
An Undead in the Multiverse

Read as Axton, Our MC gets embroiled in an Eldritch God's plans which somehow fails leading to this fun..? journey. ---------- This is my first novel. So, do give feedback that will help me improve. ---------- p@treon.com/NightBlade66 ko-fi.com/nightblade66 paypal.me/nightblade66 ___________ Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Deadman Wonderland or any anime. CoverArt: Made by AI

NightBlade66 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 14

As soon as Makina attacked, everyone else started running towards me. I wasn't going to waste my time fighting fooders, so I summoned a colossal and remarkably weighty blade, and with all the might I could muster, I forcefully swung it towards the guards in a swift move.

The entire sequence of events transpired with lightning speed, unfolding in less time than it takes to draw a single breath. The guards, caught off-guard by the sheer swiftness of my actions, failed to register the impending danger before it was too late. In an instant, the gargantuan blade had cleaved through their bodies, bisecting them effortlessly.

I charged towards Azuma, catching him off guard as he realized that his Worm Eaters were incapable of stopping me.

In a panic, Azuma resorted to shooting at me with his guitar machine guns. I quickly shielded myself with armor, not wanting to reveal my regenerative powers just yet.

With a burst of speed, I took down the remaining guards and rushed towards Azuma. However, an unexpected clash ensued as a young child wielding an unusually large blade, almost the same size as my own, challenged me.

"You are being naughty. Running around, getting blood all over the room. A boy like you won't grow up to be a nice man."

The girl was delusional and saying things.

"So, Tamaki even uses little girls like you as undertakers."

Infuriated by my words, the child retaliated by wildly swinging her massive sword.


The child's unstable mental state was on full display. It could only be described as a broken and twisted mind.

Her sword unfolded into a series of blades interconnected with strings of metal, and she started crazily flailing around her weapon.

I manipulated my blade to make it more spear-like. I carefully maneuvered the spear, which caused the Sword-whip hybrid to get stuck around the weapon, after which I karate chopped her neck which caused her to fall unconscious.

'The heck is that girl? How was she flailing around this huge and heavy weapon easily? It was never explained in the manga or anime either. There was only something about the body being tweaked to remove its limits. I don't think something like this should be possible for a little girl even after that.'

I lunged in the direction Azuma was going, only to see him running away. I hardened the blood spear, which made it into a red crystal-like substance. After which, I broke it off from my hand and threw it towards him.

"Now that is how you throw a javelin."

My gaze shifted, taking in the grisly aftermath of my actions. The once-orderly room had been transformed into a macabre tableau of scattered entrails and organs, a scene both harrowing and grotesque.

Despite the visceral nature of the carnage, I found myself unaffected by it. I knew that many of the guards were former criminals, their past deeds casting a shadow on any sense of innocence.

Even if they were only doing their job, I don't think I would have done anything differently.

The girl, Hibana Daida, recovered from my strike very fast, as I could see her getting up and going towards her sword-whip hybrid weapon.

'Makes sense. Her body is obviously more resistant to anything like that. She was tortured every day after all.'

I lunged toward her and plunged a blade made of blood into her.


Blood started dripping from the corner of her mouth. The final words I heard from her mouth were laden with haunting sorrow,

"...Was I a good girl, Mommy?"

Overcome with a torrent of emotion, I averted my gaze from the tragic scene, unwilling to confront the lifeless body of the young girl whose life I had just claimed. It was like there was a heavy pit in my stomach. It weighed heavily on my conscience to do something like that.

A wave of nausea washed over me as the weight of my actions bore down upon my shoulders.

'Ugh, I don't feel good,' I thought, the bile rising in my throat as I struggled to maintain my composure.

I can only hope she gets a good afterlife, maybe eternal sleep, or whatever is better than her life.

With determination, I pushed forward, acknowledging the futility of dwelling on the innumerable 'What Ifs' that could have shaped a different outcome. The vastness of the world, coupled with the unfathomable expanse of the multiverse, presented an overwhelming array of possibilities—a tapestry of events both good and bad, forever unfolding beyond the grasp of my limited human understanding.

'Still, I should at least try to stop the things I can rather than focusing on things I can't.'

As someone wise once said,

"To become mired in the infinite, ever-branching paths of the unknown was to court madness and despair."

After getting my mind focused on the situation at hand, I started to think about the betrayal of Makina or someone who looks like Makina. I don't know if that was the real one or somebody with powers that can replicate another person.

'There wasn't anyone like that in Manga, from what I remember at least.'

"Oh well, all my questions will be answered after I kill Tamaki and get out of here anyway. I am going to deal with things as they come, I guess, which is the worst way to deal with things in my opinion."

'As they used to say, just wing it. Everything is going out of hand anyway, and I really need an outlet for emotions right now.'

With determination in my eyes, I decided to move forward, following this hallway until I came upon an elevator.

'Oh yeah, there was something like that.'

'I wonder what the Scar Chains are doing right now. Did Tamaki decide to kill all of them? or are they hiding? I don't even know where Crow, Minatsuki, and the others are.'

'Ahhh, I have a bad feeling about this.'


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