
An Unlikely Combination [Marvel/ Dc/ Dragon Ball]

Reincarnated in a dc/ Marvel combination universe as a Saiyan hybrid. Dragpn ball is not really apart of this, this is just a DC Marvel combination, with a hybrid Saiyan between him as a half Saiyan and half something else.

ElliotJackson2 · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


"I'd have the Philly cheese steak Hotdog." The server nodded, as he scribbled down on his notepad, "It should be ready for you shortly.

We both nodded as he made his way back to the kitchen.

"So who are you?" I asked gently with a soft smile...

"Did not one of your many visions tell you about who I am?" The ancient one asked with a sly smile, a knowing glint formed into my eyes."Yes, they did, but you know as well as I that the multiverse is infinite, I wish to know more about you, you could be a woman I knew, and I wish to know more about you."

She nodded and sighed, "Well this is our first Date, I will not spill all of my secrets at once, however,  I will tell you this, My name is Yao, and I am well over a thousand years old, trained under my predecessor Master Augumotto." (if I am wrong please correct me on my misspelling.)

I nodded slightly and smiled, "you must have some interesting stories to share."

The ancient one's eyes twinkled, as she looked me into the eyes, analyzing every single part of me as if searching for something. It is something I had caught her doing the same thing.

"Oh yes, I indeed have many stories to share... however, you do not care about others do you? the attention it may bring?"

"As I said before I don't care about what other people say," I said calmly... "Please, by all means,  tell me who you are."

The ancient one chuckled, "You are the first male to be persistent in such a long time. Very well, I shall...but remember what I had said before, I will not tell you everything as this is but our first date, if your visions do not already know."

I smiled, and so she explained her life, everything that went on, my mind explained to the comics, she hid some very important stuff obviously, but my mind was flashing back to the Marvel comics, and her backstory Once she was finished. 

"Impressive for you to have overcome and sacrificed so much for the sake of justice, I said with an amused grin. "Truly your beauty matches the inside as well as the outside." 

She smirked, "Oh you flatterer..."  Though I could clearly see the blush on her cheeks, clearly not used to someone as young as me, or anyone for that matter flirting with her, not only because she was bald but because of the simple fact that she was old period,  she was bald I believe because she is a monk, all though that is a turn off to most men.

To me, Bald is beautiful.

The food was finally finished and brought to us, I had my Philly cheese steak hotdog, and at my disgusted look, she couldn't help but laugh, "From the look on your face I assume it wasn't what you expected?"

"No this looks like straight up Dog shit." I said bluntly, "No offense." I said to the server who was looking at me nervously with a slightly dirty look, not that I cared, "None taken." The server replied through clenched teeth, as he turned to walk away, "I hope you Enjoy your meal." 

I stared at the Philly cheese steak with slight distaste before I picked it up.

"You can rewind time if something happens to me right?" I joked.

It was a joke, I know it won't affect me at all.

I think.

"I do not meddle with the time-stone foolishly." Yao warned, my mind flashed back to her deal with Deramau in the comics, and slightly in the movies,  before her expression turned slightly playful, "Though maybe I shall for your sake." 

There was an underlining in her tone, that meant she was up to something I scanned her soul and realized that she had no bad intentions underlining what she had just said, inwardly thanking whomever it was that gave me this life. 

"For my sake, what do you plan to do?" I asked with a teasing grin, her expression mirroring mine, "That is something that is a mystery isn't it, and that mystery may be revealed to you in time, maybe after you give me more dates."

My eyes widened, as I felt my heart slowly skip a beat, "So you liked this one?" I asked smiling genuinely, "Was this one a successful first date?"

"So far..." The ancient one teased, however, I could tell she was satisfied. "We shall see if it lasts."

Suddenly the doors slammed open,  "Get down on your knees, all of you now!" 

I could only sigh, I put my hot dog down and I vanished In a burst of speed, leaving the Ancient one staring at my afterimage; as it slowly began to fade,  the blur swept through the room.

It slammed through each individual Robber, there was a sickening crack and a groan, as the  Robbers, one by one fell unconscious, once all was finished, I returned to my seat as if nothing happened., the after-image faded away like it was never there.

The ancient one didn't look phased, however, she did look impressed,  and a knowing glint was formed in her eyes.

I chuckled,  knowing she knew already.

Looking at all the beaten and unconscious people,  I slowly turned to the server, who had his pen and paper in hand, about to give us the bill, and I realized something...

I am broke.

The ancient one chuckled, before she reached into her yellowish gold robe, and took out her own credit card and a pin, She signed the sheet of paper, and swiped the old machine; The old machine was old, to me.

"It is on me..." she said with amusement in her tone.

I gave her a grateful look,  "Thank you, babe."

There was a small shudder in the ancient one's body, but it wasn't one of anything negative...oh no...  this was not negative at all.

This was something I noticed, "If it is something you find uncomfortable, I don't have to call you b-"

"No no..." Yao, interrupted me, smiling a genuine smile, "I am not used to it is all, I quite like it."

I stared at her for a long moment, slightly mesmerized by her smile she is so beautiful, it doesn't matter if she's old to me. 

Now don't get me wrong, she's not controlling me whatsoever, nor am I being a simp for her, I am just admiring her, there is nothing wrong with that.

I slowly leaned into her and gave her a soft, but gentle kiss on the lips. Yao's eyes widened in complete shock, but much to my surprise, she didn't push me away, and slowly but surely, she melted into the kiss.