

"Young master Lee, please wake up breakfast is read, said Butler kim". Lee dongso owner of the biggest gaming company in Korea, lee gaming enterprises and only child to late Mr&Mrs Lee.

"*Yawning* Butler Kim please what time is it?, it's past 10am" said Butler Kim.. "WHAT??

!!!" Dongso removed the blanket from his head and Butler Kim shouted "Master your eyes"..... Well Dongso was busy all night like always playing video games, shopping online for things he doesn't need just so he could be the first to get a new product and also searching for robots.

"I will be expecting a delivery of my new robot in the next 15mins please get me my gloves and cane I need to inspect it myself" said Dongso.. "Good morning master" said a robotic voice. Snow is a robot that dongso has had since he was a kid, snow and Butler Kim are the only family and friends that Lee dongso has.


"Is this Lee dongso residence I have a delivery for him" he has come to deliver the robot that dongso ordered but it was supposed to be delivered by the makers not a delivery man... Lee dongso checked the robot and it wasn't what he wanted or ordered, he was super again

" Please sir just anything, I can do anything as long as I can get paid". Eunsang has been going from one place to another for the past days looking for a place to work after being sacked from her former place of work, it was as if she was blacklisted by somebody and getting a good job such as the one she has before for someone who is not a college graduate is very hard but now I guess she had to go for part-time jobs

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