
Ancient Supreme Overlord

Ban was heading home after tiring day from school when he was hit by truck-kun while saving a kid. He was hit so hard that he flew a few meters away. At midair, he thought to himself. "So this is my little life will end" "Wait wait wait! I know this scene!" "I've read plenty of novels like this. All of 'em reincarnated or transmitigated to other world and gain some powerful abilities like sh*t" "Goodbye! cruel world! Hello New world!" "Im gonna be like some bad*ss boss in there! yeah!" Ban muttered in his head in 1 second after adrenaline struck his head. He fantasized being reborn in a new world while imagining wild things. He was hoping, expecting, desiring in his mind before he closed his eyes. .... A day later.. In a hospital near the accident area. "The patient have 99 bones fractured, several light and serious injuries and blood loss but he was still alive. I don't know if this is a miracle or a tragedy. Poor kid." The Head Surgeon read the report while shaking his head. ... "Oh the Light! I see the light!" Ban opened his eyes a little saw a light. However, after a few seconds he realized something. Ban then sighed depressedly "Dang those novels! A freaking scam!" A/N: Heads up! This is a fantasy novel. Has Powers and sh*t - Cover is not mine. - English is not my 1st language. Please bear with my grammar. Thanks! Cheers!

MoonBang · Thành thị
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213 Chs

Aura Suppression

*Brrr* *Brrr*

Ban received a call after entering in his room with Sophia. He pick the phone and saw Oscar's name in the caller I.D. Ban thought Oscar was calling him to update about the three people he killed last night.

"Hello Uncle. Is something the matter?" Ban answer the phone calmly.

"...Young man. Come here right now. Someone's trying to harm your relative here in the hospital." Oscar replied on the other end calmly.

Ban change his expression upon hearing the news. Sophia beside him look at him in confusion. Ban only wanted to have a quality time with her alone without any sexual activities...a little bit will do.

Ban look at where was the direction of the hospital and narrow his eyes.

"I'm on my way. I'll be there in about 3 minutes." Ban replied calmly before ending the call.

Ban said to Sophia gently "Let's go visit your mom and dad. A friend if mine working in the hospital told me that the discharge of Uncle was ahead of time." He smiled and caress her smooth green hair.

Sophia was surprised at first but she became disappointed after that. She also wanted to have a quality time with her lover. That means she wouldn't be able to live in his house starting today.

Sophia hugged Ban tightly and she look at him with puppy eyes.

Ban also hugged her back. He said gently "Don't worry. I'll visit you everyday and I'll even ask your parents to let you spend a night here in my house."

Ban led Sophia out of his room and told Sally who busy herself with her daughter "We'll be going to the hospital now honey. Theres an update on uncle's discharge." Ban approach Sally for a hug and kiss her forehead. He also didn't forget the Little Girl munching her food at the table with delight.

"Okay. Take care hubby and Little Sis." Sally smiled.

After a moment of hugs and kisses, Ban turn his head to Sophia "Are you ready?"

Sophia look at him in confusion "What ready?" She blush slightly thinking Ban might do something naughty to her.

Ban chuckle and pinch her nose lovingly. He said "What are you thinking? Close your eyes. I'll take you to the hospital in a flash."

Sophia and Sally were even more confused at his words. However, Sophia still trust him and nodded while closing her eyes.

Ban carried her in a princess style and before Sophia could let out a cry, both of them disappeared in place.

Sally widened her eyes in surprise while the Little Girl clap her hands happily like seeing a magic show.


1 minute passed by...

"Now, open your eyes my love." Ban glance at Sophia who was burying herself in his embrace.

Sophia open her eyes hearing Ban. She then yelp in surprise seeing the familiar place.

Ban and Sophia arrived at the lobby of the hospital.

Ban chuckle lightly enjoying her expression. He said "We've arrived at the hospital." Ban let go of Sophia and the latter dazedly stood still looking at the surroundings in wonder.

A nurse approach them and inquired "Sir... Does Miss here need some assistance? I saw you carry her just now. Is she ill?"

Ban raise his brow and laugh "No, No... We are here to visit a relative in the ward."

Sophia redden her face and bury herself in his embrace.

The nurse's eyes lit up in realization "No wonder you look so familiar Sir. I saw you two visited here everyday." She smiled in return. There was a little blush on her cheeks as she chatted with Ban.

"We'll be going now." Ban walk directly to the elevator heading to the 5th floor of the hospital with Sophia.

Ban notice some familiar faces in the lobby. He recognized them as the gang members he crippled a few days ago. Their eyes were shifted away when Ban look at them but he didn't mind as he proceeded.


Oscar prevented the situation from going messy. He was standing outside the door of a private ward of a patient. This room was where the uncle of Ban recuperated after the accident.

Oscar was protected by a couple of guards preventing anyone from harming him. The guards stood vigilantly at both sides.

Surrounding them were men that look like gangsters. They were looking at Oscar with malice. Some carried weapons in there hands ready to strike.

Oscar was glaring at a particular man in the middle of the crowd. The man also look at him in disdain and anger.

This man was Dame Pitt. He was the father of Derrick who was in a coma in the hospital. Beside him was his right hand man named Troy.

Upon investigating in the surrounding area where Derrick resided, Troy asked the local gang nearby if they knew Derrick. Seeing the gangsters abnormal reaction, he knew something was up so he interrogated them with force.

The gang members couldn't even retaliate as Troy was like a butcher surrounded by a bunch of chickens. He was a 5th Order Enchant Divergent, a slap of him can kill a gang member within seconds.

Upon learning the matter involving Derrick, Troy immediately gathered the members of the gang and headed to the hospital.


Nobody hindered Ban from going to his destination. The gang members already knew that Ban can easily deal with them. However this time, they've got a strong individual backing them so they didn't leave their position and stayed still waiting for the orders.

Ban already sense the situation from his house earlier. The hospital was 7 kilometers from his house but his spirit detection covers about 10 kilometers after advancing twice in his level.

Ban knew that there was a deadlock at the 5th floor but nobody wants to make a first move so he leisurely walk together with Sophia.


Oscar was looking at the elegant middle aged man sternly. He didn't know why are they looking for Ban's relative but he knew they were up to no good.

"Get out of the way Oscar. I have something to ask from the person inside that ward." Dame growled at Oscar who was like a statue, not leaving his place.

Oscar wave his hand to disperse the nurses in the surroundings fearing the gang members might hurt them. The nurses and doctors worriedly look in the distance but Oscar assured them that nothing bad will happen to him.

Oscar furrow his brow and said "I told you already. They are relative of mine. If you have something to ask, I am here. We can talk peacefully."

"Hmph! Don't think that you are soon to be in-laws with Watson family from the Capital, you can now speak to me so casually. Remember, that bastard brat went missing for more than 15 years now. So don't assume yourself like you are on the same level as me. Get out of my sight before I change my mind and let you taste my anger first." Dame sneered as he was ready to command his men to attack Oscar.

Oscar was silent but he was snickering inside. He said in his mind 'I've already seen that bastard brat that you are talking about.'

Oscar sternly said "Doesn't matter. This city is my territory so you should lessen your brash attitude and we'll talk peacefully in my office."

Dame shouted in anger "My only son was in a coma because of some simple encounter! And I believe his accident has something to do with the people inside! Get out of my way! I'll give you one last chance or I'll-" Dame's outburst was cut by a calm and clear voice of a young man.

"Or you'll what?"


Ban and Sophia appeared beside Oscar without anyone noticing them. The guards protecting Oscar was startled. They suddenly turn and found two additional person beside the Head of the hospital out of nowhere.

People in the surroundings were also shocked. Some rubbed their eyes in disbelief. All of them have the same question in mind.

'Where did these two came from?'

Oscar was also in surprise but he immediately regain his calm and wave his hand at the guards telling them its fine.

"You arrive on time young man."

Oscar smiled but he was in also in shock deep inside. He felt a breakthrough in his power recently but he can't discern how strong the young man in front of him right now.

Ban also smiled in response and open the door of the ward letting Sophia inside.

Sophia hesitated and look at Ban worriedly.

"I got this, wifey." Ban wink at her and the latter blush slightly and nodded before entering the room. He then retracted his smile and turn his body facing the crowd with indifference.

Ban lock his gaze at Dame not far from him.

A strong burst of aura inside him targeting the gang members around including Dame who was the center of the pressure. The majestic aura made the gang members want to kneel down feeling a gravity in their bodies multiplied a couple of times.

Ban calmly said.

"I dare you to repeat your words earlier."