
Alexander Rose : Rise To Stardom

Hey I am, well I was a 24 year old Man named Alexander Miles an aspiring musician and I woke up in a 17 year olds body in the hospital. I remember everything from the life I lived before or is it after ? Later ? Future? But I also have the memories of this current body Alexander Rose it’s like both their souls merged into one. Of course this only happened because he/I got hit by a truck saving a little girl 2 years prior at least that’s The last I can recall from his...my Memories. So my theory is his soul needed to merge with another to survive, because I remember dying then darkness, then there was a voice calling for someone to help them and then I wake up in a hospital in the past oh and somehow I have a system!- [Well This will be my first original (released) story I’ve had other ideas that I write but not sure if people would like them. Well anyway thank you if you’re reading this story and if you don’t continue thank you for reading anyway. Also those of you that want to know when I’ll release chapters right now I’ll update when I can]- (The cover picture isn’t mine but I really liked it but if the one who created it doesn’t want me to use it just tell me and I’ll remove it and try to find an actual cover)

VictorC · Thành thị
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47 Chs

All good

Alexander's dad parked the car at the same hospital that he spent 2 years of his life at and they all got off, when they got to the lobby they walked in and Jared, Jason and their parents were already walking out of the hospital.

I asked "is everything all good?" looking at Jared who was being fussed over by his mom who has already been through worse with Jason because of this sport which is also a reason you can understand why she doesn't want Jared to play.

Their dad spoke with a Spanish accent since he's from Argentina "he will be ok, he has concussion so we keep eye on him for the week and then we come back for the next checkup"

We all sighed in relief knowing he'll be okay, Jason said "good thing we have the next week off so this idiot can recover and so we can get Andrew ready for the start of the tournament"

Jared said "Don't call me an idiot I'm right here"

Jason said "would you rather I said it behind your back?"

Jared scoffs "whatever"

Everyone laughs at the brothers small argument then we started to walk back to the parking lot our parents behind us and talking to each other when we got to the cars we all just stood outside talking for 15 minutes for no reason then we finally said goodbye and went our separate ways.

I sat in the back in between my sister and Cora.

Cora had her head on my shoulder she fell asleep I looked at her and smiled I pushed the hair away from her forehead and kissed it she snuggled even closer and sighed happily.

My mom smiled at us and I smiled back she turned on the radio and it was slow jams hour and I couldn't help but sing along quietly to the old songs, there's just something about the radio on during a night drive.


We eventually got home and then Cora said goodbye to everyone and gave me a goodnight kiss then she Drove home.

I went upstairs and while everyone went to bed I decided why not stay up and work since I was in a good mood and I felt like I just had to get it down on paper so I pulled out my guitar and my notebook and strummed it until I heard something I liked "hm... hmmm..hm.." I hummed along until the words came to me.

I kept stopping to write then continued playing like that and before I knew it, it was 2AM.

I rubbed my eyes and I put my guitar down and my phone buzzes I looked at it and it was a text from Cora

[Cora <3 : Goodnight babe 😴] "How?" I Said to myself and I chuckled and texted Cora back.


[My Dummy ❤️: goodnight babe, how'd you even know I was up? 😮]

I giggled sleepily and texted him [Cora ❤️: I just know these things and good luck tomorrow, I'm so proud of you] I clicked off my phone and went to sleep thinking about him.


I smiled at the text then I put my phone on my bed side table on the charger and put my stuff away and went to sleep thinking about her.


(The Next Day)

*beep**Beep**BEEP* Alexander groaned and slammed his hand on the alarm it said 7AM He got out of bed and yawned and then went to the floor and started doing push ups 1 2 3 4 5...22,33,44 and 50 he dropped on his stomach took a deep breath and took a minute break then did it again.

After the second set Alexander got up and brushed his teeth, took a shower, got dressed in black sweats and a T-shirt with a picture of a childhood show and went to his computer.

he had a couple videos on private so he moved the cursor and clicked on one and made it public, the views have started to even out and he consistently got 400-500k views a video at the moment but he's very happy with that. All that means is he's building a loyal fan base that chooses to come back.

Alexander stretches with his arms above his head and let's out a deep breath then gets out of his chair and goes toward his door and then heads downstairs for breakfast.


After breakfast each of them gave me hug and wished me luck then Mom And Dad Left the house with birdie, I went back upstairs and changed into beige dress pants and tan dress shoes with no socks, and a white dress shirt, top two buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to my elbows.

I looked at my self in the mirror and nodded then I got a mischievous look on my face I grabbed my phone and went back to the full body mirror on my door and took a picture and sent it to Cora.

I pressed send and at the same time there was a knock at the front door I put my phone in my pocket and left my room.

I opened the front door and there was Mia she looked at me and whistles "Cora is one lucky girl"

I shrug and say "I would have to say I'm the lucky one"

"Anyway ready to go, we should be able to make it on time" I followed her to her car.

I said "I've been waiting for this day for awhile, I'm kinda nervous."

Mia says "You don't have to be nervous at all I've been studying up on these contracts all this time since your my first artist but I won't let you down I'm good at what I do."

I sigh in relief "I know, I know just never thought this day would come you know?"

We were already in her car and on our way to my future.


We're only 5 minutes away and... we're in San Francisco traffic good thing were early. Mia is honking her horn at the person in front of us and has her hand out the window while she's yelling at that person because there's a lot of space in front of them then they make a certain hand gesture in our direction.

Mia Gasps and says "did they just?"

"Yes" I laugh

She hits her steering wheel and says "oh, whatever we're not that far from the parking garage anyway" she huffs blowing the hair out of her face.

Soon they're parking the car on the 4th floor of the parking garage they get out and close the doors and she locks it with her clicker.

Mia and I walk to the elevator because who walks down those stairs. I press the down button and we wait for about a minute before we hear the elevator DING and out walks a woman looks about late teens early twenties she looks me up and down and subconsciously licks her lips she starts to walk up to me with obvious interest but I just obliviously walk past her and into the elevator since she finally got out.

I turn around and look at Mia who looks shocked at me then amused and the woman who looked embarrassed.

I said "Mia what are you waiting for we're going to be late?"

She giggled and walked into the elevator and I pressed the button for the bottom floor the door closes while the girls expression just turned into an angry one but it closed before she could start anything.

Mia talks over the elevator music "You realize you just ignored that girls obvious interest in you?"

I held my chin "Did I? I didn't even notice haha I'm to busy thinking about something important Mia"

She cringed "Ouch, so cold"

I laughed even more when I finally calmed down I said "I was to worried about the meeting to think about that stuff and I wouldn't give her the time of day anyway I've already got the love of my life" I faced the doors waiting for them to open.

Mia looks at Alexander and shakes her head holding a hand against her cheek thinking 'why can't I find a guy like this out there I've traveled all over the world and still no luck' she sighs and gets into business mode the doors open and they walk out of the elevator and out of the parking garage.

I look at him and make sure he knows something I forgot to say "Alexander"

He keeps walking and says "yeah?"

"You do know who that was right?"

He shakes his head and I laugh internally "she's the top artist at the Label your about to sign with, well was the top artist"

He stops walking and says "huh? Oh s-"


Back in Santa Clara

"That's the last of it I think" Michael looks at Chris as he puts the last box in the trunk and Chris nods his head he closes the door to the back of the truck.

Chris says "ugh Mr.Rosa I've been meaning to ask but where's Alexander?" He had a sad look on his face.

Michael quickly assured him "He wanted to be here and he felt bad but he had a meeting set up months ago with a label today he's in San Francisco as we speak"

Chris look surprised then he had a smile on his face "Oh, that's awesome" Michael pats his shoulder then he turns and yells "Anna! We're done you guys want to go out for lunch?"

Birdie stops playing with the kids in the front yard and runs to her daddy and yells "me! Me! I do!"

Anna smiles at birdies cuteness as she makes her way over to them.

She happily says "of Course we have to celebrate the new addition to the family just like we did with Alexander and Birdie" Chris looks emotional and cant help but to smile as they're getting into the car Chris stops and looks back at the little children then he looks at Michael and Anna they nod and he goes to say his goodbyes and whatever else he wants to do.

He went to every single kid and said bye and that he would visit when he can and told them to look out for each other he was squished in a group hug of tears and goodbyes to the one they look up to as a big brother.

They finally let him go and he went to the truck gave one last wave to the kids and he jumped in and closed the door and micheal drove to their favorite spot.

Hey everyone, here’s the next chapter as you know I’ve been stuck for awhile and a comment made me realize that the story wasn’t exactly progressing I was just trying to make sure it has a healthy amount of chapters for you all to read and so I can keep writing hopefully this chapter moves the story forward a little. Also follow me on Twitter @Victor_ARRTS be warned I tweet about sports mostly, oh and I tweet whenever I have a chapter done I’d appreciate any follows.

VictorCcreators' thoughts