
Amour Interdit(Forbidden Love)

After King Leonard discover what was going on between his one and only daughter and her bodyguard, he decided to marry her off to another Kingdom, Will he accept the prince and move on with her life or she will go to any length to be with her first love. Read and find out. My first time writing please leave a comment. I hope you enjoy.

Sharon_Beyonce · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Amour Interdit (Forbidden Love)Chapter15

"Now be a good girl and eat come on pen up and eat." Demetrius stated taking a big meat inside her mouth and she gladly opened her mouth.

Demetrius kept feeding her until she was full and Melissa enjoyed it.

After the solders took Demetrius bag outside as they followed walking hand in hand."Brother,, Helena called Melissa and Demetrius were heading downstairs when they had the call and it was Melissa.

"Did you really have to go?"

"Don't worry Helena I will be back very soon, they are just something I need to take care of."

"Can't it wait?" She asked with poker face.

"Apparently it can't wait Helena."

"I want you to come back as soon as possible to attend my engagement party."

"Engagement party?" He asked perplexed he didn't know anything about that.

Early in the morning when she went to visit her father she overhead his father and Alex talking about her engagement, she was excited she was brimming with happiness. In two weeks she will be engaged to Alex the man of her dreams how amazing.

She knew it was a secret and maybe that is why Alex haven't told her yet, maybe he was going to surprise her with it later, she was so excited she couldn't keep it to herself.

She decided to tell Demetrius because she knew Demetrius wasn't someone who brags out things moreover he was also leaving so her secret was safe with him.

"Yes my engagement is in two weeks from tomorrow,,, She answered happily,,,make sure you attend." she added.

"I am happy that you're finally getting engaged and I promise I will be there."

Then they walked up to where the carriage was waiting for him. After Demetrius bid his goodbye to his family members his wife was the last one, he wanted to at least spend some minutes with her, he knew she didn't want him to go but she couldn't tell him and he also wished that he didn't have to go, especially now.

"Don't be sad, I will leave one of my men with you, in case of anything just send him and I will be back." He said hugging her and Melissa hugged him tightly.

At this point Melissa didn't care at all if they were all staring at her.

"Yes." He kissed him goodbye then walked to Helena.

"Helena I left her in your hands please take care of her, she doesn't have anyone."

"Don't worry brother I will do that."

He bid her bye for the last time then left.

Truth to be told Melissa didn't have a good feeling about him leaving since last night, she didn't want to tell him he would think she was trying to make him stay.

She went to there chamber and she suddenly felt lonely, she didn't know that him not being close to her would felt like that, knowing that he would have to sleep on the big bed alone.

Ever since she got married to him she has never slept alone, this was the first time. Getting bored she went to the library after reading some of the books she went to the garden.

She didn't see Helena almost all this time, she was wondering where she was, 'Maybe she was with her future husband.' she thought

She was walking on their garden and her handmaids could see that she was sad.

"My lady should we walk you around the palace?" One if them asked and she agreed.

"Yes please." She answered.

Melissa visited different kind of rooms from upstairs to downstairs and she noticed that it was her first time walking around the palace she has never walked around, she recalled one day Demetrius asked her if he would like him to show her around and she refused.

He got to see different chambers, and she could tell that their chamber was completely different from the other ones, she got the glimpse of the King and the Queen's chamber, she couldn't deny that the palace was really beautiful.

She was taking a stroll around the kitchen when she suddenly heard some noises from the kitchen and it interrupted her, so she decided to go and check what was happening.

"What is happening here?" She asked startling everyone there and they stopped talking.

Some of them were seeing her for the first time, some admired her beauty but they didn't dare look at her in the eyes, they knew that staring at the royals in the eyes was not accepted, the others who had only got a glimpse of her they got to see her clearly now that she was close to them, they couldn't hey but admire how the crown prince and this rincess make a good couple.

Some who just came to the palace to get closer to the prince looked at her with envy, they wanted to be in her place. They didn't like that he was married to him, some even wished to be his concubines or mistress but they have never had a chance to even get close to him.

The only thing they could get was a glimpse of him as they admire his beauty. In the entire palace people consider him to be the most handsome man.

The servants kept on staring at each other, no one was ready to admit what was going on or they rather didn't want to say what was wrong, it might create a problem.

"Are you going to say what is going on?" She question again and they still didn't admit what was wrong.

Melissa could sense that something was wrong but no one was ready to admit maybe they feared someone but she couldn't help but wonder who they feared.

Like back in her palace the only most feared person was her father the king. His father will not repeat himself twice. Sometimes she wished she could rule like her father, he is a great king.

"Oh so none of you is ready to talk?? she questioned walking towards them,,, Okay then I will do this my own way,, she added,,,You come infront." She called the one of them who had his head pointing the ground since she got there and started to ask questions.

Her name was Enid she was staring down because she was afraid that she might blurt out the truth, she was the one of servants who didn't like what was happening in the kitchen.

She came Infront, she didn't believe out of the people who were present here she was the one who was appointed, she was afraid of what will happen next after she told what was happening.

"What is going on?" Melissa asked her and the lady look back to others as her eyes asking should I talk or not?

"Don't worry I will protect you in case of anything, if you are afraid of anyone please don't be." Melissa told her.

"Is.. is j..just that our f..friend Rosa is sick and the Queen is forcing her to work and we are afraid she might die, she has been sick for several days now furthermore we have been asking her to rest but she doesn't want to because she is afraid of the Queen." She stated the last words with bravery as if she dissaprove of whatever was going on.

'now that was not good how can you work when you're ill.

"Where is Rosa?" She asked and Rosa emerged from the group and stood Infront, the lady was pale and she looked like she might die really soon.

But before Meli could utter anything they heard someone's footsteps and it looks like the servants knew very well who the person was, because as soon as they had the footsteps they started to panic.

Melissa saw Rosa flinch backwards and she walk close to her as she put her hands on her forehead and she found out she was burning down with fever.

"You need to see a doctor as soon as possible."

"No she doesn't need to see anyone, she just needs to cook and make sure the kitchen is clean." The Queen pointed.

Melissa look at the Queen she couldn't believe what was coming out of her mouth.

"I am sorry your highness but I will have to disagree with you, she is not well to cook or to make the kitchen clean, beside there are so many servants here that can help with that." She stated looking around and being careful with her words not to say something offensive.

"No what I say is final, will you cook after she left to see the doctor?" She asked.

Melissa couldn't believe what she was saying what was happening was wrong, is this how they behave here? Is this how they were being treated? she couldn't help but wonder, she couldn't allow that.

Thus was not the way to treat servants, it was wrong, they were also human being like them, they didn't need to be treated like that, they needed someone to stand for them.

"I am sorry your highness but that will not happen, I will take her to see a doctor."

"Take her to one of the guests room, I will tell someone in the palace to call a doctor." She Instructed Enid.

Enid was scared but at the same time excited for the first time someone stood for them. The other servants were scared because the queen was now giving them a deadly glare as if telling them you have made a big mistake.

Enid took Rosa to one of the guest room

"Princess you are doing a very big mistake." She stated shooting her a deadly glare. If look could kill she would be dead right now.

Melissa just look at her and left following the girls, she didn't understand what the Queen was gaining by keeping a sick person to work. It was unbelievable, and she didn't understand why the King didn't know anything that was going on.

She went with them to the guest room and made sure that she was lying down on the bed, first Rosa didn't want to lie on the bed but Melissa convinced her.

Rosa was surprised no one has ever made them even step on this parts of the palace, they were always in the kitchen, Rosa slept and she found the bed comfortable.

"Don't worry you will be okay." Enid ensured her.

"Thank you."

Melissa told Eugene to call the Palaces's doctor.

The Queen stomped in her chamber furiously no one has ever done what the princess did today, no one has ever gone against anything she said before but this princess she has the guts to go against her. How dare she?

She just made an enemy she didn't like her at first because she was married to Demetrius and because she was Demetrius's wife, and because she has never liked Demetrius but now she hates her for what she did.

"Before she go against anything again I need to teach her lesson she would never forget, she must pay for that humiliation." She stated furiously to herself.

"Don't worry she is going to be fine, she just need to take some rest and take her medicines." the doctor reassured.

"Thank you doctor, Eugene please walk him out."

"Thank you my lady." Rosa thanked.

"Shh don't talk, get some rest, we will talk after you get better."

Meanwhile in the garden.

"Are you sure don't have something to tell me?" Melissa asked.

"No! Is there something you want here?"

"Of course there so many things I want here from you ." She answered, she didn't understand why he was keeping it a secret, when was he planning to tell her?

After eating lunch eating, Melissa told the kitchen maid to not forget about Rosa, she has lost a lot of wait, she needed food to renovate.

"Please put for her a lot of protein."

"Yes my lady."

"And make sure she eats it all." She told Enid.

"Yes My lady."

Helena looked at Melissa, she was being so serious at the same time, the Queen was glaring at her.