In the labyrinthine realm of Coterie City, where the shadows dance to the clandestine rhythm of the underworld, "Alliance" unveils the lives of three formidable women entrenched in the intricate web of mafia rule. The city, steeped in danger and secrecy, is on the brink of an unprecedented upheaval during its momentous hundredth foundation day. As the night unfolds, these three women find themselves thrust into a perilous situation, compelling them to navigate a world beyond the familiar boundaries of their own domain. The unexpected encounter with individuals from disparate realms sets the stage for an unforgettable escapade, a journey that threatens to alter the trajectory of their lives in ways they could never anticipate. Amidst the celebratory fervor, the alliances forged and the choices made during this pivotal night will propel them into a masked turn of events, plunging them deeper into the complex tapestry of Coterie City's enigmatic underworld. "Alliance" beckons the reader to join these powerful women on a gripping odyssey, where alliances will be tested, and destinies will be shaped amidst the echoes of a city that conceals as much as it reveals.
"So, for how long has the two of you been married?" The elder man asked, after drinking the final shot of alcohol they would be having for the night.