
An Apocalypse Survival Story

I, Apex, an unassuming college student, unwittingly became a survivor. My once-mundane life transformed in the blink of an eye as zombies suddenly appeared around the globe. During an ordinary lecture, I witnessed fellow students turning into flesh-hungry monsters, igniting a chaos that seemed relentless. Stressed and with no one to rely, I found myself thrust into this nightmarish world, struggling to survive alongside a small group of survivors. Together, we faced the relentless hordes of the undead, scavenged for supplies, and sought refuge in a world that had crumbled around us. My journey, as an ordinary person thrust into extraordinary circumstances, became a test of resilience, resourcefulness, and the unbreakable bond of humanity amidst chaos. The question remained: Could we navigate this new world, find safety, and perhaps uncover the secrets behind the zombie apocalypse? SINCE NO ONE'S READING IT, I'M GONNA STOP WRITING NOW!!

drunken_undrunk · Hiện thực
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26 Chs


"Damn, that was exhilarating," I gasped, trying to steady my racing heart after closing the door behind me. The adrenaline coursing through my veins left me both exhilarated and anxious.

As I turned around, I was met with an unexpected sight in the laboratory. A curvaceous figure darted around the room, gracefully maneuvering through the cluttered tables and equipment. Behind her, a grotesque creature with twisted, broken knees crawled with unsettling determination, its rotting hands clawing at the air.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my confusion evident as I tried to process the surreal scene unfolding before me.

Jazmen, her chest heaving with exhaustion, looked back at me with a mixture of desperation and determination. "It won't stop following me," she panted, her voice strained from the physical exertion of her evasive maneuvers. "I told you I'm not strong enough to restrain it, so I waited for you to figure something out."

"How convenient," I muttered under my breath, wiping sweat from my brow as I followed the crawling zombie, my curiosity and concern growing with each step.

"Quick, I'm already out of breath," Jazmen pleaded, her exhaustion evident in every labored breath she took. She leaned against a table, trying to regain her composure, her body glistening with sweat.

I approached the zombie, its grotesque appearance sending shivers down my spine. With a swift and deliberate strike, I aimed my iron rod at its brittle elbows. Crack! The fragile bones snapped after just two blows, causing the creature to collapse face-first onto the cold, tiled floor. It seemed oblivious to the pain it should have experienced, an unsettling testament to the horrors of its transformation.

The zombie rolled onto its back, its lifeless eyes fixed on me. It continued to futilely inch forward, snapping its decaying jaws in a grotesque attempt to reach me.

"Give me a cloth," I requested, stretching out my hand towards Jazmen, who quickly handed me a rough, old piece of cloth. I used it to tightly bind the zombie's entire face, paying special attention to its mouth. This precaution was essential to prevent any loud noises that could potentially attract more danger from the lurking undead.

"Let's find a chair and secure it to that. It'll make performing experiments on it much easier," I suggested, my mind racing with the possibilities that such a captive specimen could offer. Without waiting for Jazmen's response, I moved behind the zombie, ensuring it remained securely in place.

Jazmen's determination was unwavering as she fetched a sturdy steel chair. Together, we positioned the zombie on the chair, carefully securing its feeble limbs. Jazmen's proficiency with the thick rope was intriguing; it was as though she had performed such tasks countless times before.


A sudden and unexpected "plop" filled the room.

Startled, I found myself sitting on the hard floor, my backside making contact with the unforgiving tiles first. The adrenaline rush had subsided, leaving me feeling drained and somewhat disoriented.

"Oh my god, that got me so charged up," I chuckled, though the weariness in my voice was evident. I couldn't help but look down at the bits of blood that now marred my clothes, a grim reminder of the perilous world we lived in.

"Indeed, but in my case tired up," Jazmen agreed, her breathing slowly returning to normal as she regained her composure. She stood upright, her sweat-drenched clothes clinging to her curvaceous form.

I couldn't ignore the transformation in her figure as she bent over, her ample curves straining against the fabric of her clothing. What I had initially perceived as a modest C-cup now seemed closer to E and definitely a full D. My instincts stirred within me, amplified by the lingering memory of our recent kiss.

Jazmen's presence was undeniably alluring, and I found myself increasingly susceptible to her charms. The tension between us grew palpable as we stood there, bound not only by the predicament we faced but also by the unspoken desires that simmered beneath the surface.


The room fell into an uneasy silence, broken only by our heavy breathing and the occasional groan from the bound zombie in the chair. Sage and I exchanged a glance, both aware of the strange tension that had settled between us.

"Thanks for your help back there," Sage finally broke the silence, her voice a bit softer now, her eyes locking onto mine.

I nodded, "You're welcome. We make a good team."

Jazmen offered a small smile, a hint of gratitude in her eyes. "It's not something I could have done alone, that's for sure."

We both knew that surviving in this post-apocalyptic world required alliances and trust, and in that moment, our trust in each other had deepened.

As we stood there, a sudden realization struck me. "What was that thick rope you used? It's not something you'd typically find in a science lab."

Jazmen's smile turned a bit mischievous. "Oh, it's not for experiments, at least not the kind you're thinking. Let's just say I've picked up a few experimenting skills along the way with the help of some tied animals."

I couldn't help but shudder a bit and be intrigued by her mysterious nature, but I decided not to pry further. Instead, I focused on the present. "Now that we have this zombie secured, what's our next move?"

Jazmen's expression turned serious once more. "We need to examine it, gather samples, and see if we can find any clues about the virus or whatever the reason of these changes in humans is or how it affects these creatures. But we have to be cautious. One wrong move, and this thing could break free."

Nodding in agreement, I approached the restrained zombie. "Let's start with some physical tests, examine its muscles, and look for any external abnormalities. We'll document everything meticulously."

Over the next hour, Jazmen and I worked in tandem, carefully conducting physical tests on the zombie and recording our findings. Despite the grim circumstances, there was a sense of purpose in our actions. We were determined to uncover the mysteries behind this virus and hopefully find a way to combat it.

As we worked, Jazmen's studious nature became evident. "You know, I never had time for movies or entertainment; it was always books and studies."

I chuckled, "Well, I guess that makes two of us with distinctive pasts."

In between tests, Jazmen opened a small container and revealed a tiffin filled with homemade food. "I brought some food. Let's take a break and eat," she suggested, her eyes brightening at the sight of the familiar meal. The only and last meal remembrance of the past human life.

We shared the tiffin, the simple act of sharing a meal in this dire situation feeling strangely comforting. It was a glimpse into Jazmen's world, a world where she excelled academically, a world that was a stark contrast to the chaos outside.

Eventually, Jazmen looked at the watch and sighed. "We should wrap up for now. It's getting late, and we need some rest."

I nodded, knowing she was right. "Let's keep a watch on this thing and get some sleep. Tomorrow, we'll continue our research."

We retreated to a small, makeshift sleeping area on two big tables we had set up earlier. In the dim light of the room, we lay down on our respective makeshift beds, but sleep didn't come easily.

As I stared at the ceiling, I couldn't help but think about the events of the day and the unexpected bond that had formed between Jazmen and me. In this world of chaos and uncertainty, perhaps there was a glimmer of hope in the connections we forged and the knowledge we sought to uncover.

The hours ticked by, and despite the looming danger outside, I found a strange sense of comfort in the presence of the enigmatic woman beside me. Sleep eventually claimed us both, and for a few precious hours, the horrors of the outside world faded into the background.

Little did we know that our journey was far from over, and the challenges we would face would test the limits of our resilience and our growing connection.

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