
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Kỳ huyễn
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Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love).Chapter14

The moment the queen saw the smile on her daughters face, she left. She has never understood why she was not on their side. she was supporting the enemy.

That is one of the reason why sometimes they don't get a long. Melissa decided long ago thet she will always support the good, they have always told her that it was Demetrius who was doing bad but she didn't believe anything they said.

Since their childhood she has never witnessed Demetrius insulting any one or that he had harmed any one, never.

He is always silent ever since his mother passed away, and he is always wearing a stern face that seemed so much intimidating.

They only like to fought with Ivy because Ivy was the one who would always start the fight. Maybe she always wanted attention from him and that is why she would always pick up a fight.

Melissa watched them and it was rain Which stopped her from watching more and also those two needed their privacy.

Melissa watched as he slowly flatter his eyes closed, first he admired his face he can never get enough of looking at his face, he was attractive there was no doubt about it. He couldn't deny anymore she wanted him, and she knew that this step she needed to take.

She stare at those tempting lips that she had always wanted to taste since she laid her eyes on them.

She leaned and kissed him really quickly and she stood up.

Demetrius didn't even enjoy the kiss, for him it was just a peck it wasn't a peck, just when he was starting to feel the warmth of her lips she pulled away living him wanting more.

"Done." She stated once she was done and she seemed like she was happy because she had already given him a kiss.

Demetrius looked at her bewildered, he couldn't believe his future queen called that a kiss. "Was that what she call a kiss?" He couldn't help but wonder inwardly.

He stood up and it was still drizzling it didn't start to rain heavily yet. Demetrius didn't care that it was going to rain he pulled her closer to him as he look down at her lips.

"Melissa was that what you call a kiss?" He asked seductively caressing her lips.

Melissa suffered Butterfly galore in her stomach, electric shock, why is it when it come to him her body always respond faster.

"Yes." she answered not sure how her voice sounded.

"No my lady that was not a kiss,, this is a kiss."

Demetrius encircled his waist and Melissa put his hands on his chest as they engaged in their very first hot kiss, Demetrius kissed her passionately as he run his hands on her back.

While ago Melissa was starting to feel cold but when Demetrius held her and pulled her closer to him the coldness disappeared.

Demetrius pressed his lips on hers as he suck her lips both her upper lips and lower lips, he kissed her, he had always wanted to kiss her, he was going to kiss her like she has never been kissed before.

Demetrius pulled her closer and closer he didn't want to leave any gap between them.

Melissa has never experienced this kind of kissing, she felt like she was going to loose herself, it felt like she was flying, the only thing that she was concentrating right now was his lips and how it was moving on her lips.

Finally Demetrius let go of her lips before he looses himself completely. Finally the warmth was replaced by cold but Melissa could still feel the ticklish of their lips moving together Melissa felt like she couldn't stand, her legs were weak like hell, Demetrius noticed and carried her to their chamber, he put her down inside the bathroom.

"You need to have a bath and change or else you will catch cold." he stated as he fill the bathtub.

"Should I help you bathe?" he didn't know why but he felt like bathing with her today, he knew he shouldn't have asked her, he knew what her answer was going to be.

"Yes." she answered absentmindedly, her mind was still outside, the memory were playing in her head like something else. Before he could ask what Demetrius was saying he had already started to remove her clothes.

But he didn't went further because they were interrupted, Demetrius was informed that the king was looking for him.

Melissa took a quick bath, she was staring on the window when Demetrius get back.

After eating they all retired to their chambers some people eat with sorrow on their faces while some eat jovially As for the King no one was able to read his emotions.

After they eat Demetrius told Melissa to wait for him in their chamber, he had something to attend to. Melissa reluctantly went to their chamber.

Changed into her pink night gown and cover it with it's pink rob and went to the window as she remembered their kiss. It was magical she didn't know what was wrong but she wanted to kiss him everyday, she smiled at her own though.

When Demetrius came the first thing he checked was his wife and he spotted her on the window, why does she like to stare outside.

He went to have a quick shower and came back.

"Is not cold?" He asked climbing on the bed and Melissa looked at him.

"Yes, it is." She stated looking at him.

She stare for a short while then closed the window and join him on the bed they still didn't switch off the light.

She wanted to get close to him but she was scared, wait scared or shy? she didn't know. She also didn't know what to do because Demetrius was looking at her with his tender gaze melting her heart away, she peek at him then look down shyly.

Demetrius was so excited for the first time he felt like she was free with him most importantly he could do anything he desires with her, she was so cute when she was acting so shy. He was enjoying watching her.

"Melissa." he called in his hiptotising voice.

"Yes." She replied as she looked at him and the moment she looked at him he saw him with his arms open wide open as if it was a signal for her to get inside.

He went inside and Demetrius wrapped her with his strong arms, it felt good being good being in his arms she position herself she wanted to get more warmth from him, wrapped by a blanket and also in his arms it felt good which she ended up smiling, it was a moment to behold.

Demetrius on the other hand was starting to get uncomfortable, suddenly he thought like it was a bad idea to invite her inside his embrace, but at the same time he liked how it felt he wanted to stay with her like this forever in this amazing moment, Her slender legs was up on his thigh, her head resting on his chest with her hands also wrapped around his torso.

The room went silent for a moment only the beating of their heartbeats could be heard, it was beating wildly before Demetrius broke the awkward silence.

"Meli I am going to leave tomorrow." Demetrius stated faster like he was somehow afraid.

Melissa felt like something broke inside of her, he didn't like what he just uttered. It has never crossed her mind that he would ever leave.

How come when he wanted him to stay away from him he couldn't but when she needed him is when he was leaving, it wasn't fair.

She lifted her eyes and looked at him.

"Don't worry I am not going to take long." He stated with a light kiss and they went to sleep.

The next morning when Demetrius woke up, her goddess was still in his embrace, she was beautiful her hair that smells so nice filled his nose, he inhaled it as it calms him down, she smelled so nice.

Not long he saw him stirring from her sleep and he quickly pretended he was still asleep.

Melissa woke up and found herself still in his embrace she lift her head and rested her chin on his chest as she stare down at him.

This face he will never get tired of staring at, his thick eye lashes, his thin lips, staring at his lips her mind drifted to their heated kiss, and she smiled as she pull herself close to him for a while.

Demetrius opened his eyes and smiled, he was falling for her hard and hard.

Melissa felt like he woke up and she lift her head to look, she saw like he was smiling but at the same time she looks like someone who didn't smile at all.

She stared at his lips because it really felt like he was smiling she was busy looking at his lips that she forget she was getting closer and closer to him.

Just when she was few inches away, Demetrius opened his eyes with a smile.

"My lady are you trying to steal a kiss from me, while I am still a sleep?" He asked his smile never Fading away.

"No I am not." She stated offended, she couldn't believe that she was almost stole a kiss from him.

He wanted to pull away but he held her down Demetrius could feel like she was trying to brake from his grip.

"Is okay if you were trying to steal a kiss, I mean after all I am your husband."

No that wasn't it, she couldn't get enough of those lips, everytime she stares at them she felt like kissing him.

And not to mention that today he was leaving, he didn't want him to go when things were just starting to get heated between them. As much as she didn't like the idea, he had to pretend.

He looked at him and wondered how she would even be able to manage without him, since she was married to him they have never part ways even though they were not on good terms she has always enjoyed his company.

Now when things were spicing up he was going away and she didn't know for how long and the worst part was that she couldn't go with him.

Staring at him now just reminded her how she was going to miss him and the thought of it, she just wanted to kiss him at least a good bye kiss.

She leaned close to him and capture his lips, she kissed him slowly and passionately as he nibble his lips with hers.

Demetrius was caught off guard, she was actually kissing him on her own and it wasn't a peck like the one that she gave her on the garden, this was a real kiss.

His hands traveled on her back as he caress it tenderly and positioned her well as he kissed her back with the same passion as he earned a moan from her.

He didn't want this he was afraid that he would loose himself and kissed her forever. Now he was craving to just ripped her naked as he also got naked for there hands to roam on each others body. But today hee had to leave and also early.

He pressed her on himself and he loved how her breast was pressing on his chest, after a short while he reluctantly let go of her.

Melissa on the other hand was getting lost on their kissing, she has never felt pure bliss. She didn't want to stop kissing him especially now that he was leaving.

After bathing, they had breakfast silently and it was evident on her face that she wasn't pleased that he was leaving.

"My lady don't be sad I will be back before you know it." he stated taking a seat next her.