
All Dogs Have Their Day

A Jack of All Trades Is Better Than A Master Of Only One. A simple guy that worked whatever crap job let him pay his rent. Dying alone and forgotten, he wakes in a world ripped from D&D. What happens when he is made Keeper of the keys of a manse under constant attack from adventurers? How does he deal with the female monsters that all want his kids? At whom does he unleash his considerable malice?

Jaycren · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

What You Do To Live

Opening his eyes, Sebastian awoke to the warmth of fur and snuggles. Burrowing his face deep into Slut's back scruff, he sighed as he attempted to reclaim his slumber.

"Help Me"

Sebastian's eyes shot open, remaining very still he listened.

"Find Me, Help Me." The voice called.

Rising up, Sebastian disentangled himself from Slut. The Gnoll continued to snore.

"She deserves her sleep. Chasing strange voices is not what she needs in her condition," Sebastian smiled down on his pet.

Slipping his clothes on, he scanned his room.

A rapping on his door brought the man out of his reverie.

"Sebastian," Dianah's voice echoed into the room, "I have something you need."

Walking over to the door, the Keeper of The Keys glared.

"What is it Dianah?" He gruffed, "Why're you lurking at my door?"

"Relax, Oh Keeper of the Keys," She snickered, "I am merely here to deliver a commission from Index. Some basic equipment that she required Maker and I manufacture. Don't let your condition rouse you to paranoia."

Sebastian took a breath, "My apologies, Dianah. Is this what you wanted to meet with me for?"

"Indeed Sebastian," Dianah cooed, "Part of what made them decide to consign you to bed was your sluggish answers to their updates and questions."

"Like the fact that the Automatons will be done today, or that I never asked for an update on the health of any of my partners. Not mention never inquiring about the furtherance of the pregnancies among the kobolds that weren't Maker," Sebastian Confirmed, "Add in the fact that I was passively receiving updates instead of making specific questions and my willingness to put off a meeting with you for several days, that's not a good equation."

"And the Keeper Of The Keys is back!" Dianah celebrated, "I will leave the commission outside the door. Wait five minutes and I will be gone."

"Dianah, there is one thing that I have to ask," Sebastian wondered, "I'm honestly ashamed that I haven't."

"Oh? What does our malicious one need to know?" She replied, "I will answer as I can."

"How many days in a month?" Sebastian inquired, "How many days in a week, and how can I obtain a proper calendar or timing device?"

"Each month has Thirty days, with each week holding seven. I can easily get a clock and a calendar for you. I will have Maker deliver it."

"Thank you Dianah," Sebastian chuckled, "I appreciate you going out of your way for me. Spiders are the one thing I fear. The hatred that fear inspires, I've no control over. I do wish that I was not bound by this. It is unreasonable that I ask an employee and friend to obey these strictures. But for safety's sake, we must."

"Are we friends now?" Dianah snickered, "Ugh, friend-zoned by the only available male. I want some fun too, damn it."

"The first male adventurer goes to the kobolds, the next to you. Any remainder gets thrown back to the kobolds. You'll get a new one once your first is used up. If you wish for a female instead, I can make sure the first woman is remanded into your care. After Index breaks their minds, of course."

"Oh of course," She mimicked back, "don't make promises you can't keep Sebastian. Its what your predecessor did."

Sebastian stared at his door a moment, "Dianah, if I can't fulfill my promise we're dead anyway. I'm not like the last."

Silence greeted Sebastian. Shaking his head he muttered, "What did he do to you?"

Tapping his foot, he counted out the minutes. Opening the door, he found twin boxes. The larger of the two bore Maker's mark, the other Dianah's. Bringing in both, he placed them on his desk. Opening Maker's he found one long dagger and several throwing daggers. The long dagger fit nicely inside the sheath at his leg. The throwing daggers settled snuggle in his arm bandolier.

In the bottom was a note. Pulling himself a chair, he proceeded to read.

"Master needs weapons. These Daggers will animate at Master's command. The long dagger makes things bleed, the throwing daggers poison. Is old recipe of Maker's family. Wear them well."

The note was written in Makers blocky script. Straight and to the point. Shaking his head, Sebastion opened the second box. Red light bathed the room as a gold ring with a blood-red crystal sat glowing within.

"Help me." it called, "Follow the pull of the ring, please. I don't have much time. I'm nearly done."

Who are you?" Sebastian demanded, "Why should I seek you out?"

"You already know the answer," was the reply, "Index told you."

Sebastian snarled, "She told me you died. I'll find you, and if I discover this is a trick I'll be most put out."

Casting [Lvl1 Unseen Servant] Sebastian gestured to the ring.

"Pick it up, follow the pull," he commanded.

"At last, a good and proper Keeper of the Keys," The voice rejoiced, "One who bleeds so that the residents don't have too."

Exiting his room, Sebastian eased his door shut. Slut's snores cut off, leaving him alone with the floating ring. Walking after the slowly drifting ring, Sebastian wandered into more damaged parts of the castle. Pausing briefly he sniffed at the walls.

"These are scorch marks from Alchemist fire," ahead he beheld animate objects encased in some spongy substance, "Those are from tanglefoot bags. What happened?"

"Treachery from one we thought friend," the voice echoed, "only Index was suspicious. Even I believed his lies. Condemned my sister as paranoid and paid for my folly. I am but a fragment of what I was, lost until the next Keeper could find me."

Entering into a large room, the ring floated over the pedestal in the centre. A large red crystal lay broken atop. Drifting away, it meandered to a darkened corner. There among the dust, a single fragment glowed in response.

"What are your intentions now that I've found you?" Sebastian queried, "I doubt anyone has the knowledge to heal you."

"My time is over, Index and your child will take my place. I will settle into this ring and thus protect you. I can command any animate object in my presence. I can be a second pair of eyes. I know that you will come to conflict with the Former Keeper. I want to be with you when you make him bleed."

A flash and the ring absorbed the shard, the unseen servant drifted towards Sebastian. The Keeper of the Keys extended his hand with a nasty smile.

"Tell me your name," Sebastian snarked, "I feel we shall be brothers. Surrounded by all these women is nice, but having another male to talk to will be a good change of pace."

"My name is Butler," The voice chuckled, "And I feel that you are right."

As the ring slid unto his finger, Sebastian clenched his fist.

"It's time we get to work Butler," Sebastian smiled, "We have much to accomplish.


Striding back into the library, Sebastian smiled as Slut climbed up on her favorite couch. Glaring at the triumvirate of Index, Maker and, Amora; he smiled at the three women.

"I do believe you're in my seat, Maker," he snarked, "Index, I want a projection of the entryway plus all possible points that adventurers could breach. Lady Amora, I will need to converse with you about the surrounding lands."

Maker leapt to her feet, "Master is back!" She shrieked.

Glomping onto his leg, she squealed as he petted her affectionately. Continuing his walk forward, he scanned the hologram Index generated.

"Butler, I want you to mark where Maker's Automatons will be placed. You know the castle better than all of us."

"Yes Sir," Butler quipped as the ring floated of Sebastian's finger.

Index stared at her baby daddy, her lower eye twitched as she stepped forward.

"Index, you can kill me later. We have less than a couple weeks until the season starts. Reconnect with your brother and get filled in after we accomplish the impossible." Sebastian rebuked, "Maker get off my leg and place your Automatons were Butler marked."

Index glared a moment more, then snorted. Returning to her duties, her last look at both men promised dire retribution. Maker chuckled as she shot off to carry out her duties.

"Master is crazy poking that hornet nest. Index gonna make it hurt."

Ignoring Maker's comments, he turned back to Lady Amora.

"Lady Amora, I am grateful for the rest," Sebastian continued, "But I need to know about the forest that borders this mansion and all you can tell me of the size of your Duchy. If we manage to survive we'll need to expand our power base. Or at the very least assure ourselves that no threats will arise from them."

Lady Amora stared back at her Keeper, then let out a snort, "Planning for what happens for after the impossible? Why Sebastian, I might even think you have faith in our chances."

Sebastian smirked, "Not planning, Your Ladyship. I'm preparing. If Gret allows, we may get through the upcoming months alive. If that happens we will need more then we have. Best to have a way to get it."

Lady Amora sighed, "The Gulian forest is populated by the Gnolls to the east and the Lizardfolk to the south. We are on the eastern edge against the Duroch Mountains. The town of Nortdge, was once a part of my family's holdings. I still have some friends there. My duchy originally included the whole forest plus the town, now it has shrunk to just this mansion. Although no other noble has seen fit to accept responsibility for the area."

"So technically it still all belongs to you. All we have to do is recruit or pacify the other residents of the forests. Which if we can survive that long, we will be set to do," Sebastian muttered, "I can take over from here, Lady Amora. I'm sure you've more pressing concerns."

Lady Amora chuckled, "I am sure that I do. Glad to see our Keeper back to himself. I will leave you to your duties Keeper. From now on at least eight hours sleep nightly is mandated. I have no wish for a repeat of your stumble."

Turning from the room, Lady Amora strode from the room. Free from under her eye, Sebastian turned back to his desk. There was much to do and very little time to do it.