
Angels Among us: Bound by fate

In his Modern day life,Oliver Williams a south african archivist who worked as a dedicated archivist in a reowned museum abroad, meticulously cataloging artifacts, and preserving historical documents. Oliver was deeply passionate about history and finding Solace in the stories of the past, he studied history abroad and learned many things of the past After work he immersed himself in Tv anime, mangas and fantasy video games and novels particularly those featuring Fantastical worlds and ancient civilizations. His fascination with history and virtual adventures became a way to escape the mundane realities of modern life, allowing him to explore the realms of magic and mystery from the comfort of his own home. Oliver, returning home after a tiring day, ignored a warning about a strange weather, only to be struck by lightning. Upon awakening, he found himself in a fantasy world , Oliver had decided to become a full fledged hunter but unfortunately he was recognized as the most weakest hunter and he has been an F rank for a full year. Long ago a war between celestial beings and Chaoses led to the imprisonment of the fallen beings in Tartarus. However, they infiltrated the human realm to bring chaos and disorder. Humans learned the power of 'Atado,' allowing them to become Hunters who could absorb atmospheric energy to combat Chaos monsters. Oliver, discovering he's a chosen vessel for the Seraphim celestial being, embarks on a mission to find other celestial vessels and eliminate chaotic forces. The Celestial vessels, representing different angelic triads, aim to protect humanity from the destructive clash between celestial beings and Chaoses. Oliver, drawing on his past life as an archivist, seeks to fulfill his duties as a Hunter and bring about positive change.

Asay_Magadeni · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Far from the beginning (ch5)



"Far from the beginning"

[The next day]

The sun was just beginning to crest the horizon, and the stable yard was still shrouded in morning mist when Oliver spotted a flash of movement in the sky. At first, he thought it was just a bird, but as it drew closer, he realized it was a hawk, carrying a message tied to its leg.

"Hmm, a messenger hawk..i wonder who's messenger hawk is that?"he wondered.

He stood still as the hawk swooped down, landing on the fencepost nearest to him. It cocked its head, studying him for a moment, before stretching out its leg to offer the message. Oliver untied the note, his heart pounding with anticipation, and began to read.

The note was brief and to the point. It read: "Meet me at the base of Mount Sierra ,River's Rest village, Edwin Wright." Oliver's stomach dropped at the mention of Mount Sierra, the tallest peak in the region. It was a dangerous climb, known for its treacherous paths and unpredictable weather.

"Mr Edwin!...Mount Sierras , so I have no choice but to make my way in that dangerous place , I'll see you then, Mr Edwin"

he knew he couldn't refuse Edwin's challenge. He was determined to prove himself, to show that he had what it took to be a great hunter.

After receiving the message from the messenger hawk the following day he prepared to set off, Oliver used one of the horses at the Stables to go to Mount Sierra the mount with dangerous climb and known for its treacherous paths and unpredictable weathers.

Oliver set of to meet Edwin Wright the farmer, after hours of riding the horse and traveling he arrived by mount sierra as he surveyed the large view of mount sierra.

After he arrived at the mountain base as he saw a small village, At the entrance to River's Rest stood a simple wooden sign. Carved into the sign, in simple but elegant letters, were the words "River's Rest" and below that, "A peaceful village of good folk." The sign was worn and weathered, but it stood strong and sturdy, a symbol of the village's resilience.

"So this is the village Edwin told me we should meet at, this is a small village I should just look for him around here"he thought.

Oliver entered the village of River's Rest, his eyes wide with wonder. He saw farmers with wagons and horses, and people buying wares from shops. It was bustling with activity, and the air was filled with the smell of fresh vegetables and the sound of laughter. the small village nestled at the foot of the mountain.

He saw a lone farmer, working hard to stock his wagon with vegetables.

"Hello, there!" called Oliver.

The farmer turned and looked him over, his face inscrutable. "Are you looking for something, lad?" he asked.

"I'm here to meet with you," replied Oliver. "My name is Oliver. A messenger bird told me to meet with you."

"Ohh Oliver, it's you young lad it's great to see you again" said Edwin, a hint of amusement in his voice

"You made it, lad," said Edwin, his voice gruff but friendly.

"Let me take you at my place so we can have a chat" he added.

A few minutes of walking they arrived at Edwin's place"Welcome to my humble abode. Come in, come in. I've got a good pot of stew simmering on the stove. We can talk while we eat."

Oliver followed Edwin into the house, and it was indeed humble, but cozy. The smell of stew filled the air, making his stomach growl. Edwin led him to the table and poured them both a steaming bowl of stew.

"I'm glad you could make it, Oliver," said Edwin, his eyes twinkling. "I know it was a long journey, but I'm glad you're here."

"It was no trouble at all," said Oliver, warming himself by the fire. "In fact, it was quite beautiful here."

"That it is," said Edwin. "And now that you're here, we can start your training tomorrow in the early mornings because we are going to the high levels of Mount sierra at the very top, for now eat as much as you like and rest."

"I'm excited to learn," said Oliver, his stomach growling at the thought of stew

"I haven't ate this kind of food in a long time" he thought to himself as his stomach growled louder every second he glanced at the stew

[Next day]

As the sun rose over the horizon, Edwin Wright and Oliver Williams began their ascent up Mount Sierra. Edwin was accustomed to the long journey and his stride was strong and sure, but for Oliver it was a new and daunting experience. The mountain loomed large and imposing, its craggy peaks jutting into the sky. The air was thin and cold, and the going was slow and difficult. But with each step, Oliver's determination grew, and he kept his eyes fixed on the summit. At last, after hours of climbing, they reached the top of Mount Sierra, their hearts filled with a sense of triumph and awe.

They saw a plain field as they approached the area. The plain field where Edwin and Oliver stood was a serene and peaceful place. The grass was a vivid green, and the air was fresh and clean. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the tall, thin trees that dotted the landscape. The sun was warm and inviting, and the sky was a clear, brilliant blue. The sound of birdsong could be heard in the distance, and the scent of wildflowers filled the air. It was a place of quiet and stillness, a sanctuary from the world below.

"Whoa is this the place you come and train ?" Asked Oliver , being amazed by the scenery of the area

"No ,not really I spend most of my time at the farm but you'll soon find out why I come here sometimes, now you can sit on the ground" Said Edwin

Oliver sat down in a leg crossed posture glancing at Edwin Wright who stood on his both feet getting ready to speak.

"Before I start with your training let me explain Atado and the atmospheric energy, a great power behind powerful hunters of the past and the present day hunters"he said

"Atado is the art of harnessing and directing your inner energy to achieve specific goals. In its most basic form, Atado is a meditation technique that allows you to connect with the energy around you and within you. It is said to be an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to improve physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. To simplify it, it is a power that can be used to manipulate the energy of the environment and channel it into abilities and special skills."Edwin said as Oliver listened attentively.

"That makes sense, it reminds me a lot of solar panels and wind turbine back in My world, using the energy of the sun to charge a solar panel. The sun's energy can be absorbed by the solar panel, converted into electricity, and then used to power a device or home. Another example could be using the kinetic energy of the wind to turn a wind turbine. The kinetic energy of the wind is converted into mechanical energy to turn the turbine, which can then be used to generate electricity. In both cases, the energy of the environment is being harnessed and converted into a useful form, i think that is a more clear example of Atado if I can say." He thought to himself thinking about what Edwin had said, Oliver listened to Edwin's words, his mind recalling memories of his previous life. He recalled the many technological advances of modern society, things like solar panels and wind turbines. He understood how they harnessed the energy of the environment to create electricity.

"Atado is a powerful and complex skill, but it can be broken down into three basic steps," Edwin added.

"First, you must learn to sense and absorb the energy around you. Next, you must learn to convert that energy into a form that can be used. Finally, you must learn to channel that energy into your own abilities. We will start with the first step: sensing and absorbing energy."

"Sensing energy is a matter of stilling your mind and becoming attuned to your surroundings," he continued. "You must clear your mind of all other thoughts and focus solely on your breath and the world around you

"Close your eyes and focus on your breath," Edwin instructed.

"Take slow, deep breaths and feel the air moving in and out of your lungs. Allow your mind to focus on the sound and sensation of your breathing. Let all other thoughts and sensations fade away, and become one with your breath."

Oliver did as he was told, closing his eyes and focusing on the feeling of his breath. His mind began to settle, and he found himself becoming calm and centered. Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy flowing through him, like a river of power and light.

"Now, focus on the energy flowing through you," Edwin continued.

"Imagine it as a stream of light, a force of pure and potent potential. Allow this energy to gather within you, filling you with a sense of strength and power. When you feel ready, visualize this energy flowing into your hands, pooling in your palms. Imagine it as a ball of light, full of your own unique energy signature."

Oliver did as Edwin instructed, focusing on the feeling of energy flowing through him. It was a strange and powerful sensation, like nothing he had ever experienced before. Slowly, he began to visualize the energy gathering in.

"When you feel ready," Edwin's voice continued, "open your eyes and look at your palms. Can you see the light?"

Oliver opened his eyes and focused on his palms. He could see a faint, shimmering light in his hands, like glowing embers. It was dim and barely visible, but it was there.

He looked up at Edwin, wide-eyed. "I can see it," he said, his voice filled with awe. "I can actually see the energy!"

"Very good," Edwin said, his voice calm and steady.

"The energy pool of Oliver is very much faint and small, I'm thinking to give him time to adapt to this basic step his potential is highly restricted" he thought.

"This is the first step to learning how to manipulate atado.

"This is only the first step," Edwin said, with a reassuring smile.

"It will take time and practice to develop your skills. But it's important that you master this technique before we move on to the next step. For now, just focus on this first step and keep practicing it. We will continue your training tomorrow."

Oliver felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. He had hoped to learn more today, but he also knew that he needed to master this first step before moving on. "I understand," he said. "I will practice this until we meet again tomorrow."

"Good," Edwin said.

Oliver's eyes widened in astonishment as Edwin took a few steps forward and then vanished into thin air. Oliver could hardly believe what he had just seen.

"Huh!?, so he could teleport all along!?" He wondered why Edwin hadn't just teleported them both directly to the top of the mountain.

But Oliver knew that the journey was just as important as the destination, so he focused his mind and tried to replicate what Edwin had shown him.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to clear his mind of all thoughts and distractions. Then, he began to focus on the energy inside him, feeling it course through his body like a river.

As Oliver focused on the energy within him, he began to feel a sense of calm and clarity. He could feel his breath slowing down and his heart rate steadying. The world around him seemed to fade away, and all that remained was the energy flowing through him. He started to visualize the energy taking shape, like a bright, white light. He began to direct the light into a ball, just as Edwin had shown him. He kept practicing, over and over, until the ball became clear and stable.

Oliver opened his eyes, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He had successfully replicated what Edwin had shown him,

After hours and hours long passed since he was at the plain fields Oliver lay's on the ground, he gazed up at the clear blue sky above him. He could see the white, fluffy clouds slowly drifting by, and he felt a sense of peace wash over him.

He was exhausted from the effort of focusing his energy, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. He had practiced and learned something new, and he was proud of himself. The sky seemed to stretch on forever, and he felt like he was part of something bigger than himself.

"So, how can I get back?, right....Master Edwin left me behind even if I were to try and climb down I might get lost and I might not get back in time" he thought to himself, Oliver looked around the plain field and realized that there was no way for him to get back home without Edwin.

And he suddenly remembered the bag that Edwin had left for him. It was a large, brown sack filled with food and supplies. The sack contained a loaf of bread, a few vegetables, and a canteen of water. As he looked at the sack, Oliver realized that Edwin had left it there on purpose. He wanted Oliver to stay on the plain field and practice what he had learned, until Edwin came back tomorrow.

It was both a daunting and exciting prospect for Oliver. He knew he would have to keep practicing.

Oliver took a deep breath and got to work. He focused on the energy ball in his mind, visualizing it growing larger and larger. He could feel the energy flowing through him, like a river of power and light. He imagined the energy swirling around him, filling his body with strength and vitality. He could feel his connection to the natural world growing stronger, and he felt at peace with the earth beneath him.

As the hours passed, Oliver found himself immersed in a deep state of meditation. He lost track of time and space, and all that existed was the energy that surrounded him. He didn't know how long he had been meditating, he then suddenly opened his eyes

"How long have I been meditating?" He saw the bright moon as he knew that it was at night


"I should start eating and go to sleep, I've practiced enough" he thought to himself.

It was the following day ,Edwin arrived at the plain field, expecting to find Oliver still hard at work. But when he saw the young man, he was stunned by what he saw. Oliver was practicing with ease, his eyes closed in deep concentration. The energy around him was swirling and pulsing, like a living thing. It was clear that he had made great strides since the day before. Edwin had to admit that this was an unusual amount of progress for such a short period of time.

"So Oliver is progressing more faster than him, how interesting" he thought to himself

Edwin lightly poked Oliver's shoulder, and Oliver opened his eyes with a start he was stunned. He had been so absorbed in his practice that he hadn't even noticed Edwin's arrival.

"his concentration skills is getting better and better, it's very interesting and terrifying at the sametime"

Edwin was amazed by the intensity of Oliver's focus. It was clear that the young man was a natural at this.

Edwin smiled at him and said, "That was incredible, Oliver. You have mastered the first step in a remarkably short time. Now we can move on to the second step."

Oliver looked at him, eyes wide with curiosity. "What's the second step?" he asked.

Edwin smiled and said, "The second step is sensing energy

Edwin explained to Oliver that the second step was all about honing his ability to sense energy. This would involve practicing his concentration skills even further, and learning to identify the different types of energy that existed in the world around them. This was no small task, but Edwin was confident that Oliver was up to the challenge.

"Are you ready?" Edwin asked.

Oliver nodded, determination shining in his eyes.

They began to practice again, focusing on the task at hand.

They spent a whole 2 days at the plain fields It was not easy, but Oliver soon began to notice subtle differences in the energy around them. He noticed that the energy of the sun felt different from the energy of the trees, and the energy of the earth felt different from the energy of the wind. The more he practiced, the more he began to recognize the different types of energy and their unique properties.

Soon, he was able to identify the energy of a person, and even discern their mood and emotions based on the energy they radiated. Oliver was astounded by his newfound abilities, and he could not wait to learn more. But Edwin reminded him that the most important thing was to take things one step at a time.

"Patience is key in learning the art of energy," Edwin said.

"Don't rush things, and don't get frustrated if things don't happen as quickly as you'd like. Everything takes time, and the more you practice, the better you will become." Oliver nodded, taking Edwin's words to heart.

They continued to practice, focusing on identifying the energy around them and learning to manipulate it. Soon, Oliver could feel the energy moving through his body, and he could even direct it to move in certain ways. It was an exhilarating experience, and he felt more connected to the world around him than ever before.

"You are truly gifted," Edwin told him. "You have a natural ability that is rare and special.

"Your basic training in Atado is going very well but before we can continue to the last basic step I would like to give you an activity, I want to see what you have learned so far." Edwin decided that it was time to put Oliver's skills to the test.

He asked Oliver to focus on a single leaf on a nearby tree, and use his energy to move the leaf without touching it. This was a difficult task, but Oliver was determined to succeed. He closed his eyes and focused on the leaf, feeling the energy within him rise up and flow through his body. He willed the energy to move the leaf, focusing his intent and concentration. To his amazement, the leaf began to tremble, then slowly started to move.

"I did it!" he exclaimed. Edwin smiled and nodded, impressed by Oliver

"The last basic step of Atado is channeling energy," Edwin said.

"This is when you direct the energy within you and around you to a specific purpose. You can use this energy to heal, to protect, or to perform other tasks such as offensive attacks or defensive techniques. But it is important to remember that this energy must be used responsibly and with good intent mastering the last basic step is very important since you are a hunter. Never use it for selfish or destructive purposes ." Oliver nodded, understanding the importance of this lesson.

"To begin," Edwin continued, "I want you to focus on the energy of the earth beneath you. Feel the power and stability of the ground beneath your feet, and channel that energy into yourself.

Focus on the sense of calm and strength that the earth provides, and let that energy flow through you. Let it fill you up and give you strength."


Oliver did as Edwin instructed, focusing on the ground beneath him and feeling the earth's energy entering his body. He felt himself becoming calmer and more centered. The feeling was incredible, and he felt more connected to the world around him than ever before.

"How does it feel?" Edwin asked.

"Do you feel more grounded and focused?"

"I feel strong and centered," Oliver said, a sense of awe in his voice. "I feel more connected to everything around me, and I feel like I have a deeper understanding of the world. It's incredible." Edwin nodded, pleased with the progress Oliver had made.

"Now that you are feeling calm and focused, we can move on to the next step. I want you to focus your energy on your breath, and use it to clear your mind and center yourself even further."

Oliver closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply, focusing on the movement of the air in and out of his lungs.

He felt his mind becoming clearer, and his thoughts slowing down. He felt the energy within him becoming more and more stable, like a calm and steady river flowing through his body. Edwin watched him closely, making sure that he was maintaining proper control.

"You're doing very well," he said. "Now I want you to focus on a specific intention. Think of something that you would like to achieve, something that would make you feel happy and fulfilled."


"Focus on that feeling, and let it fill you with energy and purpose. Let it be the driving force behind everything you do." Oliver nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and strength. He opened his eyes, feeling calm and centered, but also energized and determined.

"Excellent," Edwin said.

"Congratulations on mastering the three basic steps," Edwin said,

"Now you have completed learning all three basics steps, now we have entered the second phase of your training."