
Ambedo in a Parallel World

Do you know the idea of the 'collective unconcious'? It is a theory by Carl Jung that says that our actions are somehow affected by the actions of those around us. What if you are transported out of your will in a world where your thoughts are connected as one whole collective consciousness? Weird right? That's also my first thought when I was suddenly 'abducted' by this elven-looking lunatics who wanted me to be an engineer even though I am a freaking neurosurgeon. I don't know what the deal is, but what I will tell you is that being connected to a massive hyper connection is super amazing! Now, do you want to feel the ambedo from the parallel world? Author's note: This is my first time making a novel so please be gentle :) I have always wanted to envision a story not about fast paced development or action, but one full of adventure and good imagery. This story will not be jam-packed with fights, but of the adventures of a special unit across space, venturing to uncharted territories and discovering amazing things. I would greatly appreciate your feedbacks! Thank you and happy reading ;)

Kami08680 · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


We are currently sitting on a sofa made out of pure cotton. Everything inside this room looks exquisite and grand. You would know that a lot of money was spent just to furnish the room that we are in.

The short man who asked us to come here poured some tea on the porcelain cup placed at the glass table right in front of us. The design on the cup was very meticulous, much so was the glass coffee table.

"Did the federation asked you to come visit here?", he continued pouring tea on the cups placed in front of us, not even bothering looking at us when he talks.

"We are tasked to investigate this place", I answered unhindered.

He offered us some tea before he continued talking, "you know that I own this place, right? That is why the Federation has no say in this place". He sat on a chair right across mine, his legs crossed as well as his arms. You could see that this man has some money because of his expensive clothing. You could even sense that every action he makes are calculated, which goes to say that he did grow up in a well-off family.

"Indeed, we know that you own this place. Mr. Crommel", I answered politely. "But that not the only reason that the federation sent us here", I continued.

"I have been informed that last year, you have failed to accomplish your duty as the so called 'master' of this place. They found out that there are instances of harassment and unsolicited slavery in this place that is unaccounted by the federation of Hax Geneon. To quote, "The federation wishes to inform Mr. Victor Crommel, son of of Viscount Crommel III that your land, named Tarden, as well as all of its inhabitants will be taken by the federation at the time of inspection. During the process of investigation, all inhabitants of this land will be subjected to thorough questioning regarding their state of living, their satisfaction and the treatment that they receive from the current owner of this land. Until further notice, Mr. Crommel will be subjected to report to the council, effective immediately", end quote. That is why..."

Before I could even end my speech, Victor got up from his sit and started to go on a rampage. He smashed everything that he could see. All his expensive furniture turning into pieces in a blink of an eye. When a person is in deep stress, that is when you could see their true colors.

The scene lasted for a while before it ended. He shouted at the top of his lungs, opened the door forcefully and shut it closed. His anger showing no signs of stopping.

"Boss, I thought we are here to investigate? Is everything you said true? ", Lane asked. I must say that this girl is quite perceptive, because as far as I am concerned, what I said is all just a fluke and this girl already noticed that even if I know myself that my acting was quite impeccable.

"Stryde will deal will that one. I have reasons of my own", I answered her with a smirk.

Making me do investigation on an unknown land and not telling me about what I have to do and what I need to accomplish, well, I made a different interpretation because of that. I will let you handle this one now, Stryde.


The next day, we saw Victor getting on his car towards the harbor, probably reporting back to Hax Geneon. Little did he know that I asked Lane to let his abysmal beast run free out in the sea between Hax Geneon and Tarden. If he gets to Hax Geneon safely, then Stryde will definitely handle this affair.

I then went out to see how the residents of this land where doing. I went straight to the newly built factory on the barren place at the east of Tarden.

When I went inside the factory, a lot of people are working hand in hand into making oil made from sahati fruit. Some people are lining each sahati fruit in a rack to let it dry under the sun, some are delivering dried sahatis to the factory to be pounded and pressed. Others are collecting the extract and trickling it down into the metal cans that I made for them.

They are working in harmony, like a colony of bees preparing for the winter season, it is marvelous to look at.

As soon as they noticed that I was coming, they stopped on their tracks to bow. With a smile, I asked them not to do that again and gestured to continue on with their work. I don't deserve to be treated like a superior being. In the first place, this is the life and workload that they deserve.

"From now on, the federation will take care of you all. If you wish to continue working, that will be fine. Your work will be compensated by the federation. If you wish to travel and do other things, that will be fine as well. You are no longer bound to this place. Just know that as long as you follow the rules placed by the federation and do your best as part of the society, you will receive the amount of care that you all deserve", in my heart, those words are the words that I've been wanting to tell them for a long time. Now that I've said it, it feels refreshing and liberating.

"We will continue our import of Sahati oil for the price of 10 Ridan per oil jar. The salt will be priced at 2 Ridan per pan and the wood from the Sahati tree will be subjected to quality check. As long as it passes, it will be priced at 1 Gen per log. If anyone wishes to disagree, you could come to me and talk about the pricing. As for other products, Lane will be coordinating with those", as I finished my speech, I turned my back and went straight towards the main building in the area.

Seeing their crying faces after I told them the 'federations mandate' was already a relief. Knowing that they are not even paid by their master for their hard work, providing them with the common pricing of goods in Hax Geneon is a small deed.

"Kind sir, this name is Sela, one of the elders here at the land of Tarden. We appreciate your kindness to us, but we cannot accept this. 10 Ridan is too much for us. We are fine with 2 Sudan per oil jar", an old lady named Sela shouted before I go.

"This are the prices in the mainland, Madame Sela. Even if I changed it to 2 Sudan, the people at Hax Geneon will insist to give you 10 Ridan", I turned my head to answer them with a smile. With their liberation comes their freedom, and they will not be subjected again by anything false.

I turned my back and proceeded to walk away, "You all have to be accustomed to all of this, because you are all free", I added, I could hear the cries of joy from behind me. They deserve to be free after all.

Hearing their plea of happiness makes my heart flutter a bit, which I haven't felt for a while. I have always made sure to make a strong façade to the people I meet, because showing weakness in a world full of chaos would just result in someone's doom. But now, hearing them cry, seeing their happy faces, it feels comforting.

If doing this means going against the will of the Great Garameta, then I will gladly accept the challenge.


Having done all my researching on this land, I informed my team that we will disembark today to Hax Geneon to report back. We all made our preparations and proceeded to go towards our ship.

When we arrived at the dock, dozens upon dozens of people are waiting for us. They brought all kinds of things, from their crafts, their goods, some even offered their lives to us. We refused most of them, especially those who wanted to be taken as slaves, but they insisted that we take all their goods back to Hax Geneon.

Without any choice, we accepted. But before we sailed, the two young kids that we first met asked us to come and see them.

"We. Go. You", Ke'Sihe declared. "We. Take. You".

"You are free now, young man. You don't have to do this to thank us", Lane answered him.

"We. Want. Go. You. Please. We. Go. You", he stated.

"Are you sure about this? You have a life of your own, you don't have to do this. I mean it", Lane answered with a soft voice.

"Please", Ke'Liua asnwered Lane this time, tears flowing from her eyes. Even if the words are short, you could feel that they have decided already what they wanted to do with their lives. Who are we to stop them?

"My demands are simple, if I take you, I want you to promise me that you will not do it for me but for yourself and your sister", looking at Ke'Sihe, I gave him an answer with a tone full authority.

"We. Accept", he smiled back at me. Even if he was subjected to harsh work, he still chose this path for him and his sister. I will not break that kind of dedication just for my own moral inclination.

"Then off we go", gesturing them to go on inside the ship.

As our ship coasted the blue waters of Tarden, a lot of emotions filled the beach side of land of the plenty. Some cried, some shouted, some waved their hands like there is no tomorrow. You could feel that even if there are a lot of emotions coasting the seaside of Tarden, one emotion is prevalent: Gratefulness.

I looked at the bright orange sunset across the horizon, painting the whole sea red. Even if our paths are against the tide, I know that one day, just like waves, our paths will cross once again.

Tarden was called the land of the 'plenty' before I came here. This kind of description is retracting on what Tarden really is. Tarden is just Tarden. It is not just a place; it is a community. A place full of kindness and harmony, a place where the people of Tarden thrive and live.