say here I am, I am great Red. "

"Are you really telling me the truth? " Neo asked with a doubtful tone as if he doesn't believe him.

"Look kid you believe me or not I am really the only Great Red. " Great Red replied with a tired tone.

Hearing Great Red's serious confession Neo nodded thinking if the red Dragon in front of him is telling him a lie then after defeating and signing a pet contract with it the exam won't be completed and then he will be able to find the Great Red Dragon himself so he decided to ask "Ok if you are telling me the truth become my pet. "

"Sorry kid that is impossible. "Great Red replied with a serious face.

"If so then I will just make you sign the contract. " Neo said with a serious face.

"Are you going to force me? " Great Red asked with an aggressive tone.

"If that is what it takes to make you my pet. "Neo said with a serious face.

"For a little fellow, you really talk big you know. " Great Red said with a serious face.

"Final opportunity become my pet willingly or I will force you. " Neo said while with a serious face looking at Great Red.

"Or what are you going to do kid? " Great Red asked with a serious tone looking at this rude kid whom he first thought some naive kid who doesn't know right from wrong but after spending some time he started feeling offended and decided now he doesn't care even if Neo is a kid he will still destroy him and started releasing a little bit of his pressure on Neo.

"All mighty Push" upon feeling strange pressure on him Neo answered his question by spread his right hand in front of him then said with a serious face and used all-mighty push using his infinite chakra which pushed Great Red with an unimaginable might and almost broke his horn.

"What just happened? " getting pushed back suddenly with an unimaginable force Great Red didn't know what to do as he is getting pushed by an invisible barrier with a fast speed when and went flying backward. 

While Neo is looking at him with an expressionless face from above then asked again "Now tell me what is your opinion again? "

Hearing Neo's question and getting the attacked Great Red became very angry at him and opening his mouth wide shouted "Now I am really angry, kid. Prepare to die. " then shot 10 meters, wide red hot laser beam towards Neo.

Looking at the incoming attack Neo just put his hand in front of him and opened a portal that easily observed the attack from Great Red and said with a lazy tone "Now it's my turn. " and making a hand sigh he shouted "Ice style: Ice age. " 

After shooting he put a tiger sign in front of his mouth and opening it he released a huge cold wave of blue ice Ray that froze Great Red instantly without giving it a chance to move.

Even though Great Red wasn't able to move still using near-infinite energy of his he broke free from the Ice and stared coming towards Neo with an aggressive face.

"So it wasn't enough. " Neo said with a curious face looking at Great Red then added "How about this. Reverse counter. "

With that, another portal arrived in front of him and Great Red's attack from before came out and hit him on the face but because of his strong body the attack wasn't able to do anything to Great Red who coming to near Neo attacks him with a "Dragon fist" while shouting "How dare a tiny little kid attacking me like that I will kill you. "

Getting punched and flying like a tiny insect by Great Red's "Dragon Fist" Neo felt he got humiliated and his ego got hurt so he also decided to slap Great Red flying as he shouted "Super Expansion Jutsu" with that he became 60 meters tall but compared to great red's 100 meters he is still a little small but if he compares just by hight he is taller already by his ego made him go a step further as he shouted "Susanoo" and soon covered himself with a full-body Susanoo which made his Susanoo 6000 meters in size and he stood inside the forehead of the Susanoo and comparing the Susanoo to Great Red now his Susanoo's single finger is bigger than the whole body of Great Red so with a satisfied face he asked "Who is tiny now? "

Looking at the huge Susanoo and the process for a moment Great Red didn't know what to say but after hearing Neo's words he came to normal and calm his mind then shouted "What is you are bigger that doesn't mean you are stronger than me. " but inside thought 'Just why can't I feel his true straight. '

"Then why don't you try? " Neo said with a serious face.

"Just see how I destroy you. " Great Red said and stared gathering a huge energy ball in front of his face and very soon it became hundreds of times bigger than his body that is even bigger than the Susanoo as he shoots it towards Neo with a confident face.

" Let me also see how strong your attack is to make you confident of it.  " Neo said and puts the Susanoo's hand in the way of the attack very easily stopped it then using his own chakra he started making Great Red's attack small and soon it became his fist size and from the view of Great Red the attack now looks like a miniature sun and combine with Neo's attack he started feeling some fear of it as he heard, "I think this belongs to you. "

With that Neo through the attack towards him and looking at the speed of the attack using his fast speed, he dodged the attack very easily and laughed towards Neo "With that speed, it won't work on me. "

"Then how about this. Supernova strike. " With that Neo started firing multiple Supernova at Great Red's direction.

Great Red who was able to escape from some of the attacks with his fast speed wasn't affected that much but when the attacks started following him he started getting hit by then and started getting then very soon he is covered with uncomfortable scares and when he attacks Neo with his attack or counters Neo's attacks Neo will absorb his attack by opening portals and send them back and combining with Neo's own attack he wasn't able to find a way to win so shouted with quickly "I surrender. Please stop. "

"Good now sign a pet contract with me. " 


at first, I only wanted to use Rinnegan then while writing I added a little more.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shaikh_Tohaacreators' thoughts