
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Kỳ huyễn
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Amour Interdit.(Forbidden Love)Chapter17

Helena stated calmly she was really fuming with anger, she was getting worried, this was not like her brother at all.

Her mother decided to give her time, they needed to do something for this engagement to happen as soon as possible.

"Charles tell Peter to bring Demetrius body here, the engagement party will not happen until your sister sees that fool, I don't know why she loves that foil so much than us."

"Mom do you think that this engagement will happen if we show the body."

"No, but your sister is so stubborn she wants the engagement party to happen after his brother got here and we know that he is going to come."

"But mom...

"Just do what I am telling you, even if this engagement doesn't take place today it will be done some other day, Alex and Helena they love each other." There was no doubt about that.

The two were whispering to each, meanwhile Melissa was looking at them she couldn't fathom why they were whispering to each like that, according to the way the queen was serious she assumed that it must be something critical.

"Okay, I will go call him."

Prince Charles sent for someone to call him, the man was living here in the palace. People were starting to get tired and it was also getting late and they starting to complain why were they taking long to start the ceremony.

Not long peter arrived, at the same time Helena was about to tell people that she was just waiting for her brother and the ceremony will start soon.

Just when Prince Charles was about to tell the man what to do and Melissa was about to announce what was going on someone emerged from the door and everything halted they could see that it was a figure of a man a very strong man not long he was followed by two people behind.

No one was still able to see the three men's faces as they waited, Everyone's eyes were on them as they wait to see there faces.

The moment they saw who it was Helena almost dropped the microphone as she looked at Alex her saying now we can start the ceremony, as for Melissa she almost shed tears.

She didn't know for how long she has been staring at the door and wishing that her husband could walk through that door. She has been longing to see him since yesterday.

She didn't know that this man was this important to her like this, she has missed him over these passed weeks, without him she was lost, she needed him everytime beside her.

As for the three they were looking at him with twitch faces, they couldn't believe what they were seeing, they celebrated, what were they celebrating for?

The man was standing Infront of them strong and chiseled as if nothing happened to him at all.

Both the prince and the Queen turned to the man with deadly glares and he flinched he knew now there was no one who will save her from this two.

Demetrius greeted Alex's family first.

"We have been waiting for you, welcome back your highness." It was the duke who spoke with a hug.

"Thank you Duke." He thanked.

"Nice to see again, welcome back brother." It was Alex said hugging him.

"Ivy you look beautiful as always." Ivy was about to hug him but he stopped her as he look at his wife who her face was already twitched as he remembers the last time Ivy tried this attempt.

The first thing he looked for when he got there was his wife, he spotted her sitting on the one of the chairs where his father was sitting.

She was beautiful like always her she was putting on a lavender dress with her wavy hair flowing on her back majestically.

Ivy was annoyed everyone was allowed to hug him but she wasn't, she just misses him like everyone else.

"Son." The king called as he shake his hands.

Then he walked to the queen and the prince who were standing as if they saw a ghost." Nice to see all of you, mother, brother."

He knew the last people who wanted to see him here was them and it wasn't nice to see them, he knew what to what happened to him one if them must have been the mastermind.

Then it was her lovingly sister who was so excited to see him, this was the only person who has stand with him since his childhood she was very important to him and that is one of the reason he had to fight death her and his wife.

"I thought you were not going to come." She stated almost crying.

"I promised that I will be here and as you know I don't break my promises."

"Yes, welcome back brother." She stated with a hug.

Last was his wife he, walked towards her holding her gaze and for some reason Melissa couldn't look away .

Melissa was annoyed with the way Demetrius gave Ivy a compliment but she was excited by the way he stopped her from hugging him.

Melissa just wrapped her hands around him she couldn't help it she has missed this man like hell. She didn't care.

"How are you my wife?" He asked after they parted from the hug as he kissed her knuckles.

"I am fine." She answered shyly his hot breath was still lingering on her knuckles.

"I am happy to see you."

Melissa didn't answer she just stare at him she wanted him next to her and never to leave her side again.

"What are you thinking." Demetrius asked after he noticed that she has been staring at him a lot.

"Nothing, I am happy to see you too, Demetrius."

Demetrius almost lost it, his name that instance sounded so damn sexy in her mouth.

"I thought you said you kill him." Prince Charles stated furiously struggle him by the neck pinning Peter on the wall.

"I s..sw..swear I...I kil..led him, I don't know how he still breathing." Silas stammered he was scared and sweating.

"I don't know how you will do it and I don't care how you're going to do it, You need to kill him, I don't want him alive for another day, do you hear me? only after you kill him is when I am going to pay." He said adding pressure to struggle him more.

"Ok...ay I wi..ll please put me down." The man stammered.

Meanwhile in the hall it was time to dance.

"May I have this dance my lady?" Demetrius asked playfully and Melissa find it hard to resist.

"Yes your highness." She said taking his hands.

Demetrius proudly take her hands and they headed to the dance floor and everyone joined, Alex asked Helena and for Ivy they was a man who attended the wedding that asked her for a dance.

Demetrius encircled one of his hands on her waist and the other one in his shoulder, Melissa hesitantly copied him.

Demetrius pulled her close to him as he look at her in the eyes intently, oh how he has missed his wife.

"I have missed you Meli." He stated looking at her, right now he was just dying to kiss her. He has missed those lips so much.

Melissa looked at her shyly, she wanted to admit that he was wrong, she was the one who missed him greatly.

"Melissa!." He called with his husky voice waking up something inside of her, something she couldn't fathom what it was.


"You look beautiful, more than you have ever looked before,,,he paused then lean in her ear,,,did you dress up for me?" He asked as he lick her ear.

When he did that she almost lost it, she closed her eyes as he felt his hot breath on her ears as she blushed hard.

"No." she denied as much as she wanted to tell him that she dressed up for him, Demetrius only chuckled, of she dressed up for him.

Melissa looked at him wondering what was so funny about what she said, did she probably noticed that she was lying.

Meanwhile after Silas was put down he stormed out of the room running but before he got out he was stopped.



"Did he recognized you?" He asked approaching him.

"No I don't think so, as far as I know I didn't show my face to him."

"That's great."

After Demetrius greeted them from where they were standing, Prince Charles dragged Peter in one of the room downstairs, first he made sure that he held his hands firm for he didn't want him to escape.

After Peter walked out of the room, he headed back to the party upon reaching there the party had already started, people were now dancing.

The duke, the queen and the king were the only people sitting, everyone was on the dance floor. He spotted his brother and his wife, his stomach twisted, when he saw Demetrius whispering something in her wife's eyes.

He just walked where the drinks were and pour one for himself, the queen saw him and followed him.


"Leave me alone mother." He retorted.

"No son, you need to calm down and think, please don't do any..."

Charles turned looked at her mother. "Don't worry mother I am calm." He stated then gulp all the alcohol he poured.

The Queen just left but she was worried about his son, she was afraid that he would do something foolish, her on the on other hand she was so depressed how did the Crown prince survive? she needed an answer which only Peter can give her.

She was planning after the ceremony she will talk to that moron to tell her everything that happened.

He kept drinking as he glare at his brother. "I don't know how you escape your death, but this time I will make sure I kill you by my own hands." he stated with gritted teeth then gulp all of the alcohol he poured after the first one glass.

Not long the dance ended then eople eat then parted.

Late at night Helena was now in her room admiring her ring, finally she was engaged to Alex, now the only thing that was remaining was to get married. She was very excited.

Meanwhile inside Demetrius room, Melissa had already changed into her night gown and she was now staring outside the window.

Demetrius just stood from the changing room and just stared at her, what did this lady did to her?

Ever since he left he was not able to concentrate on anything, whenever she came in his mind she would always do whatever he needed to do so that the days will pass quickly so that he could just be with her.

He walked where she was standing and wrapped his hands around her waist and made her pressed her body on his.

Melissa was taken back by the sudden action, she was not expecting that at all but she liked it, she clasped her hands with his as he rest his chin on her shoulder.

"I asked you earlier if you missed me, but I didn't get a reply." He stated seductively sending shivers down to her spine.

No ! not again it was obvious, she missed him very much, she turned to him and face him, she will show him with action that he missed him.

She turned and put her hands around his neck, as he placed his on her waist, their body pressing on each other, as Melissa caress his cheek.

Demetrius closed his eyes as he caress his chin he needed more of those touches.

Melissa closed her eyes and slammed her lips with his, Demetrius didn't hesitate he capture her lips and gave her what she wanted.

She pulled her closed to him as he kissed her roughly, oh! how much she has missed those lips of his, he pressed her hard on him as he remove her robe.

His hands traveled on her back sending electricity shock to Melissa's body. she wanted more but she didn't know how to asked.