
Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare an innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

Maureen_Elochukwu · Kỳ huyễn
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159 Chs

chapter 43:Gabby’s POV

His grip tightened on my throat and I screamed more but nothing was heard, no one could come to help me, "You thought you could get away from me bitch!" He landed a blouw to my face and I fell to the ground, the tiny rocks and pebbles piercing my skin making cuts, "Even your Alpha King can't save you!"

I screamed harder as I tried to get away from him but my voice was faint, next to hearing nothing. Alpha Titan stood there with the whip in his hand,

"You can't run again bitch!" He flung the whip tearing it across my skin, tears fellfrom my eyes as he brought it down again and again. I pleaded and begged but he never stopped.

Gabby, get up and run, the castle is just a few paces away, I tried to get up which I managed to do sometimes only to fall flat on my face again.

"Its nice seeing you struggle! No one can hear you! No one will look for you or come to save you!" He reached down peeling away the remaining shreds of my dress, "I will make you regret running away and I haven't even started yet!" He laughed sinisterly as he brought down his pants.

"No! No!"I screanmed as he descended on me, his touch was revolting and all I wanted to do was run but I couldn't. He had me now, no one was going to save me. I cried as he forced himself on me, closing my eyes not to see him grunt in pleasure and not even the moon goddess could save me from him. I woke up with a jolt, tears streaming down my eyes and my skin sticky with sweat, I opened my eyes to see terrified dark orbs staring at me as he held my hands down which I hadn't realised. It was a dream, it was just a dream, he won't find me here, he can't hurt me. I am here with Aiden and happy.

"Love, are you okay?" Aiden asked pulling my hair from my face, "You kept screaming in your sleep.'

"It-s not-hing, I ju-st had a night-ma-re." I said stuttering as I still reeled from the effect of the dream, I was still crying, I couldn't stop the tears, it felt so real.

"It's okay love." He said hugging me close, stroking my hair as I cried in his arms, "You can tell me about it, if you want to.

"No!"I bit back a little too harshly.

"It's fine." He said dropping a kiss on my forehead,

"You can go into the bathroom and freshen up I only nodded at him, disentangled myself from him, stood up and went into the bathroom with a half hearted determination that I wouldn't let my nightmare spoil my day, it was just a dream and I was determined not to pay heed to it. Aiden set the tray of scrambled eggs, bread and a cup of tea before me, "Eat up."

I looked at the food in disdain as I knew I didn't have the appetite, he most certainly wasn't going to hear of that, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

"I can't eat."

"You must and you will." He said giving me a stern look. "Now eat."

I nodded and took a piece of bread bit it before reaching for the cup of tea which I wish I hadn't.

"What the fuck?!" He growled when I notified him of what I had seen, "Let me see." He collected the cup and peered into it finding exactly what I had seen. Someone had spat in my tea and put strands of hair in it. "Someone is going to die!" He growled throwing the cup at the wall before storming out of the room and i followed instantly. I expected this, rebellion, knew they wouldn't accept me so easily and they still hated me and will forever hate me. I got to the kitchen to see Aiden pinning one of the servants to the wall by his neck and the boy was pleading for his life, "I didn't do it." He cried.

"Your lying only makes things worse!" He snarled before slamming his fists in the boy's face, "If you didn't do it, why was the hair blonde?" The boy kept mute knowing fully well that he had been caught, "You dare lie to your Alpha?" Aiden was raving mad, he extracted his claws and drew them across the boy's torso which resulted to more wails, "How dare you want to harm my mate?"

"Aiden, please... " I said stepping close to him. Everyone in the kitchen had shifted backwards watching the scene from afar.

"Not now Gabby!" He snapped.

"If you do not let him go I will leave!" In an instant the boy was dropped to the ground and my angry mate walked towards me.

"Do not ever threaten me with leaving again!" He said to me with his tone dropping with dominance and vulnerability at the same time, his eyes were blazing with anger as he stared down at me.

"Sorry." I said hugging him, giving him rubs and trying to calm him down, "I won't leave."

He held me close sniffing at my neck, "I will let you decide his punishment for what he did, take it as your first official luna decree." I smiled at his words as he pulled back. Everyone watched in silence waiting for what I will say, "I forgive you." I breathed and Aiden sighed, people gasped in astonishment, "And I am forgiving you to prove that I am not as vile and wicked as you are! And I hope people of this pack see me for who I am and not judge me based on another person's past." A clap sounded at the far end of the kitchen and other claps followed making a small smile to creep to my lips.

"You did well my luna." Aiden kissed my head, You did well."

I whipped around dodging the blow delivered in my direction. My eyes studied his body

movement caleulating his next move. I ducked again dodging his near blow before delivering a punch to his guts. He didn't falter, expected. And then I used my last resort move, I fell back to the ground and swiped himn off the floor with my leg which sent him crashing to the floor.

"Finally, someone beats the king!" Laya screamed applauding my fighting skills. I grinned while getting back to my feet.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, your highness." His Delta Judas teased him, "I think I can take on your now."

"Wanna try?" Aiden growled getting up to his feet.

"No big guy." He laughed uneasily, "I think my pregnant mate still needs me, right honey?" He yelled waving at her where she was sat on the bench.

"Come over here and massage my toes you twit!" She yelled.

"You see." He shrugged before running in her direction causing us all to laugh.

"You seem to be getting better at this." Aiden turned to me, wrapping his hands around me and he nulled me close "I could say I got a great teacher." I smiled pinching his nose. We had been training for weeks now on making me a good luna and I was getting pretty good at defending myself and fighting. On the other hand, Helena had been teaching me other things about being a luna. I had to take lessons with her, read books, learn how the system works and she was helping in building my self confidence and getting rid of my low self esteem. The pack members were more accepting now and everything was turning out to be fine.

"How are things turning out with mom?" He asked running his hands through my hair, "How you catching up?"

"Doing pretty well, I guess." I nodded, "You will be impressed,"

"And sword fighting with Willow?"


"Swimming lessons with Laya?"

"Superb!" Laya answered with a smile, "I will leave you both now and catch up later, I have a date with my mate."

"Enjoy!" I said to her as she walked away giggling at the kisses Aiden pennered on my neck. "Want to go upstairs and freshen up?"

"I will race you!" I winked at him and immediately ran into the castle laughing at him cursing about how I cheated. I laughed as he pushed me into the bathroom and turned the shower on immediately, I screeched at the coldness of the water, "Fuck you.

"When?" He asked hopping into the shower with me. I laughed feeling the water seep through my wet clothes, both of us were wet now as he had joined me with his clothes on. He got rid of his and helped me in getting mine off before drawing me closer to him. Our naked bodies pressed against each other and all of a sudden it turned hot, his eyes glazed with lust as he gazed at me, "Hermosa." He whispered trailing his thumb across my lower lip.

"Meaning?" I shivered as his hands snaked around my back, his fingers trailing down my spine.

"Beautiful." He placed his lips on mine teasing me with his tongue as I opened up to accept him, his hand went behind my neck gripping it forcing me to open up more. Our tongues met twirling against hand went behind my neck gripping it forcing me to open up more. Our tongues met twirling against each other in an erotic dance, I moaned pressing against him feeling him grow hard on me. His lips left my mouth trailing kisses down my neck and around my collar bone, "You are driving me crazy." He whispered slamming me on the tiled wall and I moaned in response.

"I can't wait to take you." He said trailing kisses down to my boobs, one hand held both my hands high above my head, the other went to grip one of my boobs squeezing as he grazed his thumb across my hardened nipple, "To mark you and make you mine." He growled, "I can't wait to be inside that sweet pussy of yours." His thumb continued grazing my nipple which grew harder from his touches and dirty words, "When i finally get to be inside you Gabby." He brought his mouth to my ear whispering softly but I could feel the dominance in every word he spoke, "You know what i would do hmm?"

"No." I moaned in pleasure clenching my legs together as his fingers worked their way to my slit.

"First I am going make love to you." He bit my earlobe, "Sweet slow love making." He drew his finger across my center, "And then I am going to fuck you" He slammed his finger inside me "I am going to fuck you long and hard! Make you take every inch of this cock!" He withdrew his finger and rubbed his length against me, I threw my head back in pleasure, "And I will make you scream! And cum so hard! You will beg me to stop but no I won't! You are going to talke everything I give to you and even the moon goddess can't stop me from destroying this tight pussy of yours."

"Yes, daddy!" I screamed as a mini orgasm rippled through me cumming just from his words and slow touches.

"But for now, I will wait till you are ready." He kissed my head and our bath continued in blissful silence. I stared at Aiden as he informed me about the upcoming event. The crescent ball and all supernaturals would be present there, "Even Alphas and their mates?"

"Yes." He nodded, "And I will introduce you to everyone. I gulped at his words realising that I was going to meet Alpha Titan again, fear crept in me and I turned pale.

"Are you okay hermosa?" He asked smoothing my hair, "You look like you have see a ghost."

"I am fine." I mumbled. You can do this, you will go through it. I tried pacifying myself while smiling at Aiden, its just an event and it will pass, easy peasy, no need to be scared of Alpha Titan, you might not even meet him. You will find a way around ths. Well, if I had known the series of unfortunate events that would follow at the ball and after, I would never have been so confident in myself or anyone.