
An Apocalypse Survival Story

I, Apex, an unassuming college student, unwittingly became a survivor. My once-mundane life transformed in the blink of an eye as zombies suddenly appeared around the globe. During an ordinary lecture, I witnessed fellow students turning into flesh-hungry monsters, igniting a chaos that seemed relentless. Stressed and with no one to rely, I found myself thrust into this nightmarish world, struggling to survive alongside a small group of survivors. Together, we faced the relentless hordes of the undead, scavenged for supplies, and sought refuge in a world that had crumbled around us. My journey, as an ordinary person thrust into extraordinary circumstances, became a test of resilience, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond of humanity amidst chaos. The question remained: Could we navigate this new world, find safety, and perhaps uncover the secrets behind the zombie apocalypse? SINCE NO ONE'S READING IT, I'M GONNA STOP WRITING NOW!!

drunken_undrunk · Hiện thực
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26 Chs

To the Pharmacy

"Hmm... Stop! Pull over somewhere on the side, away from the zombies," I said abruptly, spotting a large pharmacy on the roadside. Many of its shelves were empty, but in this post-apocalyptic world, we couldn't afford to be picky.

"Why? I mean, sure, this area seems to have fewer zombies, but it's mostly broken and closed shops," Kat replied, her gaze shifting between me and the road ahead as she steered the SUV.

"There's a pharmacy over there," Jazmen chimed in, her voice distant as she touched her scars and cuts absentmindedly.

"Understood! Let's find a spot... Got it," Kat acknowledged and maneuvered the SUV into a nearby alley, parking it in the dim, zombie-free atmosphere.

We all exited the vehicle, except for the girl still sitting in the back, Zolo. Soul tried to coax her out, but she insisted on staying inside. It wasn't my place to order or request her to come out at that moment, so I refrained from insisting further.

"There are not many zombies out there, I can finish them, but if we all work together, it will be faster. So, who's in it with me?" I said lightly as we huddled together in a circle just inside the alley.

"I've already got plenty of cuts, a few more won't make a difference. I'm in," Jazmen said, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'll help too. We need to rebuild trust after that incident," Kat added, her voice wavering slightly.

"I... I'm on board. Let's do it," Emma said, nodding her head in agreement.

"I want guns. We could take care of them much easier with firearms," Soul suggested timidly.

"Wait a minute. You were talking to Zolo in the back. What did she say about Apex?" Jazmen inquired, her annoyance with Soul evident.

"She's just crying and letting out her anger. Badmouthing, cursing, and swearing at him. That's all. She's a timid girl, and this is her way of venting her anger. Don't take it to heart; anyone would react the same after such an incident and that too after knowing that they would need to depend on the same person they might never have faith in. She's not doing anything out of the ordinary," Soul explained slowly, trying to justify Zolo's actions.

I understood that Zolo needed an outlet for her anger, and under these circumstances, such venting was normal.

After discussing our approach, we cautiously emerged from the alley. We decided it was best to eliminate the small number of zombies before searching the pharmacy, preventing them from surrounding us.

As we approached the nearest zombie, I lightly tapped it, signaling everyone to get ready. Those positioned behind the zombies raised their makeshift weapons, tightened their grips, and with full force, delivered blows to their heads. While my weakened crowbar could dispatch a zombie with a single strike, the others needed two or even three hits to kill their targets, even with a surprise attack. Breaking skulls and smashing brains was not as easy as it appeared in cartoons and movies.

Just as we dealt with those zombies, I spotted two unusual ones racing toward us. One was hopping on a single leg, which had transformed into a tree-like structure, while the other crawled on the road, using its tree-like hands.

These grotesque transformations were becoming increasingly serious and surprising with each encounter.

The hopping one, moving toward me, had one of its hands transformed into a bark-like texture, making it a formidable threat on one leg and one hand. The other zombie had only its powerful hands left, making it less dangerous but still menacing.

"I'll take care of the hopping one. The rest of you, deal with the crawler heading for Emma," I commanded, knowing there was no time for debate.

I sprang into action, rushing toward the hopping zombie with my crowbars in each hand. Its single leg made it unstable, and I aimed to exploit that weakness. With a swift, well-aimed strike, I swung the crowbar low, targeting the base of its remaining leg. The zombie let out a ghastly screech as its support crumbled, sending it crashing to the ground.

Meanwhile, the others surrounded the crawling zombie that was inching closer to Emma. Kat delivered a powerful blow to its head with a pipe she had found earlier, causing the creature to convulse and fall. Jazmen and Emma backed away after striking it with their own weapons. It writhed and reached out with its gnarled hands, but the four had become adept at handling such threats.

After dispatching the zombies, I joined the others as we prepared to move towards the pharmacy, which was only a few meters away. Our objective was clear: gather the much-needed supplies in this unforgiving world.

As for Zolo, still inside the SUV, her cries and distress continued unabated. It was a stark reminder of the inhumane act I had performed just some time ago. However, our focus remained on survival as we approached the pharmacy, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.


As we cautiously approached the pharmacy, our footsteps echoing in the eerie silence of the post-apocalyptic world, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The shattered glass windows and broken signs outside the store were grim reminders of the chaos that had consumed the city.

Kat led the way, her eyes scanning for any signs of movement. Jazmen followed closely behind, her hand trailing along the bloodstained walls. Emma stayed beside me, her expression a mix of determination and fear, while Soul, armed with his newfound resolve, walked at the rear, keeping an eye on Zolo in the SUV.

We reached the entrance of the pharmacy, and Kat cautiously pushed open the door while I kept in check of any approaching zombie in the back. The shelves were mostly empty, with only a few scattered items remaining—a testament to the desperation that had gripped those who had come before us.

Despite the limited supplies, we quickly gathered whatever medicine and medical supplies we could find: bandages, antiseptics, painkillers, and antibiotics in limited supply but somehow enough for five people. These were invaluable in a world where injuries and infections were constant threats. Emma being a great help in choosing everything necessary. Her expertise in medics being a big plus at that moment.

As we were about to leave the pharmacy, Emma's keen eyes spotted something unusual. "Hey, look at this," she said, pointing to a hidden door at the back of the pharmacy, partially concealed by shelves. "I think there's something behind it."

We cautiously moved the shelves aside, revealing a heavy metal door with a rusted handle. It was clear that this door had not been used in a long time, and its presence piqued our curiosity.

I tried the handle, and with a creak and a groan, the door swung open, revealing a dark and musty corridor beyond. The air inside was stale, and the faint scent of decay lingered.

With flashlights in hand, we ventured into the corridor, our footsteps echoing in the darkness. As we moved deeper, we discovered a godown filled with crates and boxes. It was a treasure trove of medicine.

We took whatever important medicines we needed while throwing the extras out.

We didn't had that much space after all.

Also, our thoughts of other groups approaching and needing medicines also played part in the decision.

Carrying two boxes filled with medicines, we threw them in the trunk of the SUV. Two small boxes were held by Emma and Jazmen sitting in the middle while two more by me and Soul.

Like that, after having our supplies for pharmaceuticals completed we ventured away from that now zombie free zone.


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