
Alina and The God’s

Alina is a young woman who lives in a world ruled by three male gods: the Earth God, the Water God, and the Sky God. The gods are greedy, temperamental, and vain, and they oppress the humans who live beneath them. Alina discovers that she has a special power that the gods fear, and she must decide how to use this power to free herself and the humans from the gods' rule.

miebi_miebai · Kỳ huyễn
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It was a crisp autumn day, and the leaves were just beginning to change color. A light breeze rustled through the trees, and the sun shone warmly on the little cottage where Alina lived with her grandmother. Alina sat by the window, her hands resting on the cool glass. She closed her eyes, enjoying the sensation of the sun on her face. Even though she was blind, she could still appreciate the beauty of a day like this.

"Alina?" her grandmother's voice broke the silence.

"Yes, grandmother?" Alina replied.

"I have something I want to talk to you about," her grandmother said. "It's about your powers."

Alina sat up straighter, suddenly alert. She had been training with her grandmother for years, learning to control and use her powers. But there was always more to learn.

"What is it?" Alina asked. "Have I done something wrong?"

"No, not at all!" her grandmother said quickly. "In fact, you've been making wonderful progress. But there's something else I want to teach you. Something very important."

"It's something called empathy," her grandmother said. "Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It's a very powerful ability, and one that can help you use your powers in a much more meaningful way."

Alina thought about that for a moment. "Do you mean that I should try to understand how other people feel, even if I can't see them?" she asked.

"Exactly!" her grandmother said. "Even though you can't see people, you can still connect with them on an emotional level. This will help you control your powers in a much deeper way."

"Let me give you an example," her grandmother said. "Imagine you're feeling angry. Your powers are connected to your emotions, so that anger would make your powers grow stronger. But with empathy, you can understand why someone else might be feeling angry, and you can use your powers to help them feel better. Instead of making your anger grow, you can make their anger lessen. Do you see what I mean?"

Alina nodded, slowly beginning to understand. "So it's not just about controlling my own emotions, but understanding the emotions of others," she said. "That's a lot harder!"

"It is harder, but it's also more rewarding," her grandmother said. "It takes a lot of practice, but I know you can do it. We'll start with something simple. Imagine I'm feeling sad. Can you sense that sadness?"

Alina closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on her grandmother. After a moment, she felt a faint tug at her heartstrings. It was a strange feeling, but she knew it must be her grandmother's sadness.

"I think I can feel it," she said.

"Very good!" her grandmother said. "Now try to imagine what might be making me feel sad. Can you think of any reason why I might be feeling that way?"

Alina thought hard, trying to imagine what might be troubling her grandmother. After a moment, she had an idea. "Is it because you're worried about me?" she asked. "You're afraid that I won't be able to control my powers?"

Her grandmother smiled. "You're very intuitive, Alina," she said. "Yes, that's exactly it. But with empathy, you can understand those feelings and help to ease them.

"Try to imagine what it would feel like to be me," her grandmother said. "Imagine that you're the one who is worried about your granddaughter. Try to put yourself in my shoes and feel what I'm feeling."

Alina closed her eyes and did her best to imagine how her grandmother must be feeling. After a moment, she felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. It was as if she was the one who was worried about someone she loved.

"I think I'm starting to understand," she said.

"Very good," her grandmother said. "Now, imagine that you can use your powers to help me feel better. What would you do?"

Alina thought for a moment. "I think I would try to make you feel calm," she said. "I would imagine a peaceful scene, like a quiet meadow or a babbling brook, and I would share that feeling with you."

Her grandmother nodded. "That's a very good idea," she said. "Visualization is a very powerful tool for calming the mind. Now, try actually doing it.

"Close your eyes and picture a beautiful, peaceful place," her grandmother said.

"Imagine that you're in that place, and focus on the details. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? Try to experience the place with all of your senses."

Alina took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She pictured a meadow, with tall grass swaying in the breeze. She could hear the sound of birds singing in the trees, and she could smell the sweet scent of wildflowers.

"Now, imagine that your grandmother is with you in this peaceful place," her grandmother said. "Imagine that she's feeling the same sense of calm that you are. You want her to feel as peaceful as you do."

Alina imagined her grandmother beside her, smiling and relaxed. She imagined her grandmother's worries melting away, like mist on a sunny morning.

"How do you feel?" her grandmother asked.

"Now, imagine sending that feeling of peace to your grandmother," her grandmother said. "Let it flow from you to her, like a gentle stream of water. You're sharing your sense of calm with her, and she's absorbing it like a sponge. She's becoming calmer and more relaxed with every moment that passes."

Alina focused on this image, feeling the peace radiating from her like a warm light. She imagined it flowing from her to her grandmother, soothing her worries and anxieties.

"How does that feel?" her grandmother asked.

"Now, imagine bringing that same sense of peace back to yourself," her grandmother said. "Imagine it flowing back into you, filling you with calm and serenity. Let go of any remaining worries or stress, and simply relax into this feeling of peace."

Alina did as she was told, and she felt a deep sense of relaxation wash over her. The peaceful feeling lingered, even after she opened her eyes.

"How do you feel now?" her grandmother asked.

"Good " Alina said softly

"Congratulations," her grandmother said. "You've just practiced a technique called 'guided visualization,' and you've used it to bring peace to both yourself and someone else. This is a powerful tool that you can use whenever you feel stressed or anxious. Do you feel like you could use this technique in the future?"

"Yes, I think I could," Alina said. "Thank you for teaching me."

"You're very welcome, my dear," her grandmother said. "I'm so proud of how far you've come. You have such a bright future ahead of you."