
Anima: Sorcery In Shadows

in a world where undead and sorcerers exist for ages until now in modern era, a powerful energy known as Anima Mundi has awakened, granting extraordinary abilities to the sorcerers who defends humanity against the monstrous creatures of undead. For centuries, the earth has been threatened by malevolent forces, including undead creatures and monstrous beasts that prey upon humanity's souls and flesh. To counter these threats, a clandestine order of knights, known as Knight Magus, was formed. Their duty is to wield the arcane powers of Anima Mundi and safeguard the world from the encroaching shadows. At the center of this conflict is Renji, a 23-year-old graduate from the prestigious ALIVARD University, a secret institution that offers sorcery degrees to those chosen by the Anima Mundi. Renji is a lone wolf, a cool and enigmatic young man who prefers solitude Having mastered potent sorcery techniques, Renji is one of the few individuals entrusted with the knowledge to defend humanity. Renji's life takes an unexpected turn when he is sent on an undercover mission to the Philippines. As he poses as a student in a high school university, he encounters the darkness lurking within society, even in the midst of daylight. However, it is during a fateful night that Renji's true trials begin.

BurningZeroDegrees · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 3: Charles Thoumas

As the morning sun painted the sky in hues of gold, Renji, disguised as a high schooler, walked the familiar path to his school. Amidst the gentle breeze, a voice called out to him, and he turned to find a girl catching up to his stride. Her bright eyes sparkled with determination as she introduced herself as Ristlle. Renji's cool exterior softened slightly, recognizing her as one of the classmates who had bravely defended him from bullies before.

With a hint of gratitude in his eyes, Renji acknowledged her actions,

"You didn't have to do that, Ristlle."

Undeterred, Ristlle's expression remained determined as she pouted,

"I can't stand seeing people being bullied. It's just not right."

As they continued walking together, Renji found himself intrigued by Ristlle's unwavering spirit. There was something captivating about her genuine nature.

Upon reaching the school gate, a surprising sight awaited them. The group of bullies, led by Oliver, stood humbly before Renji, expressing their profound gratitude. With a mix of astonishment and dismay, Renji was rendered speechless by their earnestness.

Ristlle, unaware of the recent events, looked to Renji with confusion, seeking an explanation. With a calm smile, Renji deflected the attention,

"Oh, I simply helped them with lifting some heavy things."

Seizing the opportunity to playfully tease the once-bullying group, Renji gave them a funny yet threatening look. "Isn't that right, boys?"

The group nodded vigorously, eager to show their newfound respect and gratitude. Ristlle couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and pride as she witnessed the transformation of the once-aloof bullies.

As the teacher introduced the new transferee student, Charles Thoumas, the classroom buzzed with curiosity and excitement. Renji's keen senses immediately detected the overwhelming surge of anima mundi emanating from Charles, a power that rivaled his own. While the girls in the class were enchanted by Charles' handsome and charismatic appearance, Renji's expression remained stoic, his mind racing with questions.

With a disarming smile, Charles confidently introduced himself, exuding a gentle and happy aura that seemed to win the hearts of everyone around him.

"Hello, everyone! I'm Charles Thoumas, and I'm thrilled to be here. I look forward to getting to know all of you better and becoming friends."

As Charles settled into the seat beside Ristlle, Renji's unease intensified. He knew he had never encountered Charles during his time at ALIVARD university, yet there was something strikingly familiar about him. The aura of anima mundi surrounding Charles was undeniable, and Renji couldn't ignore the fact that he, too, was one of the esteemed knight magus.

Ristlle seemed at ease, her amiable nature shining through as she engaged in friendly conversation with Charles. However, Renji remained on high alert, his sharp eyes subtly scrutinizing every move the new student made.

During the class, Charles effortlessly navigated through conversations with his peers, showcasing an innate ability to blend in with ease. Despite his charming demeanor, Renji couldn't shake the feeling that Charles was concealing something, and that knowledge put him on edge.

As the lunch break continued, Renji stood by the window, gazing outside with both arms crossed over his chest. He heard Ristlle's voice calling out to him, and as he turned, he saw her standing with Charles by her side. Charles wore a genuine smile as he greeted Renji, expressing his eagerness to be his friend. Renji's cool demeanor remained intact as he responded,

"It's nice to meet you too."

Throughout the rest of the day, Renji and Charles found themselves in various classes together. Though they were both knight magus, their interactions were filled with an air of mystery and unspoken tension. Charles seemed friendly and amiable to everyone, but Renji couldn't help but feel that there was more to him than met the eye.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Renji retreated to his daily sanctuary—the rooftop of the school building. It was here that he prepared for his duty as a knight magus, protecting humanity from the darkness that threatened to engulf their world.

As he began his preparations, he sensed a presence nearby, and to his surprise, it was Charles standing at the rooftop as well. Renji's guard immediately went up, and he eyed Charles warily, unsure of his intentions.

A confident Charles spoke to renji and said

"Renji the eredar, or should I say the demon sorcerer"

As Renji trying to hide something from Charles


"I have no idea what you are talking about"

Charles with a little bit chuckles on his lips


"Come on now renji your title and achievements have been known throughout the universities that teaches the future knights of magus"

As the rooftop breeze carried an air of tension, Renji's expression remained stoic, though inwardly, he was taken aback by Charles' knowledge of his title and achievements.

"Demon sorcerer?"

Renji repeated, trying to hide any hint of surprise.

"I'm just a knight magus doing what needs to be done."

Charles' smile widened, revealing a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Oh, don't be so modest, Renji. Your reputation precedes you. They say you're one of the strongest, and I've been looking forward to this opportunity to test my power against you."

Renji's eyes narrowed, his warrior instincts on high alert. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Charles' intentions than a mere test of strength. But he couldn't back down from a challenge.

"We'll fight,"

Renji responded firmly,

"but let's keep it contained. I won't let innocent lives be endangered."

Charles chuckled, a mischievous glimmer dancing in his eyes.

"Agreed. I have no desire to cause unnecessary harm. This will be a test of skill and power, nothing more."

The two adversaries faced each other, their auras crackling with anima mundi. Without a word, they assumed their combat stances, their energies swirling around them like an invisible tempest.

In a burst of motion, Charles unleashed a flurry of fist strikes covered in yellow aura of AM, his movements fluid and precise. Renji deftly evaded each strike and countering with his own display of prowess using also with his hands covered in red aura AM. Sparks flew as their powers collided, the rooftop becoming a battlefield of anima mundi.

Their hand to hand combat clash was a dance of power and finesse, each move calculated, each strike infused with their unique mastery of sorcery. Renji's eyes gleamed with determination, his resolve unwavering as he matched Charles' every move.

As the combat raged on, a storm of emotions swirled within Renji. He sensed that Charles was more than he appeared—there was an intensity in his eyes, a hunger for something beyond mere power. What was driving him to seek out such a formidable opponent?

In the midst of the clash, Charles spoke with an air of curiosity,

"You possess incredible strength, Renji, but it seems there's more to you than meets the eye. What is it that fuels your power? Is it duty? Ambition? Or something deeper?"

Renji's expression remained stoic, offering no insight into his inner turmoil.

"My reasons are my own,"

he replied, deflecting Charles' probing questions.

"Now, let's focus on the battle at hand."

As the intense battle raged on, Renji's anima mundi surged with fiery energy as he takes a hand sign and unleashed the

"ignis fumen"

towards Charles. However, Charles was no ordinary opponent. With a swift and fluid motion, he chanted the spell

"tutela arcanum,"

conjuring a powerful barrier that effortlessly deflected Renji's fiery assault.

Renji's eyes narrowed with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

"Impressive defense,"

he acknowledged, his tone filled with respect.

"But don't think you've won just yet."

Unyielding in his determination, Charles smirked confidently.

"Oh, I have much more in store for you,"

he declared. With a swift movement, he began chanting the spell

"sanguinis viniculum,"

and to Renji's surprise, chains of crimson energy shot forth from Charles' palms.

Renji's instincts kicked in, and he agilely evaded the incoming chains. As he distanced himself from the dangerous attack, Charles' voice rang out, filled with pride and a hint of intrigue.

"These chains are far from ordinary. They are empowered by my very own blood, allowing them to materialize beyond my palms into the atmosphere."

As the chains swirled around them, Renji could sense their potent energy. He knew that making contact with those chains would be dangerous, as Charles' next attacks could be devastating if his defenses were weakened because of the chains.

Undeterred, Renji readied himself for the next move.

"I won't underestimate you,"

he said firmly.

"But I won't hold back either."

With a nod, Charles acknowledged the challenge.

"Good. Let's make this a battle to remember,"

he replied, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

The rooftop became a stage for their clash of anima mundi, their powers intertwining in a dance of strength and skill. Each move was calculated, every spell carefully chosen as they sought to gain the upper hand.

The rooftop crackled with anima mundi as the final clash between Renji and Charles reached its apex. Charles chanted with a commanding tone,

"Sanguinis Arcus Mortem!"

A hauntingly beautiful bow and arrow formed on his forearm, an ominous weapon fueled by the essence of blood and death.

At the same time, Renji's voice echoed with power and determination,

"Ignis Rubra Anima!"

A massive ball of crimson flames surged from his hands, its intense heat enveloped in a red aura.

The rooftop became a battleground of contrasting elements as the

"Blood Bow of Death"

and the

"Crimson Soulfire Blaze"

hurtled towards each other. The moment of impact released a cataclysmic explosion, shrouding the entire building in blinding light and deafening sound.