
Alteration: Divinity Of Change

Any art made and shown belong to there rightful owners. I am NOT the creator of any Art seen or shown. ———- what would you do if you woke one day and found out you have been sleeping for 20 years? if the world now had magic? And that demons and other things existed? John decided to just get back to his life. The gods had other plans though. John is the most dangerous demon known. So the only question now is who will live to see tomorrow him or the gods? Was it just gods that wanted his head though?

Kedari · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Chapter 15: Breakthrough

John woke up to a white ceiling. He got up slowly and he saw a lady in a white nurse's outfit. "Hey, do you know how I got here?" John asked. The lady turned around. She looked absolutely stunning her pale white skin suited her looks. Her pink lips and beautiful green eyes could enchant anyone.

"Yes your friends told me you were sparring and this happened. You need to be more careful! Your hands were badly injured I have never seen burns like that." The lady said as she got up to check on the person beside John. John was shocked to see Ezra also laying there as well.

"What happened to Ezra?" John asked the beautiful nurse.

"He used too much mana. He just needs some rest. I will be right back," after she finished checking on Ezra she left. John looked at his hands they didn't look burned at all still there was a pain running through them. The nurse sounded serious when she talked about it. 'This must be the drawbacks of my race abilities' John thought to himself.

"Uggghhh" John heard a groaning sound come from beside him. Ezra was slowly getting up from the bed. "My whole body is sore," he said grunting.

"Sorry about that" John chuckled nervously. The door opened. Aria, Alex, and even Jade came through.

"I'm glad to see both of you are doing better," Aria said although she was looking angry. Alex was drinking from a juice box. John couldn't get used to seeing blood in this way. John was looking at Alex with a repulsed look.

"I can't help myself, I have to drink blood. If I don't I feel sick. Furthermore, it's just animal blood." He didn't need to explain John understood. The fact that Alex was a vampire had still not struck him until he saw this.

"It's not weird for me I have to eat raw meat so I don't feel sick. It comes with our evolution," Ezra said shrugging it off. Vampires and werewolves were unique in this way they had to follow certain eating habits that other races didn't really worry about. They were known as a cursed race. They were given a curse that was both a curse and a blessing. Jade was in total shock at this group. Aria was an elf, Ezra was a werewolf, Alex was a vampire, and John was most surprising a demon. Jade had never seen a group like this before.

"Ezra, you've got to show me how to use magic to enhance my body," John begged in a pleading tone. He was getting more interested in magic and as he grew stronger, he enjoyed it more.

"I can try. Normally you pick it up naturally by focusing your magic on different parts of your body. Eventually, you will be able to use it on your whole body."

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room far from the city John was at a meeting was taking place. The room was dark there were 7 thrones and a large table placed in the middle of them. 7 different people sat at these tables. You couldn't see their faces because of how dark the room was. Most of them had their faces covered with something.

"That abomination has finally awoken. I never thought it would be released," one of the shadowy figures said.

"We need to put him down. We need to call in some Demon Kings to hunt him. You all know if he regains his power he will come after us." Another figure said shouting. One of the figures stood up. The other quickly fell quiet. His seat was the largest of the 7.

"No need to get worked up. He has awoken recently so we still don't know who he is. Send some Lesser demons and Lower demons to scout for him. When we have more information on his power we will Send in our men to kill him," after the figure said this the rest of them nodded in agreement.

John and Ezra got released. The others thought John would be in there for more than a week. Whatever the nurse did was the real magic. They all decided to practice. They all went to the boy's dorm and began to practice together. It was a little cramp but wasn't too bad. They all sat with their legs crossed to focus on using their mana to strengthen certain parts of their body. Ezra was laying on his bed sleeping. Ezra already had good control of his mana so he didn't need to worry. The rest were fully focused on their control. When John opened his eyes the girls had left to their rooms. It was nighttime Ezra was sitting on his bed listening to music and Alex was already asleep.

"Bout time you snapped out of it. How did the control go?" Ezra said taking off his headphones. Ezra was surprised John can train this long after they just had a fight.

"It's good I guess I can only manage to strengthen one part of my body." Ezra lightly clapped his hands together.

"That's a good start. Try to slowly strengthen more little by little until you can strengthen your whole body." John nodded his head. Ezra was a great teacher and John was thankful he was helping.

"Can I ask you a question?" John said out of the blue. Ezra gave him the single to go ahead. "During our fight, you didn't use any race skills if you did you could have won and not run out of mana so why?" John asked. He had a point if Ezra used his transformation or even only slightly transformed he could have.

"I tend not to use my race abilities because it's hard to control perfectly that's all. Every race's Abilities have some type of weakness even if the system does not tell you. Every power has its limits or downfalls." John knew exactly what Ezra was talking about his flame didn't just feel like it was burning him it felt like it was consuming him. His thoughts started to fade when using it. Luckily Ezra stopped him when he did.

"Yeah, your right. These race abilities are truly dangerous it feels like." John said.

"Yeah but like anything they can be improved with years of learning and practice. You can also gain more race abilities this way too." Ezra said. John was shocked he never heard about this before. "Oh don't tell no one I told you that though it's a secret amongst the higher-ups of the city." After Ezra said this he lay down to get some sleep. John also went to his bed to get some sleep this new information made him think about his stats screen. He had things in there that said locked. So he could hopefully unlock them with more practice with his race skills. Just as John was about to go to sleep his body started burning. He sat up and checked his mana core. It was thumping and sending mana through his body like crazy. He slowly started bringing mana into his core. The pain started and the thumping built up. The constant stream of mana started to soothe the pain and the burning John felt throughout his body. Eventually, the core grew bigger and started turning gray. He finally settled and John's body felt brand new. He was drenched in sweat. He got up and went to take a shower. After John got out he checked his stats.


Name: John (Rank EX)

Race: Lower Demon

Magic type: Gravity

Race Abilities:

{Sin Of Wrath - Can control the black flame of the underworld Warning: Flame will try to devour the user. Use with caution}

{Sin Of Gluttony- Devour Mana from your opponent when in contact must be in contact for more than 5 seconds before Gluttony activates} (Not Available)




Mana core: Gray stage - 1


John was happy when he saw the page. He was thrilled to see that the lock by his name had disappeared. John was wondering what rank EX meant though he had never heard of a rank like that before. He climbed into his bed and quickly drifted off to sleep and decided not to stress about it.