

"What time do you think it is? why are you jxt coming to work now Miss Kim. I think I told if you come late again u will be fired I can't condole this type of behavior, to your office now I will get back to you before the end of the day".

"Eunsang" that was close damn, you have to improve on your time you know that our boss is really trying and also trying to understand your situation", said Leo Bohee".

Kim Eunsang a girl of 22years, who lives with her sick mother in a tiny apartment. She's a college dropout, and as the only child of her mother she has to take care of her mother.

"Bohee am trying my best it's not easy and now I don't even know if the boss will forgive me this last time". What if he doesn't how will I and my mother live oh help me Lord. Slowly the day came to an end an Eunsang was called by her boss..

"Sir heard u called for me" please may today not be my last day here. "Yea Eunsang I did call for, I don't even know how to say this but am sorry you can't continue working here". "Sir please I beg of you just forgive me this last time please sir it won't repeat itself... not letting her to finish what she was saying he interrupted "Am sorry Eunsang it was decided by the high higher ups I had no say" Eunsang's phone rings an unknown caller.

"Hello, who is this?". "Please is this Miss Kim Eunsang? Daughter of Mrs kim jijun" ."Yes, any problem?". "Am calling from the general hospital and your mom has just been to our hospital". "WHAT?".. Hangs call. Oh god today is the worst day of my life I thought having to dropout from college was the worst feeling ever, but losing ur job and the thought of losing your mom the same day is even worse. Eunsang rushes out of her work building and into the streets and hailed a taxi taking her to the general hospital few minutes later she arrived paid the driver and due to the fact that she was in a hurry she forget to collect her change from the driver. On getting to the reception she gave her details to the receptionist and she was directed to go to ward 4 to see her mother on getting there she saw her mother pale as white.

"Are you a relative of the patient"? asked the doctor, "yes, am her daughter", "Please can I speak with you for a few minutes?", "yes sure"

"Your mom is in a critical state and I don't think she will be able to survive the next few days".


"Am sorry we've tried all we can and that's all we can do she already in her critical stage, you need to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for her departure cause it might occur anytime soon". "Thank you doctor"

Eunsang left the doctor's office to her mother's ward, when she got there her mother was already awake and she run to hug her mother. Her mother's face was still pale but not as before it has added some colors.

"Eunsang my daughter, I know I have a few days left in this world"... "Please mom don't say that". "You have to Believe it, the sooner the better and when I leave I don't want you locking yourself up crying, you have to continue with your life at least I would be gone and your burden would have reduced. I know when I leave it's going to be hard for you and I have been saving money for some time now, its in an envelope under the blankets take it and move on with yourself life"." Promise me that when am gone that you won't isolate yourself, that you would go out and have fun like every other girl your age?". Unable to control the liquids in her eyes, she started crying and with a shaking voice she promised her Mother and soon her mother went to sleep unknown to her that it was a sleep that has no end and because she was tired she too went to sleep immediately her mother went to sleep.


Beeping!! Beeping!! Machine continues beeping. Eunsang in her sleep heard the beeping sound with her eyes partly open she saw her mom machine beeping and her mom shaking in her beg, instantly tears filled her eyes and with a shaking voice she screamed for doctors and nurses when they arrived she was taken out if the room. Eunsang was pacing, praying that her mother won't die few minutes later the doctors and nurses came out of the room and she ran towards them asking about her mother and a doctor Shaked his head indicating that her mother didn't make it. Eunsang cried and screamed at the top of her voice till she fainted.

She woke up the next day to find bohee sleeping beside her and she cried silently. Few hours later bohee woke up and dey planned Eunsang mother's burial and she was buried two days later

Hey guys Please this is my first novel I hope u enjoy it

Changwoolcreators' thoughts