
Anima: Sorcery In Shadows

in a world where undead and sorcerers exist for ages until now in modern era, a powerful energy known as Anima Mundi has awakened, granting extraordinary abilities to the sorcerers who defends humanity against the monstrous creatures of undead. For centuries, the earth has been threatened by malevolent forces, including undead creatures and monstrous beasts that prey upon humanity's souls and flesh. To counter these threats, a clandestine order of knights, known as Knight Magus, was formed. Their duty is to wield the arcane powers of Anima Mundi and safeguard the world from the encroaching shadows. At the center of this conflict is Renji, a 23-year-old graduate from the prestigious ALIVARD University, a secret institution that offers sorcery degrees to those chosen by the Anima Mundi. Renji is a lone wolf, a cool and enigmatic young man who prefers solitude Having mastered potent sorcery techniques, Renji is one of the few individuals entrusted with the knowledge to defend humanity. Renji's life takes an unexpected turn when he is sent on an undercover mission to the Philippines. As he poses as a student in a high school university, he encounters the darkness lurking within society, even in the midst of daylight. However, it is during a fateful night that Renji's true trials begin.

BurningZeroDegrees · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: Blood,flames and death

After the blinding lights subsided, the rooftop was engulfed in an eerie silence. Renji and Charles exchanged wary glances, their guard still up. They couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

Suddenly, a deep and chilling voice echoed through the air. "My my, what a pleasant showdown between two magus." The voice seemed to resonate from the shadows themselves.

As the darkness parted, a figure emerged. Aneteron, the Death Knight of the Undead, made his presence known. With long white hair cascading down his runed armor and his face adorned with a sinister smile, he exuded an aura of malevolence. His dark yellow eyes pierced through Renji and Charles, sending shivers down their spines.

Renji clenched his fists, prepared for the next encounter. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice laced with a hint of wariness.

Aneteron's grin widened as he stepped forward, his armored boots echoing on the rooftop. "Ah, just a humble servant of the undead," he replied in a tone that sent chills down their spines. "A death knight skilled in both the art of the sword and necromancy."

Charles gripped the handle of his blood bow, his anima mundi pulsating with caution. "What do you want?" he asked, keeping his voice steady.

Aneteron chuckled darkly. "Oh, nothing much. I was simply drawn by the immense anima mundi unleashed in your battle," he said with a wicked glint in his eyes. "I couldn't resist the opportunity to witness such power."

In a blink of an eye Aneteron's cursed hands reached out to touch Charles's shoulders from behind, Charles sensed a sudden chill down his spine. Reacting on instinct, he twisted his body just in time to avoid Aneteron's grasp. However, before he could fully comprehend the danger, Aneteron vanished from sight, reappearing with astonishing speed behind the bewildered Charles.

Renji's mind worked in overdrive, reacting to the unfolding threat. His thoughts, movements, vision, and precision accelerated to their peak as he channeled the anima mundi through his being. In an instant, his double-edged claymore manifested in his hands, glowing with the intensity of his power.

Without a moment's hesitation, Renji unleashed a powerful slash towards Aneteron, but then Aneteron strikes his blade rendering renji's blade a powerful block. The air crackled with anima mundi and dark energy as the two blades clashed. Aneteron's dark runed armor seemed to absorb the impact of the attack, leaving him seemingly unscathed.

Renji gritted his teeth, realizing that Aneteron was no ordinary adversary. The death knight was a formidable opponent, and his mastery of dark arts and teleportation made him a deadly force to be reckoned with.

In the midst of the fierce duel, Charles tried to process the surreal speed and power displayed by both combatant's sword clash. He felt a mix of awe and fear, not fully comprehending the extent of their abilities. As he watched the battle unfold in front of him, he felt a sense of helplessness, uncertain of how he could contribute to the fight.

With unbelievable astonished expression of Charles

"So renji is still holding back, the moment we fought earlier, his speed and the death knight's evenly matched"

Aneteron's wicked smile grew wider as he reveled in the chaos he had caused.

"Oh, how delightful!"

he taunted, his voice dripping with malevolence.

"I do love those fear in your eyes, knowingly you can't defeat me no matter what."

Renji's determination intensified as he focused on exploiting any weakness in Aneteron's defenses. The rooftop became a battleground of swift movements and clashing blades surpassing even the speed of bullet, the anima mundi and dark energy swirling around them like a storm.

As Aneteron stepped back, he cast a wicked necromancy summoning spell, giving life to

"the abomination ghoul."

The grotesque creature emerged from the shadows, its bulkiness and rotting flesh sending shivers down Charles's spine. The abomination wielded a butcher's knife and a one-handed axe, poised to carry out its master's command.

Aneteron's malevolent grin widened as he addressed Charles, tauntingly,

"I don't want to let your boredom be unfilled, Charles. You must have an opponent worthy of your talents."

Charles's heart pounded in his chest as he braced himself to face the abomination. His precision and skill as a knight magus came into play as he prepared to defend against the ghoul's relentless attack. The abomination lunged forward with a ferocious swing of its weapons, aiming to feast on Charles's soul and flesh.

With a surge of anima mundi flowing through him, Charles moved with swift precision, his movements almost as if he could anticipate the abomination's every strike. He blocked the abomination's attack with his blood-infused chain, the clash of metal ringing out on the rooftop

As the battle raged on, Renji and Aneteron clashed with relentless determination. Renji's blade glowed with the crimson aura of anima mundi and flames, signifying the immense power he infused into his attacks. With a focused mind, he chanted the incantation for


one of his most powerful and devastating techniques.

As Renji unleashed BurningZero, a spatial slash erupted between him and Aneteron, its abstract and fiery nature making it a formidable force to behold. The attack hurtled towards Aneteron, who stood firm with an air of confidence, knowing the true strength of his rune-based armor.

With an almost graceful movement, Aneteron's armor absorbed the impact of BurningZero, as if it were merely a minor inconvenience. A menacing smirk formed on his pale face, and he taunted Renji,

"Seems like you are reaching your limits, Renji. No matter how much you struggle, you're still bound by the limitations of your humanity."

Despite his exhaustion, Renji's determination remained unwavering. He gritted his teeth, refusing to back down.

"I may be human, but I won't let that stop me,"

he retorted with unwavering resolve.

"My determination is stronger than any limitation you can throw at me."


As Charles and the abomination continued their intense battle, their weapons clashed with a thunderous force. Charles wielded his blood chain with skill and precision, its crimson aura matching his determined resolve.

The abomination, was a grotesque display of undead strength. Its bulkiness and rotting flesh gave it an unnatural resilience, allowing it to endure Charles's relentless attacks. The sound of metal meeting metal echoed across the rooftop as the abomination's butcher knife and axe clashed against Charles's blood chain.

Each strike from Charles sent ripples of force through the abomination's body, but its skin seemed as tough as steel, deflecting the impact of his attacks. It seemed like an unyielding wall that Charles had to break through to overcome his monstrous opponent.

As Charles continued to strike the abomination's body, he failed to notice the creature inching closer to him. Realizing the danger too late, Charles found himself ensnared in the abomination's vice-like grip, his attempts to escape in vain.

The force of the abomination's grip was beyond comprehension, causing Charles's arm to break and bones to shatter inside. A gut-wrenching cry of pain and despair escaped his lips as he writhed in agony. The abomination showed no mercy, unleashing a barrage of swift and brutal strikes with its butcher's knife, causing fatal injuries to Charles and throwing him through the walls of the building.

Charles stood up bloodied and battered, he summoned the last reserves of his strength. With a defiant gaze, he faced the abomination that threatened to feast on his very soul. The two magic circles appeared on both sides of him, radiating with the pulsating energy of anima mundi.

Charles focused his mind, connecting the chains from both of his hands into the magic circles. The incantation of

"Sanguis Eternum Catena"

echoed in the air as the chains transformed into a brilliant, ethereal crimson. The chains began to weave a dance of death, twisting and coiling with an almost sentient purpose.

A look of terror crossed the abomination's grotesque face as it realized the magnitude of Charles's power. But it was too late. With an unwavering resolve, Charles unleashed the Eternal Blood Chains upon the abomination. The chains lashed out with blinding speed, piercing through the monster's flesh with an eerie precision.

As the chains made contact, the abomination's body started to disintegrate, its form unable to withstand the relentless assault of the Eternal Blood Chains. Charles's eyes shone with determination as he held firm, refusing to back down in the face of darkness.

"I would not let a hideous monster like you kill innocent people,"

Charles declared, his voice steady despite his injuries.

The abomination let out a final agonizing roar before its monstrous form dissipated into nothingness. The rooftop was once again bathed in silence, the battle having reached its conclusion. Charles, breathing heavily, stood victorious amidst the fading echoes of his powerful spell.

Charles's heart sank as he saw Aneteron holding Renji lifeless and covered in blood. Despite his own injuries and exhaustion, Charles mustered every ounce of strength he had left and tried to crawl towards them.

"Renji! No!"

Charles screamed, his voice filled with anguish and desperation.

Aneteron grinned malevolently, relishing in the pain he had caused.

"Mission complete, Renji is successfully executed,"

he declared triumphantly.

"No... it can't be..."

Charles whispered, tears streaming down his face. He couldn't bear to lose his friend, his ally, and the person who had shown him the true meaning of strength and courage.