
Angry Harry and the Seven by Sinyk

Hey Guys, this story is written by Sinyk on fanfic net. This is not my work. The only reason I am putting this up is because someone has copied Sinyk's entire work word-for-word on this site (claiming it as his own: Harry Potter and the 7 angers), releasing it at a snail's pace, and is also making money off of it on patreon. Pisses me off to no end. Art is by CruderFive1 on DeviantArt ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, guys and... guyettes, This one is of epic length. And by that I mean really really long. For those who sent me a note about 'Four Heirs' and thought it long - well, this one blows that one out of the water for length. So, if something only up to - say - 150k words is your cup o' tea, then this isn't for you. No sir-ree! This story hits approximately 480k words. To stop all the whining and bitching right now - yeah, like that's ever going to happen - you'll figure out this is a 'Haphne' story; Dumbledore is (somewhat) good but still manipulative as per canon; Ron's an ineffective non-entity; Snape tries to keep sticking his beak in - and get's it repeatedly thwacked with a rolled-up newspaper; McGonagall gets over her hero-worship of DumDum (I mean, Dumbledore); Hermione is a good friend; Sirius is free; kids are kids; and teenagers are walking bags of hormones. The story follows canon a lot; and I've even included many quoted sections out of the books. I didn't do this to pinch JKR's works. Rather, it's in there to demonstrate similarities while being a different story. So, no biatching about that, either. You've been well and truly warned. Yours, Da crazy bastard who thinks he's an author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

H3llhound2dea1h · Movies
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87 Chs

Chapter Sixty Nine - New Wand

Disclaimer: The Harry Potter universe belongs to JK Rowling, Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros and some other high falutin' companies. Me, I'm just a PR professional. I don't profess to own - and would never dream of making any money off - JKR's wonderful world. However, its her sandbox and she's left the gate unlatched so we can go in and play a bit. Which, I've done.

Chapter Sixty Nine - New Wand




The next morning in the Daily Prophet, it was reported that Cornelius Fudge, the most recent ex-Minister, had been found dead in his home where he was under house arrest. The death had actually happened some time ago, but was not released early because of the sensitivity of the family who asked for it to remain silent during the Yule holiday season.

Further, the case against those named in Fudge's Bribe Book collapsed with the death of the man. Harry was angry about it when he realised what had happened.

Someone, likely Malfoy, had Fudge 'snuffed'. Without Fudge, it was claimed the names in the book were naught but lies and were, in fact, code names of the real people responsible. Except for one - Dolores Umbridge.

The silly woman had 'coughed'; claiming she not only accepted bribes, but also used blackmail to gain even further coin. However, none of the names she mentioned was Malfoy. They knew Malfoy was likely one of those, but the woman was under a magical vow not to divulge the identity, and they couldn't get it out of her.

Harry suspected that, if she did actually have any dealings with the git and hadn't given the vow, she would've also found herself bereft of her life.

Harry fumed about it in the Come and Go Room by taking his frustrations out on the target dummies. The others knew to leave him be until he exhausted himself. Even then, Daphne was always the one to offer him sports drinks and sympathy.

Once he'd calmed down and taken seat in his usual spot in the circle of couches, Harry turned to Susan and asked, "Are you allowed to tell us when this happened, Suze?"

"I can, now," she replied. "It was just before Christmas. Someone, who was keyed into the wards, simply walked right in and used a Killing Curse on him very late one night."

"Malfoy," sighed Harry.

"That's who Aunt Amelia thinks it was, too," she replied. "However, they can't prove it. Fudge's wards did not have a record keeping feature. Aunt Amelia believes that's because Fudge had dealings with a lot of unsavoury types and he'd invite them to his home. So, he didn't want them recorded as being there.

"She went to Fudge's brother to see if he'd let her take a look at the ward book to the Fudge home, but even his brother could not access it. Everything they tried led to a dead end in trying to find evidence against the killer, to no avail."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" growled Harry.

"This happens with all too much regularity, Harry," said Susan. "There's so much corruption in the Ministry that Aunt Amelia seems to spend most of her time trying to stop things like evidence disappearing, and witnesses vanishing."

"Look at what happened to all those names Pettigrew gave as being Death Eaters," said Daphne. "Most simply claimed they'd already been exonerated of any wrongdoing due to being Imperioused. And, to try them a second time amounted to double jeopardy.

"It was only the unknown ones they were able to successfully try and incarcerate. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, and their ilk all walked because they'd already been found innocent."

Harry just sighed in response and leaned back on the couch. Daphne snuggled up to him in comfort.




Just before the restart of full time studies, the twins seemed to be strengthening their inner resolve. Finally, on the last Saturday, they approached Harry and quietly handed him a folio.

Harry accepted it with a frown, wondering what they were up to. When he looked at the cover, he understood. The twins had finally finished their business proposal and were submitting it, as promised.

Harry quickly flicked through it and saw just how detailed it was. He looked up at their worried faces and said, "Gentlemen. Well done. Give me a chance to go over this with Daphne and I'll let you know as soon as I can, alright?"

The twins nodded back and quickly headed over to the potion station, casting furtive glances back.

Harry grinned, sat back, and began to read.

After about fifteen minutes he was joined by Daphne, who came and sat down beside him.

"What in Merlin's name have you there, sweetheart?" she asked.

"The twins have submitted their business proposal," he replied. Then handed her what he'd already read. Before him he'd placed parchment and fountain pen and was taking notes of what to ask the twins. However, he was also finding himself crossing out questions as they were answered later in the proposal.

An hour later and he'd finished. Daphne had quickly caught him up and was reading the last few pages over his shoulder.

When she'd finished, he softly asked her, "What did you think?"

"It was - without a doubt - bloody brilliant!" she honestly replied. "Their talents in business documentation are on a par with the professionals. Merlin, the professionals should go to them to learn something."

"Besides, the facts and figures - and that the information they've provided is beyond what I asked for," said Harry. "This shows me they're dedicated to the work. And, they won't have a problem doing the paperwork associated with running their own business."

"Definitely not," she said.

"Your recommendation?" he asked.

"Go for it," she firmly but quietly said. "Anyone who wouldn't, on reading that, obviously doesn't know business."

Harry smiled and looked up at the twins. "Oh, bo-oys!" he called. "Come take a seat."

The twins just glanced at each other before hurrying over to sit opposite. They were, of course, understandably nervous.

"You two," he said. "Have - in a nutshell - astounded us. I expected to receive a proposal I would need to edit and provide advice on how to improve. I expected a proposal I'd have to return to you so you could head off and gather more information.

"This, however," he said, holding up the reassembled document, "requires none of that. It is a complete and very professional job."

The twins looked at each other and grinned before turning back.

"However," said Harry, enjoying watching their faces fall and trying to hide it, "Your proposal states renting premises below Gringotts and then, once you've accumulated enough to move into better premises, you'd move above Gringotts. So, you clearly understand that the prime real estate is between Gringotts and Leaky Cauldron, rather than below. Cleverly, you also recognise that such a move carries one-off expenses in moving, together with a temporary drop in floor sales.

"But, you're not the only ones who've been doing your due diligence in planning for this. So have I. I, too, recognise that the prime location is between Gringotts and the Leaky Cauldron.

"Now, taking in to consideration you really need to complete your NEWTS before undertaking this venture - if only so that your mother doesn't kill all of us - I've been monitoring what premises will be available post June 1996. It just so happens I'm a silent partner in a business that is looking for larger premises, and has developed enough goodwill, now, that a move below Gringotts will not cause undue harm to the business.

"With that in mind, I've consulted with the proprietor and given him favourable rates and assistance in moving, so long as he makes his move occurs just before June 1996. Secondly, the place will not be rented by another business because I own it. So, it will be available to you.

"It is located directly across from Flourish & Blotts and sits between that magical instruments place and Florean's. It comes complete with a private apartment directly above the store with three large bedrooms."

The two boys looked a little nervous. But, Harry just grinned back.

"Because you've also handed over a very good proposal, and I believe you will be very successful in your enterprise, I'm giving you that store with its apartment to rent with the first six months of a minimum two year occupancy lease being rent free..."

The two boys leapt off their couch with a yell of celebration.

Daphne giggled at their antics.

Once they'd calmed down and sat back down again, Harry continued. "And, while your proposal calculated my financial input at 1,000₲, I'm increasing it to 1,250₲ to save you having to delay in purchasing a decent parliament of owls for your mail order business, and using second hand material for your shop fittings.

"Work like this," he said, tapping the proposal, "deserves a reward. So, do we have a deal?"


"... Yes!" they cried.

Harry chuckled and said, "In that case, make those minor changes to your proposal, and I'll hand it over to my lawyer, Mister Skroohem, to write up the contract that reflects that; alright?"

Both boys nodded their heads so hard they reminded Harry of those bobble-headed dolls he'd seen on the dashboards of people's cars.

"Alright," said Harry. "Now neither of you can sign a contract until you're of age on 1st of April next year. So, we've got plenty of time to sort that out. However, I have to go into London on the 23rd of this month for a Wizengamot session, so I'll go in early and talk to my Account Keeper, Bloodfang, and have a separate vault set up for you. In it I will deposit 1,100₲ and bring back with me the other 150₲.

"That way, you'll have money on hand you can use to purchase what you need to continue to develop your products while you're here, at Hogwarts. I trust you two enough that I do not believe it will be money wasted."

Both boys shook their heads with mile wide grins.

"In that case, gentlemen," said Harry, standing and offering his hand. "Let us shake on it."

The two boys stood and both gripped his hand, together, and shook.

With a grin, Harry offered them the proposal back to make the amendments. They accepted it and quickly headed over to one of the study carousels talking about where the changes needed to be made.

When Harry sat down again, Daphne chuckled and leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "You're a natural at this," she said.

"It's just common sense, really," said Harry with a shrug. "Not having to hold back on their expenditures for the first few months means they'll be able to grow the business that much faster. It's a win, for us, for very little extra upfront."




With the second term starting, the Eight returned to their full time studies. Though there was a great deal of work relating to the subjects, Harry found his two favourites to be Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, with Ancient Runes coming out on top.

They were now working on enchanting objects such as water faucets that weren't connected to plumbing having water pour out of them, and drains unconnected to pipes banishing the waste water away. He'd always wondered how the castle could have indoor plumbing on the level it did without it having to be completely stripped down and rebuilt.

The other thing he liked was the project he was working on. He was attempting to design a wand that could hold a magical charge, like a battery. And that it would recharge by drawing in ambient magic in a magic rich environment, such as Hogwarts. Others had attempted to design wands that could be used by squibs in the past; however, none of them knew of batteries, so none of them had the idea of the wand holding a magical charge.

Once he explained the concept to Daphne, with Hermione also explaining how a battery worked, she could see the utility of such a device; though, it was limited in scope.

"But a squib can't push with their magic," she said. "So, how will they be able to make it work?"

"Most squibs do have magic, else they'd never be able to see the castle," he countered. "However, it's too - weak - for them to be able to get spells to work. What I'm trying to do is make a wand that will allow for the magic they do have to be - amplified or boosted - using the charge already in the wand."

"The only person we can ask for help with this, here, is Mister Filch," said Daphne. "Do you think he would? He seems too - cranky - to me to want to help."

"I think he will if I pay him," said Harry.

So, during his spare time, Harry studied materials used to make wands. He went through all the various woods and cores normally used and could not come up with a suitable material that could hold a charge. It was Daphne who suggested incorporating a crystal into the grip of a wand, as crystals were well known to be able to hold magical charges. And the crystal would both act as the battery and amplifier of the weak magic.

Harry groaned and said, "Of course, they are. Why didn't I think of that?"

Once he then had the concept of the wand it became much easier to discover what wood and cores would work well with a crystal 'battery'. He came up with an Australian wood called Karri. It was a hardwood and known as a tree with spiritual meanings to the local aboriginal populace.

For a core he went with Unicorn tail hair, as he could harvest it from the Forbidden Forest where it was often found caught on low bushes, and that unicorn hair was especially good for charms work. And for a crystal, he decided on Mexican fire opal, something about an inch in circumference at its widest point - as they were usually cut in an ovoid shape.

Once he had the list of 'ingredients' for his wand, he ordered the wood from a lumber importer, the crystals from the goblins and headed out into the Forbidden Forest one afternoon with his invisibility cloak and gathered the hairs he found.




The 16th of January marked a day for a visit to Hogsmeade. Well and truly wrapped up to ward off the cold, Harry and Daphne took the day as a 'couple' day. Tracey was also taking the day as a 'couple' day as her relationship with Blaise Zabini was working out for the pair of them.

The surprise was Neville asking Hannah out for a 'couple' day in the village. They wanted to see if they, too, could make a go of it. Luna was happy to stick with Susan and Hermione, and the three made a 'girls' day of it.

As they were heading for the main gates, Daphne pointed Harry to a sight on the Black Lake. They watched as Krum stripped down to a pair of swimming togs before diving into the lake.

"He's certifiable!" exclaimed Harry. "The temperature of the water would barely be above freezing. What is he, part Eskimo?"

Daphne laughed and said, "Maybe the witches of Beauxbatons have made the heart-throb International Quidditch star randy, and he's trying to cool off."

Harry just shook his head at the wonder of it, before turning his attention back to his love.

Passing through the main gates and reaching the borders of the village, Harry was still leery of going anywhere near Gladrags. He steered Daphne up into the hillside behind Hogsmeade looking for a place to look back across the village to the castle for the view. There, he found a cave with a cleared area in front of it that looked out across the village to the castle.

"This would be a great place for a picnic one Hogsmeade day when it isn't so cold," he said.

Daphne agreed. A plan was tentatively made for the May Hogsmeade day to organise a picnic at the spot. They'd have to think about whether or not to invite the others along.

Harry decided to collect up some firewood and stored it in the cave to dry out. They might not need it for their next weekend; but, so long as others didn't come up and take the wood, they'd have it for another time.

Daphne joined him in collecting the loose dead wood, even though most of the ground was covered in snow, and they collected a fair amount before they decided they'd collected enough.

Feeling a little tired, Harry conjured a thick, waterproof blanket for the pair of them to rest on, and placed it on the relatively clear floor just inside the mouth of the cave.

They started talking for a little while. Talking turned to kissing. Kissing became snogging. Snogging led to groping with wandering hands.

By the time they left the cave, Daphne had to reapply her light make-up, and Harry was sporting a huge grin and feeling a pleasant buzz. He had no idea girls could do that with their mouths. Or, that he could do that with his tongue.

Once Daphne had put her compact away, Harry captured her hand and raised it to his lips. "You are amazing," he quietly said.

The two of them had just enough time to go through the village collecting extra supplies before Daphne dragged Harry into Gladrags. This time, he wasn't so uncomfortable when she led him into the ladies underwear section. He'd become - appreciative - of Daphne's choices in undergarments.

For a start, he was of the strong opinion front clasp bras were far superior to clasps that connected in the middle of the back.

Daphne blushed, giggled and said, "You just like the 'easy access' method."

"Damn straight!" Harry replied firmly.

Moving in closer, knowing there might have been others in the shop that could have overheard, she whispered, "There will likely come a time, in the not too distant future, where my breasts will be too large to allow me to wear a bra that connects at the front. Big boobs run in my family. Then I'm going to be very limited in options."

Harry didn't know whether to be happy or appalled at that idea.

Their final stop was at the Three Broomsticks, where Harry led Daphne to a table so they could share a butterbeer or two.

However, they'd no sooner sat down when that dreadful woman, Rita Skeeter, approached them.

"Ah, Mister Potter - or Lord Pot..."

Harry was up out of the booth and had the woman by the throat before throwing her onto her back on the next - thankfully vacant - table.

"You stupid bitch!" he snarled at her, while keeping her pinned down. "When will you get it through your naffing head that you are not allowed to approach me?"

The whole tavern went silent as they watched the tableau before them. Some were in shock; but they all had no intention of interfering. Harry was radiating magic enough to have loose napkins and the like swirling about.

Without even waiting for an answer, Harry stood back up, spun about and summoned his patronus. When it formed out of his wand it made a clatter upon the floor with its hooves. Mentally, he summoned it back for a message.

As it stared into his eyes, he said, "Message to Dewey Skroohem of Diagon Alley. I have just - again - been approached by Rita Skeeter without permission. This time, please tell Mister Cuffe his latest legal difficulties will disappear if he hands over to me his shares in the Daily Prophet. However, Skeeter is to immediately lose her job. Go."

The stag gave a nod, spun about and disappeared through the wall of the tavern, heading for Diagon Alley.

When Harry turned around to glare once more at Skeeter. She had resumed her feet but was leaning on the table in utter shock.

Harry glared and snarled, "Get out!"

She ran from the tavern.




The next weekend Harry and Daphne met Cygnus at the main gate and floo'ed from the Three Broomsticks to the Leaky Cauldron.

From there, Cygnus led them just into Knockturn Alley where there was a wandcrafter who made custom wands.

Harry handed over his wand 'ingredients' and described what he hoped to achieve. The wandcrafter, call-me-Mo, accepted them and promised to have them done within the half hour.

"You'll have to let me know how successful it turns out to be, my Lord," said Mo. "This may lead to a whole new business line for me."

Harry smiled back and said, "I will when I can, Mo. I'll still need to carve the runes before I can properly test it out. Even then, I may have to ask a couple of different squibs to try it for me before I'll be satisfied as to whether or not it will be successful."

They then hurried down to Gringotts, where Harry opened the new vault he promised the twins and transferred the 1,100₲ into it, and withdrew the 150₲ in a charmed bag to give to them on his return, or the next day. Bloodfang handed Harry the key for the vault with strict instructions the key had to be handed to one of the twins before the expiry of twenty-four hours.

Further, as Weasley Wizarding Wheezes was also a part Potter enterprise the twins would be provided with excellent rates of return.

Bloodfang also informed him of the breakdown of share-ownership of the Daily Prophet. Harry already knew he owned twenty-five percent. The remainder was House Black - twenty percent; House Malfoy - twenty percent; House Longbottom - fifteen percent; House Lestrange - ten percent; House Fudge - five percent; and Barnaby Cuffe - five percent.

"Right," said Harry, after he saw the breakdown. "I want the ownerships of the shares owned by as many of those as you can purchase except the forty percent owned by Houses Black and Longbottom. It may also be wise not to approach Mister Cuffe for his shares until I sack his arse. Then, we may be able to get them for a significant lower price."

"It will be done," said Bloodfang, writing it down.

"If you can't get them via goblin means, use Dewey Skroohem as your go-between," he said.

Bloodfang nodded as he was writing before he looked up and asked, "Any other media organisations you want to go after?"

Harry thought about it for a few moments, before he said, "Have a look at Wizarding Wireless Network. I know I don't currently own shares in that, but it's yet another media organisation that seems to take delight in annoying me. I might consider purchasing that either outright or just hold majority shares."

"It will be done," said Bloodfang, once again writing away on the parchment before him.

"Thank you, my friend," said Harry, standing up. "May our business together continue to be profitable."

"And may gold continue to flow into our vaults," Bloodfang responded in kind.

Harry, Cygnus and Daphne made their way from Gringotts back to Knockturn Alley and the unnamed shop of Mo the wandcrafter. When the finished product was handed back to Harry he saw it turned out to be a work of art. He could even feel that it already contained some power.

As requested, the fire opal was fused into the grip of the wand almost perfectly centred. The wood seemed to flow around it at three points, holding the gem firmly in place. The karri wood is a deep red with black highlights through it that were drawn out by the wood lacquer and polish it was now coated with. With the fire opal in the grip, it appeared as if the wood was alight from the gem.

"Merlin, that's a beautiful looking wand," Daphne breathed, looking at it sitting in Harry's hand. "It almost appears as if it's on fire."

Both adults silently nodded before Mo asked, "I've never worked with that wood before, My Lord. Could you tell me what it is, please? I think I'll look to purchasing some for myself."

"It's Australian Karri," replied Harry. "K.A.R.R.I. - It's quite common down there. Your timber merchant should be able to procure it for you."

Mo simply nodded back, still staring at the wand.

It was also a little longer than Harry's own wand; and thicker, too. It appeared to be about twelve inches long, and almost half again as thick as his holly and phoenix core wand. As it was made of a hard wood it was utterly inflexible.

He cast a quick Light Charm and it worked, though not as well as his Holly wand. Once he had the runes carved, however, he hoped it would prove effective.

Handing over the payment, Harry and the others ducked back into the Leaky Cauldron to floo over to the Ministry. They were running a little early, but Harry wanted to make himself available to those who might wish to 'have a chat' with him. He might be a 'Claw but he knew the value of forming temporary alliances over certain issues. He left his office door open as clear invitation.




During the session, Harry was finally able to table the documentation to hand his proxy over to Gran and make his escape. However, he had to remain with Daphne in the visitors' gallery while they waited for the session to wind to a close.

Cygnus wanted to escort them back to Hogwarts. And Harry had to promise Sirius he'd spend at least one day of the Easter Holiday period with him at the Black House. A promise he was happy to make. But, Daphne begged off to allow Harry some 'boy' time with his godfather and honourary uncle. He loved her all the more for it.

During the walk from the Three Broomsticks back to the castle, Harry continued to finger the new wand. He could also sense the magic inherent in the wand but was looking forward to engraving the runes on the opal, the rest of the grip and the shaft. He could hardly wait to start carving them.

"Cygnus," said Harry, getting his future father-in-law's attention. "I owe you an apology."

"Oh?" asked the older man.

"It had slipped my mind that, when I - forced - the Ministry to emancipate me, it would mean Daphne and my marriage would be - moved up a fair bit."

"Ah!" smiled Cygnus. "Finally figured that bit out, did you?"

With a wry grin, Harry replied, "Actually, Daphne reminded me of that little fact only a couple days ago."

"You have nothing to apologise for, Harry," said the other man. "Isabel, Daphne and I were all well aware what the emancipation would mean. However, it was clear afterwards you didn't."

"We also felt you wouldn't go through with it if you knew," he continued. "Sometimes, you're just too bloody noble for your own good."

"That's what I keep telling him," Daphne cut in.

"Well, to allay your fears, Harry," said Cygnus. "We're all okay with this; understand?"

Harry sighed and nodded his head.




When Valentine's Day rolled around a few weeks later, Harry felt it was time to start - changing things up a bit. Especially as this was the last one before they'd be married.

As per the norm, twinned roses waited on Daphne's bed head shelf. This time one was emerald green with silver trim, while the other was blue with a bronze trim. They were tied together with a white ribbon.

Squealing in happiness she was quick to bathe and dress before dashing upstairs to the Great Hall. She dashed in through the doors, looking for Harry. However, for the first Valentines Day in four years, Harry did not beat her to the Great Hall.

She saw the others sitting together at the Hufflepuff tables and made her way over. With a pout, she asked, "Where's Harry?"

"Not here yet," said Hermione, looking up.

Looking towards the doors, Susan grinned and said, "He is now."

Daphne spun about to see Harry walk in. It was a Sunday, so he wasn't wearing school uniform. Instead, he was dressed in some of his finest robes.

But, Daphne noticed little of that. What she was looking at was the huge bouquet of long stemmed roses with baby's breath mixed in that her betrothed was carrying in on the crook of his left elbow.

Daphne didn't know whether to wait for him to come to her, or dash over to him. Instead, she practically bounced on the balls of her feet and let out a little squeal.

As Harry slowly walked over he was reciting poetry. "It's Amazing - How one person can change your life. How a smile from you can erase everything bad. How life seems less scary when you're holding my hand.

"It's Phenomenal - How fate brings two strangers together. How I survived before I knew you. How, whenever I'm with you it's like a great new adventure.

"It's Beautiful - How love can be so unconditional. How learning about you is like reading my favourite story. How loving you is so easy.

"And I'm so thankful - That I'm able to know this - amazing - phenomenal - beautiful person.

And because - I love you." (1)

As he said the last three words, he handed her the huge bouquet of two dozen red roses. Daphne, barely looking at the flowers, accepted them out of his hand and placed them on the table. She threw her arms around him and gave him a proper snogging right then and there.

When they broke apart she grinned at him and blushed before picking the bouquet up and nearly burying her blushing face in the middle of the blossoms.

But, Harry wasn't finished. A snap of his fingers and he held five single red roses with baby's breath wreathing each. Each was also beribboned with the colours of one of the four Hogwarts' Houses. He then handed one each to each of the ladies of their group with a kiss on the cheek before returning to Daphne.

Just down the table, one of the Seventh Year Hufflepuffs was repeatedly lightly banging his forehead on the table top. And around the Great Hall he could see other boys getting filthy looks from some of the girls and looking sheepish about it all.

Behind him, from the Ravenclaw table where he was sitting with his back to Harry, Harry heard his teammate, McCutcheon, mutter, "Bloody Hell, Potter. I wish you'd stop doing that."

Harry just grinned back before leaning to whisper into the boy's ear. "If you have a special someone you need to make it up to," he whispered, "might I suggest going down to the kitchens and organising a picnic lunch out on the lawns near the lake? The elves are very good at creating picnic baskets, and even provide you with a waterproof blanket. Don't forget the Warming Charms."

The boy listened before he turned around and grinned at Harry. "That's a very nice idea. Thank you."

Harry just patted his teammate on the back and sat down at the Hufflepuff table next to Daphne. He was hungry.

Blaise, from where he was sitting on the other side and next to Tracey, leaned over and softly said, "I'm Italian, Potter. We're the ones who are supposed to be romantic." He then sat up winked at Harry with a bit of a smirk and, while Tracey was turned the other way talking to Hannah, slipped his hand into his pocket and drew forth a slim green box with a white carnation flower on top. Slowly he slid it along the table so it was next to Tracey's plate.

Harry and Daphne watched him move it across. Harry was grinning from ear to ear while Daphne watched in shock.

From where she was sitting between Daphne and Neville, the movement caught Susan's eye. She turned to see the final movement and her eyes widened in surprise.

It was the look on Susan's face, and where she was staring, that made Tracey turn back to look at her plate - and the gift now sitting next to it.

With a gasp of surprise she glanced at a smiling Blaise before looking down at the felt covered box again. With suddenly shaking hands, she reached down and picked it up. She took a deep breath and slowly opened the box. As what was inside caught her eyes, they widened in shock with her mouth slowly falling open. She let out a soft, "Eep," before turning to look at Blaise.

"Do you like it?" he asked a bit hesitantly.

Snapping the lid shut in her hand, she threw her arms around the boy and gave him a good snogging right there. There were quite a few sniggers from those nearby.

Turning back while Blaise sat there with a dreamy look on his pinking face, Tracey reopened the box and drew forth a lovely silver necklace with a small teardrop emerald hanging from it. The others girls at the table looked at it with ooh's and ahh's on their lips.

She quickly undid the clasp, held the two ends in one hand, flicked her hair away from the back of her neck and turned her back to Blaise, holding the chain over one shoulder.

Blaise was still sitting there, somewhat in a daze.

Taking pity on the boy, Harry said, "Mister Zabini. I believe Lady Tracey requires your assistance," and nodded his head to Tracey.

Blaise seemed to snap out of his daze and, turning to look, quietly said "Oh!" He reached out, took the chain and looped it around Tracey's neck before reconnecting the clasp while she held her hair out of the way.

Once she felt it was connected, Tracey allowed her hair to fall back into place and spun around to give Blaise another snogging.

Down the table, the same Seventh Year from before was, again, banging his forehead off the table top.

Daphne saw him and snickered.

Harry wondered when Neville was going to make his move. That answer came just before lunch was about to begin for the group, now including Blaise.

Hannah was looking a little sulky for most of the morning, and Susan was glowering at Neville. It was getting to the point where Harry feared he'd have to take the other boy aside and 'give him a stern talking to'.

However, just as they were sitting down to lunch in the Great Hall, in walked Gran and Michael Abbott, walking side by side. Both were sporting wide grins.

This time, the group was sitting at the Gryffindor table - away from the etiquette lacking young Mister Weasley, of course - so the two had not far to walk.

Dumbledore looked up as they walked in, stood and called, "Michael, Augusta - What brings you to Hogwarts this lovely day?"

"Family business, Albus," replied Michael. "Nothing for you to concern yourself about."

Dumbledore sank back into his chair with a bit of a frown of annoyance with a liberal dash of curiosity.

Neville appeared to waiting for them, because he stood almost as soon as they walked in through the doors.

Harry was about to call out to them with an informal greeting when Neville drew himself up to his full height and, in a clear voice, said, "Regent Longbottom - Lord Abbott - A pleasure." And bowed to each.

Harry stood in surprise at Neville's formality as Hannah looked in shock and quietly asked, "Daddy?"

Michael gave his daughter a little 'sit' motion with his hand as he addressed Neville. "Heir Longbottom," replied Michael with a Head of House very slight bow. He then turned to Harry and, with the bow of one equal to another and a decided twinkle in his eyes, said "Lord Potter."

The surprise was Gran who gave a very slight curtsey to Neville with a slight duck of her head and said, "Heir Longbottom." Before she, too, turned to Harry and gave a slightly deeper and longer bow and head bob, "Lord Potter."

"Lord Abbott," said Harry with a slight bow. He then turned to Gran and, with a slight head nod, said, "Dame Longbottom."

Michael turned to Neville and asked, "Is there somewhere we can go - more private?"

"Yes - umm..." and looked at Harry.

Thinking he had a pretty good idea what was going on - and it looked like so did Hannah - Harry looked to the others and asked, "Our Room?"

With affirmative nods from the group, a relieved Neville led the procession back out the doors of the Great Hall. Harry made sure Blaise accompanied them.




A/N: (1) Author - Jaclyn R Svaren

Once again this is not my work. Original work is written by Sinyk on fanfic.net

H3llhound2dea1hcreators' thoughts