
And She Follows

Girl-next-door, Rose Becket, clings to her thrill-seeking cousin, Angie, her sweet grandmother, and her two amusing best friends, Matt and Penny; Rose's mother and aunt passed when she was little and her father left for the military to grieve, leaving only her grandmother to raise her and Angie. They're practically sisters. Over the years Rose and Angie have drifted apart. Rose struggles with their distance because of her fear of abandonment, and longs for them to reunite. They're close to rekindling their sister-ship when suddenly Angie changes after a night out at the beach. Angie turns to drugs and partying while Rose and her friends try to make their last year of high school count. Her friends and a blooming new romance with a smooth rich artist are her silver linings, but messy love triangles threaten to split up their trio. Angie finally opens up with the help of a gum-loving British greaser-boy whose own history entangles with hers. They create a scandalous website that goes viral and shatters Rose's heart, sinking her with guilt. Rose is losing the few loved ones that she has, but knows that she can't hold on forever and must find herself. The time for following has come to an end. She must learn to stand alone as adulthood nears.

AimeeBlack · Thanh xuân
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49 Chs

It's Pronounced Fronkensteen: Rose

We're kicking it back at Penny's, helping her babysit. Playing on the tv is one of my favorite films, Young Frankenstein starring Gene Wilder. Matt wanted to watch Godfather III, but after we explained for the fifth time that the twins couldn't see it, he finally understood.

AJ works with his dad at the restaurant on most nights. Otherwise, he would be here helping her, and I would be at home in bed.

Gene tap dances away to "Puttin' on the Ritz" alongside his creation, when Parker begins to fuss. Before Penny can get up, Matt has the chunky monster cradled against his chest. He rocks him around the room until he's soothed.

"That's his hungry cry," she says, handing him a bottle that her mom pumped earlier. "Parker, you traitor. Why can't you be this good for me?"

"You're the older sister, he's not supposed to like you. Just ask mine."

"You and Nat couldn't stand each other," she says, smiling. "Remember when you threw her stuff into the van on the day that she left for college? She couldn't move fast enough for you!"

I laugh. "And then he cried when they dropped her off."

He rolls his eyes, readjusting the bottle. "I was twelve, give me a break."

"Natalie, when's your winter break?" I roll on the floor.

"Ha-ha," he says, dryly. "Speaking of college, I got accepted into our top three."

"Are you serious?" Penny beams, unable to contain her excitement. "This is great! Rose, have you heard back from any?"

"The second one on the list, but I haven't finished applying to the rest."

"Why not?"

I shrug. "I'm still debating on my majors."

"You have to pick soon, senior year will be over before you know it."

"And you?" I ask her.

"Between babysitting the twins and juggling schoolwork, I've only applied to ten so far."

Only an overachiever like Penny would think that ten wasn't much.

"I've heard back from three, but they're not the ones that Matt got accepted into anyway, so it doesn't matter."

"It does matter," he says. "And if they let me in, then you'll both be fine."

"You're an athlete with a three point five gpa," she says. "Of course you got accepted."

"I would've flunked by now if it weren't for you." He's only half joking. "Don't ever doubt yourself."

"I know, but-"

"You'll get in."

She sighs, smiling softly. "Thanks, Matt."

She reaches out, and he hands over her sleepy brother. A few pats on the back and he burps before she lays him down next to her.

"What part is it on?" she asks, sitting behind me on the sofa.

I've got Princeton swaddled, adorably tasting the air in his sleep. "The monster's at the blind man's house."

Matt returns with warm popcorn, offering it to us while taking a seat beside me. We fill our faces with salty handfuls, but it isn't long before Princeton cries his eyes out. I try to soothe him, but it doesn't work and soon Parker is awake again. I'm sure they're having a crying competition.

She face palms. "Annnnd this is why I tell myself to feed them at the same time."

We groan and head to our stations, leaving the movie to be played unwatched.