
The Death Eater Meeting

I was following the nameless snake through the Lestranges' gardens. Where was Nagini hiding so no one could find her for several days?

We stopped before a hole in the ground that looked like a rabbit burrow.

" She is down there, Master. "

And how was I to get down there? Transfigure myself into an animal? Simpler was probably better - just widen the hole into a tunnel large enough for a human.

" Lead,' I said.

The snake slithered down, and I flew behind her, widening the passage with magic. A couple of nifflers scurried our of my way. They were not garden gnomes, but the Lestranges should still clean up their gardens… Nagini likely decided to hunt and was traveling through these tunnels when she got hit with the backlash from Voldemort's soul switch.

Drilling through the earth was effortless. Maybe I could try digging an underground tunnel into Hogwarts? No, it will be easily detected…

About twenty feet below the surface I finally found my snake. The magic surrounding her felt strange but very unlike my ex-horcruxes. Not surprising: Tom simply hadn't had time to make her into one.

" Nagini, how are you feeling ?"

No reaction. Odd, all snakes were compelled to answer me… Time for diagnostic charms.

Long ago, when Tom was 16, he created his first horcrux using his diary as the vessel. A year later, he made another from Marvolo Gaunt's ring. Ritually splitting his soul for the second time was much harder and left him feeling terrifyingly close to losing his body. Tom panicked and asked Slughorn why no one made more than one horcrux. Having received no coherent answer, he began preparing for the ritual more seriously: increasingly complex runic circles, a modified ritual. Evidently, the less of his soul remained, the more risky it was to tear… In 1946, with a plethora of precautions, he was able to make two more: Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup. Several years later, he once again nearly died during the creation of the diadem horcrux.

Tom went back to calculations. The results suggested one more ritual would disembody him unless he used a living vessel. And so, Tom began preparing his familiar for the ritual. He hadn't had a chance to perform it before my arrival, and Nagini remained a magical snake with temporary enchantments.

In simple terms, familiars were companion animals bound to their masters' souls. The bond either developed with prolonged, powerful emotional connection (most commonly with childhood owls) or was created with a ritual. It granted the wizard some qualities of his familiar animal and the ability to interact with it. This was how the first parselmouths came into existence: entire generations of wizards continuously chose snakes as familiars, integrating the snake language into their energies so much that it became an inherited trait.

There were some downsides: possible destabilization of human psyche, inheriting behavioral traits - aggression from predators, coldness from reptiles, grubbiness from scavengers and so on. While anyone could make a cat or an owl a familiar, very few had enough power to bind a magical creature. And the stronger the animal, the more its instincts affected the owner…

I was examining Lord Voldemort's familiar. The soul incident clearly affected the bond. The readings were baffling: Nagini was in a coma and partially my familiar… Partially how? It made as much sense as being partially pregnant! And what to do with her?

I first thought to stuff the snake into an isolating container… But she was too large. And alive. And needed to occasionally eat to survive. But was also in a coma… What does one do with a partial familiar in a coma? Keep her with me? What if the camouflage got dispelled in battle and everyone saw her? A magical snake was far from horcrux-level toughness… except for basilisks… Hide her? But where?, Hogwarts was out of reach, the inferi cave had already been compromised, the Gaunt shack was dubious. I saw only one option: she would live in my basement, under the care of the house elf.

I charmed Nagini to appear a normal familiar, wrapped her around me like a thick limp hose and called on Rabastan.

"Rabastan, I found my snake. She is fine."

Then, I took out the statuette and turned it back into Snape's unconscious body. I couldn't very well take him into my Fidelius-protected house. He was the last servant I would tell where I lived.

"Snape has a strong intoxication with experimental potions and short-term memory loss. And he is under the Draught of the Living Death. Take him to your manor and heal him. Wake him up in eight hours. Don't let him leave - we have a meeting."

"Yes, my Lord."

I apparated back to my house. Placed Nagini into a conjured tank in a far corner of the basement, then took a long time covering her "cell" with protection charms. Then called the house elf and gave him instructions: don't let her die, feed her, keep her warm… I don't know how, look it up in magical zoology books! Then thought some more and charmed a looped recording of my voice: /Everything is fine. Wait here. Don't kill anyone. Master./ The spell had enough energy to play for several years - who knew when (or if) she would recover. And this was how I wasted half of my day… I'll focus on her when I get some free time.

It now was time to go to Lily and at least in broad strokes explain the role she must play.

Lily was already under polyjuice.

"Hello, Elena. Let me into your mind."

I didn't really need to ask, but since it helped my image… So, what did she have in mind today? Hatred of me, fear for Harry, fear for her sister, disgust with herself… Nothing interesting. Brewing potions and giving them to my house elf… Reading the recommended books… Dueling went down well, occlumency with a strain, theory of blood purity barely skimmed… Practicing school spells in the basement and continuing to attribute her increased power to stress… Nothing new.

"Elena, we are going to a Death Eater meeting. Your attendance is mandatory. I will introduce you. Do not try anything foolish. I forbid you to attack or kill my servants, but you may defend yourself with non-lethal force. If you really want, you may cruciate any male Death Eaters you dislike. I will let you know when you are allowed to go back home. You will continue studying and brewing. I will also find you a sparring partner to train you in dueling twice a week at the Lestranges' manor."

Her thoughts revealed her idea of Death Eater meetings: torture, executions and orgies. Technically true, but I would not be taking her to a raid or a disciplinary hearing, only to a formal staff meeting of the elites. Nothing more than discussions of plans and boasting about successes. As for orgies… There were some fans, like Mulciber, but no one dared bringing it up in the Lord's company (rude to enjoy something the boss can't!).

Lily paid no notice to my words about cruciating others… Too bad - she will most certainly want to…

"Put on your uniform."

She waved her wand - and before me stood the most ornately decorated Death Eater in history.

"Take off your mask and put it on your belt. The masks are not worn during meetings. Put on all the mental defense artifacts I made for you. Attach vials of polyjuice to your teeth and don't forget to renew your appearance every hour, or I will have to kill you."

I looked her over. She needed to impress Severus…

"Do you have makeup? Put it on."

More horror and confusion. And she had no makeup. Fine, I will transfigure some. It will last for a few days, then the house elf can go shopping.

"Take it and put it on," I said, giving her the items. My thoughts were spinning in a different direction.

Right now her defenses consisted of Protego and some generic anti-jinxes that wouldn't stop a fifth year… Introducing THAT as my student… I had to apply something potent, similar to my own style, something she could fuel herself…

Right. Covertly remove her "shields" out of the way. Put up my own: anti-scanning, concealment, mana shield, blocking of sounds and smells, shield of dust, kinetic shield, acid shield, dark reflection… I covered her with almost thirty defensive charms. They resembled mine but were much weaker. Everyone will see it as an obvious attempt to copy my style… Decent pureblood level, nothing preternaturally powerful. The charms will last about ten hours, feeding on her own energy, but I could take them off at any time…

And the most important part: the defenses had two gaps. One allowed to check her magical potential. I was sure everybody and his dog will try to scan her, and half of the Lord's power will foster a healthy sense of respect. By the same token, no one will guess she was Lily the mudblood - can't hide a potential this large…

Second, I left her defenses against mental intrusions unusually weak. No one would try to sneak into a strong witch's head - what if she had strong occlumency or artifacts? Except for one double spy…

"Done gussying up? Now listen to my plan: you arrive with me, sit down, and blend in. I will be in your mind, telling you what to say and do. Your role: a foreign pureblood who is against senseless murders and excessive cruelty - mudbloods must be used and muggles secretly swayed in the right direction. When speaking, repeat after me word for word. No trying any games or yelling "you are wrong," "I'm Lily." First of all, your vow will stop you, second, I will shut you up before you say anything stupid. I am planning to de-radicalize the organization, so if you play your part well, you will save more muggles than the entire Order of the Phoenix. Among the Death Eaters, pay attention to Nott - he is the strongest proponent of humane measures and your future ally."

And he was also rich. And a widower dissatisfied with my politics. It will be fun to watch the inner opposition searching for support among my favored.

Of course, Lily did not believe anything and was preparing for the worst.

"We are going to the Leatranges', your Mark will let you pass. Drink this calming draught, you will need it…" I got a bit too carried away with legilimency, not even letting her answer…

Via Lily's mark, I announced a meeting at the Lestranges' manor, then apparated us there. The mental link held. Wonderful.

"Where are we?" Lily asked.

Was she stupid or just pretending?

"The Lestrange Manor," I replied.

"It is open to apparition?"

"The Mark acts as a key. I already told you. Pay attention."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"And for your own sake, lose the familiarity."

"Of course, Master," she muttered.

So far Elena was not impressive… I might have to mentally order her to stay silent.

We walked into a large chamber that we used for most Inner Circle meetings. My servants were already waiting at the long table… Were they really servants? Most of them followed me for power, standing behind me as I carved them a path into a better future. If I disappeared, no one save for the Lestranges and Crouch Jr. would bother searching for me…

My place at the head of the table was empty. Twenty most trusted figures stood up in greeting. Tom loved playing royal court - perhaps the influence of childhood poverty. I was more concerned with productivity than presentation. Subordination was undeniably important, but why show signs of respect so excessively? Though, it was trivial… I'll make some changes later… Or just let it be, their manners were not hurting anything…

Lily was scurrying behind me. Where to put her? I hadn't thought about it beforehand. This was not first come - first serve, closeness to the Lord reflected status. On the right hand sat the "faithful": Bellatrix, the Lestranges, Crouch Jr… On the left, those who were useful but did not give personal allegiance to the Lord: Malfoy, Rosier, Mulciber, Dolohov, Snape… I inherited this court from Tom… As if I didn't have enough problems without changing seats! Maybe I should write a simple set of instructions on war etiquette? "The Walpurgis Knights Code"? What to do? Conjure her a chair next to mine? Bella would get offended. And Crouch Jr. And Lucius… Put her far away? Lack of the Lord's favor would paint her a target… Well, Tom occasionally shuffled his pieces, I'll give it a try.

"Rookwood, switch places with Nott," this indicated my bringing Nott back in favor. And Rookwood… he cared about results, not ephemeral status of closeness to the Master's body. "Avery, take Rowle's place," Rowle eyed the free seat next to Crouch Jr. "Rowle, to the end of the table!"

Dejected Rowle moved to the end and conjured himself a chair. The shuffle resulted in a free sixth seat on the right… Almost directly across from Snape.

"I bring to your attention the newest fighter for our cause, a powerful pureblood Russian witch Elena Ivanova," I announced, gesturing at Lily "From this day on, she is a part of the Inner Circle, and her place is sixth on my right. She is also my personal student."

Everything seemed right so far. I avoided moving anyone important, but her place directly behind Crouch Jr. implied loyalty. Her defenses looked like she carefully copied mine.

My audience barely reacted to the phrase "Russian pureblood." But at "personal student," they perked up and started communicating with subtle gestures. In magical sight, the air sparkled with nonverbal wandless scanning charms aimed at Lily. This was not intrigue or violation of rules, simply checking the new ally's potential. Some charms found the hole I left in her defenses. Who had the most talent with scanning charms? Rookwood, the Lestranges, Dolohov… And there, Dolohov was showing the sign for "reserve" with one hand and raising five fingers with the other to Karkaroff, all the while appearing like he was innocently scratching his left wrist. Karkaroff gestured "I don't believe" with one hand and "check" with the other.

It seemed I overestimated my servants, and Lily's power would have to be demonstrated more directly. As Lily was walking to her chair, I removed several shield layers that concealed her power. This had the effect of an exploded bomb: in magical sight appeared a sun surpassing Bella and Dolohov. Now everyone will be very polite around her.

Lily looked completely oblivious to the scene she caused… Did she even know how to use magical sight? Apparently not. Maybe I should add another enchantment to her glasses… But her stone face was even better, as if she did not care about the petty rat race. If only she knew she was being scanned by twenty maniacs…

Lily sat down and saw Severus. I never told her he was a Death Eater. Snape looked terrible: ashen, with signs of magical exhaustion, energy replenishing slowly and painfully, shields barely there. But Lily only saw her barely alive childhood friend. For a moment, she froze with a mix of surprise and contempt on her face. I was in her mind, ready to shut her mouth if she was about to say something stupid.

"Vot is he doing here?" she said without thinking. Atrocious accent, I did well.

She meant 'is he really a Death Eater?' But her apparent power coupled with Snape's pathetic attempts at shielding with less energy than a third year, her question was rightfully interpreted as 'why is this weakling here?'

"Severus is my loyal servant, Elena. He is a half-blood but more than sufficiently powerful. His pathetic appearance is a temporary result of a failed experimental potion."

At last, Lily put herself together. I restored her shields, as if she did it herself wordlessly and wandlessly, and began my speech.

"The glory and honor of the purebloods will not stand for the vile creatures…" and the rest of the standard Dark Lord script.

At the same time, I was scanning Lily and Severus. Lily held rather well. Snape managed to show me loyalty even in his condition. Amusing: he did not know I learned his secret, but he would soon change sides for the last time.

"The true sons and daughters of Slytherin…" I continued my sermon.

Should be enough. I have talked for over an hour - Lily bit through her vial with polyjuice. Now nobody but the absolute paranoid would suspect her of using it. And even if she did - what if she was just old and ugly? Or had facial scars?

"The Longbottoms and the Potters are dead. Now only Moody is left standing in our way. With his death, the Auror forces will crumble…" this was met with cries of approval.

Lily flinched at my mention of the Potters, but everyone was hailing the Lord and missed it. Except for Severus. I noticed a very cautious attempt at legillimency on Lily. Did Snape think she helped me kill the Potters? He was in for a disappointment trying to get around my amulets with his leftovers - unlike occlumency, attacking the mind required power.

"We will attack during the funeral, and the mudbloods will drown in their blood…" thanks to eidetic memory, I could read the speech while distracted.

… Snape got around Lily's amulet but was thrown out on contact with the glasses. Now he was making a second attempt…

I finally decided to speak to Lily within her mind.

" Talk to me with your thoughts only. Were you honestly surprised to see your friend Snape here?"

"He had a difficult childhood… No wonder he got involved with a bad crowd…"

"Bad crowd is a dirty corner of Knockturn. This is the elite of the civil war. Snape is not the teenage boy you remember. He killed many people. He may have less deaths on his hands than Bellatrix and not match Dolohov's battle skills, but he has earned the kiss many times over."

And I showed her. Snape throwing a Reducto into a crowd, blowing muggles to pieces. Snape brewing potions from parts of still living humans. Torturing captives with Cruciatus… Putting down a maimed captive with the killing curse… In reality nothing special, everyday Death Eater jobs… Many in this room were much worse. Snape was pragmatic and never needlessly cruel.

" Enough!"

"As you wish. Everything you saw is enough to become a Death Eater. But not to earn a place in the Inner Circle. Do you want to know how he got here?"


"I will still show you, to rid you of delusions," and I showed her Snape bringing me the prophecy… " You lost everything because of him. I would have never come after you if it weren't for the prophecy. You would not be a Death Eater, and your husband would still be alive…"

On the outside, I was still giving my speech. Lily stared into nothing with glassy eyes, her mind far away. Some Death Eaters were listening like the Lestranges (strange… weren't they the ones who wrote this speech?). Others, like Selwyn, were duly pretending to listen. And one double agent almost got around all the amulets…

What if I combined the pictures? One the left, describe and show Snape's kills, on the right show Snape telling me about the prophecy… She should have turned hysterical a while ago, but the calming draught was preventing her from crying and fainting. The vows would stop her from attacking me. And I forbade attacking others except in self defense. No one was attacking her… Except Snape, mentally. And with the suggestions I gave, she could only attack with one spell…

"Crucio!" Lily's unexpected Cruciatus toppled Snape. He yelped and started twitching. Lily had zero experience but more than enough will to make him suffer…

I stopped talking. Everyone looked at Lily like she had the plague - a torture curse without orders? And not on trash but on an ally…

"Stop, Elena," I said with a hint of amusement.

She startled, suddenly frightened of what she just did.

"You now deserve life in Azkaban, Lily," I said in her mind.

"Severus, it was very rude of you to try reading my student's mind. Crucio!"

Now everything was in order. Not an uppity bitch, but a righteous servant defending from an idiot who tried break into her mind for her Lord's secrets.

I began wrapping up my spiel about blood purity.

"We have an upcoming operation in France, eradicating a squad of mercenaries named "Eagle Eye." Dolohov, take care of recruiting for the first wave. Our enemies sit on an average source and will be difficult to dislodge. We also must not forget about mudbloods. In two weeks we will attack one of the magic schools for the lowest kind…"

All in all, Tom was not so hopeless: he managed to unite the majority of purebloods under his banner, even if he had to intimidate the neutrals. As for genocide… The wizarding world did not evolve that fast - they still only followed those they respected, and to be respected you either had to boast a perfect lineage or kill a ton of people… Let's consider past politics the stick and begin bringing out the carrot.

"My loyal folowers, what other goals should we add to expedite our victory?"

Suggestions poured in: attacking the Ministry, Hogwarts and Hogsmead, capturing muggles, targets for new terrorist acts…

"Let us give word to our newest member," I said.

"Lily, repeat after me word for word, " I ordered in her mind.

"Attacking Hogsmeade makes no sense, my Lord," said Elena slowly, to compensate for her accent. "It can result in casualties among neutral purebloods, setting them against us. Attacks on Hogwarts, the Ministry or Stonehenge are equally senseless: even if we seize one source, we will not be able to hold on to it. And we don't have enough forces to take over two at the same time," most glowered at that. In reality, we would be very hard pressed to capture even one… "And the targets I heard are not very original. Lastly, the "kill mudbloods, subjugate muggles" strategy is too Gryffindor."

While her audience was receptive to choosing realistic targets, accusing the Death Eaters of being Gryffindor had a freeze-frame effect. Anyone else would probably already receive Crucios from half of the room… But no one wanted to be the instigator - theoretically, a witch of her power would be able to kill the first few attackers. Plus, she was the Dark Lord's student, his to punish. And if she was his student, he had to at least be aware of her views.

Twenty pairs of eyes snapped over to the Lord. But the Lord held off the Crucios and stayed silent. Clearly, a discussion was encouraged.

"And how exactly are we Gryffindor?" asked Rosier with a condescending sneer.

"You limit yourselves," Lily repeated my words, "Mudbloods must be called muggleborn and used to further our goals."

"We will not bow before mudbloods!" sputtered Rosier.

"First off, there are mudbloods who can offer something to the purebloods. If they are willing to do dirty and dangerous work, they should be welcomed. For instance, some magical creatures go berserk near magical shields and leave hard to treat wounds. But someone must process them into ingredients. I don't plan on risking my skin, let the mudbloods do it! If we don't kill them, we will have workers and servants. House elves are not appropriate for everything. For example, controlling muggles. Do you know what to order them? I don't. Muggleborns will control muggles, and we will control the muggleborns. Second, I am not suggesting we love mudbloods, only stop screaming on every corner that we hate them. I hope you understand the difference? Cease antagonizing everyone for no reason! Don't announce your hatred to potential enemies! Especially not before the conflict of interest even arises, before you might need to deceive them! It is a level of idiocy worthy of Gryffindor!"

Very few risked arguing with ultra-radical Rosier… He was slippery like an eel, tenacious like an elephant and proud like a hippogriff. A very dangerous combination… People like him were ready to give everything for their goal, sparing neither themselves nor anyone else in the process. He was a great wizard to have around, unless you stood in the way of his sacred duty. In that case - sorry, nothing personal.

Rosier reddened with ruthlessly suppresses rage and kept glancing at me. Angering the Lord's new favorite in his presence… Especially when the favorite herself shined with magic twice as strong as Rosier and, as newspapers claimed, killed five Aurors and two Orderers by herself… He was not an idiot… But he will not forgive… He was one of the very first, went to school with Riddle and remembered how everything began!

"Mudbloods are stealing our positions!" said Rosier, grinding his teeth.

"If a pureblood with inherited magical power, supported by a family source, knowledge and fortune loses to a mudblood, the he is a squib that deserves to be recycled into fertilizer." Lily replied.

"And muggles?"

The air could be cut with a knife. All the radicals' eyes were glued to Lily. I had to think of something sufficiently degrading but minimally lethal…

"If muggles don't know about us, they can't harm us. Open warfare became unfeasible after their invention of nuclear weapons. But muggles are extremely divided, making it easy for us to exploit them with bribes, Imperios, political intrigue… We will still take our material - a city the size of London can support several avid fans of human sacrifice without attracting attention. It is in our best interest that muggle population stays high and their deaths look natural."

"And how will we do that?"

"Reining ourselves in will be hard, but I believe it will be worth the effort. For now, we can begin with small steps: replace "mudblood" with "muggleborn" in public conversations, stop rubbing their noses in their inferiority and not lash out at anyone without a valid reason, outside sanctioned raids and material gathering."

"And personal reputation?"

"Personal reputation comes in two parts: for allies and for everyone else. And I'm clearly doing so well with the latter that even the allegedly clever allies don't believe me. Does this answer your question, honorable Mr. Rosier?"

"Still, the reputation among our allies…"

"Any pureblood who is chronically unable to understand the point of pretense should be turned into fertilizer!"

It looked like I gave Rosier enough hints on the "fecal" subject and how exactly she saw him… He was rhythmically squeezing his wand handle through the holster. Nott was watching Elena with unhidden approval. Everyone else was waiting on my decision with carefully neutral faces. Time to intervene. Lily said enough, and it would not do to drive Rosier over the edge. She was no match for anyone here, and defending her would mean admitting her and my own weakness.

"Your opinions have been heard, my loyal followers. Rosier, was it not you who argued that we are spilling too much magical blood? Elena said that even scum can be useful. And muggles… You kill them off with a magical plague, then what? Who are you going to use for sacrifice, your own children? We will not destroy our own resources. We will control and guide them from the shadows as we see fit. Let them think they are free, have them take care of their own survival needs and keep breeding while we spend our time on more worthy, magical pursuits."

"What does our guest think about the organization's combat potential?" politely asked Karkaroff.

"The combat potential is fairly large," Lily answered. "But its fixation on Dark magic and illegal acts is excessive. Killing with simple lightning instead of Avadas would not attract the Aurors. Or even better, use a heart attack or telekinesis. Someone fell from a balcony, nothing to do with us."

"Maybe we should start using muggle weapons, too?" mocked Yaxley.

"If the mission calls for it, we should. For example, in heavily monitored areas. But I recommend simply learning more non-dark and non-lethal charms in case the situation calls for subterfuge or capturing the target alive with minimal losses."

At long last, someone blurted out a comment about Ollivander and Aurors. But I personally put up Lily's shields, including the sound filter. The remark did not reach her.

"It happened, and it was trivial. I have said everything I wanted," Lily repeated after me, unknowingly confessing to killing seven people.

"The discussion is over," I declared.

" Good job, Lily. You just saved people from a magical plague and a Dementor invasion."

All lies, we had no plans for such radical actions. Gaining control of Magical England came first, then cleansing the opposition, then taking control of muggles through their leaders. Not much has changed: muggles still a resource, only protected from recreational mass murder. Mudbloods who refused support us still die (let them be neutral if they want- we'll set up a reservation). But Lily had to get an impression she bravely stood in the way of Rosier and his genocide.

I engineered this game to slightly correct our organization's course. Neither I nor the Lestranges could be the initiators. But if someone introduced an idea from below, I put it on the table for discussion, and others voiced their support… A completely different matter! I was a leader of aristocrats, not queen of a bee colony: they must believe I acted in their interests.

So now I was endorsing Elena's ideas. The debates started. The Lestranges and Crouch Jr. immediately took my side. Malfoy went with the tide, that is, with me. He was followed by his "quasi-vassals" Crabbe and Goyle. Rookwood and Dolohov had no opinion on the matter and supported me because I was the leader. Snape was under Dumbledore's orders to support me in everything. Lily, or rather Elena, supported as the initiator. The only one who joined our side sincerely was Nott.

The opposition consisted of furious Rosier, Rowle, Avery, Yaxley, the Carrows, Mulciber and Selwyn.

How unfortunate that Lily got Rosier as an enemy. But better her than me. She spent almost all of her time under the Fidelius anyway.

Thus, the program has been fulfilled. I made it clear that we will not wage a war on muggles after the victory. Dark wizards and murderers will always exist, and I will have to lead them. If fate would have it otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten involved with this, but with my background… Why was Lily staring at me like that? Oh… I accidentally transmitted my last thoughts into her mind…

"You will keep silent about it, understood? The Dark Lord is happy to destroy muggles, he is just lazy."

Lily nodded. Wonderful. I already told her I was not interested in blood purity, which was true. I was simply looking for a comfortable life. Unlike Rosier, I had no plans to kill for sport. If I used a human in a ritual, it was because it could not be substituted with an animal. Killing for no reason made as much sense as scooping out a bathtub full of water with a spoon. I was not like Riddle.

Formally, not much will change: our goal was still seizing power, our weapon was still terror. Only now terror was to be stopped once the goal is achieved. This way, we will eventually become a normal… well, an almost normal government.

"On to the topic of our upcoming operation in France," I said, summoning the plans I developed with the Lestranges. Papers covered the entire table…

"You will now review the plans. Everybody here is involved. Snape, Elena would like to talk to you about potions in the small parlor. Rodolphus, I need to speak to you in private."

I already spent several days mulling over this plan. Let Edward explain it to the others and listen to suggestions. Rosier and Mulciber were good tacticians and would offer some improvements. Rabastan handled all the record keeping, giving out assignments and everything else on the bureaucratic end of things. My presence here was no longer necessary, and still I had a performance to finish.

Severus and Lily went out through one door, Rodolphus and I through the other. I took him to the library and cast a privacy ward.

"Rodolphus, you and I were at the library, discussing decoy targets. Understood?"

"Of course, my Lord."

If I ordered, he would even attest I was never at the meeting without batting an eye…

Under invisibility charms, I apparated to the parlor just as Snape and Lily were walking in. Wandlessly and wordlessly, I put up a privacy ward as if she did it. Severus eyed "Elena" wearily.

I reestablished contact with Lily's mind.

"Do you remember the memories I showed you? Talk to him, find out whether they are true."

She froze, hoping against all hope that I lied and Severus was not so bad. He took it as his cue to speak.

"I noticed your accent. May I ask how long you have been living here?"

Was he really interested or merely collecting information for Dumbledore?

"In England, five years."

"I understand it must have been difficult to get used to local magic."

"There were problems, but I got over them."

"I can't help but be curious how you managed to catch the Dark Lord's eye and receive such an honor."

"Honor?" Lily didn't understand.

"To be granted a place among his most faithful."

"The Dark Lord noticed my potential and made me his student."

"It is… unusual."

"He told me about you," Lily finally seized the initiative.

"And what did the Dark Lord say about me?"

Even now, his occlumency was perfect. I could block, but to transmit disinformation to a superior enemy so flawlessly…

"He told me how you earned your place in the Inner Circle. Devotion to the Dark Lord is your most important priority, isn't it?"

"Of course."

"For example, the Glasgow job? Blowing up a bus full of people with a single spell."

"Yes, what of it?"

Snape radiated satisfaction, both on his face and in his thoughts. What else was he going to show to the Lord's student who insulted Rosier and threw Crucios left and right? Doubt? I knew that job weighed on his conscience since the inferi cave incident. But in Lily's eyes he was a monster…

"And cutting out live people's organs for potions?"

"My loyalty to the Dark Lord knows no bounds."

"Your father was a muggle."

"I hope he was butchered for potion ingredients. This shameful stain on my biography will be washed away by my loyal service!"

"What was that potion you were brewing from the muggles?"

While Snape was reading a lecture, Lily tried to calm down.

" You are using me! I am not going to cruciate him again."

"We all use someone, it is how life works. But I am paying you with knowledge and power. When Dumbledore was using you.. ." I described to her the Rite of Sacrifice combined with blood protection, " He was counting on you sacrificing yourself to save Harry, so I would die trying to kill him."

Actually, I just now recalled the ritual I was researching for my plan to get rid of Rodolphus. There was a poetic beauty to it: a loyal servant dies protecting his Master; he could have escaped, but the hole in the anti-apparition ward would only let one of them out… He continues serving the Master even in death, his sacrifice providing protection from harmful magic. The Master brings the heroic servant's body to his father and consoles his beautiful grieving widow…

I decided not to use it yet, but the Rite of Sacrifice made for an incredibly plausible version of that Samhain night, if the Lord killed Lily despite her screams "kill me instead!" The danger was especially great considering the power of Samhain and the Lord's fragile soul… But not even Dumbledore could have planned something so intricate.

" It's not true!" exclaimed Lily, fortunately in thoughts only.

"I uncovered Albus' plan, and it is one of the reasons you are still alive. And don't tell me I am evil - so far you are the only one throwing around Crucios."

"You provoked me!"

"I merely showed you the truth. You decided to attack Snape yourself."

Of course I calculated her reaction. But good luck proving it…

" Severus could not have told you about the prophecy!"

"He did. He overheard it in a tavern belonging to Albus' brother and never even got obliviated. Ask him yourself."

"The Dark Lord told me you broght him the prophecy? You heard it at a bar belonging to Albus' brother? And he didn't erase your memory?"

"I am awed by your knowledge. Yes, that is how it happened."

Actually, it wasn't that simple. Bringing unvetted people into Hogwarts during war was foolish. They could scan the defenses, steal something, leave a cursed artifact like I once did… It made sense to conduct interviews on a friendly-neutral territory. And obliviating a strong occlument.. It would be easily found out, the crime possibly costing Albus his seat.

But the only thing that mattered was presenting it in the right light… And doubts already started to creep into the back of Lily's mind…

" Do you want to know another reason you are here?"

"No, they are all lies."

"I will show you. And you will ask Snape about it."

I showed her the crown jewel of my collection: " Please, kill Potter and his son, but leave the woman alive for me! " Snape meant 'spare Lily,' but it sounded like he specifically wanted me to kill everyone else.

Naturally, Lily started to fume. Snape watched her with rising trepidation.

"The Lord said you asked him to leave the girl, Lily, for you?"

That was it, Snape was a dead man… I will have to act very quickly when the killing curses start flying.

"Yes," answered Snape, confused about how this was relevant.

"Crucio!" Lily's shrill was deafening.

Oh, come on, I only hinted that I will gift you to the man who asked for your husband and son to be murdered, while calling you a mudblood… If he asked to spare a muggleborn, the Lord would definitely kill her. He gave you a chance: Death Eaters could not love mudbloods, but their sex lives were private business as long as it didn't impact work. Though, how could she know that? Snape looked so sincere…

" Lily, enough Crucios for today. Don't you see he is in bad shape?"

"Why?" whined Snape.

Attacking the Lord's student in the house of his closest servants was stupid even without the difference in power. So the double spy continued his act.

" Weasel out of this however you want," I told Lily.

"Pieces of your mudblood stained my favorite robe!" Lily screamed the first thing that came to her mind.

Oh, that was the wrong thing to say…

"You killed her?"

"I tortured her over and over until she was a drooling vegetable, then blew her up while the Lord was taking her baby apart for ingredients!" - Lily burst into insane laughter, eerily like the Lord's.

What happened?! The calming draught failed? Side effect of the Cruciatus on the mind? This fast? Or simply too much stress? Or everything at once? Hopefully this was a short-term effect…

Snape showed no emotion. But I could easily guess the thoughts running through his head. He loved Lily. And hated two people: Black for his betrayal and the Lord for Lily's murder. He was factually wrong on both accounts, but from his perspective… Black was already dead. The Lord was too strong for him to kill. But the insane girl… She was clearly not prepared for an attack and could not be as dangerous as the Lord.. One Avada, and she was dead… Then he would try to run or tell the Lord she was about to torture him into insanity and he acted in self-defense… He already sported evidence of the Cruciatus, and he could fabricate an appropriate memory…

I was waiting for the attack, carefully watching them both.

In a flash, Snape snatched out his wand, pointed it at Lily and bellowed "Avada Kedavra!" It was his only choice: he had no strength to break her defenses, and a fight would alert everyone. I was sure he lamented not being able to torture Elena before killing her.

But I wasn't standing there for nothing. Lily's shields immediately dissipated, she flew up to the ceiling, and got hit by stunning and paralyzing charms. Snape received a shield penetrator, a disarmer and a couple stunners.

Now, to reenervate Lily. She was trembling.

"He tried to kill you. I saved you. You acted very recklessly. Do you want to kill him?"

I had to hear her say it.

"No. Why did he try to kill me? What did you do to him?"

Now the shock started settling in. She was horrified with her actions and didn't want to kill anyone. Not even Snape. I will help her make the right choice.

"I am going to show you one very interesting memory," this time I showed Snape betraying me and begging Albus to save Lily. And his vows to avenge her.

"It appears he truly loves you. But now he has no reason to serve Dumbledore."

"You want to use me to blackmail him?"

Yes. Only I will frame it more elegantly.

"Albus would never bother with the Potters if it weren't necessary to get Snape on his side. In case you haven't noticed, we are at war. You and Harry will motivate Snape to not betray me again. Or would you rather all die right now?"

Silence. Good.

"I will reveal you to Snape. I am very busy, so he will teach you dueling and check your other progress. Do not tell him anything about me. He will not be asking questions after I have a chat with him. Your personal life or lack of it is none of my business- I will never force you to sleep with anyone."

"Did you know everything from the start?"

"No. Snape loved you so much that he betrayed me once he learned you match the prophecy. When you said you killed Lily, I was able to get into his mind," - convincing enough…

"I agree," said Lily.

I suddenly felt out of place. Tom, why did you have to go and start a war? Why not manipulation? Was it really so hard? A good Dark Lord never lets anyone know he is a Dark Lord… I got lost in a daydream…

All Tom had to do was greet Albus at the orphanage a little differently:

**"Sometimes, I only have a few pieces of candy, and a lot of people see me, and I don't want to just give a few people things because that might make the others feel left out," Tom tried, "except when I look down again, there were a lot more than there were before. And at first I thought I was just counting wrong, but then it happened again and again, like in those fairy tales with the pot of gold that never runs out."

"Go on," Professor Dumbledore encouraged.

"And another time we were supposed to clean our rooms for the government inspectors, and even though my room is normally clean I had some things lying around that day. And then all of a sudden they went back to their spots. I figured out how to do that one again, too. So now everything I have is always clean. I'd help my friends clean up, too, but I was afraid of hurting their feelings, because I know they'd ask me how, and I wouldn't be able to tell them, and then they'd get mad because they thought I was hiding something and wasn't sharing…"

"Tom, why aren't you looking me in the eyes?"

"I'm shy, Professor…"

After the sorting:

"Tom, why are you in Slytherin?" asked Albus.

"I want to put an end to all wars!" beamed Tom.

After Hogwarts:

"Professor, can I teach Muggle Studies? I want people to love each other."

"You are a good person, Tom. How would you like to be my protege? The world is a cruel place, let me teach you Defense against the Dark Arts… Here is how I defeated Grindelwald…"

And by now I was the Headmaster of an elite school, gathering my followers for tea…

But I had to get back to reality. The reality where I instead had a war with murky prospects…

"Excellent. Now drink this polyjuice antidote, play a statue and don't do anything stupid."

I took Snape's wand. Levitated him into the chair. Put up basic wards around them so they wouldn't kill each other. Reenervated Snape.

"You disappointed me, Snape," - I began.

"Lily…" he mumbled. And where was the acknowledgement of your Master?!

"She is alive, just as you asked. Not under the Imperius or Confundus. Here is your wand, see for yourself."

"My Lord, I'm out of energy…"

"You still have blood," I reminded, transfiguring him a knife.

I took down the wards. Snape cut his arm and drew diagnostic spells with his wand. His blood diffused in the air, the spells confirming everything I said. I recognized a test for traces of Dark magic, the Cruciatus, and even something new.

"Are you satisfied? Certain of her identity?"

"Yes, my Lord," he gushed with loyalty and enthusiasm.

"Test her again. Include the test for polyjuice."

Snape did. Now he should have no doubts.

"Lily, you will see letters appear in the air before you. Read the addendum to your vow."

"I vow to die within one week of Lord Voldemort's death, disembodiment or disappearance. If Lord Voldemort is captured or taken under control by any means, I vow to either free him within a week or die. If…"

Lily's old vow had a flaw: if someone killed me, she was under no obligation to die or avenge me. But I was going to fix it…

Snape handled everything stoically.

I conjured a snake.

"The snake will take you to the apparition platform. Apparate straight home. I will call on you if I need you. If you run into any problems, call me through your mark," - I ordered Lily.

I was alone with Snape. He knew me for over a year, so there was no point in playing the nice guy.

"Crucio! You disappointed me, potions master. I expected you to realize who I brought to the meeting."

"Why does she look so strong, my Lord?"

"I gave her the power of a pureblood. And you will pay for it."

"I'm listening, milord."

"Crucio!" I cursed him again. Snape may give no outward signs, but he was certainly planning on telling Albus how out of character I acted.

"This is for almost killing her! I didn't waste my time for nothing! My servant asked me, and I decided to give him a gift. I gave his woman a house, a house elf, a source, books, but this brainless mudblood even forgets to call me Lord! Crucio! I increased her power fivefold! But she refuses to believe it and cannot use it! Crucio! This is a disgrace!"

"My..Lord, maybe you could give her to me?" Snape was stammering from the curses.

"And where will you hide her? In your quarters at Hogwarts? Or is your home at Spinner's end so defended that no one will notice her there? You have the Prince source in your basement? Or maybe you should tell everyone that the Lord heals magic defects in his spare time and gives gifts to mudbloods? Crucio!"

Snape looked miserable, either too afraid or unable to get off the floor.

"You betrayed me to Dumbledore twice!"

"Master," tried Snape.


"My Lord, I don't understand…"

Instead of an answer, I conjured a dozen life-size images all around the room. In some, Snape gave Dumbledore information, in others he sabotaged raids. The front two showed him betraying me once he learned I was after the Potters and vowing to avenge Lily.

"Your occlumency is good, but my legilimency is better. I spared your girl, provided her with accommodations, gave her power, but you betrayed me again! Crucio! And now, Snape, you will think of how to pay for your sins, or else your life will be long and painful. Same as your girlfriend's. Only she will die sooner. A hint: new vows to me. We work together to nullify and circumvent your old vows. You are no longer a double spy but MY spy. Understood?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"We will begin immediately after the meeting. Now we are going back to the others to discuss battle plans. I am going with Rodolphus, you on your own. You were rude to the girl, she hit you with couple Crucios and went home."

"Yes, my Lord."

I went back to Rodolphus, and we reentered the meeting together. The discussion was at its peak. I gestured them to continue and sat down to think.

After few minutes, Snape limped in.

"My Lord, you student took offense to something I said, subjected me to multiple crucios, then left to work on your orders."

He looked utterly wretched from the Cruciatus coupled with blood loss.

"My Lord, your student is insolent," said Rosier.

"I teach her magic, not manners, my friend. However, if you think she was out of line, you can challenge her to a duel."

"Will she accept, milord?"

"I am certain she will. You may set up the time and place with me. Right now she is working on a project for me, but you can have your duel closer to the end of the month. Rodolphus will be her second, Snape will be yours.

Of course, pitting Lily against the eldest Rosier was the same as pitting a turkey against an eagle: the turkey was bigger, but her chances… She would have to take off all pre-made defenses, making it extremely difficult to cheat and help her. And even if by some miracle I could get her into the arena with my shields, Rosier was no Knockturn trash and would sooner or later break them. And no shield would save her from the Unforgivables.

Therefore, I will do it myself under polyjuice or masking charms. In a fair fight, checking the identities was the seconds' job… But Rodolphus was mine, and Snape would do anything to protect Lily.

Snape's loathing of Elena gave this situation a special oomph. She had already humiliated and tortured him for being the only half-blood. And a potions master could sneak in a few surprises on contact with an unshielded enemy during the inspection… Surely no one was expecting a fair fight? So, Snape made an ideal second against Elena Ivanova: he had both motive and ability to facilitate her loss. And I will not be attending to prevent any suspicions of helping my student.

"Do you not value her life, my Lord?"

"I have taught her for over a year. Enough babysitting. If she is worthy, she will manage to survive, if not - good riddance. As for rules: 15th paragraph, no killing curses or Fiendfyre - we don't need casualties among spectators. No potions or artifacts. Platform the size of a standard quidditch field. Everyone in the Inner Circle may attend. Make bets if you want. My presence will not be necessary, I will watch the memories later. And Rosier, don't underestimate her. She is very strong for her age."

To be truthful, at 21 only Tom could beat 57 year old Rosier. First, 57 was nothing for a wizard. Second, any reasonably strong spells could only be attempted at around 17 or 13-14 for exceptionally gifted; otherwise you would be left a disabled squib. Reaching a mastery in a single field took another 5-10 years of hard work and talent, and most gave up along the way.

Considering her age and power, the girl could be an expert in one field or above average in two. Rosier was a master of Dark magic and almost as good with battle and blood, with over thirty years of experience. So, in theory, the girl's power should be more than overshadowed by Rosier's experience. He too would have no problem killing a squad of non-elite Aurors.

"Thank you for the chance to prove myself, my Lord."

Wonderful. I'll make a show of beating him up, and he will thank me for it… It would also explain why my student was never around: studying and practicing day and night… And why she was so twitchy and threw around Crucios like candy - too much time around me… Maybe I should spread rumors that she was my daughter?

But all that could wait. We must get back to the operation plan… Our losses would have been enormous, but fortunately I found a way to breach their defenses. A couple sacks of expensive items convinced one of the mercenaries to give us the blueprints of their building and defense systems; he will even deactivate a couple… So the mercenaries were in for a surprise… And the only heroic survivor will leave France after the slaughter…

The discussion came to an end. I dismissed everyone except the two seconds. We will discuss the duel, then Snape and I will privately go through his vows…

* *Quoted from The Evil Overlord List by boomvroomshroom (/s/10972919/), a hilarious but unfortunately abandoned HP fic with a similar premise.