
All Dogs Have Their Day

A Jack of All Trades Is Better Than A Master Of Only One. A simple guy that worked whatever crap job let him pay his rent. Dying alone and forgotten, he wakes in a world ripped from D&D. What happens when he is made Keeper of the keys of a manse under constant attack from adventurers? How does he deal with the female monsters that all want his kids? At whom does he unleash his considerable malice?

Jaycren · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Unseen Complications

Sebastian removed himself from his bed, glancing down he smiled at the snoring Slut. He had finally made good on his promise and gotten her a more appropriate bed. The gnoll snorted a moment then fell back on the mound of pillows that was her sleeping spot.

Sebastian nudged her with his foot, "Get up sleepy head. It's time to start the day."

Slut yawned but rose from her haven. Grumbling noises echoed out as she crawled over to her dish. Sitting on her haunches, she waited for her master's orders.

Sebastian slid open a panel in the wall of his room, revealing a full breakfast. The smell of porridge and crispy bacon permeated the room. But more important than the food to Sebastian was the liquid ambrosia that sat on the right corner of his tray.

"Ah Coffee, I've no idea who makes you but they do a perfect job," Sebastian sighed, "the elixir that prevents the murder of others."

Taking a long sip, Sebastian nodded to Slut. Diving into her food bowl, she began scarfing down her food. Smiling at his pet, Sebastian ate his meal. Both of them finishing at the same time. Sebastian wetted a napkin and wiped off Sluts face. Performing the same for himself, he dressed for his day. Grabbing Slut's leash, he jingled it.

"Ready to begin the day?" He asked his pet.

Slut eagerly ran over and sat by his side, nuzzling the hand that held the leash.

"Well I guess that's a yes," Chuckled Sebastian, "Let's get to the Library. I want to see if I can catch Index sleeping."


Cracking the Door to the Libray open just enough for Slut and him enter. The two padded their way over to Sebastian's desk. As Slut settled onto her favorite couch, Sebastian moved behind his desk.

"Index!" He shouted, "I need an update on all projects. In particular the placements of the stop-gaps that Maker was dealing with."

"Wha-?" came Index's startled reply, followed by a thump.

A creature that resembled Index slowly came into view. She wore a simple robe, her scroungy, scraggly hair knotted and snarled. The words on her skin were concentrated under her eyes, giving her a hollow empty look. Cracked Lips were pulled back in a snarl, exposing jagged teeth. Her long arms dangled at her sides. A taloned hand reached up and scratched her belly, where it protruded from her robe.

"Oh great, the one that inflicted this on me has arrived," Index growled, "Function without me for a day, asshole. And tell Butler that he can go to hell too."

Blinking out of existence, Index vanished.

Sebastian looked down at his ring where it sat, "Butler, I specifically told you to fill your sister in on everything. That is why I left you here overnight. Why did you not?"

"Index is going through an accelerated pregnancy. The energy that you poured into her, created a seed of an intelligence. One that will know half what she knows and half what you know. But that means she is going to be quite unhappy till she births my nephew.'

"That is very interesting Butler, but it fails to answer my question."

"She said she didn't want to talk and to leave her be. Would you challenge her in that state?'

Sebastian stared at the spot where Index had been, "Good point, discretion is often the point of valor in these situations. Can you send a message to Maker to ask for an update on her status? I want to get some kind of security installed. At least so that we can buy ourselves some time. We can do more later."

"I can send and receive messages to anyone within the mansion as long as I sit upon your finger. Otherwise, I am simply a pretty ring upon your desk."

Snatching his ring from his desk, Sebastian slipped it on his finger.

"Now let's see if Maker is going to be caught napping as well," Sebastian snarked, "Maker are you there?"

"Where else would Maker be Master?" Maker replied, "Master wants Maker's automatons at special points. Plus Maker needs to prepare for greeting her den sister. Still need to update list of Kobolds for Master to impregnate. Was up all night. Going to finish, then will sleep for rest of day. Last one is being placed now."

"Good job Maker, finish up and get some sleep. If I have to get 8hrs daily so do you."

Silence answered back.

"Butler is the connection still open?"

"It is sir, she should have heard that."

"Oh, she heard it alright," a male voice echoed into the library, "filthy kobolds."

Sebastian took a breath, "Butler activate the security."

"Already taken care of sir."

"Good, contact Dianah."

"What is thy bidding, oh Keeper Of The Keys?" Dianah's melodic voice echoed out, "I severely doubt this is a social call."

"Adventurers have entered the mansion. I've activated the security measures, but I need legs on the ground, Maker has been taken. Possibly hurt. I am in the library. I won't get there in time to do a fucking thing."

"Understood," Dianah snarled, "I will go and retrieve our wayward Kobold."

"Contact me when you know more. I am sending Slut out to assist."

Feeling Slut's fur at his hand, he gave her a quick pat. More to sooth himself then her.

"Slut, I release you from all restrictions. Take my daggers, they will follow your orders for the time being. Happy hunting."

"Not coming with, my love?" Slut teased, "I would love to see you quench your malice with their blood."

"I can't move as fast as you can. And remember, I want prisoners. Remind Dianah of that too."

"As you command, dearest." she cooed.

Swiping the Daggers from his hand, she swung them around herself. Switching back to all fours, she sprinted out the library.

"This goes out to all Kobolds, retreat from the main entrance. Adventurers have entered our home, do not engage. I repeat do not engage. Fall back to the tunnels."

Sebastian settled back into his chair, "I hate not being able to see anything."

"Your predecessor hit us to well. Without a central intelligence we have no control over the seeing crystals. Your and Index's son will fix that."

"His name is Senschal," Index voice whispered.

Long arms enclosed Sebastian, her head leaning on his shoulder.

Sebastian leaned into the embrace a moment, then continued his orders.

"Lady Amora, please answer."

"I was watching the Kobolds clear their tunnels. They have done a marvelous job here. Do you require my presence in the library?"

"No," Sebastian replied, "Stay where you are. But after this is over, we're going to have a little talk."

"Very well, I will speak to you then," Lady Amora promised.

Silence reigned as Sebastian waited for updates. Tapping his finger on his desk, he scowled out into the quiet. Index's embrace keeping him in his chair.

Dianah's voice echoed out, "The last adventurer is down. Maker's surprises worked splendidly."

"Indeed darling," Slut purred, "There was very little for me and the seamstress to do."

"What of Maker?" Sebastian asked, "Was anyone else hurt?"

"Maker took a crack across the head," Slut answered, "She is enjoying a ride down straight to you on my back."

"Maker was only setting the automatons, so she was alone," Dianah clarified, "No one else was hurt or even injured. The automatons are bringing the intruders to you."

"Thank you," Sebastian sighed, "You both did well. Dianah return to your parlor. I look forward to seeing you Slut. The restrictions are back in place."

A chuffling woof was his last response. Once more silence descended on the library. Sebastian gritted his teeth.

"Twice," He snarled, "Caught unawares twice."

Grasping the arms of his chair as he growled, "Lady Amora, I require your presence in the Library. The time for that talk has long since past."

"I am leaving the tunnels now," Lady Amora assured him, "I will arrive shortly."

The doors eased open as Slut arrived, an unconscious Maker upon her back.

"Slut, I want you to take Maker too my room. You're to stay there till I arrive. Maker is to stay there as well. I will be along as soon as I can. My duty must be done first."

Slut nodded, then vanished out into the castle. She let out a happy yipp of greeting then Sebastian heard her padding away.

"Come in Lady Amora," Sebastian commanded, "I wish to ask you some questions."

"Really," Lady Amora replied, "Usually you are the one giving answers."

Striding into his office, Lady Amora held her head high above his malice. Sebastian smirked.

"We've been attacked twice with no prior warning," Sebastian stated, "I was assured that we would at least have a week notice of any strays. As well as two months till next season. I've had neither of these things. I would like to know why I've not had that."

"Tell him Amora," Index assured her friend, "Sebastian has more then earned the truth."

Lady Amora sighed, "Sebastian, I have told only one other this story, please keep this too yourself."

Sebastian nodded, "I will not discuss it with anyone."

"I was not always a beast woman," Amora began, "I was once the only child of the noble that ruled these lands. My father educated me and taught me everything I would need to rule these lands after he passed. Sadly that day occurred much earlier than any foresaw. I was left alone to run very profitable lands. Nobles from far and wide sought my hand in marriage. I turned those spoiled brats out on their collective asses."

"Good for You," Sebastian crowed, "I knew I liked you."

Lady Amora snorted then continued, "I then proceeded to rule my lands wisely and well. But one of those bastards hired some magic-user to curse me. I would remain a beast woman untill I was married. And if I didn't get married before I turned 21, I would remain a beast woman forever.

"But you enjoy it, don't you?" Sebastian realized.

Lady Amora nodded, "Exactly, and it never bothered anyone that mattered. But two complications arose. The nobles hadn't given up and now had a time limit. The curse doesn't specify I get married willingly. So the adventurers started making attempts to kidnap me. Forcing me to fall back to this castle."

"Plus you fell in love. But the two of you decided to wait. To run out the clock. I take it your significant other doesn't care about the beast woman thing, do they?"

"They do not," Amora smiled, "He actually finds me beautiful as I am. He is the son of my father's seneschal. He is currently the Governor of Nortdge."

"Which means he is able to provide information on the movement on adventurers," Sebastian finished, "But twice now he has failed in that. Contact him and ask why. I'll have no more injuries among the residents of this castle. I said it before No Casualties Are Acceptable Casualties."

Lady Amora stared at her Keeper, "Why do you care so much Sebastain? You are a stranger to this world. With your skills I am sure you can find work elsewhere, easily. Yet you seek to help me hold onto this broken place. No more Taurus Shit. What is the source of the malice that you pour at my enemies?"

"This is your home," Sebastian snarled, "The place you should be safest. Even as I was broken on the wheel of toil, my home was a sanctuary. A place of rest. These intruders are violating that. My mother once told me something. That if she ever caught me turning from someone that needed my help, she didn't care if she had to rise from the dead. She would do so to make me remember the taste of Iron in my blood. It was what I was raised on, bred for. I help you because I've never met someone so caught in a shit show of a clusterfuck as you are."

Sebastian paused, his voice lowering as darkness gathered around his eyes. Index pulled him tighter, but his true face revealed itself. Smiling viciously, he discarded his mask.

"My Malice is directed at your enemies because there is no better place for it. I'll gladly burn this world to get at them. I'll feed them the ashes of their children in your name, teach them the taste of their own parents flesh. Shatter my very soul to pursue them into whatever hell they try to hide in. For no demon, devil, or eldritch horror can compare to the torment I will bring upon them. And I will do so gleefully. As those things that fancy themselves beings of evil and darkness vomit at my crimes."

"Fuu Fuu Fuu," Index chortled, "That is the man I fell in love with. That says such sweet things."

Leaning her head towards his ear, she whispered.

"I have not forgotten my anger towards you, but it can wait for another day." she cooed, "But for now I have guests to break. So that they can be proper extensions of our will. I will turn them into furniture. And Tomorrow it will be your turn."

The mask fell back into place as Sebastion began to sweat. Looking up, he watched the Automatons enter, their cargo well confined.

"Well, let's get to it," Sebastian smiled, "like the lady says, let's make some furniture."