
Angel & Agent

'One Shot' is the nickname of the best sniper and secret agent who's about to get a promotion - if this mission goes well. But little did he expect to meet an 'Angel' on the roof that night who'd mess up his chance. But that is only the start of the weekend. The drunk angel is not who she seems to be, and soon, both fall into a web of intrigues they might not get out alive. Watch out for this action romance drama! If you only have one shot, you better make it count. Weekly updates planned. SPOILER ALERT: Now for those who want to figure out the story and the character background themselves, I'd advise you to stop reading from this point as the next paragraphs will contain SPOILERS of season one and the characters. SPOILERS AHEAD! (proceed with caution): Three candidates have made it to the final round to the next promotion as top secret agents. Alexander (aka "One Shot") with a perfect record is in the lead; Jack, a self-proclaimed rival, is close behind, and unknown to both, a third candidate is in the race: Angelica (aka "Angel"). The two followers pursue different strategies to make One Shot fail: Jack wants to make him mess up, but his plan fails when Angel interferes. She has a different motive: to make him choose her out of his own volition and give up his position as a secret agent for love. Jack mistakes her for One Shot's girlfriend and changes his plan. His new idea: kidnapping Angel and threatening One Shot to give up the promotion. Things become even more complicated when friends and family become involved, an ex-best friend's betrayal with the ex-boyfriend, and a wedding. Who of those three will win the promotion? But maybe more importantly, what are their motives behind getting it? A new order comes in and only the one who successfully finishes this will be promoted. The mission: find the traitor among the spies.

rayroy · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
64 Chs


< Athaire Starlight Hotel

UTC+2 0732 AM SAT

Room 700 >

The voice that abruptly froze her every movement was drained of emotions. Ever so slowly, she raised her eyes – and averted them the next second while her cheeks were turning red. He was wearing nothing, but a bathrobe tied around his waist and a towel around his neck. Though that was not to say he was at all unpleasant to look at. She swallowed and formed fists around the blanket on her.

She closed the violin case quickly and put it back to its original place. Aside from a rather old but well-kept violin, there was nothing odd to be found inside. Slowly, she glanced up at him for a second time and said, this time hopefully without blushing, "I do have questions."

With the eyes of a predator, he watched her every move while still drying off his hair that fell loosely onto his forehead and neck. She was sitting on the large bed alone, alert, and almost defensively. But her eyes were wide awake, clear, and open. Still curious. Her blond hair now freely fell like a wild waterfall down her back and side, with some loose strands rebelliously going against the current. Without the glasses, she looked younger, almost girly. Her makeup was gone, but she looked refreshed. It seemed like the sleep had worked wonders for her. For his part, the exhaustion made him drop down onto the couch. This could potentially be a long conversation.


"My glasses?" She asked, "I can't see well without-"

"In the drawer," he answered with a yawn and pointed to the nightstand to her left. Shame. Maybe he should have told her, they broke somewhere along the way. She opened the drawer and found her glasses, neatly folded sitting atop a paper bag. "In case you wanted to get changed, there are some clothes in the bag, as well. And some hung-over pills."

The disbelief was written on her face clear as daylight. He was surprisingly considerate. She put on her glasses and glanced inside the bag. It looked like a one-size-fits-all dress. Smart choice. She could still smell the alcohol all over her clothes and right now, getting a shower and a change of attire would be heaven.

"Would you mind," she began.

"Go ahead." He said, "The bathroom's all yours. We can still talk after."

"Thank you, err…" she looked at him, obviously searching for the right way to address him.

"Don't worry about it." He replied, knowing that she had expected a different reply.

In celebration of a first review this week, I've decided to update a bit earlier than usual. Indeed, the chapters are just short episodes but I hope you understand the reasoning behind it, as I try to keep myself motivated in the process and I would hate to make promises I can't keep. Plus the story is still developing so I try to keep inconsistencies and mistakes to a minimum. Thank you so much for liking the story so far! Seeing the review made me really, really happy! As thanks, and since it motivated me to write more, there will be daily updates until Monday :)

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