
American History 1988

``` Debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies, anti-government, freedom. At the end of the 1980s, a wave of change encompassed a country boy from the Rust Belt. As the gate for upward mobility was on the verge of closing, he struggled to move forward. College, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship; HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become part of the 1%, or even 0.1%, he sacrificed a lot, but also gained a lot. ```

Quiet thoughts · Thành thị
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385 Chs

Chapter 211 My Idol

The luxurious suite at the Fairmont Hotel was bustling as the Clintons, having traveled from afar, warmly shook hands and greeted every person in the room.

They knew that Arkansas was too far from the West Coast, and that most of the people here had likely never been there.

So the couple brought their sincerity to the table, humbly and kindly offering courtesy to everyone present.

Of course, Larry Stone, acting as the intermediary, was also introducing them to the guests of the evening.

"Dave Packard, the CEO of Hewlett-Packard," Larry stood between the two, making introductions.

"Actually, I'm about to head over to Apple," Baram said bluntly, scrutinizing the Democratic governor with an assessing gaze.

"The 'Apple Act' was a remarkably correct decision; it allowed America's children to master advanced technology at an early age."

Clinton smiled and shook hands with Baram, not minding the other's subtle scrutiny and aloofness.